Nice balance in the GA

me - character GP=1.3 mil
opponent - Char GP= 2.4 mil

Please, stop saying words like "balance" obviously either don't know its meaning, or u r hoping we don't


  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    I have a wild idea for you. Try to win.

    You might surprise yourself.
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    Oh look, another "my match-up isn't fair because GP is X". GP doesn't mean jack about how good your roster actually is. Man, all these "GP doesn't match up" people must not know how to play the game. You don't look at your opponent's roster for GAs? You just look at their GP and assume you know their roster strength based on the GP?
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    Step 1: breath

    Step 2: read this

    Step 3: realize the use of the word "balance" is accurate

    Step 4: go have fun
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    How many more posts are going to be like this... please just shut up already... go to your cornier. And shut the hell up. You are annoying the people who are actually liking the improvements. You first off dont know what you are talking about, and second keep blathering on like you do and wont stop your stupid crying.
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    Hey round two didn’t get much better. My reward for losing to a team with 500k and most meta toons maxed is being matched with 600k more GP and every meta toon maxed. Lol and me over here with no Drevan or Malak. So far I’ve had a zero % chance to win in the GA, balance indeed.
    I had never lost more than once in any GA prior to this, even though I usually had much much lower GP. Usually I only lose because they have the over powered meta guys. If you don’t have them you do t win. Smdh what can you do? The rich get richer and so on.
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    my buddy is 2.6M GP, his opponent 3.3M GP.
    His only comment "doable…" :smiley:
    Circle of Sin. 2 Teams. This is the way!
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    You got pics of your teams?
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    Hey round two didn’t get much better. My reward for losing to a team with 500k and most meta toons maxed is being matched with 600k more GP and every meta toon maxed. Lol and me over here with no Drevan or Malak. So far I’ve had a zero % chance to win in the GA, balance indeed.
    I had never lost more than once in any GA prior to this, even though I usually had much much lower GP. Usually I only lose because they have the over powered meta guys. If you don’t have them you do t win. Smdh what can you do? The rich get richer and so on.

    You never lost more than once before because matchmaking was unbalanced in your favor and no you didn't have much lower GP in previous GA since everyone was match with people with near identical GP before. So now you are just making things up.
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    @Ruark_Icefire wrong. I didn’t lose because I built teams and didn’t just go crazy chasing a meta. When teams had meta teams I lost. When they didn’t I won. When they had weak meta toons I could usually squeeze out a win.

    I’m making nothing up. Nice assumption though. My opponents have had 300k and 400k more character power than me, both with gear 12 zeta meta toons, the first one only minus Malak. This opponent has Malak and higher power. Seems more like you’re making stuff up 😂

    Soooo how am I making that up? My guess is you spend big, are enjoying an advantage and don’t want that to change.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire wrong. I didn’t lose because I built teams and didn’t just go crazy chasing a meta. When teams had meta teams I lost. When they didn’t I won. When they had weak meta toons I could usually squeeze out a win.

    I’m making nothing up. Nice assumption though. My opponents have had 300k and 400k more character power than me, both with gear 12 zeta meta toons, the first one only minus Malak. This opponent has Malak and higher power. Seems more like you’re making stuff up 😂

    Soooo how am I making that up? My guess is you spend big, are enjoying an advantage and don’t want that to change.

    You said that you had much lower GP in previous GAs but previous GAs all matched exactly by GP so you can't have had much less.

    And no. I am F2P. However I do chase the meta, I mean expecting to win without meta teams seems silly.
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    @Ruark_Icefire idk what to tell you. I always had lower GP. Not extreme in every instance, but always lower. I can say that the extent of things now is much worse. Although there is a much smaller sample size. It doesn’t seem things are as balanced. Before I had a chance, now I have none. Doesn’t seem balanced to me.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire idk what to tell you. I always had lower GP. Not extreme in every instance, but always lower. I can say that the extent of things now is much worse. Although there is a much smaller sample size. It doesn’t seem things are as balanced. Before I had a chance, now I have none. Doesn’t seem balanced to me.

    Post your ally code and your opponents ally code. I doubt it is as imbalanced as you are making it out. The matchmaking now balances around your top squads so your top end squads should be similar to your opponents.
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    @Ruark_Icefire here let me post this so you can double check my work, since you’re the forum police 😂😂 I’d usually tell you to jog on with you’re skeptical self, but I don’t want you feel like I was lying. So I’m going to leave this right here. I’m top, first opponent next, current opponent last. CP just as I stated.
    We both know the top squads are highly imbalanced. I can take almost any equal level and geared against Revan, Drevan teams and it would matter. One could practically use their entire roster and it wouldn’t matter.

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    @Ruark_Icefire it posted my first opponent last and my current one below me my mistake.
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited June 2019

    For the battle of you vs Jutschbert.
    Top 80 teams difference in GP = -122
    Top 100 teams difference in GP = 9775

    GP was not the reason you lost that. You also both have Revan. He has Darth Revan but no Malak(plenty of teams beat it). Your other teams look fairly comparable. That was a perfectly winnable battle.

    For your current opponent you didn't post the ally code and he doesn't appear to have a account so I can't do a proper comparison.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Yes but it balances your toons and not GP now so need your ally codes.
  • TVF
    36696 posts Member
    I like when people live up to their user names.
    I need a new message here.
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    @Ruark_Icefire all things I said,correct? And again top nothing matters , it’s all Drevans and Revans. But it was far from winnable. I can tell you will see the world through rose colored glasses so I’m not going to waste my time with you. I was there , I know what’s winnable and what’s not. It amazes me how many people think they need to analyze every little detail. Top 80 top 100 it’s all the same. His CP was much more than mine. I will admit that match was much much closer than I had anticipated. There was a weird glitch thing that happened, maybe it would’ve been closer. 🤷‍♂️ So, anyway, overly aggressive guy, enjoy your day. I’m sure you can scan some more comments and try to prove people wrong.
  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire all things I said,correct? And again top nothing matters , it’s all Drevans and Revans. But it was far from winnable. I can tell you will see the world through rose colored glasses so I’m not going to waste my time with you. I was there , I know what’s winnable and what’s not. It amazes me how many people think they need to analyze every little detail. Top 80 top 100 it’s all the same. His CP was much more than mine. I will admit that match was much much closer than I had anticipated. There was a weird glitch thing that happened, maybe it would’ve been closer. 🤷‍♂️ So, anyway, overly aggressive guy, enjoy your day. I’m sure you can scan some more comments and try to prove people wrong.

    Alright. Goodbye guy who blames others for his own failings.

    I mean gotta love the old fall back of "I could explain why you are wrong but I won't".
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    I’m going up against someone with like 700k less gp than me.

    Their roster is lean AF. And mine is all fluff. I had to switch up my defensive teams in hopes for stone stumbles. But I think my opponent has me beat.
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    @Ruark_Icefire dang it. You got me lol bestow upon me your brilliance
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    @Vinny_Vader_Vedi I definitely switched up my defense this time. I definitely dropped the ball there a little last time. I should saved my Padmé team and GG for offense probably.
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    @Ruark_Icefire sorry I didn’t see that comment. I never said I could prove you wrong but I’m not. I feel like pretty much what I said was spot on, no? Their GP high, check yeah, it was. Their CP higher, yeah, check it was. They had the OP Drevan, yeah, they have that. So at what point did I say something that wasn’t true? Look, I’m not blaming anyone. When I mess up I say I messed up. Look above, I definitely could’ve changed some stuff in d, but overall I didn’t have the roster to win that battle.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire sorry I didn’t see that comment. I never said I could prove you wrong but I’m not. I feel like pretty much what I said was spot on, no? Their GP high, check yeah, it was. Their CP higher, yeah, check it was. They had the OP Drevan, yeah, they have that. So at what point did I say something that wasn’t true? Look, I’m not blaming anyone. When I mess up I say I messed up. Look above, I definitely could’ve changed some stuff in d, but overall I didn’t have the roster to win that battle.


    Darth Revan without Malak is easily beatable by EP. What team did they have that you couldn't counter?
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    @Ruark_Icefire you have my ally code, right ? Add me. It’s a lot of effort to keep coming back to this site 😂😂😂
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire you have my ally code, right ? Add me. It’s a lot of effort to keep coming back to this site 😂😂😂


    No way. I hate chatting over the phone(I suck at typing on the phone). I much prefer using a keyboard on the computer.
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    @Ruark_Icefire mines all the same lol my Ep is always blasted by every Drevan I’ve gone against. I don’t think he’s geared enough. The only team I had trouble with was NS, but, like I said, there was a weird glitch I hadn’t seen. I’ve asked my guild and people on here, nine really could figure out what happened. I’m guessing just a thing that goes wrong sometimes, but it definitely made it to where I couldn’t progress. I’m not sure what he had on his back row. I meant to ask, but work, you know , and forgot.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Ruark_Icefire mines all the same lol my Ep is always blasted by every Drevan I’ve gone against. I don’t think he’s geared enough. The only team I had trouble with was NS, but, like I said, there was a weird glitch I hadn’t seen. I’ve asked my guild and people on here, nine really could figure out what happened. I’m guessing just a thing that goes wrong sometimes, but it definitely made it to where I couldn’t progress. I’m not sure what he had on his back row. I meant to ask, but work, you know , and forgot.


    EP always dies right away. He is just there for the leader skill. It is the Triumvirate and Vader that do the work. Vader's saber throw 1 shots the enemy dudes because of all the debuffs and gets the TM train going.
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