This new algorithm sucks.

32 posts Member
edited July 2019
i have 1,470,000 charachter GP, and i'm facing players 6 players with 300-500k more gp.
First round, against a guy with 400k more character GP. I have to set 6 squads with a limited roster instead the 5 if i were matched with same gp division.
enemy guy set his 2 best teams on defence. i cleared 3 of 4 territories cause i hadnt a well sorted 70k team to beat his last team 62k old republic.
Enemy cleared 3 of 4 territories, and in the last one he defeated my nightsisters with 4 attempts, only because he had more squads than me.
I find this limited gp to the x2 defence very stupid. Who has a 400k wider roster can just set on defence better teams to slow enemy and for attack phase just counting on his bigger number of squads.
How this can be fair?


  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Seems like a quite even match.

    Furthermore, the amount of defensive slots is determined by the lowest GP member of the group - at least that's how it was in GA (I assume it's the same in GAC).
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    If you consider equilibrate for a player have so much more margin of choice, strategy...
    You are wrong, in the exibition that failed i was matched with my same gp players (division 4), and i had 5 defences slot, when they rebooted due the bug, i was matched, as this GAC, against players of higher division (division 3) and i had 6 defence slots.
    I'm sure it's the opposite of what you are saying. Higher GP players define defences slots.

    In this week they could analyze the average of squads used in all 3 rounds and they'll find would never be exacly the double of defence slots. but more. They could make the MM counting more squads than the 2x defence. and have a more fair and realistic MM.
  • Options
    avins wrote: »
    If you consider equilibrate for a player have so much more margin of choice, strategy...
    You are wrong, in the exibition that failed i was matched with my same gp players (division 3), and i had 5 defences slot, when they rebooted due the bug, i was matched, as this GAC, against players of higher division (division 2) and i had 6 defence slots.
    I'm sure it's the opposite of what you are saying. Higher GP players define defences slots.

    In this week they could analyze the average of squads used in all 3 rounds and they'll find would never be exacly the double of defence slots. but more. They could make the MM counting more squads than the 2x defence. and have a more fair and realistic MM.
    Division 2 sets 8 defenses.
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    i'm sorry, i'm in division 4, not 3. and opponent i have now are div 3.
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    I'm sure that allowing players to use in GA only the '' defencex2x5 +10 toons'' would incentive their whales buy that packs more than now. And MM would be much more fair
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    avins wrote: »
    If you consider equilibrate for a player have so much more margin of choice, strategy...
    My current opponent has over 550k (50%) more character GP. I'm wiping the floor with him. Similar situation with my first opponent last GAC.
    avins wrote: »
    You are wrong, in the exibition that failed i was matched with my same gp players (division 4), and i had 5 defences slot, when they rebooted due the bug, i was matched, as this GAC, against players of higher division (division 3) and i had 6 defence slots.
    I'm sure it's the opposite of what you are saying. Higher GP players define defences slots.
    As a Division 5 player I set 5 defensive squads regardless of whether my opponent is Division 5 or Division 3 (as my current opponent is)

    As a Division 4 player I am pretty sure you should be setting 6 squads if your opponent is Division 4 or better. You should only be setting 5 squads vs a Division 5 opponent.
  • Kokie
    1338 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    Are you really trying to explain to a company that charges ^ @ $50 for a single piece of gear that their math is off? 628hohh1tv9i.png

    Really? Those dont cost me a dime.
  • Options
    I find it hilarious that all the “roster fluff” that people were told they were stupid for having is now suddenly the greatest advantage in the game, lmfao. “OMG my opponent can throw 5 extra teams of G8s at me, totally unfair!”
    avins wrote: »
    First round, against a guy with 400k more character GP. I have to set 6 squads with a limited roster instead the 5 if i were matched with same gp division.

    That seems like an issue. I’d report that as a bug. The initial details of GAC said if two people were matched from different divisions that have a different number of defensive slots, then the number of defenses for the match would be based on the lower division player. The opposite of what happened to you.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    If he's been able to take #1 in both arenas for an extended period of time he could have built up a sizeable crystal stockpile.
  • jhbuchholz
    1966 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    kokie uh huh:
    <images removed>
    A bit more than a dime

    I don't understand this post. What are you implying? That kokie, with 27 g12+ and 24 zetas is some sort of whale? That spending any money (and you offer no proof that kokie has) makes someone a whale? What exactly is your angle here?

    Also, he's right. It's easy enough to get that Mk12 ArmaTek Thermal Detonator without spending any money.
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019
    I find it hilarious that all the “roster fluff” that people were told they were stupid for having is now suddenly the greatest advantage in the game, lmfao. “OMG my opponent can throw 5 extra teams of G8s at me, totally unfair!”
    g8? the ''relevant gp'' stops at g9-10 characters, and i'm only 1.5 million character gp. Who has 400k-500k more the relevant gp stops at g10-11. the roster ''fluff'' is pretty powerful if you go higher
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    Seems like a quite even match.

    This. If you both 3 of 4 territiories (initially) - that's much more even than other matches I've seen this (and last) GAC.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    edited July 2019

    Yes, no matter if you can use only 12-13 squands ''with relevant gp'' and enemy 18... only because MM decided you must be have a challege against a 400k gp higher. This system not show who is better, just show who is lucky with mm.

    Players saying they smash enemy with 1kk gp higher, well it means that enemy really sucks in many aspects (slow mods, old pg, bad strategy). is not a relevant example.
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    All of you dont consider, that having 20 more well geared toons means have a huge chance to get the right ability, debuff, that is the key to beat your great-medium defence team. Versatily of wider roster is so underrated by all you that are okey with this stupid algorithm of MM
  • YaeVizsla
    3448 posts Member
    At sub 2 mil, those are not 20 more well geared toons. They're scraps.

    Yes, your opponent beat you. Yes, they may have had a modest advantage in roster depth. But what you described playing out- you down three territories, they down four with multiple attempts- was a fair and reasonable match regardless of what the decisive factor was.
    Still not a he.
  • avins
    32 posts Member
    YaeVizsla wrote: »
    At sub 2 mil, those are not 20 more well geared toons. They're scraps.

    Yes, your opponent beat you. Yes, they may have had a modest advantage in roster depth. But what you described playing out- you down three territories, they down four with multiple attempts- was a fair and reasonable match regardless of what the decisive factor was.

    dude, research relativity in a dictionary. they are not fluff...
    anyway a system must work for 1mil, 2, mil and 5 mil. is plenty of higher gp players complaining this.

  • Options
    JDIII wrote: »
    Are you really trying to explain to a company that charges ^ @ $50 for a single piece of gear that their math is off? 628hohh1tv9i.png

  • Options
    I was outmatched by 500k gp and won easily. My top 80 vs his top 80. I love it because now I don't have to worry about activating new characters or 7 *ing new characters I won't use because of their added gp. It's all about your top teams
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    jhbuchholz if he has that many gear 13 characters already, along with the Darth Revan crew, he definitely spent cash on this game. I wouldn’t be so gullible son

    Did you know you can do this crazy thing called hoarding crystals? And use those crystals to buy refreshes? And use those refreshes to farm G12 finishers?

    Four G13 is not out of the realm of possibility for a f2p by now, nor is having Malak. It just takes a smart f2p who has figured out how to build up resources and use them effectively.

    I need a new message here.
  • Gannon
    1645 posts Member
    Efranzblau wrote: »
    I was outmatched by 500k gp and won easily. My top 80 vs his top 80. I love it because now I don't have to worry about activating new characters or 7 *ing new characters I won't use because of their added gp. It's all about your top teams

    This. I no longer have to limit my upgrades for fear of harder matchups, and my fluff from years ago isn't hurting me anymore. Every matchup is even, and gac is pretty fun. I wish ppl would actually read up how it matches before whining so much.
  • jhbuchholz
    1966 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    @jhbuchholz if he has that many gear 13 characters already, along with the Darth Revan crew, he definitely spent cash on this game. I wouldn’t be so gullible son. And i’m not ‘implying’ anything. He said he didn’t spend a dime, and that picture shows otherwise. Besides, if u would’ve read the 1st post that he replayed too, i just said that they charge @ $50 for a single piece, i didn’t say anything about being able to get it for free or not. It was the point of how much they charge for things in this game. It’s the only game that i know of that a new player could spend over $5,000 and not even get half the inventory. The top games that most gamers play dont charge anywhere near that much to enjoy a game

    @JDIII , you my friend, are a riot. You just keep being you and don't worry about the haters that try to prove you wrong with "facts". Your gut instincts are worth their weight in gold.
  • Lio
    1003 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    Again, it was the point of what they charge, do i need to put it in Chinese or something? PS #DONTBESOGULLIBLE

    It's funny how you're frustrated that others aren't understanding what you're arguing. They do understand. They just don't agree with you.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    do i need to put it in Chinese or something?

    What is this even supposed to mean?

    Also, they don't charge $50 for a G12+ piece unless they have an actual purchase for cash for the piece. You can't compare crystal cost for gear and crystal cost for money because there are more ways to get crystals than just money.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36692 posts Member
    JDIII wrote: »
    TVF If u go to buy that piece that i posted, it shows right there how much. You might wanna get your vision checked buddy

    You posted a picture of how much it costs in crystals, not money.
    I need a new message here.
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