Players Looking For Guilds - October 2019 *** READ RULES IN FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING ***



  • stuff007
    25 posts Member
    edited October 2019
  • lightmatter22
    897 posts Member
    edited October 2019
  • Roxxas
    32 posts Member
    edited October 2019

    That is me, 3.2 m GP, looking for a european or even better russian guild who can do 20+ geo tb stars and wat shards ( have geos who can beat wat mission)

    Ally code 619-229-668

    EDIT: found a guild! Sorry could not reply everyone
    Post edited by Roxxas on
  • NathanielLight
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    **Guild Found**
    Post edited by NathanielLight on
  • Bubby
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    ***Found Guild***
    Looking for an active guild (all members active) where I can regularly participate in raids.
    Galactic Power: 334,792
    Post edited by Bubby on
  • wilecoyotegenius
    6 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Thank you for everyone who messaged- i found a new home
    Looking for an active guild preferably 20+ in Geo TB
    message me on discord wilecoyotegenius#9959
    Post edited by wilecoyotegenius on
  • Options

    UK player looking for an EU active guild. I run two accounts and play both highly actively, 600 is a given. Both have Sep droids and Geo's that complete the Wat mission. Here's the important stuff and account details;

    Mad Alex 397-163-425.

    5.3m GP. G13 - 4, G12 - 128.

    Movan Lipost 163-897-596.

    4.1m GP. G13 - 8, G12 - 74.

    Would want to play both accounts in the same guild. Message me here or on Discord @Movanliposts#6169

  • DoubleN
    50 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    ***** thanks very much for all the interest, I haven’t had chance to respond to everyone but I have now found a guild, again thanks for everyone that has reached out to me*******

    UK player left for a while a couple months ago
    Incredibly powerful roster and mods
    I have every character at 7 star, minus the new Anakin and Wat Tambor

    4.6 mil GP


    Only looking to join a guild doing Geo TB and already running all three raids on heroic
    Post edited by DoubleN on
  • zsmij30
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Very active player, participates in every guild event, always will get 600 guild tickets. Have discord



  • Options
    Hey everyone,

    I am a US-based active player (will earn 600 tickets/day, participate in guild events, etc.) that is looking for a guild that will be actively farming HPIT and HAAT. I complete all daily activities, and donate gear to fellow guild mates as much as I can. I actively use Discord for communication, as well. I know I am pretty low in terms of GP relative to many other players, but I am continuing to progress over time. I have posted my information below, if you have any other questions or know of a guild that fits what I'm looking for, please let me know!

    Ally-Code: 397-363-866
    Link to
    Galactic Power: 556,325
    Character/Ship GP: 324,041 - 232,284
    Player Level: 85
    Average Arena Rank: 1625
    Type of Play: F2P
    Time-zone: EST
  • Rydia131
    64 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    ***Guild found. Thanks very much for all of the interest!!!***

    Ally-Code: 367-893-655
    Link to
    Galactic Power: 3.07 million
    Character/Ship GP: 1.8/1.2
    Average Arena Rank: 139
    Type of Play: f2p
    Time-zone: eastern

    In a 140 mill gp guild currently. Due to the state of the game in regards to get currency im considering a change. Looking for a bigger guild than i am currently in with success in geo tb and tw. Not looking for a p2p guilds and forced farms. I put little money into the game but instead try to focus on my farms and what is needed to help the guild. Thank you for your interest!
    Post edited by Rydia131 on
  • Dando15
    2 posts Member
    edited October 2019
    Ally-Code: 158-848-355
    Discord: Dando#6165
    Link to
    Galactic Power: 2.2 Mill
    Character/Ship GP: 1.3M / 850K
    Player Level: 85
    Number of 7*: 70
    Average Arena Rank: 180
    Time-zone: UK

    Geo TB and all Heroic Guilds pls

    Very competitive player looking for a competitive guild winning tb and tw also, I will do my best to help.
    Hit **** every GAC
  • Sixith
    15 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Ally Code: 422-848-368
    4,2 mill gp

    My GTB score is 25ish with my current guild and I’m in the top 10. My separatists are waiting on b1 and b2 at the moment. My geos are all g12 except my g11 brood which is double zeta. My tri team is good all G12 but my DR team still has a 5* g11 malik and 6* 40/100 g11sith trooper. I have a good JKR TEAM, chewie team, ****, troopers, bh, nightsisters, and an okay 7* Padme team etc. Im ftp so my GP is around 4.2 mil. My arena score is usually between 100-50 with a JKR team With some relics but my ships are 200+ since 5000 people are running the exact same lineup and I havn’t geared up the Phoenix team much since they suck at everything else. I always get my 600 a day and participate in TW even though my 200+ gp guild loses 99% of the time. Im usually whatever the 2nd tier rank of the second tier rank of the PVP championship arena is. So in all honesty I’m a grinder who needs some sep droid work and a few months on my DR team. I could care less about ships and focus of squad arena and not ships. Currently working on my 6* palp and weakling droid ship thing they just added the other day. My currency has not gone to negotiator but im making the switch to gear it and anikins fighter now for skywalker character #1,658. Im American “florida panhandle” and work rotating shifts so time is not a factor. However I prefer someone who understands american jokes. i have discord but not line. I have been in skunk, alliance, FTB guilds and dont want that kind of garbage again.
    Post edited by Sixith on
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