General Hux changes

176 posts Member
edited December 2019
The General Hux changes are like what the Darth Malak changes were, to nerf a free-to-play counter to a recent pay wall/pay-to-play character. Also, CG made it sound like it was closer to what they originally intended, but that's a lie.
Post edited by Kyno on


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    Nothing new. Not the first time they released something with a mechanic that defeats their current sell-meta and nerfed it as a result.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    characters that can "cheese" the latest and greatest are not that much fun if you own the latest and greatest. Not only that it makes you think twice before you spend to get the latest and greatest.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    to be fair, how were they supposed to realize that a character that prevented tm gain would prevent tm gain?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Ct214476 wrote: »
    The General Hux changes are like what the Darth Malak changes were, to nerf a free-to-play counter to a recent pay wall/pay-to-play character. Also, CG made it sound like it was closer to what they originally intended, but that's a lie.

    Disagree, but because to me this is worse than Malak. Atleast Malak was a buff to the new "meta" character, where Hux is nerfing the all-around utility of a newly released marquee. Both kill a counter character, but only one hurts that character in other matches.
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  • TVF
    36731 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    to be fair, how were they supposed to realize that a character that prevented tm gain would prevent tm gain?

    I need a new message here.
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    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    Ok, this makes sense.
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    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    With respect I'm not sure I fully agree here. Didn't they say he was designed to be similar to Thrawn and a plug-and-play/theory crafter? Thrawn's facture and TM swap works regardless of team setup. Additionally, from the Q&As they seem to want to diversify things?
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    to be fair, how were they supposed to realize that a character that prevented tm gain would prevent tm gain?

    I know right? The whole “we can’t test everything” excuse falls flat. So often when they nerf something it’s because they miss interactions that should literally be the first thing that anyone who plays the game would test.
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    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    Whoa, whoa, WHOA, let's take it easy with that logic there, buddy. That's dangerous stuff.
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    Borat wrote: »
    McGregor wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    With respect I'm not sure I fully agree here. Didn't they say he was designed to be similar to Thrawn and a plug-and-play/theory crafter? Thrawn's facture and TM swap works regardless of team setup. Additionally, from the Q&As they seem to want to diversify things?

    actually cg said similar to Thrawn with respect to him manipulating the battle field but all else in their discussion about his kit was about his synergy to FO. Absolutely nothing about Plug and Play anywhere. There was a lack of leadership in the FO faction and that is what they were going for. Also, Thrawn's leadership does not help anyone but Empire.

    I haven't memorised the forums but if you're right then fair enough, it's just pretty poor design/testing on their part and another thing to frustrate some of the players unfortunately.
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    Agreed, and if he's going to be used in Arena then we're likely looking at R5 across the board, as it seems things can either be B+ for free, or A+ with a huge paywall. I'm genuinely looking forward to the new Rey/Kylo releases now we have the journey guide.
  • slmcmr
    875 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams

    Here is a short list of toons that have abilities which help all toons not only their factions:
    AA- Tactical Genius
    B2 - Relentless Barrage
    Bastila Shan - Rally
    Darth Traya - Isolate (CD reduction and Prot Up)

    I am not even half way on the list. Let's not assume that CG has nerfed it because it doesn't make sense to use it outside of his faction. They nerfed it because it was affecting GA$

    Edit: I am perfectly fine with him being a FO focused character but they should either release him with FO focused kit or refund zeta material when making such changes

    Edit #2: Seems like they are refunding the zeta. It's my bad
    Post edited by slmcmr on
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    This is a great change!
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    slmcmr wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams

    Here is a short list of toons that have abilities which help all toons not only their factions:
    AA- Tactical Genius
    B2 - Relentless Barrage
    Bastila Shan - Rally
    Darth Traya - Isolate (CD reduction and Prot Up)

    I am not even half way on the list. Let's not assume that CG has nerfed it because it doesn't make sense to use ut outside of his faction. They nerfed it because it was affecting GA$

    They nerfed it because it was too powerful in their opinion (in hindsight). Why else nerf something?
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • V01D
    117 posts Member
    slmcmr wrote: »

    Here is a short list of toons that have abilities which help all toons not only their factions:
    AA- Tactical Genius
    B2 - Relentless Barrage
    Bastila Shan - Rally
    Darth Traya - Isolate (CD reduction and Prot Up)

    I am not even half way on the list. Let's not assume that CG has nerfed it because it doesn't make sense to use it outside of his faction. They nerfed it because it was affecting GA$

    Edit: I am perfectly fine with him being a FO focused character but they should either release him with FO focused kit or refund zeta material when making such changes

    They will be refunding the zeta mats.

    "We understand that this may change your calculation around investing in this character. Accordingly, we will be setting Hux’s Unique and Leader to level 1 for all players and returning any materials you applied in the same update."
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    Oh i must have missed the refund part, my bad
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    They also need to refund the gear
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    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    Because people like theory crafting teams that aren't just the cookie cutter faction teams the CG makes for us.

    That being said, I think they should've made it so that Hux's stuff required at least one other living FO ally, similar to the way that NS zombie unique is applied. She can't die as long as there is one other living NS ally, but she can get bricked by killing her a couple times and giving her -100% speed. Hux can still lose the ability by being crit or dispelled so that he no longer has advantage. It's not like theres no way around his ability, and it would make sense for him to be controlling as long as he had at least one other FO ally around, not just if there are only FO allies.
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    He goes from an arena tool to a solid GA tool.

    No complaints
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    Shaddes wrote: »
    Vertigo wrote: »
    Borat wrote: »
    I understand the anger towards CG but really, this isn't a nerf rather a correction. He is a FO leader, why would he help non FO teams. Granted, CG should have realized this before releasing him, but faction toons should really only help faction teams. Why would Hux help Sith Empire or Rebels? He has no business being on those teams. If he had a neutral tag, then maybe but he clearly has a FO tag and should only help as such. It would be like AA helping Thrawn and Co. get extra attacks or Traya boosting Ren. Stop looking for reasons to crucify CG, they give us enough on their own but this I Cannot agree with the anger. You all should have known this would be changed regardless if it was taking out the meta that Hux should not be helping no FO teams.

    Because people like theory crafting teams that aren't just the cookie cutter faction teams the CG makes for us.

    That being said, I think they should've made it so that Hux's stuff required at least one other living FO ally, similar to the way that NS zombie unique is applied. She can't die as long as there is one other living NS ally, but she can get bricked by killing her a couple times and giving her -100% speed. Hux can still lose the ability by being crit or dispelled so that he no longer has advantage. It's not like theres no way around his ability, and it would make sense for him to be controlling as long as he had at least one other FO ally around, not just if there are only FO allies.

    Why does everyone think that this is theory crafting and great strategy??? There is NO strategy involved in placing a character on the field to do nothing except sit there, have an effect for a turn and then die. There is no strategy in that beyond having basic reading skills and basic hand eye coordination to move the characters into the correct slots ...

    You have to admit that a large portion of the playerbase wouldn't have come up with the strategy to use Hux in a DRevan team to beat GAS, atleast not on their own.
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • jonnysiniwal
    675 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    You are all missing the point. Stop investing in characters the first few days they are out. Seriously. This was so obviously how this character was going to be used. It took all of a few hours for people to figure it out same as palp countering malak. There is no excuse for missing this other than lack of testing. Wait a week before you spend on these new characters.
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    leef wrote: »
    characters that can "cheese" the latest and greatest are not that much fun if you own the latest and greatest. Not only that it makes you think twice before you spend to get the latest and greatest.

    Then do some testing before hand. Problem solved. Go figure that it's that easy
  • TVF
    36731 posts Member
    He goes from an arena tool to a solid GA tool.

    No complaints

    I need a new message here.
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