but what a shame the drop rate of omega in the 16nrg battle!

From about early 2019 the game is literally falling apart.
Bugs, bugs, fixed with bugs that give life to other bugs and you are not even repaid if not with an apology.
Surely, even if I played a lot of EA games, I don't know if I will play another one after that.
I had a good impression when I started in 2016 until the end of 2018, but now, after the bugged Malak event, I've seen a lot of top players quit.

Today I'm trying to close Padme's Z before the GAC starts, I'm waiting to log in for this reason, so I can use it.
I miss 1 omega material.

I remember that when I was doing trooper with the shards, every now and then I won some omega material ... I even had a hundred!
For some months now I've been gaining practically more Z materials than the Omega ones !!
I was left without the last 12 omega materials and I need 13 for Padme's Z to be able to start using the team at an acceptable level.
Do you believe that since Brood came out I have not even seen 1 omega material from the cellar?
Remember when the Hyena ship was to be taken?
I started with 1100 energy and did 3 refreshes per day from 100 crystals and 1 from 200 to try to take it 6 stars .. I arrived only at 5 stars ok, but not even there, no omega material.
Today I spent 700 crystals in cellar energy to get a SINGLE OMEGA MATERIAL, making TWENTY BATTLES TOGETHER to increase the drop rate.
Not even the shadow of 1 material.

Why don't they warn you when they make this crap?
Why don't they write that Omega materials are as rare as Z materials now?
Why have they not warned that the drop rate has dropped from 8/10% to 0.2 ??

I'll tell you why ... for the same reason that they made the mess of Malak and other minor things from sucking money:

The CG is no longer able even to go to the toilet from the beginning of 2019.
Try to make some money and end up piercing the game by making people run away.
I have been passionate about role-playing games for 26 years.
I play video games RPG and MMO RPG since they invented them.
I thought I was safe with EA, but I've never seen anything like this.
I will also soon be quitting, I am starting to get really tired of a game where the real purpose is "guess if you are doing a buggy thing or a work ...?"

Yet another flop of the 2019 CG.
I miss Wiggs times.
What a forfeiture.


  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    OP's post needs to be cemented and placed in a hall of fame
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    I’m not sure but I think OP is claiming that the omega drop rate in cantina has been reduced? I find that highly highly doubtful.
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    I’m not sure but I think OP is claiming that the omega drop rate in cantina has been reduced? I find that highly highly doubtful.

    I feel like a reduction from the historical rate would make it a negative number....
  • Options
    That’s a lot of typing to say I wish I got an omega today.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • Options
    Casstigo wrote: »
    I miss 1 omega material.
    I thought I was safe with EA, but I've never seen anything like this.

    Two questions:
    1. Have you tried completing your daily activities? Doing so give an omega mat every single day.
    2. When has anyone ever said the felt safe with EA? EA might have the most negative media surrounding a video game company that I am aware of. Remember the Battlefront 2 fiasco?
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