AI defense strategy selection could save SWGOH game play. Please consider it.

10 posts Member
edited November 2019
As of now when we click auto on offense or if the AI is running defense the attacks are random for the most part. An interesting feature that could be added would be a command list for our AI. Its been done for years in other games and I don't actually think that would be a difficult add compared to things like brand new content etc...So it could like like this:

AI Commands:
What To Attack First
--Highest HP
--Lowest HP
--Highest Protection
--Lowest Protection
Actions Taken First
--Attack First
--Heal First (aka Bendo would use a heal skill if available before attacking)
--Support First
--Same Focus (aka every attacks the same toon when possible)

We could shuffle them around depending on how we would want out AI to attack. This could be a refreshing thing for strategies as we would never know what to expect when we attacked someone in area/GA so we would have to understand what to do in each situation. New squad builds could be created based around these strategies. With the wide array of toons I truly think this would add more fun to the game as there couldn't be a specific dominant strategy as people could quickly change up what they are doing to adapt to new attacks. This would also bring modding to the forefront as modding changes would be a part of each unique strategy depending on who you want your squad to attack first. There are other ideas and directions you could take this but I think it would add a lot to the game and bring and end to some of the boring mirror matches.

Yes CG you could still make money off this as now people would want to spend more to match each new strategy as it comes out. People would spend more on modding and gearing up more faction members instead of the top 5 to match the meta. Each toon would have its place in various strategies. It could make more toons relevant again.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • TVF
    36706 posts Member
    Disagree with OP.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Wow. Such enriching comments. Thank you for the feed back. Why might you have stopped at "We click auto on offense?" There are a number of places in this game where auto is chosen on offense. I find that fascinating that you are critical of this. As for the simple comment of "Disagree with OP" I am guessing you didn't bother to read a thing and have more than likely never played the numerous games that use that game tool mentioned in the original post.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Zuffassa wrote: »
    Wow. Such enriching comments. Thank you for the feed back. Why might you have stopped at "We click auto on offense?" There are a number of places in this game where auto is chosen on offense....

    More than likely because the places where we click auto on offense, this new feature wouldn't matter because they are already an easy win, and the places we dont do that, are because even with a feature like this it would be a bad idea to try and auto, even with a "smart" AI.

    It is hard to say any feature with thia much of a change would be easy to add. Other games that use this likely had it in there from the inception of the game or were built in ways they could add it later.
  • Options
    The tool could still be used to set defenses in GA and Arena if it is not a useful tool for offense. It would certainly help change the endless mirror matches. It would also add another layer to TW as the same general strats are used by almost all guilds now. It would give the defense better control over the current randomness that is the AI. As far as implementation goes I would guess that they are currently using an RNG type of algorithm to determine a toons attack target and are already using an "if this than this" style of command list as depending on the situation toons already use specific attacks when available. The adjustment would be geared towards allowing players to adjust those command lines via one click buttons or a pre-programmed adjustable list that reorganizes the "If this" list that seems to already exist.
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