Omegas need the Zeta treatment



  • Treeburner
    773 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Reduce the amount of attempts down to 2 for credits, Omega ,training mats like fleet challenges keep the gear ones on 3. And you can have a best of both for the two arguments.

    People who said 9 is too much a week how about 6 ,and those who want more how does 6 extra a week sound?

    @Wildwood247 I see he needs 20 zeta mats out of your 88 roughly 22%of your pot but doesn't he also have 3 moves to Omega 5 a piece and a 16 Omegas for his zeta so 31 total , which is about 23% of your pot so I get what you are saying .
    But their are a lot toons with no zetas and those that do have zetas also need more Omegas as pointed out using your magnaguard,
    So to close, nothing wrong with getting 1 or 2 more a week.

    No just out right terrible idea,

    Any suggestions ?
    I took a punt and tried to help both arguments.
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    @Treeburner I already have all of his Omegas done. Again save then do them when you have an inventory you are comfortable with. Wasn't really meaning that specific toon just showing that you CAN save mats and then use later once you have a comfortable cushion unless you just can't wait and need EVERYTHING right away like most people on here think it should go.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    I say reduce the omegas even more. It's a resource management game and I trust my management. Let's see who's really smart about it.
    I need a new message here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    I say reduce the omegas even more. It's a resource management game and I trust my management. Let's see who's really smart about it.

    Says the long time player, yeah just screw the newbies (even whale newbies). Classic putting up a barrier when you are on the other side of that barrier (e.g. regulating and industry when you are #1 to prevent others from competing)...
  • Treeburner
    773 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Treeburner wrote: »
    Reduce the amount of attempts down to 2 for credits, Omega ,training mats like fleet challenges keep the gear ones on 3. And you can have a best of both for the two arguments.

    People who said 9 is too much a week how about 6 ,and those who want more how does 6 extra a week sound?

    @Wildwood247 I see he needs 20 zeta mats out of your 88 roughly 22%of your pot but doesn't he also have 3 moves to Omega 5 a piece and a 16 Omegas for his zeta so 31 total , which is about 23% of your pot so I get what you are saying .
    But their are a lot toons with no zetas and those that do have zetas also need more Omegas as pointed out using your magnaguard,
    So to close, nothing wrong with getting 1 or 2 more a week.

    No just out right terrible idea,

    Any suggestions ?
    I took a punt and tried to help both arguments.

    Would make more sense to put the guarantee on the ship challenge, since that already runs 2 times instead if limiting the credit and the purple mat gain

    I approve the improvement

    @Wildwood247 I was just using your toon as a example for the supply and demand,there's no doubt that more Omegas are needed overall ,and I have no issues collecting/hoarding Omegas I mean We have a choice on which to buy from fleet store if that's are choosing and one free everyday +challenges , Gw, a small chance on 16en cantina plus many more .
    I think people just hate seeing a possibility of 13 challenges simed in a week and no omegas , and having a definite 1 zeta on the fleet challenge makes the bad RNG even more frustrating.
  • Daishi
    718 posts Member
    Idk, I like the randomness surprise mechanic of omegas. I wish both omega and zeta had 1 guaranteed and a chance at 2
  • kalidor
    2125 posts Member
    kalidor wrote: »
    Yikes, you want a guaranteed 3 omegas on Wed, Sat, and Sun? I'm as irritated as anyone when I don't get any omegas from the set of 3 challenges, but 9 more a week seems a little high. Especially with the extra omegas from events and TW (every 2 weeks). Managing resources and roster planning is a big part of the game, I wouldn't want to see it trivialized.

    Hey you know, if you were to get 11 omega per week, you would need to play for 8 year and half to get all the omegas in the game which is like what 4,500 omega mats and like 2,000 zetas?

    Luckily you don't need all the omegas or zetas in the game. There's a lot of them I would never omega even if I had 8 years. Generally you shouldn't be working on more than a handful of units at once anyway, and that brings the number of outstanding omegas down to a much more manageable number. And if you take the good advice that you shouldn't zeta or omega any hero unless you're actively gearing them above g8, you'll find yourself with a pretty decent stash of omegas.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    They should just increase the drop rate in cantina battles to 15%. Let people burn crystals on refreshes and energy on nodes that they will probably have the toon from already.
  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Yeah, the omega crunch has existed long before the fix to zeta mats, but I do find it ironic that the very first time I felt the omega crunch since I started playing over a year ago, was soon after they fixed zeta drops to be six a week min, now I'm collecting zeta mats for the first time ever that I can't use thanks to no zeta's.

    Really need some more omega avenues. I know its hurt to lose out on a day of assault battles as that used to mean four, but now only means 2, so we've all been getting less omega's then we used to from events.

    GA/C really should drop more. Just something, cause man do you need a lot of em' Need another couple hundred omega's to do catching up, and well, I have 0 atm :D
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