Wake Up, you're losing the Whales.

4 posts Member
edited April 2019
CG, you've got to stop trying to control the meta. You're losing whales. 2 from my fleet arena shard this week alone. Not small players, either. They've gotten sick of the monotony of the arena and fleet arena, sick of the key characters who control the meta being determined by CG, and sick of a black and white game, where speed is the only stat that matters. Mirror-match-ups suck. Period. You guys have built a great game, with lots of things to see, but not a good endgame, nor a good balance. Mods determine everything, alongside special characters and abilities, while character stats matter not at all. This is a terrible imbalance. Metas should evolve naturally, with multiple combinations of characters able to achieve them. Many people accuse you of being money-grubbing businessmen, running the game only for profit, and you're not doing anything to dissuade them from that perception. Darth Revan and Jedi Knight Revan are awesome, no doubt, but deciding that they should control the meta isn't something that should be pre-determined. It's something that should evolve naturally. I paid money to get Darth Malak, and I don't regret that, because I want to use the characters I leveled, but changing him after the fact, because he didn't control the meta enough was messed up. You're in a tough spot, for sure. Building a game to run a profit is tough. But you're making a mistake. You can't run a profit if you lose paying players. Reduce the differences between stats, between characters, and abilities. Reduce the impact mods have on the game. Reduce the impact of speed. And stop controlling the meta. Please. The game was at its best when people were using Phasma leads, and each team was different. Not because she was an awesome character, but because there was balance. Please, try to find balance. I'm a 4.1M GP, and I don't want to leave, or stop spending, but I'm struggling to find a reason to stay. P2P content alone won't do it.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Oconornus wrote: »
    I paid $1500 to get Darth Malak

    You what?! 😵
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    I'm guessing that most people who would spend $1500 on a toon would be more likely to quit or stop paying if that toon didn't meet their expectations, rather than quiting because CG made it so it met their expectations.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Dieter
    13 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    Oconornus wrote: »
    I paid $1500 to get Darth Malak

    You what?! 😵

    Buyers remorse... whew 😓
  • Options
    they have the data. if what you say is true they're making changes. they don't just blindly steer this game. your experience is anecdotal. Lots of players and spenders out there.
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    This post makes a valid point. The best part of squad arena is coming up with teams that beat the META.

    CG is doing everything they can to ensure that no one can come up with teams that beat teams they made up.

    Goodbye player creativity, hello monotonous follower game.

    Their current strategy can not help but to decrease the player base, because they are making their game less like a game and more like a chore with every move they make towards more rigid control.
  • Options
    I agree with the idea that they should allow counters to exist to the meta. It makes for a more interesting arena.

    They should have left ep alone. It was a team that worked on offense but would get slaughtered on defense (at least teams that didn't include darth revan would). That still makes having darth revan an malak more desireable than having to use teams that drop to the 80s or 90s overnight.

    Right now there are really only two counters that beat malak. A darth revan team with better mods (having thrawn in there is helpful and that is what I use) or revan with jka which is extremely easy to beat with a darth revan team on defense (especially with thrawn in there to fracture jka).

    But having a few more counters would be good for the game. I personally would have preferred if darth revan's and dark bastilla were more geared to stopping jkr teams more than other ds teams. Don't get me wrong, it does fine against jkr but if corrupted battle meditation stopped buff rather than debuffs, it would be strong against jkr and somewhat vulnerable to other ds teams like traya or ep. Then jkr easily beats traya or ep and you have a rock paper scissors going on rather than one team dominating and only getting mirrior matches.
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