Gw is easy

Cleared gw #61 today, lost zero toons. How many have you cleared?


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    63/150 and it's a challenge most days for me. There are a lot of variables.
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    89. Didn't lose any heroes today but a few matches were hard. I would like to smack the person who started the QGJ leader bandwagon, The last 5 squads I fought QGJ lead... Yay speed...

    Edit: Normally top 20 in arena since my shard has caught up. I find GW difficulty good since march 3rd update and extremely easy before that. Like I would clear it with 4 heroes or no specials other than JC heal...just to make it more interesting easy.
    Post edited by Randall on
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    Get halfway through at best
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    #47, but my toons are levelled only up to 40, but have a lot thus I guess this pushes the GW difficulty down.
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    Randall wrote: »
    89. Didn't lose any heroes today but a few matches were hard. I would like to smack the person who started the QGJ leader bandwagon, The last 5 squads I fought QGJ lead... Yay speed...

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    #47, but my toons are levelled only up to 40, but have a lot thus I guess this pushes the GW difficulty down.

    You've finishes GW 47 times at level 40?
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    Actually please reply with gw clears, arena rank, and how hard you find gw. I found that if I get arena rank too high (399 or better) gw becomes very difficult. I try to stay in the 450-499 bracket.
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    Yes, even before, but since two month I just increase the roaster and have a good bench of toons for replacement. No toon is above 40. Have 30 toons but 8 are even staying on level 1 right now.
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    65 clears. arena rank 1, arena power 27k. 6-8 nodes of max opponents every night, sometimes frustrating if most of them are QGJ lead with dooku GS.
  • CollinF
    203 posts Member
    Arena ranks 150. GW has been impossible for me to be the past week. I get matched up with lv 70 7*s And my guys are LV 64 I have 3 7*s and two 5*s.
  • Brom
    236 posts Member
    17 GW clears, arena rank 17. I think it's also important to mention that I'm level 61 and have been playing for a month. GW was inconsistent before the update. I've been able to clear it everyday after the update relatively easily (don't have to retreat a lot and (throw in a suicide squad every now and then). That said, my arena squad power just reached over 20k today so GW difficulty might skyrocket.
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    71 cleared, rank top 10, GW hasn't been a challenge in awhile. GW for me is a chore as is most of the game these days. Squad arena is only really fun thing I have left. I stopped doing most challenges. Haven't touched PVE since 3* all of them. 7* most of the "good chars". Game has plateaued. Been playing other games, this game is on its way out for me, thank god for google refund :D
  • Rolf
    1032 posts Member
    86 clears. Been arena top ten all week with a few #1s. I haven't had any trouble with GW since they changed the retreat mechanism.
    My ally code: 296-673-769. Wish we could have more than 35.
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    42 xs lvl 70 arena rank mid 30s. I didn't start clearing GW till I was in the mid 60s
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    I liked the other (previous) retreat mechanism, more challenging and bit thrilling. I did not perceive the old or new retreat made much change in difficulty. Some weeks ago the difficulty skyrocket, but after the last update I would say it is fair for me (as I have a replacement bench of toons).
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    Lvl 50 and just now starting to notice how easy it's getting, maybe I'm just lucking into sht teams all the time but then again a few days ago I got pounded at like the 4-5 node
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    Lvl70. 79 gw clears. Usually top 20 in arena. Highest ranking was 4th. Early december shard.
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    Speakender wrote: »
    Actually please reply with gw clears, arena rank, and how hard you find gw. I found that if I get arena rank too high (399 or better) gw becomes very difficult. I try to stay in the 450-499 bracket.

    71 clears, arena top 10, very challenging but fun. All max teams past node 2
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    It varies, sometimes easier than others.
  • Onetime7979
    1012 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    If you have 8 + Level 70 max Star you should finish Gw every single day in my opinion with your eyes closed
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
    If you have 8 + Level 70 max Star you should finish Gw every single day in my opinion with your eyes closed

    How can I drive with my eyes closed?
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    scuba wrote: »
    If you have 8 + Level 70 max Star you should finish Gw every single day in my opinion with your eyes closed

    How can I drive with my eyes closed?

    Auto battle? I kid...
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    I justed finished a really epic GW right now. I won by a hair to make a really long story short. I lost a lot of toons and pulled it of at the end with a really wierd mix of my A,B,C,D teams. I got Yoda today and he was the hero of my GW today. It's really challenging for me everyday but I just try to out smart the AI with different combos( it's possible.)
    Im lvl 69 rank in the 300's rarely the 2's Ive won 31 GW and its rarely been easy.
    My squad power is 21.000 I use all Jedi team right know I stoped useing the cookie cut out of Captain Phasma, Sid, Lumi, etc, etc
    Now i use:
    QGJ (L)
    Eeth/ Jc
    For arena. Im working on Anakin to add to the squad and as soon as General Kenobi comes bye Mace!
  • jusTiC3
    47 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    It is not easy. Got 34 Characters, 5 on Lvl 70 max. gear (7 to 5 stars, arena Power 25k), 20 lvl 60-50, some at 20 - 8. Player Lvl 70, arena rank 188, finished the gw only ten times. It's nearly impossible for me, cause I'm facing lvl 70 in every second fight with 7 star characters only. That's annoying and frustrating.
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    Maybe I have it easy, but I have a pretty solid roster (see my other post from earlier today). I've had days where I have to blow through a suicide squad or two, but most days I breeze through it with one or two battles that require several retreats. I had one battle last week, all 6* level 65, gear 7, andthat team must have eaten their Wheaties because I had to retreat 15 times before I cleared it with 4 toons, and a heal off of cool down. (this, btw, is an important strategy that gets me through most or all of gw.)
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    how can I drive with my eyes closed?
    Auto battle? I kid...
    Thank you for Responding to my comment
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    I also use the same squad, auto GW
  • scuba
    14118 posts Member
    Big_Boss wrote: »
    I justed finished a really epic GW right now. I won by a hair to make a really long story short. I lost a lot of toons and pulled it of at the end with a really wierd mix of my A,B,C,D teams. I got Yoda today and he was the hero of my GW today. It's really challenging for me everyday but I just try to out smart the AI with different combos( it's possible.)
    Im lvl 69 rank in the 300's rarely the 2's Ive won 31 GW and its rarely been easy.
    My squad power is 21.000 I use all Jedi team right know I stoped useing the cookie cut out of Captain Phasma, Sid, Lumi, etc, etc
    Now i use:
    QGJ (L)
    Eeth/ Jc
    For arena. Im working on Anakin to add to the squad and as soon as General Kenobi comes bye Mace!

    Nice job stepping away, you definitely made it harder on yourself as most opponents are anti Jedi.
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