Characters That Should Be Added To The Game

I was wondering what characters people thought should be added to the game. I don't know what other people will want but here's my list (plus probably some others i forgot).

Snoke's Guards
Old Luke
Old Leia
Vader (no armour)/Dark Side Anakin
FO Riot Control Trooper
FO Flametrooper
Agent Kalllus

The Invisible Hand/Malelavence (capital)
Grievous's Starfighter
Anikans Jedi Starfighter
Obiwans Jedi Starfighter
Luke's Xwing (may require pilot luke)
The Finalizer (capital)
The Supremacy (capital)
Vulture Droid

(Some of the ship name are not well known. Sorry. You can look them up on Wookiepedia)


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    These + Padme, Hondo, C3PO, Ep III Obi Wan, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Beckett, more Clone Troopers, but now we are just getting excessive to be honest...

    Also, imagine a "Jedi Council" tag, you could add Even Piel and Adi Gallia and others.
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    Padme? Mon Mothama? Why not Dex while we're at it. This is a fighting game not a "oooh ooh I shot a gun once/talked about Bothans dying game". We still don't have Shaak Ti or a good Mace. Now that we have KOTOR, we will need Carth, Juhani, Atris, Hanharr, Malak. Let's stick to fighting characters not Bith and second rate depressed leaders.
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    I have to agree that there shouldn't be a Mothma. She doesn't even do anything but talk. Padme though, she does heaps. There probably shouldn't be Organa or Threepio either since they don't really fight. The rest of them I agree with. Which reminds me I forgot:

    Dryden Vos
    Dryden Vos's Guards
    Val Beckett (I'll asume you meant Tobias)

    and probably a bunch more....

    The Jedi council tag thing is a great idea too I never thought of that. I assume it would include:
    Grand Master Yoda
    Mace Windu
    Luminara Unduli (I think)\
    Obi Wan
    Anikan (maybe since he's only kinda on the council)
    Aayla Secura
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    Padme is adept with a blaster and has proven her battle skills several times, especially in terms of survival (not counting the decoy Amidala).
    "The dark side, the light... both have merit. Why not half of each...?" - Harvey "Two-Face" Dent
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    I've been waiting on a Jedi Council faction for a while. Gives us Shaak ti, ki adi mundi, and would probably include much needed reworks for Mace and jka.

    We need commander Wolff for a clone
    Old Man Rex for phoenix
    Pong krell for sith
    Jka starfighter
    Dooku's fighter
    Gk fighter
    Young Obi-Wan with QGJ synergy
    Post-episode 2 Maul with Savage synergy
    GG capitol ship
    Basic battle droid
    B2 rocket trooper
    Gungans and Jar Jar
    Pre vizla
    Hermit Luke
    The Force Unleashed characters
    Vader's hunters (I don't remember their names..the lightsaber trained people that were a royal pain in the rebels' bottoms..but this would be a really sweet update for Vader lovers!)

    I don't think my list is all that unreasonable lol! Separatists are supposed to get a rework....eventually in the next quarter (supposedly). Good time to slip in a good chunk of this list.
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    DarthKoon wrote: »
    Snoke's Guard
    Agent Kalllus

    The Invisible Hand/Malelavence (capital)
    Anikans Jedi Starfighter
    Obiwans Jedi Starfighter
    Luke's Xwing (require farm luke)
    The Finalizer (capital)
    The Supremacy (capital)
    Vulture Droido

    Fixed it
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    You know what would be cool? If they added The Eclipse into the game. Also if they added the ghost characters with revives like NS Zombie but watered down powers
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    add ki adi mundi
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    Bail Organa, Jar Jar and other Gungun characters, Sabe (and other Padme guards), Watto, Dark ROTS Anakin, ROTS Obi Wan, More Clones, Mon Mothma ect..
  • Seku
    575 posts Member
    edited September 2019
    I really hope the Clone Wars era doesn’t pass without giving us a few more from that era.. I’d love to see Adi Gallia, Even Piell, Quinlan Vos and Saesee Tiin. & Ki-Adi-Mundi definitely since he’s already in the TB.
    More clones too that were definitely notable, CC1004 Gree, CC3636 Wolffe, CT6116 Kix & CC557639 Gregor. and well Ponds too since he’s in the TB as well :)
    that just a few for Lightside.
    It would be cool to have a couple more separatists, such as General Kalani, Admiral Trench, Pong Krell, and General Loathsome.
    I would really like to see how they could make Latts Razzi the bounty hunter look in the game as well!!
    omg I could go on .... but that’s my top for this awesome time period before it passes by ):
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    Jabba the hutt with a leading of bounty hunter with a super prime system.
    His shard location in a mythic rancor pitt.

    All I have to say
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    Boss, Sev, Scorch, and fixer from Star Wars commandos. Boss would have leader skills since he is leader of delta squad. Sev would have sniper skills and something like stealth just like in the game. Scorch would have AoE attacks since he is more of the demolition. Fixer would be the support and heal his team because he is more of the support character of the game. Just a shower thought I had and wanted to share it
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