Active Guilds Looking For Players - August 2019 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***

2937 posts Moderator
edited September 2019
If you are an ACTIVE guild looking for players, post your ads here. An Active guild is one that:
  • Has minimum activity and/or participation requirements.

These are the guilds that are about camaraderie and fun but also about teaching new players and helping them progress further. Part of having fun means completing as much guild-related content as possible with varying degrees of importance on the level of that content. As such, members are expected to contribute their fair share to guild activities.

  • No player advertisements. This thread is for guild advertisements only.
  • Do not reply to advertisements here. Instead, send a private message to the poster/guild recruiter or join their recruitment channel if they have one.
  • Do not post anything that is not a guild advertisement. This means no "I sent you a PM" or anything like that. This includes telling people not to post here. If you see such a post, flag it as "Other" or "Spam" and a mod will remove it.
  • Do not post personal contact information, such as chat IDs or email addresses, here. That information should only be handed out through private messages. Links to third-party chat servers/channels are OK.
  • Feel free to update your ad as often as you like to include relevant information, such as answers to frequently asked questions, current recruitment status, the size of your waitlist, more awesomeness, etc.
  • One ad per guild.


How you sell your guild is up to you but please try to keep it to a reasonable length. Some basic information you should include is:
  • Your guild name
  • Forum usernames of your guild recruiters
  • Link to your guild's recruitment chat server/channel, if applicable (Discord, Line, etc)
  • Your guild's reset time, preferably in terms of UTC or GMT offset (UTC 11:30, GMT -06:00, etc)
  • What tier of raids your guild completes and how often
  • How well your guild does at Territory Battles and Territory Wars
  • Your guild's minimum activity/participation requirements
  • Minimum player level/GP and character requirements, if any
  • Anything else you feel is important for people to know

Post edited by Sunnie1978 on


  • JakuuBomba
    123 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    We are Future Intelligence!

    We are currently looking to fill out our roster or merge with another guild or group of players. We have room for 4 active players at this point in time.

    Here is what we are about:
    • 120 mil GP guild that operates in CST time frame (Guild reset is 7:30 PM CST)
    • Heroic STR completed in about 24 hours (24 hr join period prior), Heroic Tank completed in about 40 mins (24 hr join period prior), Simmed Rancor (24 join period)
    • 9 stars in Geo TB (with members doing nothing)
    • High success in TWs
    • A mix of F2P and some minor Dolphins, no pressure to spend
    • An active Discord where strategies are developed for TWs and TBs, as well as answer any questions to help players build their rosters

    What we are looking for:
    • Active players who can generate at least 500 tickets daily
    • Players who can join our Discord
    • Players who are building their rosters and improving for the betterment of the guild
    • Participation in guild events (Geo TB and TWs)

    Our big focus is pushing for more stars in Geo TB, and players who generate tickets daily to increase raid frequency.

    If you are interested, please hit me up in game or Discord.

    Discord -

    Ally code 118-456-664
    Post edited by JakuuBomba on
  • Options
    We are Dark Rain.

    We are 164 million GP strong.
    We do all Heroic Raids (I’ve have 7* Traya)

    Hoth LS: 41
    Hoth DS: 43
    Geo: 16

    We have some very committed players who don’t mind spending money, although this is not forced upon anyone.
    You can farm what you like.
    We are relaxed, as long as you take part then we’re happy.

    We are a very organised guild who want someone who will take part in all aspects of gameplay. We have a strong USA/UK base which we like as it means there are always people online.

    Rancor: Simmed 6pm GMT
    AAT: 6pm GMT
    SITH: 8pm GMT

    We currently have a single space for a keen, friendly and active player.


    Ideally JKR but all applications considered.
    GP should be around 2m but this isn’t set in stone.
    You need to join Discord.

    I am Charlie / ChewtheFuzz - Contact me at Charlie#6613 on Discord if you want to ask me anything.

    Ally code: 673-877-566
  • DearthOdarths
    3 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Active Free2Play wretched guild of scum and villainy named:

    50M Galactic Power
    >20 active daily players looking for few more to cement core Territory War team and push into Genosian TB (40 total members)

    Heroic Pit and AAT 1-2x/wk
    6* star Sith Triumvirate 1/week
    ~15 stars in TB
    ? 3AM UCT reset time

    The game actually starts at level 85...

    Being a good speller or joining some chat forum is not a requirement.

  • Jethro
    20 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Ewokolypse Rising is Recruiting
    • 180 million+ GP
    • Guild Reset: 5:30PM / 6:30PM Eastern Time
    • 20 :star: DS Geo Territory Battles (primary focus)
    • 44 :star: LS / 45 :star: DS Hoth Territory Battles (Geo TB now)
    • HPIT sim enabled
    • HAAT alternates 11:00 AM / 9:00 PM Eastern Time
    • HSTR alternates 12:00 PM / 6:00 PM Eastern Time
    • ~10 million + damage for top 10 HSTR

    • 600 tickets daily
    • Join all raids
    • Participate in TB
    • If you join TW, participate in offense & defense
    • account
    • Actively monitor Discord
    • 3 million + GP, with some exceptions
    • DR, JKR, and one other solid G12 team preferred

    We understand that life happens. We ask that if you will not be able to get tickets, or participate in events, you inform us so that we can plan accordingly.

    For more information, contact Elijuan#5322 on Discord, join our Discord server, or check out our profile.
    Post edited by Jethro on
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    It’s Only A Flesh Wound

    We’re an international guild with FtP & dolphin players spread across the US and Europe. We’ve got 5 open spots right now.

    Raid Info
    Farming all heroic raids
    HAAT alternates between 8am & 8pm with 24 hour hold
    HSTR alternates between 9am & 9pm with 12 hour hold

    Running Geo TB - 14 stars last time, just missed out on 15
    We’ll sprinkle in a dark side TB at some point for those chasing the Wampa quest

    If you’re not going to be able to contribute on offense and defense, we ask you not to join that one. Missing a TW because life happens is fine. If you do join, you need to help us win. We have a strategy that we mix up from time to time. We’ve got 40+ wins, doing well in equal matches and not so well against PtP guilds.

    We have an active in game chat. We have a discord server but mainly use it for TB & TW notifications.

    Overall, it’s a game and we want it to be fun for everyone. Be respectful in chat. Swap gear. Try to enjoy yourself. Everyone’s got a life outside the game. We’ve got a core group of veteran players who are happy to help newer players.

    No unit requirements
    Prefer 1M+ GP
    Do your part in TW & TB

    I’m Jonah Starks in game.

    Guild Profile
  • Xevious
    7 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    On The Level is looking for you!

    We are a new guild forged from the belief that a team should be run by its members. Not a single “leader” dictating what’s good for everyone.

    We are growing and would love to continue strengthening our guild with you.

    • HPIT
    • HAAT
    • STR tier 6

    What we are looking for:
    • Active Players
    • Level 85
    • TW participation if you join
    • Communication if you need to be away
    • In game chat, Discord is optional

    Where we are now:
    • 35/50 members
    • 77 Million+ GP
    • Working towards getting into Geo TB
    • On The Level

    Interested in our guild? Want to make it yours?
    Come join us at the round table
    Find me in game: Xevious - 458-823-931
    Find me on Discord: Xevious#2095

    Right now we want to see how far we can go as a new guild. We are willing to work with you and take as many people as we can. We aren’t looking to be absorbed.
    Post edited by Xevious on
  • Jin88302_swgoh
    10 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Clones in Tights has 1 more open spot to fill out our roster. We've grown recently after taking in a couple of groups seeking greener pastures, and have now been able to do more with the Geonosis TB, and just moved up to the heroic Sith raid. We're very active in both the Hoth and Geo TBs, and regularly win our TWs.

    We currently require members to be active every 5 days, but understand that life happens. As long as members let the officers know they have something coming up, we keep track of it to make sure no one gets booted unfairly.

    Guild Name – Clones in Tights

    Guild GP – 117 Million

    Recruiter – forum username Jin88302_swgoh, in game ally code 635-685-623

    Guild Time Zone – Any, but we're mostly US-based EST, reset is at 9:30p.

    Raids – HPIT is being simmed, HAAT is on farm (both launch at 10p, 24 hour join period). HSTR is on farm.

    TW – Win pretty consistently, officers plan out defenses and leave commands up to coordinate.

    TB – Currently running two Geo TB, followed by a Hoth TB. Hoth LS: 30* (at 89M GP), Hoth DS: 34*, Geo DS: 9-10*

    Player Level – No GP requirements, but we're looking for players who can help contribute to HSTR, so ideally we'd like to bring in more members who have JTR, JKR, NS, BH, or other HSTR toons available. We like our players to also be involved in TB and TW.

    Discord is strongly encouraged.
    Post edited by Jin88302_swgoh on
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    Hi everyone, im rantanplan11 from Marianas Trench ( we are currently searching for active players. We are an active but relaxed guild. Our only requirement is that you play in TB and if you join TW you have to play it (4 defensive teams and 1 fleet)!! (we dont mind if you don’t join TW).

    Must have discord.

    We have a really cool group of people from all around the world and we try to have the raid schedulling good for everyone.

    We have 188M GP missings 2 people

    Our current state is this:
    18* geo tb guarantee. Our goal is to reach 19* next tb we might be able to reach 20*.
    HSTR on farm such as HAAT and HPIT (sim).
    HPIT 00:30am GMT; HAAT 00:30am GMT, HSTR 10:00pm GMT
    Our win rate in TW is about 80%
    We are also part of na aliance. Farmers to Whales Https://

    If you want to join please DM
    (officer) – rantanplan11 #2542
  • Options
    Veteran Mandalorians is actively recruiting.
    70mil GP
    We are looking for players with at least 1.2 mil GP. Must be active (TW/TB). We are pushing for HSTR, but need a few more members with the right teams to make the jump.
    Average LSTB 24*
    Average DSTB 17*
    24 Hr. Join periods for HPit and HAAT, with each consistently being beat in under an hour.
    Tier 6 STR, making the jump to HSTR as soon as we can.
    Guild Chat as well as Discord used.
    We hope you will consider us if you are in the market for a new guild.
    Contact Darth1977Bane: 595-549-248 with any questions.
  • RabbieBurns
    47 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Edit: I've found the one (well, two... Dont judge me!). Thanks for the interest.

    149.6m GP (that 0.6 is important!) guild WLTM unattached player for heroic raids, Acklay murder and maybe more!

    Hi, I'm Rab, and I'm looking for my dream player. Do you have a pulse? Are you at least two feet tall? Do you enjoy long walks on the beach and the movies of Jude Law?

    If you can answer yes (or no) to any* of those questions, call me!



    *Actually, I'm standing firm on the pulse thing. No zombies!
    Post edited by RabbieBurns on
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    Praetorian Alliance
    - 158M GP
    - All Heroic raids (Pit simed), 24 hour join, start at 8:00 PM Eastern
    - Reset at 7:30PM Eastern
    - TB: LS ~39*, DS ~40*, Geo 14-15*

    We’re a friendly, laidback, active and fully heroic guild. We have 5 spots available right now. We expect full participation in TWs, TBs, and HSTR. We understand RL happens though, so just communicate when you can’t participate. We value players that are highly active and put in the effort. We’re currently focusing on improving squads for the Geo TB. Please don’t hesitate contact us to see if we’re a good fit.

    **Other Requirements:**
    - 3M GP min
    - Must have JTR
    - Participate in all guild events
    - Discord (

    Message us:

    Ally code 188-384-421
    Discord Obi Jackson#2695

    Ally code 217-216-449
    Discord JanRingo#5711
  • NerfHerderSW
    62 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    • Guild Name: EwokTribble Alliance
    • Number of members required: 1
    • Guild GP: 119 Million
    • Guild reset time: 23:30 UTC
    • Raids: Heroic Rancor and HAAT on farm. Heroic Sith Triumvirate raid.
    • Geo Territory Battle results: 7 stars. Very close to getting the 8th star in the last fleet territory.
    • Territory War results: 50 wins with the majority being in recent times.
    • Minimum Activity: Will be removed after 7 days of inactivity if the guild is full and you haven't let us know about your absence.

    Hi guys.
    We are an active but casual guild that are looking for new members. We have had members become inactive.
    We have no requirements beyond staying active. We will not dictate who you have to farm, but can provide team suggestions if you want them.
    We will not force you to spend crystals in order to earn your 600 tickets per day. Currently we earn around 20k tickets per day.
    We are doing the Heroic Sith raid, but using the Anakin loop to do it. Ultimately we're working towards being able to do phase 3 without relying on the loop since it's likely to be nerfed soon, which is why we are looking for active members that can help with the team effort.
    The raids are all scheduled to start at the guild reset time, except for the Rancor, which starts 30 mins earlier so that we can smash it out (in roughly 7 mins) before any other raids start.
    We use the in-game chat for communication with one another. Being a casual guild we didn't want to have to rely on Discord or Line. The chat is filled with light conversation with humour and fun; talk of strategy; and the occasional rant/vent about some difficult aspect of the game ;) It is highly desirable that new members chat with us on that. Silent members are boring members...
    PM me with your questions, or your ally code if you're interested in joining and I can invite you in. Or you can contact me in-game; my ally code is 753-921-114. The guild is open to join, so if you manage to find us in the in-game guild search, you can just join from there too.
    Post edited by NerfHerderSW on
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    150M+ GP

    48/50 Members currently.

    We are looking for 2 more players to bolster our ranks.
    They will also get some cookies, because...reasons :)

    CrobiWans is a fully Heroic guild.
    We are looking for active members who have teams that are HSR/TW/TB viable/ or working towards them.
    We are a combination of Canadian and Croatians plus internationals and all are welcome. CrobiWans is a relaxed guild consisting of active and enthusiastic players. We are looking for similar players that want to get the most out of the game.
    Our team members dont bloat our GPs so we are constantly doing great in GA and TW.
    We are quite active on Discord, having fun and helping eachother.

    GEO DS TB - 11 stars
    DarkSide TB - 39 stars
    LightSide TB - 37 stars
    (Improving on this each time around ;) )

    TW we are doing quite well (around 70% All Time WR). In 120M+ tier, so we are getting 2-3 Zetas always.

    General info and rules:

    Guild refresh time is 5:30 PM GMT
    Farming all Heroic Raids
    HPIT is 6 PM GMT after a 24 hour join period, SIM enabled.
    HAAT is 7 PM GMT after a 24 hour join period
    HSR is 10 PM GMT

    Members should do:
    • 600 tickets on most days but we dont pressure people into it
    • Active in TW and TB and Raids.
    • 2M GP minimum
    • Discord activity and profile are a must so we can work better together.

    Be polite, dont bloat your GP, have a great time and some cookies :)

    Come chat to us on our Discord server and chat to one of our officers or if you have any other questions just feel free to ask me directly.
  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    The UK based guild known as ESCAPED ARKHAM INMATES are looking for new members (a.k.a. Inmates)!
    We're an active guild that is mostly interested in having fun and making sure as many Inmates as possible have fun, too!

    To that end;
    We raid Heroic Rancor with guild rules designed to make sure Inmates without Han Solo at 7* get the top spots.
    We raid Heroic Tank with guild rules designed to make sure Inmates without General Kenobi at 7* get the top spots.
    And we raid Sith VI with a view to making sure as many Inmates as possible are building up their forces ready for Tier VII!
    (All Raids start at 8pm UK time.)

    We understand that this is a GAME first and foremost and games are supposed to be fun and not take over your life. Thus we do not insist you log in every day (but don't be idle for too long!) but when you do log in during a Territory Battle or Territory War, we expect participation. 0 points in a War or Battle gets frowned upon.

    And that's about it!

    We're here to have fun and we want to make sure that all Inmates do, too. Our strongest members have over 3.5M GP, our weakest have less than 1M. We win more Territory Wars than we lose and, personally speaking, I'm enjoying a nice bit of stilton cheese as I type these words.

    What more could you possibly want? :smiley:
    Join us today and never go back to the Asylum!
  • Options
    Active Friendly Christian Guild:

    104M Galactic Power
    >30 active daily players looking for few more to cement core Territory War team and push into Genosian TB

    Heroic Pit and AAT 1-2x/wk
    6* star Sith Triumvirate 1/week
    Working on alternating Hoth and Geonosis.
    Hoth is 25ish stars, Geo is 4 to 5.

    Need a few more about 1.5 to round out the regulars. Need not be Christian, but it's a plus. Respect guild mates and remember we have kids playing so be kind in chat.

  • Options
    The Knights Who Say Utini are looking for active players who want to enjoy the end-game content while enjoying a personal life, and still having fun.

    We are a PVE centered, US based guild looking for members to fill 1 current, maybe 2 vacant spots. Our only real requirements are that you have fun, and that you can follow instructions for TB/TW and put in close to 600 raid tickets each day. (400 minimum)

    We need active players who are looking to join in HSTR and GeoTB. We hit 11* this time with three misses of less than 4mil GP that would be a lock with 50/50 active players. Most of our players haven't yet unlocked Traya but are closing in, and top 10 HSTR spots are very open to anyone with RJT, NS, and Revan. We all try to help each other with farming, donations, and strategy.

    All raid times CST, 1 day join timer

    HSTR - 6:30pm start - less than 3hr clear
    HPit - 6:30pm SIM
    HAAT - 7pm - Solo runs are A-OK.

    TW is optional as we don't have enough roster pieces like Traya for our GP range, but we still play to win. You must follow zone guidance and ask questions readily.

    Discord and are good to have and used for coordinating, but not mandatory.

    Currently at 155mil GP after losing a couple EU players who needed better raid times. We're looking for 1 or 2 players who are able to either put in 400+ tickets per day, and have strong (2.5mil GP+) rosters with at least two of Revan, DRevan, Padme, Traya, RJT, Nightsisters, Geonosians, or separtist droids nearing G12. If you have GeoTB ready squads, those are worth a huge weight in our considerations as these are general guidelines for our recruiting, not hard limits.

    We were all low GP once, so we understand needing to grow, but we have to place a hard floor of 2mil GP unless you have a very focused roster of the top toons and ships.

    We are somewhat casual, so no one gets kicked for missing tickets one day if explained ahead of time, and life absence is expected from time to time, we just ask for a heads up in chat. We are somewhat casual, so there's no farming or out of game requirements, but using discord and is a plus.

    If you have a friend looking to come with, let us know their GP, as we could open up a spot held by a semi-active willing to make room.

    Search for us in game for open join, or message me here for any questions or concerns you may have.

    Ally Code - 549-465-231

    Thanks for reading, and good luck on the holotables!
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    Lothal Ghost Crew is recruiting. We are a casual active guild: the only requirement is to sign up for TW. Other than that ,play the game in a way that is fun to you.

    We have 33 members (about 25 daily active, others chip in when they can). We use in game chat.

    Guild GP 43mil. US east coast time but start raids late to accomodate west coast members. We run HAAT, Hpit and t5 Sith (can do in 2 days, but its boring so it runs about 4 days). We`ve won 3 of our last 4 TWs.

    It's a great, friendly guild here to have fun and work toward a variety of goals. If your guild is looking to merge we can accomadate 15+.

    If you cant find us, send me an ally request, Rebel Lion 171-856-898.
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    MDC Masters looking for 2 players to get us to 80GP

    We do Heroic Pit & Tank Raids with Tier VI for Sith.

    Hoping for to get those 2 new players in the next 3 days so we can try participating in the Separatists event.

    Each player should be at least 1.2 GP

    My ally code is 777-558-196.
  • Options
    We are Hearts of Kyber
    Heroic Rancor: 1 day join period. No damage if you have a 7* Han. If you don't yet have a 7* Han we want you to get him ASAP.
    Heroic AAT: 1 day join period, then free for all
    Sith Tier VI: Unlocks immediately, free for all
    65.7M GP total, 1.5M GP average
    We currently have 9 spots open. Looking for active players as we improve our Hoth TB and the Sith Raid, and grow towards Geo TB. We're drama-free, relaxed, and here to have fun, with knowledgeable and helpful officers. If you're at about 1.5M -2.5M GP and want a mostly casual, drama free place to grow you'll fit right in.
    Reset Time: 7:30pm CST / 12:30am UTC / GMT -6
    10-day inactivity limit
    600 daily tickets are encouraged
    Participate in guild events
    No roster requirements
    No damage on Rancor of you have 7* Han Solo
    In game chat is used to coordinate
    Message me if you're interested. My ally code is 934-694-433
  • Options
    Trilium has one rare spot for an active daily player.
    Want to be treated like a human instead of a robot? We are an independent guild, have been around since guilds were introduced, for most it is their first and only guild which shows the kind of atmosphere and loyalty we have. We keep it fun and friendly but also are extremely competitive with the complete understanding of real life comes first.
    So a little about us:
    Guild name - Trilium (Central Europe time zone)
    Guild GP - 182mil
    TW - 65 wins and always play to win
    LSTB - 44☆
    DSTB - 46 ☆
    GEOTB - 21☆
    RAIDS - start times are 9pm (GMT+1)
    Heroic Rancor/HAAT 2-3 times a week
    HSR every 4 days depending on daily ticket counts usually around 29k
    What we are looking for:
    Full focus on TW since we beat all raids on a heroic level easily and TW is the real endgame
    GP 3 mil and above
    We expect a minimum of 500 raid tickets daily but most get their 600.
    Full participation in all aspects of the game TB’s, TW, and Sith raid.
    To summarize:
    We are not any of the big guild alliances consisting of 100’s of sub guilds, we are more of a small family who enjoy playing and having fun. We help each other, give advice and have lots of general chatting, sticking to our few rules we do have, joining discord, and following TW banners and TB is a given thing. We are as laid back as possible but still ambitious and organized.
    If you see yourself in all of this please don’t hesitate.
    Send us a DM here
    Or even better join our discord server:
    We look forward to having you join the family
  • Options
    Hello, I'm one of the leaders of "Spaceballs".

    We're an fun, easy-going and competitive FTP guild. We frequently win at TW and have scored 44/45 stars in LS/DS TB. We are looking at making a run at full completion in Hoth TB's soon, but are focusing on Geo TB where we can get better rewards than Hoth. We are currently scoring 18 stars in Geo TB, with the possibility of 19 soon.

    We are farming all Raids on Heroic

    Below are some of the guild guidelines that we have posted:

    * All members should do 600
    * Discord is mandatory,
    * Create a profile on and link your account

    Territory Wars
    * Joining and participating is a must!
    * Follow the instructions for D
    * Must score above the character "Comb the Desert"

    Territory Battles
    * Minimum, deploy GP
    * Must score above the character "Quackers"

    * Starts whenever we have enough tickets at 10pm EDT
    * 22hr join period
    * Opens 5pm EDT, free-for-all
    * Rancor ends quickly (~7 mins)
    * Tank ends in approx. 35 mins
    * Sith ends in a few hours

    * No ****, except @****
    * Remember it's a game and we are all real people with lives
    * Have fun!
    * May the Schwartz Be With You

    If you're interested, join us on Discord at and we can chat. My handle on there is "Barf".
  • YodaDoc
    1053 posts Member
    Chairborne Rangers (
    (Invite only)

    We are looking for ~9 active people to join our guild to replace those who are not pulling their weights. We are one independent guild of three in an alliance.

    • Must be active - daily players only
    • Must be at minimum level 80
    • Must have account
    Here's our rules...
    • Be active: do the daily guild activities and generate 300 tickets (20 misses in 2 months, get removed)
    • No login for 10 straight days without notifying me, get removed.
    • We have strike system... for TB/TW. If rule for strategy broken, get a strike. 3 strikes, get removed. Rules are as follow...
      • For TW defense, squad size requirement are set for few territories, go below, get a strike
      • For Hoth TB, anyone do rebel action, get a strike
    • TB: we get about 36 stars
    • TW: won at least 90% (50+ wins already)
    • Sith: tier 6 within a day or two, start immediately (almost ready for HSTR)
    • HPIT (Sims)/HAAT: 24 hours wait period, start time is 8 local rotating with EST, PST, EU (Germany)
    • If already have 7* Hans/GK, do not solo it or get significance damage
    • Discord is optional - rated PG :)
    Any questions? Or welcome aboard? :)
  • Navju_Jocum
    123 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    8/18 update: we got 19 stars in geo TB!

    Hi all, we are an active guild focused on fun, not a lot of rules, basically just be active. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.

    #1 Pro: we have a g13 CUP!
    #1 Con: we have a g13 CUP?

    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 168 mil GP (plus you!)
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 9:30 EDT
    • 19 stars in Geo TB, working hard on Seps
    • very good TW record
    • require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, hopefully have (or be working on) all the pillar characters
    • Min 2 mil gp, but will take lower if it is a super focused roster.
    • I am a Virgo, own too many Firefly t-shirts, and really hate long walks on the beach
    • pop quiz hot shots: Why do I hate long walks on the beach?
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
    Post edited by Navju_Jocum on
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    Looking for an guild earning 24* in Geo TB? Join RHAL!! 194 mil GP

    RHAL (Really has a Life) is Territory Battles focused Guild in WWL (We With Lives) alliance. We are only running the New Geonosian TB and are currently getting 20 stars.

    Guild Requirements:
    • Minimum 500 tickets daily with 600 preferred
    • Synced profile
    • Discord chat app and active communication required
    • Roster ready for STR, TB/TW teams, and working on Geonosis TB teams including Seps, Geos, and Brood Alpha.

    Guild Events:
    • 24 :star: in Geonosis DS TB
    • Rancor: Simmed after 24 hr ZDP
    • hAAT: Launch at 1:00pm ET/5:00 pm GMT. 24 hr ZDP. 15 min delay before any damage,
      30 min before posting solos
    • hSTR: 3:00 pm ET/7:00 pm GMT. 24 hr ZDP
    • US based Eastern time guild reset - 6:30 pm ET

    We are a part of the WWL (We With Lives) alliance. A great group and community always willing to help you out even if it isn’t game related. We do understand that people have lives, so you won't be removed for minor issues. If there is a problem, let us know. Leave of absences can be arranged. May of the Alliances members have been playing for multiple years and are all whiling to share knowledge.

    If this looks appealing to you, friend me on Discord eamus_catuli#3545 and we can chat.
  • Dmitry_M81
    459 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    We are full already
    Post edited by Dmitry_M81 on
  • Options
    Need 4-5 members
    Requirements: Active Daily, Full Participation in TB, actively farming and gearing Separatists, line chat or discord. Focused rosters GP in the 3.5+ mil range
    We have a sister guild we borrow players from for TB but need some new blood.
    Contact me in game Azzies 225-429-429 or
    Discord azzies#5447
    Line chat azzies1217
  • Options
    Gildia Masters of Je'daii poszukuje członków, zapewniamy wielką okazję na rozwój zarówno mniej jak i bardziej zaawansowanym graczom. Wszystkie godziny są według strefy czasowej GMT+1
    - sim HPit o 19:00
    - HAAT o 20:00
    - HTST o 17:00
    - 12 gwiazdek z potencjałem na 14 (brakuje paru m w 2 polach) w geo TB
    - Aktywności (min 500 ticketów dziennie)
    - 1,5M GP (dopuszczalne wyjątki)
    - Chęci do rozwoju

    Więcej informacji oraz przyjmowanie zgłoszeń:

    Masters of Je'daii is looking for new members, we offer a great opportunity for both advanced players and begginers. Time schelude is based on GMT+1 time zone. We are a Polish based guild, but we are open for anyone that is active and knows English :)
    We offer:
    - Sim Hpit at 7:00pm
    - HAAT at 8:00pm
    - HTST at 5:00pm
    - 12 stars with just couple of mil points on 2 tiles short to 14 in geo TB
    We expect:
    - daily activity (500 tickets every day)
    - 1.5M GP (exceptions can be made after a chat on discord)
    - readiness for advancement in game

    More info and recruiting point:
  • Options
    Hey all! Kaz Weazzle is an acive guild currently looking for active players! All we ask is that you get your daily 600 tickets to go towards raids. We are currently farming all Heroic raids multiple times per week. Currently, we are doing Geo TB, achieving 15*. We currently have 5 open spots.
  • Options
    Do you have 2.0 mil gp or higher??
    We have 49 members
    You must have one of the following: C3po,Chewy, Revan, Darth Revan, Padme
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
    Guild Reset time: 6:30pm CST
  • Options
    Guild Name: Galactic Rebels
    ALLY CODE: 762-787-361 (MBS)
    We are a 169 Mil GP guild that has been around for a while now. We recently lost 1 member due to real life priorities so we are looking around for more great people. We are now looking to fill this spot with anyone above 2.5m GP.
    We have several things to offer you:
    - All heroic raids on rotation: simmed hpit; 1 team, no damage cap for haat, and ffa hstr
    - An awesome group of people who are happy to answer questions or give donations (half the guild has 500+ donations) out of the goodness of their hearts
    -A solid team for tw (almost a 75% win rate with 50+ wins)
    -39/41 for ls/ds TB - Geo TB 16*
    We are a US based guild, however, we have a couple international members. Our raids start at 12:30am utc but the 24h join period we have in place helps ensure everyone gets some sort of reward.

    In terms of the culture our great members have created, we are a casual but competitive guild. If you're p2p, great! If you're f2p, also great! As long as you like staying competitive, we would love to have you!

    We have a discord channel but it is not a requirement. We don't feel a need to make a third party app required just to enjoy this game which is why we communicate through game chat. That said, we ask that you check guild chat, a separate coordination chat, and the announcements before making any decisions in guild-based events!

    We are currently looking to recruit 1 new member. If anyone has any questions regarding our guild, please don't hesitate to let me know. We also now have a discord channel so join if you'd like to see what we have to offer. Thank you for reading!
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