LS Geo Platoon - impossible to achieve


  • Options
    So consider it as a help to those guilds who are struggling on day 3 to get one star. This gives them and a chance on day 4 to lower the difficulty.
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    sooo... in Stage 4, we can disable a platoon ability in Stage 3... i know this is mean to be hard, but uhhh... this is literally impossible.
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    Yeah, can you believe what CG is doing?

    Granted to non-elites? Surely, they could've made it harder. Missed opportunity smh
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    sooo... in Stage 4, we can disable a platoon ability in Stage 3... i know this is mean to be hard, but uhhh... this is literally impossible.
    If you don't get a star in middle or bottom territory, you can attempt that territory again in Phase 4 after filling the platoons
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