Show us how it's done

Come on then Devs!!! show us all how you do the Padme event teir 5 with the minimum requirements with proof added to YouTube and with different toons... I've been trying since launch with exceeding requirements and just can't win. I guess I've put at least 12 hours in to win but it's a no go!!! Proove us wrong with the requirements stated!!!


  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    You mean 5 star or the gear recommendations?
    Save water, drink champagne!
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  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    You are exceeding requirements with toons that don’t mesh together

    This is a team based game where synergy matters and You can’t just brute force using any toon on the same level

    You know this

    There is a reason you can’t bring in First Order (g12) against a JKR team (g11) and expect to win

    The minimum requirements are for GG lead with B2, magnaguard, Droideka and B1

    The requirements are higher and it’s tougher if you try the event without them

    There are videos of a single g12 Asajj completing Tier 5
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    That maybe so but where in the "requirements" does it state that??!!... Oh it doesn't!!!
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    And I have a gear 12 Asajj n she just gets beaten down in an instant at times 8(
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Screwie2u wrote: »
    That maybe so but where in the "requirements" does it state that??!!... Oh it doesn't!!!

    Because you have the option to try with a worse team if you want to. The alternative is the Malak event that you can’t even enter if you don’t have the gear. Much better to let people try, IMO, and some will succeed. But you can expect any random combination to be as good as any other. You can attempt the Thrawn event at g8 without Hera but it should be common sense that it probably won’t go too well.
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    I Ain't buying it dude....what your saying about previous events, you knew what toons were needed!
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    Screwie2u wrote: »
    I Ain't buying it dude....what your saying about previous events, you knew what toons were needed!

    Knew *when*? If you started playing after these events were in the game you already knew, but those of who were playing when the events came out had the same week of notice we got for this, in most cases, and had to figure out the ideal teams after the events dropped.
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    Let's just hope it get easier after Dooku and Gunray get their rework.
    I agree that the requirements are misleading but that's not new. Was the same for Chewy and 3PO.
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    Exactly my point... Thank you. That's really all I wanted to get across.
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    Screwie2u wrote: »
    Exactly my point... Thank you. That's really all I wanted to get across.

    m8 i tried with zzAsaji, sun fac,genosian soldier and spy all g12+ barelly unlocked 5* used pogle i think as 5th or was it g10 doku doesn't really matter. And with g8 GG, g9(5*) droideka, g8(5*) b2, g8 ig-100 and zzasaji (other acc) was really easy took 5-6 tries total, before that i played over 50 attempts w/o droideka and freaked out basically. So yeah doable with minimum requirements but only if you have GG team at 5*.
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    there is no way AV could win that by herself.

    i have her maxed and she gets decimated.

    Total agree that AV cannot do it alone.
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    I did it with gear 12 AV, gear 11 Dooku, gear 9 SunFac, gear 9 geo spy and gear 8 poggle. It took me an hour and a half but it can be done. Need to utilize spy to get as much damage as possible on padme, sunfac basic to dispel GK, poggle offense up. Let poggle and sunfac die and AV might kill padme. Once she is dead, utilize aoe as much as possible and kill fish. I was able to kill padme several times but had bad aoe so couldn’t finish but finally got there
  • Stick
    647 posts Member
    Screwie2u wrote: »
    That maybe so but where in the "requirements" does it state that??!!... Oh it doesn't!!!

    So what? Is this your first time interacting with a business? If you went and bought a portable speaker , and the package says up to 10 hours battery life , do you take that as indisputable fact ? No you’d assume that means under ideal conditions. This is no different. See ultras post for details.

  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    The only time the devs specifically stated that the event can be completed by any five toons of the required faction was the second run of the GMY legendary, when they lowered the difficulty compared to the very first event. Back then having 5 5-7* toons of the same faction was a challenge.

    The fact that you can use any five separatists does not mean that you will complete tier 5 with the recommended gear level, especially if they have no synergy.
  • Chrpica
    4 posts Member
    I finished 5* with the following:

    Asajj G12
    Dooku G12
    B2 G9
    Sun Fac G8
    Geonosian Spy G8

    See for yourself:

    It's difficult, but possible.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Why should they do that when there's already a thread with numerous screenshots proving that it can be done with different kind of undergeared squads (Poggle lead Spy, high geared AV carry, GG droid squad, ...).
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Screwie2u
    10 posts Member
    Erm you all seem to be completing beyond the requirements....
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    Screwie2u wrote: »
    Erm you all seem to be completing beyond the requirements....
    What requirements? Tell us.
  • Screwie2u
    10 posts Member
    5star characters gear 10 5star mods.... But I guess you already knew that?
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    I knew that 5 star was a requirement. The rest, as others have said is recommendation.
    Anyway, if you told us what separatists you have at what gear level, you might actually get some helpful tips.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Screwie is asking for the devs to post video footage of a 5* Gs 10 player squad completing the 5* event successfully.

    Everyone currently “barely” beating it has used GS12 zeta’d teams with all abilities Omega’d with 6E mods.
  • Gannon
    1646 posts Member
    this was my unlock team.

    Trying to be constructive here, how do you have your ventress modded? She carries this team, if rng allows. Prob is most of the stuns are 50% chances, and the enemy can easily kill your ppl, so you gotta hope they get a non essential one.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    Taking Chrpica's squad as an example:
    12 + 12 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 49
    49 / 5 = 9.8 so slightly below the recommended g10 avg. :)
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • Screwie2u
    10 posts Member
    I do appreciate that truly, but I guess I just needed to vent my frustration from getting shafted by a game I flippin love and been playing since day one practically, only to feel that you need to inject cash into it yet again. I'm not naive and I have made purchases to what I believe the value of what the game is worth but it just feels as though they're trying to bleed us for more.
  • Screwie2u
    10 posts Member
    Thank you all for your input 8)
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    So your toons are too weak to finish the event. If you’re a FTP player work on building up their strength so you can get her on the next go around.

    If you’re a PTP player, spend what you need to build up your team and finish the event. Or build up your team for the next time she comes around.

    You’re not entitled to or owed anything, so quit crying and complaining about you not being able to beat the event and spend your time and energy building up your team.
  • Syce
    24 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »

    There are videos of a single g12 Asajj completing Tier 5
  • Screwie2u
    10 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    You are exceeding requirements with toons that don’t mesh together

    This is a team based game where synergy matters and You can’t just brute force using any toon on the same level

    You know this

    There is a reason you can’t bring in First Order (g12) against a JKR team (g11) and expect to win

    The minimum requirements are for GG lead with B2, magnaguard, Droideka and B1

    The requirements are higher and it’s tougher if you try the event without them

    There are videos of a single g12 Asajj completing Tier 5

    This post is just nonsense! You can't even enter with Asajj alone???!!!!
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