Character Wishlist

I stole this idea from another place, but what characters do you guys wanna see come into this game? I mean, it seems to me that there arent too too many characters that can be added in from the movies, but that could just be me.

I would say maybe jar jar is one of the more expected ones to come, but how about someone like lumiya, the sith lightwhip weilder in the imperial times.

If you have any other ideas too, post them here.
Get good and get a Revan. Ryanwhales


  • Options
    To me, Jabba the Hut is still the biggest (no pun intended) glaring omission. He's my top want.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Porkins, duh
  • Options
    Legends - Talon Karde Mara Jade

    Canon - Rukh
  • Options
    Something that can counter drevan/malak/bastilla in 3v3
  • Ultra
    11510 posts Moderator
    edited May 2019
    Legends - Mara Jade, Jacen and Jaina Solo, Yuuzhan Vong (as a faction)

    Prequels - Quinlan Vos
  • Rafini
    299 posts Member
    Legendary - George Lucas eps 4-6
    Marquee - George Lucas eps 2-3
    Bronzium - George Lucas ep 1
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited May 2019
    Jabba The Hutt - BH Leader
    Jar Jar - Vanity & useless (CUP 2.0(
    Fallen Anakin - Sith
    Fat Thor - Chungus synergy
    Legendary rhat requires Jawas
    Karina The Great - Geonosian Leader
    Geonosian Zombie - Ghetto NS Zombie
    Reworked Windu - GR
    Snoke - First Order Meta Defyer
    Reworked Grievous Rework
    Old Luke Skywalker
    Jedi Luke Skywalker
    Americas A$$ - Thanos Counter
    Movie Q'ira - Not the ratchet one in game
    Luke's X-Wing
    Darth Plagues
    Slave jar jar - Vanity
    CUP Rework
    Queen Padmé #whynot
    Thanos w/ 6 infinity stones
    Old lady Leia
    Jedi Rey
    Dead Han Solo (We need more hans)
    Depressed Chewbacca
    Enfys Nest Unmasked
    Jedi Knight
    Lebrons Hairline (Incredibly Rare Mythic)
    Carbonite Han (more hans)
    Jango clone 1
    Jango clone 2
    Jango clone 4 (3 was a bum)
    Shirtless Kylo
    Anger Issue Kylo
    Lightsaber Finn
    B1 Droid C-3PO
    Low Power Mode R2-D2
    Wookie Warrior
    Ewok Warrior
    Scout Trooper
    Governor Pryce
    John Cena
    Darth Bane
    Xar Kun
    Clone assassin
    Tusken faction rehaul
    Noooooooooo Darth Vader (young Vader)
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    You're welcome /\/\/\ :smiley:
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    Those two creepy old prunes Palatine was palavering with on the Death Star in RotJ.
  • Options
    Gonna try to write an exhaustive list:

    BHs/Scoundrels- Jabba, 4LOM, Zuckuss, Beckett & crew, Dryden Vos, DJ (so his awful character can sit at the bottom with Rose), Maz Kanata, Watto, Sebulba, Weequay Skiff Guard, Dr. Evazan/Ponda Baba, Unkar Plutt

    Rebels- Mon Mothma, Crix Madine, General Rieekan, Admiral Raddus, Nien Numb

    Imperial- Captain Needa, Admiral Piett, ATAT/ATST drivers, Galen Erso (double Imp/Rebel synergy?)

    First Order- Hux, Snoke, Snoke Guards

    Resistance- Snap Wexley? Lor San Tekka? Who really cares....

    Creatures (should be a faction)- Dianoga, Rathtar, Bantha, weird Rancor dogs from Solo

    Jedi- KiAMundi with Wookiee synergy

    Legends- Mara Jade, Captain Pellaeon, Joruus C’baoth

    Galactic Republic- JarJar (yes, JarJar), maybe mustache old JarJar & Boss Nass, Chancellor Valorum, Bail Organa

    That’s all i got....for now.
  • Options
    Chancellor Papitine who would be a lot like hyoda - controlling things from the shadows with locked debuffs. Make sure when he’s invisible that his shadow looks like the emperor. ;)
  • Options
    Gonna try to write an exhaustive list:

    BHs/Scoundrels- Jabba, 4LOM, Zuckuss, Beckett & crew, Dryden Vos, DJ (so his awful character can sit at the bottom with Rose), Maz Kanata, Watto, Sebulba, Weequay Skiff Guard, Dr. Evazan/Ponda Baba, Unkar Plutt

    Rebels- Mon Mothma, Crix Madine, General Rieekan, Admiral Raddus, Nien Numb

    Imperial- Captain Needa, Admiral Piett, ATAT/ATST drivers, Galen Erso (double Imp/Rebel synergy?)

    First Order- Hux, Snoke, Snoke Guards

    Resistance- Snap Wexley? Lor San Tekka? Who really cares....

    Creatures (should be a faction)- Dianoga, Rathtar, Bantha, weird Rancor dogs from Solo

    Jedi- KiAMundi with Wookiee synergy

    Legends- Mara Jade, Captain Pellaeon, Joruus C’baoth

    Galactic Republic- JarJar (yes, JarJar), maybe mustache old JarJar & Boss Nass, Chancellor Valorum, Bail Organa

    That’s all i got....for now.

    Pellaeon is canon now, Thrawn name drops him in the season 4 finale of Rebels
  • Options
    Characters I want by faction are:

    - Scout Trooper
    - Purge Trooper
    - Sand Trooper
    - Shadow Trooper
    - Shock Trooper
    - Mud Trooper
    - Jump Trooper
    - Governor Pryce
    - Yularen
    - Agent Kallus
    - Grand Inquisitor
    - Second Sister (villain of Fallen Order)
    - Ninth Sister
    - Eighth Brother
    - Fifth Brother
    - Captain Needa
    - Admiral Piett

    - Mon Mothma
    - Bail Organa
    - Admiral Raddus
    - Nien Numb
    - Jedi Luke
    - Mara Jade Skywalker
    - Jaina Solo
    - Anakin Solo
    - Ben Skywalker

    - Darth Bane
    - Darth Zannah
    - Darth Krayt
    - Darth Talon
    - Darth Malgus
    - Darth Plaguis
    - Darth Caedus
    - Emperor Vitiate
    - Fallen Anakin
    - Sith Commando
    - Sith Soldier
    - Sith Sorcerer
    - Sith Juggernaut

    Galactic Republic:
    - Commander Gree
    - Commander Bly
    - Commander Wolffe
    - Commander Thorn
    - Commander Stone
    - Commander Thire
    - Commander Fox
    - Commander Appo
    - Commander Neyo
    - Commander Keller (Please)
    - Captain Keeli (We have Ima Gun Di after all)
    - Captain Locke (We have his Jedi General anti-droid Horn Guy)
    - Commado Gregor
    - Commando Boss
    - Commando Sev
    - Commando Fixer
    - Commando Scorch
    - Kix
    - Arc Trooper Jesse
    - Hardcase
    - Dogma
    - Tup
    - Denal
    - Boomer
    - Boil
    - Waxer
    - Hevy
    - Cutup
    - Droidbait
    - 99
    - Ki Adi Mundi
    - Saesee Tin
    - Shaak Ti
    - Even Piel
    - Quinlan Vos
    - Captain Panaka
    - Admiral Yularen
    - Captain Tarkin

    - Admiral Trench
    - Commando Droid
    - Aqua Droid
    - That Shark Guy, can't remember his name
    - Geonosian Zombie
    - Karina the Great
    - Wat Tambor

    - None

    First Order:
    - General Hux
    - Flame Trooper
    - Snow Trooper
    - Praetorian Guard
    - Snoke
    - BB-9E

    Old Republic:
    - Satele Shan
    - Vaner Shan
    - Meetra Surik
    - Z Man
    - Atton Rand
    - Handmaiden
    - Go-To
    - Mira
    - Mical
    - Atris
    - Bao-Dur

    Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel:
    - Asajj Ventress
    - Calo Nord
    - Jabba
    - Ziro
    - Sy Snootles
    - Max Reebo
    - Rancor Handler
    - Bib Fortuna
    - Beckett
    - Dryden Vos
    - Cyborg Maul
    - Hanharr
    - 4-Lom
    - Zuckuss
  • Options
    Characters I want by faction are:

    - Scout Trooper
    - Purge Trooper
    - Sand Trooper
    - Shadow Trooper
    - Shock Trooper
    - Mud Trooper
    - Governor Pryce
    - Yularen
    - Agent Kallus
    - Grand Inquisitor
    - Second Sister (villain of Fallen Order)
    - Ninth Sister
    - Eighth Brother
    - Fifth Brother
    - Captain Needa
    - Admiral Piett

    - Mon Mothma
    - Bail Organa
    - Admiral Raddus
    - Nien Numb
    - Jedi Luke
    - Mara Jade Skywalker
    - Jaina Solo
    - Anakin Solo
    - Ben Skywalker

    - Darth Bane
    - Darth Zannah
    - Darth Krayt
    - Darth Talon
    - Darth Malgus
    - Darth Plaguis
    - Darth Caedus
    - Emperor Vitiate
    - Fallen Anakin
    - Sith Commando
    - Sith Soldier
    - Sith Sorcerer
    - Sith Juggernaut

    Galactic Republic:
    - Commander Gree
    - Commander Bly
    - Commander Wolffe
    - Commander Thorn
    - Commander Stone
    - Commander Thire
    - Commander Fox
    - Commander Appo
    - Commander Neyo
    - Commander Keller (Please)
    - Captain Keeli (We have Ima Gun Di after all)
    - Captain Locke (We have his Jedi General anti-droid Horn Guy)
    - Commado Gregor
    - Commando Boss
    - Commando Sev
    - Commando Fixer
    - Commando Scorch
    - Kix
    - Arc Trooper Jesse
    - Hardcase
    - Dogma
    - Tup
    - Denal
    - Boomer
    - Boil
    - Waxer
    - Hevy
    - Cutup
    - Droidbait
    - 99
    - Ki Adi Mundi
    - Saesee Tin
    - Shaak Ti
    - Even Piel
    - Quinlan Vos
    - Captain Panaka
    - Admiral Yularen
    - Captain Tarkin

    - Admiral Trench
    - Commando Droid
    - Aqua Droid
    - That Shark Guy, can't remember his name
    - Geonosian Zombie
    - Karina the Great
    - Wat Tambor

    - None

    First Order:
    - General Hux
    - Flame Trooper
    - Snow Trooper
    - Praetorian Guard
    - Snoke
    - BB-9E

    Old Republic:
    - Satele Shan
    - Vaner Shan
    - Z Man
    - Atton Rand
    - Handmaiden
    - Go-To
    - Mira
    - Mical

    Bounty Hunter/Scoundrel:
    - Asajj Ventress
    - Calo Nord
    - Jabba
    - Ziro
    - Sy Snootles
    - Max Reebo
    - Rancor Handler
    - Bib Fortuna
    - Beckett
    - Dryden Vos
    - **** Maul
    - Hanharr

    Guess C y b e r Maul isn't legal
  • Shhhh
    1 posts Member
    KOTOR 2 characters:
    Meetra Surik
    Atton Rand
    Brianna (handmaiden)
  • Options



    BH Asajj

    Calo Nord

    Jabba The Hutt
  • Allhel1
    48 posts Member
    Rako Hardeen with bounty hunter and Jedi tags
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