Malak Guild Costs

Is there any likelihood that guild costs will be amended more in line with Hermit Yoda and Wampa costs anytime soon? Especially since meta shift has already downgraded this characters "the mans" protected value. Droids team with GG can destroy him already and no doubt Clones will tear a new one so whats left to protect, open those gates already!

so give those in catch up zone some small mercy...because those guild crystal costs are painfully earned and considered at times


  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    Why would they do this? Even if he does slide out of meta-status (which he hasn't yet), he'll still be an awesome character and essential piece of the Sith Empire team. Why should you get him for less GEC than I did just because you took longer to get him?
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    The GET price for Malak is in line with Hermit Yoda and Wampa.
    Still not a he.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    No. They do not adjust the prices of toons in stores. The only times they have in the past is the crystal prices, but even that has not happen in a while.
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    Guild Currency store shard went up not too long ago, if I remember correctly. Used to cost 400 per 5 shards, now 450. Or, I'm old and have beer memory.
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    Used to cost 400 per 5 shards, now 450. Or, I'm old and have beer memory.

    No, you're correct. I also noted the change. Not sure why they made it, but the 12.5% increase has stopped me from buying shards there on occasion. Now I only have Young Han and the Gamorrean left to 7*, but I paid a lot of coin for ewoks getting ready for Threepio and was disappointed to have to pay more than others who collected the ewoks earlier while I was working on gearing up other toons.

    I'm sure I'll eventually collect YH and Gam, but there's no rush on either and gear always seems to be more important than either of those toons.
  • Padmé_Sadmé
    208 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    JimmyD wrote: »
    Is there any likelihood that guild costs will be amended more in line with Hermit Yoda and Wampa costs anytime soon? Especially since meta shift has already downgraded this characters "the mans" protected value. Droids team with GG can destroy him already and no doubt Clones will tear a new one so whats left to protect, open those gates already!

    so give those in catch up zone some small mercy...because those guild crystal costs are painfully earned and considered at times

    If he gets kicked out of the meta he will most likely be the #1 character in the game still.

    I mean his kit is incredibly broken and a new meta is only going to abuse DR lead.

    I doubt there will be a character much stronger than Malak since the devs are trying to "balance" the game.

    The arena meta consists of 5 characters so just cuz someone counters DR lead doesnt mean Malak is the 2nd best character.

    Since hes OP in 99% of the cases.

    Just like how the NBA MVP isnt the one who wins the championship (in most cases)

    So making him cheaper because he isnt the #1 arena team isnt enough to change the pricing.

    (Hopefully the tone wasnt rude of this post)
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    JimmyD wrote: »
    Is there any likelihood that guild costs will be amended more in line with Hermit Yoda and Wampa costs anytime soon?

    HY and Wampa have to be farmed up from 0 though....Malak is unlocked at 5 star and you only need to add the shards to get 6 and 7 star.
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    HY and Wampa have to be farmed up from 0 though

    Yep. It costs 89k+ some change to get either of them to 7*. It costs 70,300 to get Malak to 7*.

    Of course, you might include the cost of farming all the Old Republic & Sith Empire toons in the cost of Malak, but you need them for DR and JKR anyway, and you wouldn't want to leave those off your roster. So the extra cost, really, is the gear you gave them for the Malak event (to get to 17,500) that you didn't need to get DR/JKR.

    But even there, you'd want to boost most of those toons anyway, even if some of the Old Republic toons wouldn't have been prioritized quite as highly without Malak prep being factored in.

    So there's some additional cost to Malak through prepping other toons, but you get those other toons, and the GET cost of getting Malak to 7* isn't so high that that Malak GET + wasted gear is more of a cost than Wampa GET.

    Though of course that last bit is my opinion and YMMV, but you can't objectively say that Malak costs too much GET if your comparison is HY/Wampa.
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    HY and Wampa have to be farmed up from 0 though

    Yep. It costs 89k+ some change to get either of them to 7*. It costs 70,300 to get Malak to 7*.

    Of course, you might include the cost of farming all the Old Republic & Sith Empire toons in the cost of Malak, but you need them for DR and JKR anyway, and you wouldn't want to leave those off your roster. So the extra cost, really, is the gear you gave them for the Malak event (to get to 17,500) that you didn't need to get DR/JKR.

    But even there, you'd want to boost most of those toons anyway, even if some of the Old Republic toons wouldn't have been prioritized quite as highly without Malak prep being factored in.

    So there's some additional cost to Malak through prepping other toons, but you get those other toons, and the GET cost of getting Malak to 7* isn't so high that that Malak GET + wasted gear is more of a cost than Wampa GET.

    Though of course that last bit is my opinion and YMMV, but you can't objectively say that Malak costs too much GET if your comparison is HY/Wampa.

    Lemme add on to you.

    Basically, Hyoda & Wampa arent as good as Malak. (Not even close)

    I mean theres a reason why FB luke is easier to farm than CLS
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    theres a reason why FB luke is easier to farm than CLS

    Also a very fair point.
  • Vos_Landeck
    1666 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    HY and Wampa have to be farmed up from 0 though

    Yep. It costs 89k+ some change to get either of them to 7*. It costs 70,300 to get Malak to 7*.

    Malak is 68,400 to 7 star. You get an extra 5 shards with his unlock. So he needs 180 shards to 7 star, which at 380 per shard, is 68,400. HY and Wampa are much older characters (which is the obvious reason why they cost less per shard) and would currently require 89,100 in currency to 7 star (330 shards at 270 per shard).
    Of course, you might include the cost of farming all the Old Republic & Sith Empire toons in the cost of Malak, but you need them for DR and JKR anyway, and you wouldn't want to leave those off your roster. So the extra cost, really, is the gear you gave them for the Malak event (to get to 17,500) that you didn't need to get DR/JKR.

    You're talking apples and oranges. The thread is about guild currency cost and you're talking about characters needed for events. So you don't get any use out of DR, JKR and OR teams? That's 3 teams that are regularly used in TWs and GACs and the DR and JKR teams are pretty important for TBs. So let's not act like people aren't already getting a ton of use out of those characters. It's not like they are only used to get Malak.
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    You're talking apples and oranges. The thread is about guild currency cost and you're talking about characters needed for events.

    Why are you on me? I'm not the OP.

    I'm just saying that some people might justify a higher or lower cost for getting Malak to 7* on the basis of having to do extra work to get him above and beyond just collecting GET. And in my post I come to the conclusion that it's not reasonable to say that Malak is more expensive than Hermit Yoda or Wampa even if you're inclined favorably toward that argument.

    Yes, the thread is about GET, but if some people are saying that total cost isn't the issue and cost/shard is the issue because they earned those first 150, then that argument has to be addressed to justify the difference in GET /shard even where GET/7* is less.

    I don't see why you think addressing that objection is at all off topic. Whether Malak GET/Shard is too expensive or not expensive enough compared to HY or Wampa is ***always*** going to be a subjective decision. So to argue the price is "fair" we have to not merely lay out the math, but also make non-mathematical arguments for what constitutes "fair" in this particular case. That's what I've done, and it looks like my answer isn't really different from yours. So what's the deal?
    Malak is 68,400 to 7 star. You get an extra 5 shards with his unlock.

    Forgot about those 5 shards. Thanks for that correction.
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