What are the default player names?



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    Delmon Enz :)
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    Molon Labe
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    The game I have on my kid's device is Peldor Varga. Can't change the name, can't see chat.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    VonZant wrote: »
    We have a Javin, Zarzeem, Movan and 2 Jade Bele. I always thought it was one person until I saw them both in the guild list. So now we have a guy creatively named Jade Bele2.

    We have "The Real Mol Eliza"
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    "Mol Eliza" is a name most of us probably know well and see a fair amount given as how it's one of the default names a new player can accept when they first start the game. What are the other possibilities?

    Our guild has encountered something unusual and we're trying to decide what has happened.
    We are currently in a Territory War against a guild which seems to have one of our ex-members in it. The only thing is, we noticed this same player in a guild we went up against a couple of Territory Wars ago. How quickly can you get put up against the same opposition? We don't remember the name of that previous guild we spotted him in, we just made not of his presence in it.
    As far as we can surmise, one of three things has happened.

    1) We have already been put up against the same opponents as we already fought just a couple of Territory Wars ago.
    2) Our ex-member left that previous guild after we fought them, joined a new one, and in a consequence of cosmic proportions, we've now been set up against his new guild.
    3) He shares a common name with several other players - possibly many other players.

    Which do you think is the most likely? How often so you see the same opponents in Territory War?

    Jedi Knight Revan
    Darth Revan

    Oh wait, those aren't the default names. Welp, it doesnt matter cuz those are the only names you need to know anyways. :)
  • Drageero
    151 posts Member
    There's someone named Kebab Removal in my guild. I've seen another person of the same name in a different guild. Not sure if it's a default name, though.
  • Ultra
    11575 posts Moderator
    Drageero wrote: »
    There's someone named Kebab Removal in my guild. I've seen another person of the same name in a different guild. Not sure if it's a default name, though.
    There is no way that is a default name haha
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Drageero wrote: »
    There's someone named Kebab Removal in my guild. I've seen another person of the same name in a different guild. Not sure if it's a default name, though.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Zalandas gosular and veskassa stargazer.....might be default names. Vs maybe spelled wrong but I've seen several of these in multiple guilds and one of each in my ship/toon arena shards.
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    Shaddes wrote: »
    Ceth senpai

    I remember removing some guy with this name, was a real jackass giving reallllllllly bad info to other people.

    For the record, this was not me lol
  • uno
    150 posts Member
    oberon calad
    i callem obee for short...haha
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    I always thought Mol Eliza was just a clever prediction by devs on day 1 for what cg will tells us...

    Anakin is Wai was Mol Eliza
    GG is Revan killer was Mol Eliza
    The Padmé 5* description saying it's for 5* g10 units was Mol Eliza
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    Wes Terallo is a default name; I've seen a couple around in my ship arena shard and in GW besides myself. I could change the name, but why bother? I refreshed the names around until I got one I liked when I started. lol
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