I’ve got a story

Monday evening

I look over proudly at my wife. I’ve just beaten 2 SE teams, won 2 in GAC, and defeated several SE teams in arena. I tell her, “ I’ve arrived. I can finally compete .”

She looked back, “ oh good. “

She doesn’t care, but I’ve done a lot of work to get there. I’m very happy.

Tuesday evening

I’ve just gotten beaten by the exact same teams that I beat the day before. I ponder if I’ve made some mistakes in my attacks. I wait until the next day, I battle many SE teams, some many many gears lower than me. I add relics. Same results. How could this Be? I’m still not sure.

I ask my brother, he seems to be having the same issue. He speaks of conspiracy and nerfing teams, because people have finally caught up to the meta. I’m not convinced.

I think back back on my favorite childhood games, those that were a challenge, but I practiced and got better.

My first thoughts, the game I was always most proud to beat,Mike Tyson’s punch out. I remembered playing for hours and hours. Most of the time I’d only last a few seconds, but I continued to play. I remembered the pattern. Finally it happened. I knocked out Mike Tyson. I sat in silence. I had won.

I thought of The Legend of Zelda, it was such an immense game. The first game that I can recall that you could save. I thought fondly of the journey of finding my weapons, how certain weapons needed to be used to defeat certain characters. I remembered the battle with Ganon. The timing, the aim, the shot, the victory.

I thought of hanging out with my friends. We’d take turns playing games. Once you died it was the next persons turn. I remembered practicing to get better, I didn’t want to die. I wanted to get better , so I practiced.

I come back from thoughts, I look down at my tablet. I want to get better, I’ve learned the pattern , I practiced, I’ve gotten the weapons to defeat my opponents. I want get better, I open my wallet and reach for my card. I think to myself, “ man, times have changed.”

No practice will make you better. No posts on the forum complaining of relics will matter. Republican credits don’t work here , only money.


  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Fair enough
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    I believe it’s very accurate. I find your statement to be the one that’s inaccurate.

    The involvement is your investment. The same toons are being resold time and time again. It’s like the soap scene in fight club, they’re selling our own fat aces back to us.

    How many times have you bought toons? I’ve bought Dooku 3-4 times. The very first time I logged on the offers him for $5, I bought him. Levels increased, the sold him again. Gear increase, bought him again. Mods, bought him. Mods increase, bought him again.

    They’re wrapping a big **** in tin foil and telling you it’s fine jewelry. There’s no new content in the game. But gear 13 is released one month and gear 14+ is released the next. And the sheep follow suit and purchase the same people all over again.
    ( I know what you’re going to say, “ you said the don’t release new content, but the. Say the released gears and relics. ) you’re right, but it’s a repackaging. Gears are nothing new, it’s just a new level so people will buy what’s needs. Relics are just a fancy new name for gear. So no, it’s not new. It’s just another way to separate the high end spenders from everyone else. People were getting too close to the meta.

    I’ve gone from spending $300 a month ,to $100, to $20, to where I’ll never spend another dime. I realized after the second or third time I bought Yoda that I’ve already done this before, why am I doing it again?

    I know patters, I’m from the NES generation, it’s what I do. So, as far as the one day beating teams the next not being able to beat even gear 9 of that same team, it seems odd. Especially when it corresponds with an update. I would think relics had something to do with it, but they’re not high enough to even have relics. I’m not the only pesos this has happened to. I don’t want to believe conspiracy theories, but it is odd.

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    @JDIII now that I definitely agree with. I have many many gear 12 toons that are worthless lol

    Out of all the games I’ve played and beaten, those two I was most proud of. My wife bought me an NES a few years back and I’ll still hook it up and play those game. And tecmo super bowl lol
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    I’d say my attitude is just fed up. A lot of top whales and krakens basically had everything they owned nerfed again and left because they are fed up.

    There is skill involved in counters for GAC, setting defenses, modding etc. but I’m just fed up. Don’t care and it takes zero skill to press auto for the one daily event that rewards peanuts.
  • RandomSithLord
    2325 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    I climb with JKR every day for fun, despite having a full G13 SE. There was no stealth nerf, neither did relics make DR unbeatable.
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    @JediKnight_MarkRyan I think a lot of people are fed up. You can see it every day on here, or at least until the posts are removed.
    People are sick of it but then you have those that will defend everything this game does no matter what. It’s like an abusive relationship. They get abused and keep coming back for more. They think they can’t do any better. But they can.
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @JediKnight_MarkRyan I think a lot of people are fed up. You can see it every day on here, or at least until the posts are removed.
    People are sick of it but then you have those that will defend everything this game does no matter what. It’s like an abusive relationship. They get abused and keep coming back for more. They think they can’t do any better. But they can.

    The thing is that this game could have been so much better. Part of me thinks the community should just win over the rights to Swgoh. CG should just lose rights/custody to the game after abusing the game for years.

    The community could pretty much scrap the game, start all over and do it justice... make a much better game with content that players actually want.
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    @RandomSithLord idk if there was a secret nerf or not. I do know that something changed. Because people that I could beat I can no longer beat but they haven’t changed anything at all and I’ve made my mods stronger.

    I’ve fought gear 9 teams that are destroying me now and they have horrible horrible mods. Maybe I’ve fought people who are cheating. Idk. I’ve been told they can’t cheat on defense but I know that’s not true at all. Because just a few months ago they said you couldn’t cheat at all.

    I’ve been cheated by NS teams, who I’d like to think I know pretty well because they’re one of my favorite teams to use. I took out the only two that could bring people back to life and all of a sudden they’re all back and they’re full health, with full turn meter. No one could explain it. I’ve been cheated by a Barris, who could one hit a full health Anakin, this is before Padme came out. I’ve faced a couple FO teams that just couldn’t be beaten.

    Maybe it’s all a coincidence but usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t think it’s relics because the one that’s added relics that I’ve fought is me. Now one would think that you add a relic or two to a team you could beat a gear 9 team but one would be wrong.
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    @JediKnight_MarkRyan I agree 100%
    One of the hardest parts for me is seeing how far it’s fallen. This use to be a really great game, but there’s been such a steady decline over the years.
    I play now mostly just for my guild mates. They’re cool dudes. I won’t spend anymore, though. It’s not really worth it.

    A monkey might do better with it than they have😂😂😂 the community couldn’t do worse that’s for sure
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    @JDIII absolutely I think people are finally opening their eyes to it too. Hopefully it forces a change.
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @RandomSithLord idk if there was a secret nerf or not. I do know that something changed. Because people that I could beat I can no longer beat but they haven’t changed anything at all and I’ve made my mods stronger.

    I’ve fought gear 9 teams that are destroying me now and they have horrible horrible mods. Maybe I’ve fought people who are cheating. Idk. I’ve been told they can’t cheat on defense but I know that’s not true at all. Because just a few months ago they said you couldn’t cheat at all.

    I’ve been cheated by NS teams, who I’d like to think I know pretty well because they’re one of my favorite teams to use. I took out the only two that could bring people back to life and all of a sudden they’re all back and they’re full health, with full turn meter. No one could explain it. I’ve been cheated by a Barris, who could one hit a full health Anakin, this is before Padme came out. I’ve faced a couple FO teams that just couldn’t be beaten.

    Maybe it’s all a coincidence but usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t think it’s relics because the one that’s added relics that I’ve fought is me. Now one would think that you add a relic or two to a team you could beat a gear 9 team but one would be wrong.

    There were no nerfs, secret or otherwise, and the AI can't cheat.

    The NS teams are which lead?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @RandomSithLord idk if there was a secret nerf or not. I do know that something changed. Because people that I could beat I can no longer beat but they haven’t changed anything at all and I’ve made my mods stronger.

    I’ve fought gear 9 teams that are destroying me now and they have horrible horrible mods. Maybe I’ve fought people who are cheating. Idk. I’ve been told they can’t cheat on defense but I know that’s not true at all. Because just a few months ago they said you couldn’t cheat at all.

    I’ve been cheated by NS teams, who I’d like to think I know pretty well because they’re one of my favorite teams to use. I took out the only two that could bring people back to life and all of a sudden they’re all back and they’re full health, with full turn meter. No one could explain it. I’ve been cheated by a Barris, who could one hit a full health Anakin, this is before Padme came out. I’ve faced a couple FO teams that just couldn’t be beaten.

    Maybe it’s all a coincidence but usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t think it’s relics because the one that’s added relics that I’ve fought is me. Now one would think that you add a relic or two to a team you could beat a gear 9 team but one would be wrong.

    There were no nerfs, secret or otherwise, and the AI can't cheat.

    The NS teams are which lead?

    You really don’t know that you just speculate that. They hard coded JKR to go mass kill Traya... then secretly uncoded it later in an update without announcing it.
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    Ok what's the nerf then?

    You're right, I don't know it. But one person is not a valid sample size.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    @TVF NS team Assaj lead. I killed off Daka for good first, then Assaj , the MT. Talk went, no one died from my team. BAM everyone is back full health full turn meter. Assaj AOE my entire team. Game. Set. Match. Craziest thing I ever saw.

    Do you work for EA/CG? If the answer is no, then you can’t say that with accuracy, the same as I can’t say there was, correct?

    As far as one person, it’s not just me. There’s other as well that have had the same issues.

    You say A.I. can’t cheat, but it wasn’t that long ago they said cheating couldn’t be done at all.

    I’ll say again I can’t say there’s a nerf, I can’t say that someone is cheating. I can say that the same teams that I beat the day before can no longer be beat. I can say that way lower teams can no longer be beat. I can say that something changed. I don’t know what, but something.

  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @TVF NS team Assaj lead. I killed off Daka for good first, then Assaj , the MT. Talk went, no one died from my team. BAM everyone is back full health full turn meter. Assaj AOE my entire team. Game. Set. Match. Craziest thing I ever saw.

    Do you work for EA/CG? If the answer is no, then you can’t say that with accuracy, the same as I can’t say there was, correct?

    As far as one person, it’s not just me. There’s other as well that have had the same issues.

    You say A.I. can’t cheat, but it wasn’t that long ago they said cheating couldn’t be done at all.

    I’ll say again I can’t say there’s a nerf, I can’t say that someone is cheating. I can say that the same teams that I beat the day before can no longer be beat. I can say that way lower teams can no longer be beat. I can say that something changed. I don’t know what, but something.

    Please provide a cite to the devs saying cheating is impossible.
  • OBoogieIII
    400 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    @Liath I see if my mate still has the message from the dev that told him that.

    Other than that it’s not too hard to look back at the times they’ve said they’ve taken care of it, right? You remember the big to do last month?

    Before that there was another post around a year ago? It all said the same thing.

    But again I want you to look at what I said. I’m not saying someone is cheating, I do not have any proof of that at all. I’m just saying that’s very strange.

    It’s something that can’t really be explained. When that happens you have to open your mind to all possibilities.

    Is it possible? Yes.
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Liath I see if my mate still has the message from the dev that told him that.

    Other than that it’s not too hard to look back at the times they’ve said they’ve taken care of it, right? You remember the big to do last month?

    Before that there was another post around a year ago? It all said the same thing.

    Except none of those posts said it was taken care of. They talked about adding tools and working on improving cheat detection. They never once said it was (or could ever be) a solved issue.
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    @Liath and I never said anyone was cheating. I said it’s possible. I said there’s strange things that can’t be explained.
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    Please provide a video showing an NS battle where there's these unexplained revives happening.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @Liath and I never said anyone was cheating. I said it’s possible. I said there’s strange things that can’t be explained.

    I didn’t say anything about that. I’m just talking about your claim that the devs declared cheating impossible.
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    @TVF do you actually think I recorded a regular battle against a NS team? Do you record every battle you’re in?
    Come on man, be realistic.
  • TVF
    36694 posts Member
    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @TVF do you actually think I recorded a regular battle against a NS team? Do you record every battle you’re in?
    Come on man, be realistic.

    Ok then don't expect people to believe you.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    @Liath fair enough. Maybe not impossible , but unlikely, right?
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    OBoogieIII wrote: »
    @RandomSithLord idk if there was a secret nerf or not. I do know that something changed. Because people that I could beat I can no longer beat but they haven’t changed anything at all and I’ve made my mods stronger.

    I’ve fought gear 9 teams that are destroying me now and they have horrible horrible mods. Maybe I’ve fought people who are cheating. Idk. I’ve been told they can’t cheat on defense but I know that’s not true at all. Because just a few months ago they said you couldn’t cheat at all.

    I’ve been cheated by NS teams, who I’d like to think I know pretty well because they’re one of my favorite teams to use. I took out the only two that could bring people back to life and all of a sudden they’re all back and they’re full health, with full turn meter. No one could explain it. I’ve been cheated by a Barris, who could one hit a full health Anakin, this is before Padme came out. I’ve faced a couple FO teams that just couldn’t be beaten.

    Maybe it’s all a coincidence but usually where there’s smoke there’s fire. I don’t think it’s relics because the one that’s added relics that I’ve fought is me. Now one would think that you add a relic or two to a team you could beat a gear 9 team but one would be wrong.

    If you knew ns so well you'd know that any ns that gets a kill with a basic brings back the ns that assisted under a zeta mt lead. If that ns happens to be daka and her revive is off cd she can then revive the whole team. It sucks when it happens but it's hardly the game cheating you.
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