Elite Guilds Looking For Players - November 2019 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Amadala Guard

    **200 mil with 5 spots open

    - Geo Tb 25/33* when full
    - Light Tb 45/45*
    - Dark 48/48*
    - EST guild
    - Bunch of veterans that know what they’re doing. Very chill guild as long as u handle your business


    Ally Code: 519-355-155
  • TCS
    34 posts Member
    Hello, future guildie!
    Who We Are:
    Wraith Squådron - https://swgoh.gg/g/7483/wraith-squadron/
    170M GP
    Primarily US-based, EN speaking guild
    Family friendly, understands that the game is a game but still wants to get good results
    Raids: 24hr signup period
    hPit = Simmed, 9pm ET start time
    hAAT = 7pm ET start time
    hSTR = 8pm ET start time
    45 stars on DS Hoth and 42 on LS Hoth TB
    18 stars in DS Geo TB
    Discord Required
    Participation in TW is not mandatory (but if you sign up you are expected to be active on Offense and Defense)
    Who You Are:
    2.5M+ GP
    Preferably JKR, DR too would be great :smile:
    Active in Discord (because we like to talk about the game and other nerdy stuff)
    Willing to grow teams to better TB scores (specifically around Geonosis TBs as needed)
    If you're interested and would like more information, please DM me. Happy to discuss our opening with anyone to make sure we get the right fit!
    The TCS#2710
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    A New Hope
    240m GP

    EU Based guild with US players

    Competitive TW Guild
    30 star in GEO TB!
    38+ Wat Shards
    Max LSTB & Max DSTB star
    Hpit SIM, HAAT/HSR2:00pm and 3:00pm. (19&20:00 cet) All times are Eastern/Turkish. 24 hr join then FFA.

    Previously known as The Rolling Clones; a top 10 TW guild. We've reformed under a new name and then joining Shadowlands. We're competitive, but Casual in that we don't require or mandate people to spend. We just ask for you to follow instructions, participate in guild events, and do your best to help the team.

    Being a part of The Shadowlands also brings opportunity to be a part of a close-knit community of other competitive guilds, get advice, strategy or how to build your roster effectively in the family-like structure Shadowlands provides. Operating like a single independant guild, there is regular weekly voice chats, community events and a vast knowledge base from other experienced players to bounce idea's off of or reach out and get help with ease.

    Feel free to join the server and ask for "A New hope!"
    Contact us privately if you prefer: mushroomplanett#6502 or birbilen#6643

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    Th3 F0rce (224mil GP) is looking for 1 player that is outperforming their current guild and wants to be with other like-minded players interested in pushing Geo TB. We are HIGHLY focused, VERY competitive, full participation guild. TW and Geo TB are the events we pride ourselves on and our leadership ensures we are very well organized for it. Come check us out if you want to be a part of a winning guild.
    • Geo TB - 28* (29* next time) + 28 Wat shards and growing
    • TW - 17 Winning streak
    • Rancor SIM
    • HAAT 7PM CST
    • HSR 7PM CST

    Requirements to join:
    1. 600 daily tickets
    2. 3mil GP minimum - will take less if roster is pimped out
    3. Geared Separatists driods and geos
    4. DR/Malak and JKR
    5. Better than 100 in the arena (our guild avg is 50)
    6. Discord
    7. Swgoh.gg account


    Message me if you’re interested: Blurry#0763
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    Гильдия "Пьяный Ситх" объявляет о наборе!
    105кк фокусного ГМ, 40/50 участников на момент написания объявления.


    Итак, почему тебе к нам?

    1) Мы закрываем все героические рейды и скорее даже готовы к выходящему в 2020 (а яма – на симуляции). Никаких ограничений на прохождение рейдов нет;

    2) Высочайший процент побед в территориальных битвах: в этому году проиграли всего два раза – и то, в начале года, когда гильдия еще не была до конца сформирована;

    3) Проходим Геонозис на 13 звезд в составе 40 человек и держим темп на стабильное увеличение количества звезд на 1-2 каждый месяц.

    А теперь основные причины, почему у тебя нет альтернатив :)

    - Высокий уровень адекватности участников – все уже состоявшиеся дядьки и тетки со средним возрастом за 30, есть даже красивые :)

    - Стабильный устоявшийся состав – большинство участников давно знакомы, но абсолютно рады заинтересованным новичкам;

    - Мы любим общаться и с охотой помогаем друг другу, без насмешек отвечая даже на самые глупые вопросы по игре;

    - Касательно последнего, у нас есть развитый Discord-сервер с большим количеством собственных гайдов, упрощающих понимание всех механик игры, направленных в первую очередь на увеличение собственного удовольствия от игрового процесса. А еще к серверу прикручены боты для получения скорой помощи по большинству вопросов касаемо рейдов, контрпиков, прокачки снаряжения, а также большой постоянной обновляющейся аналитики по дропу гира и шардов. Но, даже если ты не найдешь там решения, тебе быстро ответят дружелюбные ситхи;

    - У нас есть прозрачная система ежедневного контроля, где каждый видит вклад в игру своих согильдейцев, поэтому сачки не задерживаются и рейды у нас часто :)

    - Мы любим алкоголь и принимаем индульгенции на запой (отпуск, командировки, семейные и бизнес-поездки, путешествия, работу) и прочие очень важные аспекты жизнедеятельности любого адекватного человека;

    - А еще мы очень любим Звездные Войны, так что у нас тут клуб по интересам.

    Мы много отдаем, поэтому от кандидатов просим следующее:

    1) Любовь к Звездным Войнам;

    2) ГМ желателен от 1,5кк, но в сухом остатке мы всегда смотрим на качественную составляющую ГМ, а не количественную. Мы рассчитываем на более-менее фокусную прокачку склада, так что коллекционерам без единого G13 с 3кк ГМ или ребятам со складом за миллион ГМ без модов на скорость – не к нам;

    3) Понимание основных механик игры (это фактически номинальное требование, потому как к 1,5кк ты как минимум знаешь базис, а с остальным поможем);

    4) Желательные позиции на обоих аренах не ниже 100 места, но вполне готовы рассмотреть любителей около-мета пачек;

    5) Пресловутые купоны: 600/600 – но это происходит само собой в эпоху реликвий и когда нужно постоянно качать кого-то из кантины. Так что требование тоже номинальное;

    6) Активное участие в рейдах, ТБ, ВГ, готовность подтягивать необходимых гильдии персонажей. Мы не ставим жестких требований, но выдаем рекомендации для улучшения динамики прогресса в первую очередь твоего аккаунта;

    7) Установленный дискорд, чтобы вовремя реагировать на потребность в определенных действиях. Не переживайте, мы не спамим;

    8) Ну и естественно мы не принимаем использование читов. Мы ловко умеем их определять – к сожалению, периодически наталкиваемся на нечестных игроков, так что если решишь от нас это скрыть – кикнем без церемоний посреди ТБ.

    Контактная информация:

    Discord-приемная: https://discord.gg/XdXDFVW

    Лидер Eli Dagout: https://swgoh.gg/p/427364668/

    Гильдия: https://swgoh.gg/g/51266/pianyi-sitkh/
  • Options
    Name: Golden Alliance
    GP: ~190 mil
    Geo TB: 18-20* depending on participation
    TW: winning record
    Raids: All heroic (GMT - 17:30; US PDT - 10:30; US EDT - 1:30)
    Looking for:
    GP: ~3.5 mil (exceptions made based on rosters)
    Sep/GR squads ready to go/on farm
    Mandatory participation in TB/TW (at least drop rosters/defensive squads)
    DM me on Discord if interested: Logan Handosmepants#8374
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    Do you have 2.0 mil gp or higher??
    We are an HSTR guild with 49 members.
    You must have one of the following: C3po,Chewy, Revan, Darth Revan, Padme, General Skywalker
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB-GEO and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
    Guild Reset time: 6:30pm EST
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    I invite you to visit and subscribe to the first discord Italian server for recruitment.

    An all Italian community in which to exchange ideas, strategies, and possibly intervene on issues concerning the Guild. (recruitment, dropouts, implosion, guild fusion etc).

    We have been online for five days and already 24 guilds have joined.

    The project is built together being all on the same level

  • arkk00
    76 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    United Without Limits is recruiting!

    The family who developed and continue to bring you the Planet Coruscant discord server, including the hSTR Project, and are currently involved in running the Guild Recruitment Discord Server (GRDS), we pride ourselves in our commitment to our members and the SWGoH community as a whole.

    Our top end guilds are looking for dedicated, passionate players who share our love of powering through events and kicking ****.

    What we bring to the table:
    - Guild GP 210m+
    - International membership
    - Open discussion and sharing of knowledge/understanding of SWGoH
    - Unrivaled camaraderie
    - Tailored advice to keep us all improving
    - 27* GTB and counting

    What we expect from you:
    - 4.5m+ GP (may consider less dependent on roster)
    - Geo-ready teams
    - Consistent play (600 tix daily, full TB participation, full TW participation if joining)
    - Shared desire to progress, individually and as a group
    - Coordination through Discord
    - Respectful communication. Focused, but fun!

    Come chat with our onboarding team on our recruitment center: https://discord.gg/mbT7ZZu
    Post edited by arkk00 on
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    Always thought you could contribute more and wanted to join a larger guild to prove it?

    This is YOUR chance!

    Emperorz Black Bonez - we are currently looking to fill the current open spots and to trim the roster of the slackers in our guild.

    This is why YOU have the chance to apply with a roster weaker than we would usually be looking for - we are looking for anyone over just 3.0m GP! (194m+ GP at 45 current members is about 4.3 mil GP average.)

    What's in it for you?
    - A fun guild full of old time players who just like Star Wars (shocker, I know)
    - All Raids on farm
    - 19+ stars in GTB (at 45 people). When full, we could get 24+

    What we want from you?
    - **Participation in Territory Wars and most importantly Geonosis Territory Battles**
    - 3.0m+ GP+
    - 600 daily tickets
    - Swgoh.gg profile
    - Discord use

    What are we about?
    In EBB you will find a relaxed bunch of old players just looking to enjoy some Star Wars, talk about the most random stuff and have fun playing the game the way we want to :)
    We’re all adults here that deal in no drama.
    We take care of our Tickets and ease through the Raids, with stress on GTB.

    DM me at mihez#4261 on Discord.

    Check out our guild page: https://swgoh.gg/g/355/emperorz-black-bonez/
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    We are an active and friendly guild with a GP of 145M.
    We're looking for active players (3M GP+) to replace some members who retired recently from the game.

    Our rules are as follows:
    - We do not insist on any forced toon farming.
    - We do not expect anyone to pay to play. If you choose to do so, that is great but we do not expect it.
    - Real life comes first. Just let us know if you can't participate.

    What we do expect is the following:
    - Communication!
    - Discord is required.
    - 500 tickets minimum but really looking for 600 most days. Most of our members manage this.
    - Active participation in all guild events.
    - We expect members to remain active and grow their squads.

    We SIM the pit raid and have the tank and sith raids on farm.

    Check us out there to see if you like how we play: https://discord.gg/M5Md5ec

    Ally Code: 275-713-298
    Guild Name: xXThoseLeftBehindXx
    Time Zone: United Kingdom (GMT +0)
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    Do you have 2.0 mil gp or higher??
    We are an HSTR guild with 49 members.
    You must have one of the following: C3po,Chewy, Revan, Darth Revan, Padme, General Skywalker
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB-GEO and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
    Guild Reset time: 6:30pm EST
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    Anakin/Relic nonsense have you looking for a new home? Check out Army of Ren!

    AoR is an independent, fully Heroic, US-based, committed and sociable end-game focused guild. We care very much about the advancement of the guild as a whole through individual success, and we strongly believe that every member’s progress strengthens the entire guild. We are not a mega-guild or a feeder guild; you begin with us and progress with us.

    Our guild leadership is proactive and drama-free, our members are generous with knowledge, advice, and gear donations, and we enjoy a low member turn-over. We also enjoy a close-knit and social community on our Discord server, so please bring your personality along!

    If interested, please DM me or contact us on our Discord recruitment server:

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    Independent UK/EU guild

    We are a full participation guild, our leadership ensures we are well organized for TB/TW along with making sure we get 30k tickets each day. Our current guild focus is Geo TB, farming the teams required to gain higher rewards and complete more of the special missions. We have a good strategy for TW and our officers evaluate after every TW and we also track our members to make sure everyone pulls their weight!

    Geo TB - 26 stars, very close to 27
    20 Wat shards
    45* LS TB
    47* DS TB
    Good TW winning record
    Rancor SIM
    HAAT 1800 UTC
    Heroic sith Raid 1300 + 1900 UTC rotation
    30k tickets daily
    Raid join notifications so you never miss out on rewards!


    Our requirements to join are:
    600 daily tickets
    3.5 GP minimum
    Better than 100 in arena
    Better than 50 in fleet
    Required units: Darth revan, **** and good separatists
    Swgoh. gg account
    Active in all aspects of the game

    We currently have 3 spaces available

    If anyone is interested PM me. I will respond as soon as I can
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    Guild-Name: Brōtherhood of Darkness
    Guild-GP: 180m

    Geo DSTB: 23/33
    Hoth LSTB: 45/45
    Hoth DSTB: 48/48

    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on sim)
    HAAT: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 10pm GMT (on farm)

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Ky2R2AZ
    Discord Host: Binxy#9448
    Ally Code: 493-799-258

    The Brōtherhood of Darkness is a fully heroic independent guild focussed on Geonosian Territory Battles and Territory Wars. We are now recruiting players with a minimum GP of 4m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
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    What we expect
    * we accept applications over 3 million personal GP (under 3 mill considered based on roster)
    * at least 100 banners in TW
    * participate in every phase of TB
    * be active on discord
    * have a firm opinion on pineapple pizza. Whether for or against doesn’t matter, we need you in this discussion!

    What we offer
    * 178+ million GP
    * free for all HAAT finished in <30 minutes
    * free for all HSTR finished in ~1 hour
    * 22* Geo TB (more to come next go around!)
    * very organised TW with nearly perfect record (85%)
    * help with mods/priorities/development by experienced members
    * Farm what you want
    * No pressure on whaling out on something

    About us
    We are a bunch of nerds from all over the globe that for some reason enjoy each other’s presence and insults.
    Since we have virtually no social life, we are available day round to help with matters of the heart, work issues, your aunt’s psychological problems, and of course any questions you might have about the game!

    If you feel like you could benefit from a symbiotic relationship with this dojo of degenerates, contact MouseQLD#7912, Synth#8423 or Andrakisjl#1092 directly via Discord
  • Darthdane
    564 posts Member
    edited November 2019

    Looking for 1 player

    Guild name: Ord3r 66
    194M GP
    600 tix/day
    Requesting players with 4+m GP that have necessary Geo characters.
    7-10 Wat shards each Geo TB.

    Guild Reset
    7:30pm PDT. 10:30pm EDT
    Raids launch 30 min after reset as tix permit. 13/14 hour join period then free for all

    10am PDT. 1pm EDT. 6pm CEST
    Lasts 2-3 hours

    9am PDT. 12pm EDT. 8pm CEST
    Lasts 30-60 min

    Sim. 23hr join. SIM at 10pm EDT

    Territory Battle
    45 star️ LSTB
    47 star️ DSTB
    24 star️ GDS This is the only TB we do

    Territory War
    Win some...lose some.. but not joining and not trying is not an option

    TW strategy posted during each preview before we set defense.

    TB deployment orders updated several times per phase to maximize stars

    We all depend each other for success. Have fun. Be part of the team in all aspects. If we have to babysit you to make sure you get your tix and finish your TB/TW battles..then we don’t need you.. and we will replace you.

    Contact Darthdane#5612 on discord for more info.
  • Options
    Name: Golden Alliance
    GP: ~190 mil
    Geo TB: 18-20* depending on participation
    TW: winning record
    Raids: All heroic (GMT - 17:30; US PDT - 10:30; US EDT - 1:30)
    Looking for:
    GP: ~3.5 mil (exceptions made based on rosters)
    Sep/GR squads ready to go/on farm
    Mandatory participation in TB/TW (at least drop rosters/defensive squads)


    DM me on Discord if interested: Logan Handosmepants#8374
  • Options
    Do you have 2.0 mil gp or higher??
    We are an HSTR guild with 49 members. 172 mil GP guild
    You must have one of the following: C3po,Chewy, Revan, Darth Revan, Padme, General Skywalker
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB-GEO and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
  • Options
    Vietnam Hero Group
    183m GP
    * About us:
    - International guild of TNR Alliance, operate independently.
    - HSR starting time: 02:00PM UTC (09pm gmt+7)
    - TW winning streaks.
    - Over 21* Geo TB
    * Looking for new members that:
    :wink: Active.
    :wink: Over 3.5m, good rosters.

    Thanks for reading.
    DM me if u are interested.
    My ally code: 598-661-688
  • Binxy
    805 posts Member

    Guild-Name: Brōtherhood of Darkness
    Guild-GP: 180m

    Geo DSTB: 23/33
    Hoth LSTB: 45/45
    Hoth DSTB: 48/48

    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on sim)
    HAAT: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 10pm GMT (on farm)

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Ky2R2AZ
    Discord Host: Binxy#9448
    Ally Code: 493-799-258

    The Brōtherhood of Darkness is a fully heroic independent guild focussed on Geonosian Territory Battles and Territory Wars. We are now recruiting players with a minimum GP of 4m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
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    [24 GTB stars] Guild looking for 1 member - 4m+ GP [The Young Apprentices]

    Message me at DangerNoodle#5354 on Discord if you are interested in joining :)

    Hi everyone

    At The Young Apprentices we are looking for 1 new member - we are at 213m+. We want you to have 4m+ GP. and a great roster built for GTB.


    We get 24 stars in DS GTB! That is our main focus as a guild right now. Maximizing our potential, and making sure we get the best rewards possible!

    We use Discord for communication and coordination, so it is imperative that you use it, as often as possible! :)

    We are open to any timezone, so let not that be a barrier :) We have members from everywhere, though majorly US based.

    Raid start times rotate so that everyone gets a fair shot at them.

    We take a casual, relaxed look at TW.

    But really, the most important part of YA is that we are a fun, social guild that loves to help out, discuss, and just generally enjoy being Star Wars fans that play the game together.

    Message me at DangerNoodle#5354 on Discord if you are interested in joining :)
  • Options
    Do you have 2.0 mil gp or higher??
    We are an HSTR guild with 49 members. 172 mil GP guild
    You must have one of the following: C3po,Chewy, Revan, Darth Revan, Padme, General Skywalker
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB-GEO and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
  • Options

    Guild-Name: Brōtherhood of Darkness
    Guild-GP: 180m

    Geo DSTB: 23/33
    Hoth LSTB: 45/45
    Hoth DSTB: 48/48

    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on sim)
    HAAT: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 10pm GMT (on farm)

    Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Ky2R2AZ
    Discord Host: Binxy#9448
    Ally Code: 493-799-258

    The Brōtherhood of Darkness is a fully heroic independent guild focussed on Geonosian Territory Battles and Territory Wars. We are now recruiting players with a minimum GP of 4m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
  • Brobeans
    609 posts Member
    edited November 2019

    Independent UK/EU guild

    We are a full participation guild, our leadership ensures we are well organized for TB/TW along with making sure we get 30k tickets each day. Our current guild focus is Geo TB, farming the teams required to gain higher rewards and complete more of the special missions. We have a good strategy for TW and our officers evaluate after every TW and we also track our members to make sure everyone pulls their weight!

    Geo TB - 27 stars
    20 Wat shards
    45* LS TB
    47* DS TB
    Good TW winning record
    Rancor SIM
    HAAT 1900 UTC
    Heroic sith Raid 1400 + 2000 UTC rotation
    30k tickets daily
    Raid join notifications so you never miss out on rewards!


    Our requirements to join are:
    600 daily tickets
    3.5 GP minimum
    Better than 100 in arena
    Better than 50 in fleet
    Required units: Darth revan, **** and good separatists
    Swgoh. gg account
    Active in all aspects of the game

    We currently have 3 spaces available

    If anyone is interested PM me. I will respond as soon as I can
    1 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    GONE PLAID ELITE has 3 openings. We are looking for players close to 3.5 mil GP, who are active daily, and can consistently get their 600 daily tickets. Message ANTIHERO'S GHOST in game to apply to our guild. Ally code: 936-459-767
  • Options
    The Covenant of the Force

    What we look for in our crew
    Passionate about game
    Building for Geo TB/TW
    600 tickets daily
    Participation in all guild events

    What we provide
    Fully heroic guild
    Geo TB focus 27 stars and improving
    Competitive TW
    Fun & supportive atmosphere
    Guidance for rapid growth
    Raid times : Sim Pit rewards 10 am PST (before TB/TW lock)
    Alternating sith and HAAT: 11am PST and 6pm PST

  • arkk00
    76 posts Member
    edited November 2019
    Nar Shaddaa currently has 5 openings and is looking for players 4.5m GP or higher

    About us:
    - https://swgoh.gg/g/12405/uwol_nar-shaddaa/
    - 214m Guild GP
    - Guild reset 7:30pm EST.
    - All Heroic raids have a join period starting at 8pm EST and go FFA at 5pm EST next day. (Rancor is simmed)
    - LSTB/45* DSTB/47* DSGTB/27*
    - We're focusing on Geo TB and are closing in on 28 stars quickly with 30+ Wat shards.

    Guild Requirements
    1. 600 tickets daily
    2. Discord daily (this is how we communicate).
    3. Ability to follow directions
    4. 4.5m GP or higher with strong Separatists(Earning WAT shards) and all Legendary Characters.
    5. TW - We aren’t in your face about it but request that you pull your weight if you join.
    6. TB participation is mandatory because it benefits the whole guild.

    If interested message winnie#8434 on Discord, or simply drop into our server (someone in attendance almost 24/7) for a quick chat - https://discord.gg/mbT7ZZu
  • Options
    Seekers of Je'daii https://swgoh.gg/g/21877/seekers-of-jedaii/

    We are International, very friendly guild looking for 1 player with 4m GP minimum
    223m GP
    28* in Geo TB

    Guild Requirements:
    600 tickets daily
    Discord or Line
    Participation in TB and TW

    Please use the following contacts if you are interested:
    Discord: cascor(Seekers of Je'daii)#2265
    LINE: cascor
  • Options

    Anakin/Relic nonsense have you looking for a new home? Check out Army of Ren!

    AoR is an independent, fully Heroic, US-based, committed and sociable end-game focused guild. We care very much about the advancement of the guild as a whole through individual success, and we strongly believe that every member’s progress strengthens the entire guild. We are not a mega-guild or a feeder guild; you begin with us and progress with us.

    Our guild leadership is proactive and drama-free, our members are generous with knowledge, advice, and gear donations, and we enjoy a low member turn-over. We also enjoy a close-knit and social community on our Discord server, so please bring your personality along!

    If interested, please DM me or contact us on our Discord recruitment server:

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