Geo cm

So why is it that we've got this beautiful new brood alpha that makes geos super awesome but we are forced to use a poggle lead for a cm? Isn't that an outdated thing? Intentionally hamstringing a squad just seems really petty to me. Its not even the first time its been an issue, but the other two tbs weren't quite this hard on the forced leader battles. Get it together guys amd fix it already.


  • Ultra
    11528 posts Moderator
    It’s intentional and there is nothing to fix here
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    Its designed to make you think outside the box, if you just have to use the standard squad theres no theory crafting. Forcing an under utilized lead makes it more interesting.
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    I'm all for more thought but in this case, they gave us a new squad and even came right out and said that the newbie was the leader to use and then to say use the old leader doesn't seem thought provoking in the slightest. It feels to me like a lazy attempt to encourage g13 and good rng. I would rather theory craft without being forced to use a bad leader ability. They gave us all sorts of other new stuff to play with so why make it about using an outdated leader ability that just makes it way harder than it needs to be
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    Are you using a full geo squad?
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    I am using full geos. All g12 with a bit of gear besides alpha who is only 6 star but is maxed otherwise. I've been one shotted by Anakin aoe the last 2 tbs
  • TVF
    36629 posts Member
    You can use GBA to lead full geo squads in the rest of the phases.
    I need a new message here.
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    Try swaping in dooku and jango, alot of my guild is having success with jango in that cm
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Its called strategizing it separates the average player and the skilled player
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    I am using full geos. All g12 with a bit of gear besides alpha who is only 6 star but is maxed otherwise. I've been one shotted by Anakin aoe the last 2 tbs

    Have you tried not letting him do that? Maybe use Poggle to Ability Block? Legit question, mine are not good enough to get there yet so I don't know.
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    Ive been using jango with bhs but maybe next time I will try it. I can see my whole squad getting ripped by bad rng tho. Padawan Anakin is too op
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    I am using full geos. All g12 with a bit of gear besides alpha who is only 6 star but is maxed otherwise. I've been one shotted by Anakin aoe the last 2 tbs

    Have you tried not letting him do that? Maybe use Poggle to Ability Block? Legit question, mine are not good enough to get there yet so I don't know.

    He goes before I even get a move so I would if I could preload the tm the right way but so far nada
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    As pointed out above, try ability blocking ani and take him out
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    Sounds like the typical moar speed problem
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    Its more about who has the most tm going into the fight. I keep getting screwed on that somehow
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