So the new definition of difficulty is absurd tenacity?



  • Options
    You're the one who has already made up your mind that future evidence doesn't matter. I quote:
    So [g12] access has, unequivocally, been expanded.

    If you wanted to say that my position is pessimistic and you argue for more optimism, that's fine. But that's not what you did. You've given your final verdict. I've given reasons for serious concern and specified which facts we can only learn in the future that will allow us to verify whether or not rewards actually break even for a 140-160 M gp guild today - which was EA/CG's prediction.

    Which is the more reasonable position?

    If you're going to accuse me of making up my mind, try and do it without modifying my statement. I said g12+ access has been unequivocally expanded, and it has. Prior to this, you could get it from: HSTR, weekly shipments, and occasional cash packs. Now it's in a currency store. Access to those pieces has been expanded.
  • MasterSeedy
    5197 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    If you're going to accuse me of making up my mind, try and do it without modifying my statement.

    Weird how I can quote your words verbatim and yet your statement was "modified". How does that work?
    I said g12+ access has been unequivocally expanded, and it has.

    And this is you proving that you haven't made up your mind yet?

    Could I maybe introduce you to a language that many hip kids are using today? It's called "English". It uses many of the same words you're already familiar with, though obviously with quite different meanings. If you like I can probably help you google a local college or something where you could learn more about it.

  • Options
    If you're going to accuse me of making up my mind, try and do it without modifying my statement.

    Weird how I can quote your words verbatim and yet your statement was "modified". How does that work?

    It's not verbatim when you remove the "+".
    I said g12+ access has been unequivocally expanded, and it has.

    And this is you proving that you haven't made up your mind yet?

    Could I maybe introduce you to a language that many hip kids are using today. It's called "English". It uses many of the same words you're already familiar with, though obviously with quite different meanings. If you like I can probably help you google a local college or something where you could learn more about it.

    Ah, the old ad hominem attacks. I presented the evidence regarding g12+ pieces. Prior to GET2 and GAC, there was no currency shop where you could get G12+ pieces. Now there is. Based on the definitions of "access" I could have learned about at my local college, I'm pretty sure that having more ways in which an item can be acquired (whether or not it's the optimal way) is expanded "access."
  • MasterSeedy
    5197 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    First, let's deal with this unfortunate misunderstanding of the ad hominem fallacy. You'll be happy to know, I'm sure, that your error is so common as to have earned a special page just for addressing the so-called "ad hominem fallacy fallacy". Although I should note that your close company might not be as numerous as that implies as you were even further removed from the typical use of the ad hominem fallacy than most people who use it wrongly. It's almost impressive, in a cute way, that you dropped the term not even when you were personally insulted in any way, but at the mere use of sarcasm in your presence.

    Second, you criticized me (implicitly) specifically for making up my mind early. I quote:
    The other thing you currently have no idea about is how much gear drops in the prize boxes. There's no way to know, because we haven't gotten them yet.

    My reply was to quote myself specifically saying - before your comment - that I was waiting for more information, including end-TB gear drops, to make a final determination on whether or not we would actually get more g12 via Geo TB.

    I also noted the irony in the fact that you're admonishing me that it's too early for me to conclude that g12 access might fall in the wake of GeoTB release not merely because I hadn't made a final conclusion (and had been quite explicit about that), but also because you already have made your final conclusion that access was "unequivocally expanded".

    If you're going to imply more caution is needed because Geo TB is not yet over, why aren't you taking your own advice?

    Thirdly, I suppose we should deal with this:
    It's not verbatim when you remove the "+".

    While it's true that I removed the "+" from "g12+", it's hard to believe that you could honestly assert this changes the meaning of your sentence.

    Because, and I hate to be the first to tell you this, but while EA/CG has released the g12 finishers, and some people call those g13 pieces because they allow your toon access to the g13 upgrade there is literally no such thing as a piece of gear you can add after you complete g12.

    Literally all the g12+ pieces that exist are also g12 pieces. Unless and until EA/CG releases some actual g13 pieces, "g12+ pieces" and "g12 pieces" are two phrases that mean exactly, precisely the same thing.

    Oh, wait. I just realized: I'm assuming you're not a time traveler from the future talking about g17. My bad. I guess I should get over my assumptions and just ask: what is the date in your world?

    Finally, now that we've established that you critique people for doing things that they didn't actually do, but you actually did, and then accuse others of changing your meaning when they didn't, and top it all off with appeals to logical fallacies that are themselves tired, repetitive errors rather than astute observations of logical deduction gone wrong, can we just agree that actual access to g12 pieces is about more than how many store windows you can see them in, but how much you're actually allowed to earn or buy?

    Because none of the hip kids were arguing about whether or not you can see g12 images in a new location - that's obviously but trivially true. The question is whether or not transitioning to GeoTB actually results in players getting more G12 gear.

    For access to the gear in the sense of actually being able to equip it to your characters, rather than "access" to gazing at gear you don't own in a very exciting new window, we need to compare the total GET1 income from Hoth TB and Geo TB, including special mission income. We also need to account for the drain on income that might otherwise purchase g12 pieces from any required spending that is unique to Geo TB - the Negotiator capital ship is at the moment the most obvious example, but as I've said previously it's only very likely to be required in LS Geo TB. Lastly, we need to know what will drop in the end-of-TB gear boxes. We can't know these last two things for sure until later (unless, of course, you have already played LS Geo TB during your time travels).

    If the Negotiator is, in fact, required for LS TB, then that means there will be literally months of GET2 used up with zero GET2 available to puchase g12 pieces (or "g12+" pieces). Since we know that GET1 is reduced, that means that transition to Geo TB might very well reduce access to g12 pieces for literally half a year or more.

    Maybe they'll do other things to increase access to g12 pieces through other means, but the question people were discussing in this thread was whether the switch to Geo TB would increase or decrease access to g12 gear. Pacé your opinion, the answer to this central question is far from certain - at least in my time-space continuum.
  • Options
    While it's true that I removed the "+" from "g12+", it's hard to believe that you could honestly assert this changes the meaning of your sentence.

    Because, and I hate to be the first to tell you this, but while EA/CG has released the g12 finishers, and some people call those g13 pieces because they allow your toon access to the g13 upgrade there is literally no such thing as a piece of gear you can add after you complete g12.

    Literally all the g12+ pieces that exist are also g12 pieces. Unless and until EA/CG releases some actual g13 pieces, "g12+ pieces" and "g12 pieces" are two phrases that mean exactly, precisely the same thing.

    If the "+" in my statement didn't change the meaning, then there would have been no reason for you to specifically modify the quote to remove it. G12+ is, in common parlance, the top two right side pieces that can be equipped at g12. This comes from the devs themselves, when they referred to those pieces as G12+ more than a year ago ( Since that time, a common understanding of what "G12+" means has developed as opposed to "G12."

  • Ironjehoshaphat
    335 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    With the way unneeded gear drops as rewards in other game modes, I wouldn’t be surprised if the gear drops are crap after the TB ends.
    Post edited by Ironjehoshaphat on
  • MasterSeedy
    5197 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    If the "+" in my statement didn't change the meaning, then there would have been no reason for you to specifically modify the quote to remove it.

    I didn't modify the quote to remove it. I simply didn't care about it and never typed it in.
    G12+ is, in common parlance, the top two right side pieces that can be equipped at g12.

    Yeah, and "The P-Funk All Stars" has a specific meaning in various record contracts, but "common parlance" isn't that you have to say, "The P-Funk All Stars" every time. Just saying P-Funk works for nearly everybody. So I think you're a little confused about what "common parlance" means. Just because it's how you say it, and just because it has some official meaning in EA/CG's handbook, that doesn't make how you use it the way everybody says it.

    But look, here's the more important thing: You didn't start this discussion. You joined in after everyone else was already talking bout it. And look! Everyone else was talking about g12, not "G12+". So if, in your deep thoughts, G12 is completely different from G12+, then that just means that you were wrong. When you come into a conversation and everyone is talking about the color "ocean blue", if you want to join the conversation you don't start using the word "teal" and then insist that everyone else is wrong for talking about ocean blue. Either they're the same, in which case it doesn't matter which you use, or they're different, in which case you're the one who messed things up by not talking about the same subject everyone else was already talking about before you joined in.

    So please, advertise that you didn't read what other people were even talking about when you dropped in your opinion. Or advertise that you tried to read it but you just didn't understand it. Either way the evidence is clear that the rest of us were all talking about "g12". The first person to talk about this was Kyno:
    They made g12 more accessible

    Then Mzee:
    I noticed that they added more gear 12 to being farmable, but this does not necessarily help much.

    Then me:
    If they halve the income you need for purchasing g11/g12 pieces ... they're hurting every single player who doesn't have the bulk of their toons to g12 already.

    No "+" was present in any of those original contributions to the conversation. So go ahead and tell me how you totally got things right because in The One True Code those 2 specific pieces of G12+ couldn't ever be included in the category "G12".

    The problem with that is that if that's not true, you're being entirely disingenuous, but if it is true, then that means that the entire time you were trying to contribute to the conversation, you had no idea that everyone else was talking about something completely different.

    Any change in meaning brought about by me, then, was solely because I made the rather generous assumption that you knew what other people in the thread were talking about and wanted to write comments that were on topic.

    Mea culpa.
  • Options
    With the way unneeded gear drops as rewards in other games, I wouldn’t be surprised if the gear drops are crap after the TB ends.

    Neither would I be surprised. It would be really nice if the gear was valuable and rare and actually what we need, but all we can do is wait. We certainly can't count on it, given previous foul ups. The one thing that makes me optimistic to any degree is that they really seemed to have brought a bunch of things together all at the same time in a manner that they say is supposed to be coordinated. If that's true, then they might have actually done a bunch of thoughtful work to get this one right.

    In the current moment I'm more concerned about whether their estimates of the break-even point for switching from Hoth to Geo are on target. If they're off, my current assessment of where my guild is says that they'd be off on the low side. That would mean we wouldn't get the rewards that EA/CG thinks is appropriate for the members of a 200M gp guild, but I'm not currently worried that what we do get will be complete trash.
  • USAFmedic129
    1538 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    @Kyno, Can we get this thread back on track please? It’s about the High Tenacity of level 93+ mobs, not rewards or college or grammar. Your arguments are actually belittling of each other and a distraction from the conversation. Thanks, folks!!!
    Post edited by USAFmedic129 on
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    @Kyno, Can we get this thread back on track please? It’s about the High Tenacity of level 93+ mobs, not rewards or college or grammar. You arguments are actually belittling each other and a distraction from the conversation. Thanks, folks!!!

    They are level 93? Wow, bring on the new cap xD
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    First page has the forum trolls that no-one listens to or reads Nihion and TVF posting about the op being a troll? Classic swgoh forums! Even Kyno the mod that single handily prevents this forum from becoming popular posted multiple times too.

    Anyway, onto the actual post. Yeah, well, think about it this way. In the LS version, if they have this much tenacity, CLS will be able to auto it already just with his lead zeta'd. All those resists will mean Rebels will never stop taking a turn.

    So unless they make LS version of Geo have no Tenacity and DS have all the Tenacity, then what? High tenacity neuters many DS teams, High Tenacity has no effect and in fact helps LS teams.

    However the health is indeed absurd, but that's why Characters like Thrawn and DN are important. DN can get so much health at the end he can't die, he can take 100k damage and not even one bar of health is removed. The Sith Trio in general is a hard counter to this event, Lead zeta means they die extremely fast, DN then one shots anything else while Sion tanks forever.

    Can tell though that they expect you to have fully zeta'd and G13'd Seps for this event for every phase, not just the last one, ALL of them.

    Still, my guilds at what ~140mil and we already are nearing our 12-13th star, so there is that :p

  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    First page has the forum trolls that no-one listens to or reads Nihion and TVF posting about the op being a troll? Classic swgoh forums! Even Kyno the mod that single handily prevents this forum from becoming popular posted multiple times too.

    There's a certain Luke Skywalker line that comes to mind...
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Gorem wrote: »
    First page has the forum trolls that no-one listens to or reads Nihion and TVF posting about the op being a troll? Classic swgoh forums! Even Kyno the mod that single handily prevents this forum from becoming popular posted multiple times too.

    Anyway, onto the actual post. Yeah, well, think about it this way. In the LS version, if they have this much tenacity, CLS will be able to auto it already just with his lead zeta'd. All those resists will mean Rebels will never stop taking a turn.

    So unless they make LS version of Geo have no Tenacity and DS have all the Tenacity, then what? High tenacity neuters many DS teams, High Tenacity has no effect and in fact helps LS teams.

    However the health is indeed absurd, but that's why Characters like Thrawn and DN are important. DN can get so much health at the end he can't die, he can take 100k damage and not even one bar of health is removed. The Sith Trio in general is a hard counter to this event, Lead zeta means they die extremely fast, DN then one shots anything else while Sion tanks forever.

    Can tell though that they expect you to have fully zeta'd and G13'd Seps for this event for every phase, not just the last one, ALL of them.

    Still, my guilds at what ~140mil and we already are nearing our 12-13th star, so there is that :p

    Loving the snark in the first paragraph.

    I have a point about extreme health on stuff, not saying overall it's good. But when your team is stable and losing toons, the last 2-3 enemies remaning in the field yields a good time to get rid of all the cooldown since you have already taken out the dangerous ones with punching power,healing and crazy buffs. Something to take advantage of.
  • TVF
    36767 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    Gorem wrote: »
    First page has the forum trolls that no-one listens to or reads Nihion and TVF posting about the op being a troll? Classic swgoh forums! Even Kyno the mod that single handily prevents this forum from becoming popular posted multiple times too.

    Anyway, onto the actual post. Yeah, well, think about it this way. In the LS version, if they have this much tenacity, CLS will be able to auto it already just with his lead zeta'd. All those resists will mean Rebels will never stop taking a turn.

    So unless they make LS version of Geo have no Tenacity and DS have all the Tenacity, then what? High tenacity neuters many DS teams, High Tenacity has no effect and in fact helps LS teams.

    However the health is indeed absurd, but that's why Characters like Thrawn and DN are important. DN can get so much health at the end he can't die, he can take 100k damage and not even one bar of health is removed. The Sith Trio in general is a hard counter to this event, Lead zeta means they die extremely fast, DN then one shots anything else while Sion tanks forever.

    Can tell though that they expect you to have fully zeta'd and G13'd Seps for this event for every phase, not just the last one, ALL of them.

    Still, my guilds at what ~140mil and we already are nearing our 12-13th star, so there is that :p

    Loving the snark in the first paragraph.

    Wonder if they realized that not only have I not called OP a troll in this thread, I went out of my way in another thread to say that I don't think OP is a troll. I just thing OP is playing the wrong game.
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    No_Try wrote: »
    Gorem wrote: »
    First page has the forum trolls that no-one listens to or reads Nihion and TVF posting about the op being a troll? Classic swgoh forums! Even Kyno the mod that single handily prevents this forum from becoming popular posted multiple times too.

    Anyway, onto the actual post. Yeah, well, think about it this way. In the LS version, if they have this much tenacity, CLS will be able to auto it already just with his lead zeta'd. All those resists will mean Rebels will never stop taking a turn.

    So unless they make LS version of Geo have no Tenacity and DS have all the Tenacity, then what? High tenacity neuters many DS teams, High Tenacity has no effect and in fact helps LS teams.

    However the health is indeed absurd, but that's why Characters like Thrawn and DN are important. DN can get so much health at the end he can't die, he can take 100k damage and not even one bar of health is removed. The Sith Trio in general is a hard counter to this event, Lead zeta means they die extremely fast, DN then one shots anything else while Sion tanks forever.

    Can tell though that they expect you to have fully zeta'd and G13'd Seps for this event for every phase, not just the last one, ALL of them.

    Still, my guilds at what ~140mil and we already are nearing our 12-13th star, so there is that :p

    Loving the snark in the first paragraph.

    Wonder if they realized that not only have I not called OP a troll in this thread, I went out of my way in another thread to say that I don't think OP is a troll. I just thing OP is playing the wrong game.

    Didn't mean that bit and did mean to be vague about it. You guess the rest.
  • DarthWok
    48 posts Member
    If I got my Jedi consular to g13, then put godmods on it - would he perform like the consular in the event? No? So you just whack whatever stats you like (level 93??) On a toon, then call it a "hard" event?

    Let's be real here. It's not "hard" you are just cheating. Exactly like the preloaded turnmeter gag you pulled elsewhere. This dev team doesn't seem to be able to actually play their own game.

    Cheating by giving CPU controlled toons abilities or stats we as players cannot obtain and calling it "hard" is a joke.

  • Options
    Good luck using JKR, CLS, or JTR. They will all be required for Light Side Geo TB platoons. We will barely be able to use any good teams. The platoons do not help (notice the B2’s resisted attacks... all the time) and only hinder players from reaching 4/4 or 3/4 in Combat Missions. The toons required hamstring any team.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    DarthWok wrote: »
    If I got my Jedi consular to g13, then put godmods on it - would he perform like the consular in the event? No? So you just whack whatever stats you like (level 93??) On a toon, then call it a "hard" event?

    Let's be real here. It's not "hard" you are just cheating. Exactly like the preloaded turnmeter gag you pulled elsewhere. This dev team doesn't seem to be able to actually play their own game.

    Cheating by giving CPU controlled toons abilities or stats we as players cannot obtain and calling it "hard" is a joke.

    Well clearly you’re just jealous of their characters that you can’t have. Did you find facing those toons difficult? Yes? Then it’s “hard”, isn’t it? Tell me, how SHOULD the devs make this mode difficult?
  • vice
    90 posts Member
    the direction the game is taking is not really releasing new content, but to utilise under utilised items in the game

    with the release of GAC, you are rewarded for having a broad roster and even more so if you have invested gear and mods into them and to encourage this, they have created a division based reward payout system. thus needing to utilise the under utilised toons to grow your GP

    same goes for the new TB, you will need to utilise the under utilised mods, particularly a set which has fizzled out since the release of HAAT

    one might even anticipate that the light side TB version will require tenacity mods, cleanse and tenacity up mechanics. i'll even wager that they will introduce a locked buff on the NPCs that allow debuffs to land ignoring tenacity

    you could probably even argue that the game is going back to its roots, being once again a collecting game rather than the recent focus of managing resources and allocating them based on metas. the later will somewhat still be there...

    but having said that, the release of GAC and Geo TB at the same time? i think it's very calculative...
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    vice wrote: »
    the direction the game is taking is not really releasing new content, but to utilise under utilised items in the game

    with the release of GAC, you are rewarded for having a broad roster and even more so if you have invested gear and mods into them and to encourage this, they have created a division based reward payout system. thus needing to utilise the under utilised toons to grow your GP

    same goes for the new TB, you will need to utilise the under utilised mods, particularly a set which has fizzled out since the release of HAAT

    one might even anticipate that the light side TB version will require tenacity mods, cleanse and tenacity up mechanics. i'll even wager that they will introduce a locked buff on the NPCs that allow debuffs to land ignoring tenacity

    you could probably even argue that the game is going back to its roots, being once again a collecting game rather than the recent focus of managing resources and allocating them based on metas. the later will somewhat still be there...

    but having said that, the release of GAC and Geo TB at the same time? i think it's very calculative...

    Not releasing new content? You seriously just said that in the same post that mentions GAC and Geo TB?
  • DarthWok
    48 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    DarthWok wrote: »
    If I got my Jedi consular to g13, then put godmods on it - would he perform like the consular in the event? No? So you just whack whatever stats you like (level 93??) On a toon, then call it a "hard" event?

    Let's be real here. It's not "hard" you are just cheating. Exactly like the preloaded turnmeter gag you pulled elsewhere. This dev team doesn't seem to be able to actually play their own game.

    Cheating by giving CPU controlled toons abilities or stats we as players cannot obtain and calling it "hard" is a joke.

    Well clearly you’re just jealous of their characters that you can’t have. Did you find facing those toons difficult? Yes? Then it’s “hard”, isn’t it? Tell me, how SHOULD the devs make this mode difficult?

    Abilities that are designed to counter existing teams like the sort padme has are a good way to introduce difficulty. Simply announcing something has massive tenacity and therefore no debuffs will land was one of the main problems i had with the sith raid.

    That and the nerfing of expose crippled teams like the rogue one crew that were actually viable pre-nerf
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    DarthWok wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »
    DarthWok wrote: »
    If I got my Jedi consular to g13, then put godmods on it - would he perform like the consular in the event? No? So you just whack whatever stats you like (level 93??) On a toon, then call it a "hard" event?

    Let's be real here. It's not "hard" you are just cheating. Exactly like the preloaded turnmeter gag you pulled elsewhere. This dev team doesn't seem to be able to actually play their own game.

    Cheating by giving CPU controlled toons abilities or stats we as players cannot obtain and calling it "hard" is a joke.

    Well clearly you’re just jealous of their characters that you can’t have. Did you find facing those toons difficult? Yes? Then it’s “hard”, isn’t it? Tell me, how SHOULD the devs make this mode difficult?

    Abilities that are designed to counter existing teams like the sort padme has are a good way to introduce difficulty. Simply announcing something has massive tenacity and therefore no debuffs will land was one of the main problems i had with the sith raid.

    That and the nerfing of expose crippled teams like the rogue one crew that were actually viable pre-nerf

    Well then how would it be “hard” if there are multiple “viable” teams that can clear it? The point of that raid was to have the entire guild working toward a goal with all its might.

    If they made a team that counters, say, DR + Malak in this TB, then that team would have a really tough time beating it. But what about a FO team? Or a BH team? Or Traya? Or NS? Or any other dark side team, because how can CG make a team that is “hard” for every team in the game? There are two ways to do that: make every platoon battle be like facing a new meta, or raising their stats to a level much higher than anything we have. The latter allows them to create more powerful toons and raise the gear level to G13, raise the level cap to 90, etc., because then the mode slowly becomes beatable for more and more players.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Good luck using JKR, CLS, or JTR. They will all be required for Light Side Geo TB platoons. We will barely be able to use any good teams. The platoons do not help (notice the B2’s resisted attacks... all the time) and only hinder players from reaching 4/4 or 3/4 in Combat Missions. The toons required hamstring any team.

    Oh yeah, Its funny how we get a droid "helper" that never lands anything and hardly does anything for the fight. Hopefuly they buff that, but apparently it is effected by the stats of the summoner, so maybe we just not strong enough yet to have a really powerful version of it!

    And good point, they will most likely be required in the platoons, but we have lower leveled people put them in, then the stronger ones can complete it :D

    Platoons are and always will be the worst part of any TB. And its obvious they exist just to make CG money, as we've seen time and time again with marque releases, CG really doesn't care at all about us or our fun. hah.

    Man I Have too much fun on this forums :D
  • Options
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Austin9370 wrote: »
    @BaldingHead90 , perhaps Hello Kitty Island Adventure is more your pace?


    He's probably allergic to cats

    I am but what's that mean?
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