Witch team farm for Padmé event ?

I already have a 7 stars Dooku, a 4 stars Grivious and a 4 stars magnagard. Who should I farm next ? I'm gonna continue with Grivious but I need 3 other guys.


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    I used g11 nute lead, g12 asajj, g11 b2, g11 dooku, g8 sun fac. If you want to focus on the guys you mentioned, I'd actually drop dooku and use grievous, magnaguard, b1, b2, droideka. Those will get you padme and all of them except grievous are needed for the general skywalker event.
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    Nute Gunray lead is a must
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    I second Nute lead. Bring dispellers to get around Kenobi's taunt, such as Ventress and B2. Geo Spy is a great addition. You can fill up the team with Poggle or IG-100.

    Gear wise, I'd aim for g9 on Nute and g10-12 on the rest (except for Poggle, who can be g7). Grievous only comes into his own at g12+. Ventress also works best at g12, although g11 works in a bind. Both GG and Ventress can use a zeta (Metalloid M. and Rampage, respectively).

    Alternatively, you could farm a full g10+ Geo squad with Brood Alpha lead.
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    Will also echo the Nute lead if you are looking for a full team. I would recommend Asajj, GG, and B2 for the team.

    That said, R7 GG (a great investment, arguably the best character to take to relic 7) can essentially solo t7 with poor other sepratists. Not sure what the minimum relic level to bring in bad supporting cast is, but this could be a "cheaper" way if you don't plan on building a full seps team. Not that I would recommend ignoring sepratists.
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    I'd also say Nute lead. Personally, I did Nute, Dooku, Asajj, GG and Jango Fett. Not only does Jango get his contract automatically (which gives him damage immunity) due to the Seperatist lead, but the AI tends to go after Jango. Dooku can then stealth everyone leaving Jango out and the opponents end up wasting turns on Jango. Then, with extortion and a good GG, you can pick apart the enemy and secure the win.
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    It can be done with Nute lead if Asajj is G12 with unique zeta, then everyone else can be as low as G8-9 if you have decent mods, just need all the speed you can get.
  • 20cmulcahy
    39 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    I'd recommend Geo's they only need to be like G9 if you have the zeta and good mods. But you seem more prepared for the other teams so id go for them unless you have already stared geos.
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    NS are the only witch team, but you can't use them in the event.
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    This is overkill but if you want things done right.......
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