Anyone else experiencing a great drop rate for hard node shards?

I know it's a small sample size, but I've gone 5/6 on Daka shards from her one node the past two days, and went 4/5 on Lumi shards yesterday. Anyone else seeing this or am I just on a hot streak?


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    *disgruntled mumble* As some would say, you are defecating on my rainbow. RNG has hated me since day one, I was happy with one Rey shard!
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    I've only ever had one hot streak, that being a run on Kylo shards that will never be broken by me. Today, the usual 0/6 Rey shards, average 1/3 for a few others and......5/6 for Dooku which is what I usually get over the course of 4 or 5 days. All in all a very good day
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    I went 100% on Rey shards yesterday, 1/1. Lol if only the trend would continue....
    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Daka definitely no but kylo shards have been dropping like rain for me the past couple of days.
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    As for today, cantina drops was really bad...on the other hands, the hard mode gives good drop (4-5 shards out of 6)
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    While it should be luck (not that we ever get to see code), I got 10/10 kylo shards this morning it kinda evened out the 0/9 I had before midnight though hehe.
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    No. Juat ride your lucky day or week. Very 15% rates here!
  • JoJoMo_007
    114 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Nope. I went 0/12 on Dooku shards, 1/12 on Barriss, 0/6 FOTP, 1/6 ewok elder, 1/6 Ima Gun-Di. tonite. Nothing spectacular to note but slightly better on any of the others I farm either.
  • Benr3600
    1098 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    Mine has not changed. I got 1 FOTP which is half of what I got for the previous six days total. Ahsoka was 1/6 for a predicted 1 short of promotion and Lady Kaka was 2/3. Kylo was 7/20. Business as usual.
  • MaceMazer
    126 posts Member
    edited January 2016
    I'm 2 shards away from unlocking Boba Fett and I'm awaiting cantina energy to refill. So, thought it would be an easy option to go for the hard battle nodes to unlock him. Out of the 6 attempts I got ZERO shards! Absolute joke if you ask me!!
  • Ring
    559 posts Member
    Not really, no. Today was actually the first day EVER when I had 0/3 for Rey. The other characters being farmed aren't doing so great either. So it's quite possible, @dkredsox , that you're using up my share of luck. This is a cease and desist message and I would appreciate it if you kindly stopped. Should you continue to appropriate my shards, I will be forced to take measures up to and including being mean to you in future posts.
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    "Anyone else experiencing a great drop rate for hard node shards?"
    Three words: No.
    ☮ Consular ☮ Many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view. -Ben Kenobi
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    Mine has definitely been better. I was able to get Boba Fett three days earlier than I had expected with just Cantina shipments.
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    Old thread I know, but I'm getting nothing for Daka except from Cantina. Been like 3 days. Mace Windu and 5's shards are giving me good returns though.
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    no mine still suck

    lucky if I get 1/6 for rey ani or ima
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    I actually have been taking note wirh my gs I have gone 67 out of 90 in last few days with refreshes
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    Smithy920 wrote: »
    I actually have been taking note wirh my gs I have gone 67 out of 90 in last few days with refreshes

    I'm getting good returns for him also, and though I'm not necessarily keeping track, I feel like I'm getting around 50% or so.

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    Been farming Mace for a week or so and I find that after refreshing cantina and doing 12 attempts for his shards I would usually get like 3-6 shards average. yesterday I got zero :( ish happens
  • Triqui
    2790 posts Member
    Sure more people Experience it. Others, quite the oppossite. Because it is random
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    Smithy920 wrote: »
    I actually have been taking note wirh my gs I have gone 67 out of 90 in last few days with refreshes

    Wow you probably have the best drop rate in the game :) It was roughly 1/3 when i was farming Geonosian Soldier The Great. I also feel a slight increase in shard drop rate but the purple gear rate is miserable as usual.
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    slmcmr wrote: »
    Smithy920 wrote: »
    I actually have been taking note wirh my gs I have gone 67 out of 90 in last few days with refreshes

    Wow you probably have the best drop rate in the game :) It was roughly 1/3 when i was farming Geonosian Soldier The Great. I also feel a slight increase in shard drop rate but the purple gear rate is miserable as usual.

    Yea it's strange while my dooku has gone 2 for 15 and I no I haven't recorded jc but went 0 for 9 tonight was fuming
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    I think the shards have increased a bit. I've been getting more random shards in bronziums and I went back to farming GS after stopping to work on Plo Koon for the Jedi event. I am getting GS shards waaaaay faster than I was getting Plo Koon shards. But GS is the very first node so maybe his drop rate is just higher than PK. (Ha... PK, I like that. Penalty Kill Plo Koon. Appropriate.)

    Purple gear drops at a miserable rate. I just used 110 energy trying to farm some purple droid callers and didn't get a single one. Ugh. What a waste.

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    Im at 99/100 for Bariss Offee and went 0/6. **** if you ask me
  • Berimbolo
    946 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    It's all RNG, some good, some bad

    1 of 18 on my last JC hard node runs, but than I got 10 of 22 purple stun cuffs, those things never drop like that for me, I'm usually happy with 2 out of 10 if I'm lucky
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Im at 99/100 for Bariss Offee and went 0/6. **** if you ask me

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    Smithy920 wrote: »
    I actually have been taking note wirh my gs I have gone 67 out of 90 in last few days with refreshes

    Taking my shards!

    Over the same three days with two days having two refreshes (so along the lines of 120 pills) I have gotten 26. Game hates me lately.

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    slmcmr wrote: »
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Im at 99/100 for Bariss Offee and went 0/6. **** if you ask me


    I've gone three days without getting the final shard for a character before. I've also been farming Rey for over a month and I've never gotten more than 2/9 shards in a day. Maybe I should just quit.
  • scuba
    14126 posts Member
    Slewfoot wrote: »
    Im at 99/100 for Bariss Offee and went 0/6. **** if you ask me

    That was my daka last shard. Sitting at 99/100 0/3 over 3 or 4 days. Kept tempting me to do I refresh but held out and got it
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    Rarely I have good luck like that. I try to really soak it up when it happens, cuz I get a higher number of droughts than hot streaks.
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    I'm currently on a cold streak, 0 Rey and Dooku shards on the past 3 days, so.. no.
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