Bossk mod 2020

Hi all, i have been looking for boosk mod and while i was searching i found several ways to mod him :
  • full health
  • speed / def
  • full tenacity

what it is the most up to date mods for bossk ? is there any trick like if bossk is leader i have to mod him a way, if another bounty hunter is leader i have to mod him another way.

I want to use him as leader but i also have jango which seems really good, i plan to use my BH mainly on GA and TW (not arena) on defense

hope someone can help me


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    Honestly Jango is largely a better defensive lead despite what you would think. You have a better chance to hit the payout on defense because it it much less target specific.

    As for Bossk it just depends who the leader is. If you are using Jango lead you really need a lot of speed to capitalize on the +30 you get immediately from the lead. You'll also want to put a bit of tenacity on him as well. You can use health or protection, though protection is still best until you get 6 dot health mods.

    If you use a Bossk lead, obviously you still want Bossk fast but speed isn't quite as important. Protection everywhere including on the other BH since the lead gives a big bonus to the stat, and you also still want a bit of tenacity as well. I also like quite a bit of defense to capitalize on the defense boost when he has taunt, which is pretty much always.
  • Jarvind
    3928 posts Member
    The issue with Bossk lead on defense is that he's very frequently countered with Jedi Training Rey. With BB8 and R2 on her team, it's almost impossible to get Bossk fast enough to outspeed a decently modded JTR squad and get his taunt off. So what happens is that JTR will just hand wave him and he sits there while his team gets easily dismantled.

    Bossk lead is best used for PVE, where, as the first commenter noted, speed isn't as paramount as long as you can survive. For defensive PVP, Jango lead is much more likely to get holds despite the lowered survivability.
  • Mephisto_style
    5724 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    it is 2020 where now we're only using Bossk for TW and GAC defense.
    In that case Jango is the better lead.
    Assuming Jango lead, how do you mod Bossk?
    Probably more importantly, how to mod everyone else?
  • MagicMatthews99
    1124 posts Member
    edited January 2020
    I've got Bossk modded for tenacity, Embo protection, Zam potency, everyone else cc/cd.
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    thank you all for your replies, i think i will go with jango lead and mod bossk with speed/tenacity
  • Mephisto_style
    5724 posts Member
    edited February 2020
    thank you all for your replies, i think i will go with jango lead and mod bossk with speed/tenacity

    Not a bad idea. Potency wouldn't be bad either. Forget crit, offense on him. He will always hit like an Ewok and with 60% potency his net attack can stick . You need enough tenacity to stop debuffs. Modding 100+ tenacity and forgetting potency completely is not wrong.

    I went 70/70 to get Chewbacca using him and the worst BH team.
    Post edited by Mephisto_style on
  • Options
    thank you all for your replies, i think i will go with jango lead and mod bossk with speed/tenacity
    Potency wouldn't be bad either. Forget crit, offense on him.
    And forget potency on Bossk too. Same applies to CLS.

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