Impossibile gac rank?

202 posts Member
This sems impossibile, also doing all battles with 3/5, or is my math wrong?qruxlnaezzqp.jpg

And doesen't match liftime and current....


  • Options
    Should really blank out the names, think it's against site rules.
  • Tarah
    202 posts Member
    Should really blank out the names, think it's against site rules.

    Why? Gac rank is public, non a private conversation ...
  • Tarah
    202 posts Member
    Ok, seen la a rare bug, nothing more to say
  • Options
    @Tarah :

    There's a known bug where some winners of a single head-to-head round get double the victory points (the +1000 for winning becomes +2000).

    They've promised to subtract out the extra points somehow (I don't know how they identify which persons got too many points per victory, but I guess they can) and to then give appropriate rewards. It may be that that fix happens after this round ends and before the next round, or it may be that the fix can be applied during this round but it just hasn't yet. I'm not sure which.

    In any case, you're right that if someone is doing pretty well, then gets +1000 points that they shouldn't get, this could give them more than the maximum amount of points it is possible to earn under the rules. There are also other people who aren't maxing out their fights but who still got the +1000 points, and even though their scores are possible, they weren't actually earned. EA/CG, IIUC, is pledging to fix both those situations. Since +1000 points can boost someone quite a bit, even though the bug is rare, it's probably affecting a larger percentage of people in the top 200 players than it does if you took 200 players with scores around the average. You could easily move up ten or even 50 spots for all I know, but don't worry too much about it. All you can do is win your fights. The rest is what it is.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    Should really blank out the names, think it's against site rules.

    No accusations, nothing against the rules. It's just a thing op wonders. The answer is already in the announcements identified as a bug.
  • Hortus
    646 posts Member
    They marked it as a bug two days ago but it's still in place. Round 2 rewards also were obviously doubled for some players. Let's hope nothing changed because of weekend, and some measures will come tomorrow, before current GA ends.
  • Options
    I'm sure this is one of the reasons why our current GAC is an "exhibition" event and won't count for lifetime purposes. To identify these kinds of issues so they can be looked for and fixed before the actual GAC starts.
  • Options
    They marked it as a bug two days ago but it's still in place.

    Two days ago was Friday. This might be a game to you, but to the programmers it's a job. Finding a bug on friday doesn't mean you lose your weekend. it's just a bug, not a connection issue that prevents the game from functioning. it can be fixed during the regular workweek.

    I'm sure this is one of the reasons why our current GAC is an "exhibition" event


  • Hortus
    646 posts Member
    They marked it as a bug two days ago but it's still in place.

    Two days ago was Friday. This might be a game to you, but to the programmers it's a job. Finding a bug on friday doesn't mean you lose your weekend. it's just a bug, not a connection issue that prevents the game from functioning. it can be fixed during the regular workweek.

    Please don't lecture me. I specifically mentioned weekend in my post. Also let me quote that Friday post:

    "We will be removing the extra points later today and moving any players who no longer qualify for Bronzium back to their correct league."

    The "later today" part was pretty clear but the double points weren't removed, at least not from all people who gained it. Either bug requires more work than they estimated OR they missed something, so I see nothing wrong in further feedback.
  • Options
    The "later today" part was pretty clear but the double points weren't removed, at least not from all people who gained it. Either bug requires more work than they estimated OR they missed something, so I see nothing wrong in further feedback.

    Fair enough. I guessed I missed the part about "later today", although -speculatively, not as a critique of what you're saying - I suppose it's possible that they removed the points awarded by the bug at the end of the first match, but didn't actually fix the bug, so now there are people out there with +1000 points from the end of the second match, which finished on Saturday. That would be consistent with removing points on Friday but not getting a bug fix out (I don't remember a restart in the last 48 hours, so I think it's unlikely there was an actual fix for the root problem, but maybe I missed that, too)
  • Options
    Thank you for identifying the bug giving some players extra points. Not intended nor a hack.
  • miketo
    139 posts Member
    Regarding GA standings, I have a question. My third round opponent and I both won and lost in the first two rounds. Within our group of 8, I am third he is 5th. My GA points are 5991, with a place of 11221 in division 2. My opponent has 4534 GA points, but is 1920 in division 2.

    Why is he placed higher in the standings?
  • MasterSeedy
    5126 posts Member

    I can't say for sure, but IIRC, the cut off for joining the Bronzium League is 4,750. So, your opponent is in a lower League. Your rank isn't your rank in the entire division, but your rank in the subset of your division that shares the same League status.

    Again, I'm going off memory, but it seems that you're in Bronzium while your opponent is near the top end of Carbonite. As soon as your opponent gets a couple more hundred they will be automatically moved into Bronzium and at that point you'll see their rank plummet to something behind you.

    It might seem weird, but you can move up in your League by doing nothing while everyone around you gets enough points to graduate into the next League.

    That's not a good strategy, however, because the bottom reward for the Bronzium league members is better than the rewards for finishing #1 in the Carbonite league.
  • miketo
    139 posts Member
    @MasterSeedy thanks, eloquent and clear explanation.
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