Mean Guild I Guess?

3340 posts Member
Hey so I randomly got kicked from my guild after contributing to Phase 6 of TB, do they lose all that progression? If not can I please be compensated for this? It’s not really fair.

I know what everyone’s thinking, I did something terrible, but I really truly haven’t done anything out of the ordinary, and I don’t know why they kicked me. I don’t want to come crashing down on the world with the hammer of anger, all I want is some kind of reassurance that the world isn’t all evil. If I don’t at least benefit from the TB, then this seems kinda unfair to me.


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    Unfortunately i dont think you get any rewards from TB :'(

    Thats an uncool move by your guild, sorry.
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Yeah, thanks though. I just found it weird. Oh well. Better luck next guild.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    But, @CG_SBCrumb or @Kyno if you see this then could you advocate for a fix? I’m sure I’m not the only one, and it would be nice to reassure people that their raid and TB investments are secure.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    have you tried asking your guildmates?
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Nihion wrote: »
    But, @CG_SBCrumb or @Kyno if you see this then could you advocate for a fix? I’m sure I’m not the only one, and it would be nice to reassure people that their raid and TB investments are secure.

    CG won't compensate you anything for this. It's an issue between players and we'll, it sucks but is the truth. Sorry it happened to you but the best you can do is drop it and keep looking
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    My guess would be there was probably some rule violation that occurred at some point during the TB that made them decide to kick you, but since members can't participate in TB if they join midway through it a lot of guilds wait until after TB has ended to kick people who don't live up to guild expectations in some form or another so that they don't sell themselves short by parting ways.

    That being said, guilds will usually still let people collect their rewards before kicking them unless they have committed a very grave offense or maybe even one they've been warned about multiple times.

    But there are some mean or elitist guilds who don't care at all about those who don't live up to their standards.

    Not sure which scenario is better for you. Sorry about your luck.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    I don’t know, I may have brown some rule I wasn’t aware of, but I feel like for the future of the game, there should be some fix to make this fair for everyone. There’s no harm to the guild if I get rewards, and if not then it’s only fair that they don’t deserve my contribution. I spent maybe 4 total hours over 6 days on this and all I get is some TB tokens along the way? It might just be me, but that just doesn’t seem fair.
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    @Nihion I'm more then happy for you to join my guild? Send me a message on here or in game 552934363
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    @Nihion I'm more then happy for you to join my guild? Send me a message on here or in game 552934363

    Thank you!
  • Options
    Nihion wrote: »
    I don’t know, I may have brown some rule I wasn’t aware of, but I feel like for the future of the game, there should be some fix to make this fair for everyone. There’s no harm to the guild if I get rewards, and if not then it’s only fair that they don’t deserve my contribution. I spent maybe 4 total hours over 6 days on this and all I get is some TB tokens along the way? It might just be me, but that just doesn’t seem fair.

    It's definitely a kick in the keister. It's hard to come up with an adequate solution though. Like it could go the other way too. If someone sits in a guild for the whole tb and only puts 1 person in 1 platoon day 1 then a lot of people would say it's very fair to kick that person before rewards since they didn't contribute enough to earn the rewards. If people get rewards no matter what then people lose the option to deny people who are just leeching.

    When it comes down to it, a guild is all about teamwork. Whatever the case may be for your dismissal, I'd say that you all weren't really a team if they kicked you like that. I'd just say chalk it up as finding out where you don't belong en route to where you do.
  • Options
    Nihion wrote: »
    I don’t know, I may have brown some rule I wasn’t aware of, but I feel like for the future of the game, there should be some fix to make this fair for everyone. There’s no harm to the guild if I get rewards, and if not then it’s only fair that they don’t deserve my contribution. I spent maybe 4 total hours over 6 days on this and all I get is some TB tokens along the way? It might just be me, but that just doesn’t seem fair.

    Completely agree with you there what's the name of the guild?
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Woodroward wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »
    I don’t know, I may have brown some rule I wasn’t aware of, but I feel like for the future of the game, there should be some fix to make this fair for everyone. There’s no harm to the guild if I get rewards, and if not then it’s only fair that they don’t deserve my contribution. I spent maybe 4 total hours over 6 days on this and all I get is some TB tokens along the way? It might just be me, but that just doesn’t seem fair.

    It's definitely a kick in the keister. It's hard to come up with an adequate solution though. Like it could go the other way too. If someone sits in a guild for the whole tb and only puts 1 person in 1 platoon day 1 then a lot of people would say it's very fair to kick that person before rewards since they didn't contribute enough to earn the rewards. If people get rewards no matter what then people lose the option to deny people who are just leeching.

    When it comes down to it, a guild is all about teamwork. Whatever the case may be for your dismissal, I'd say that you all weren't really a team if they kicked you like that. I'd just say chalk it up as finding out where you don't belong en route to where you do.

    Fair enough. C’est la vie I guess. Thanks for the help everyone!
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    I don’t know, I may have brown some rule I wasn’t aware of, but I feel like for the future of the game, there should be some fix to make this fair for everyone. There’s no harm to the guild if I get rewards, and if not then it’s only fair that they don’t deserve my contribution. I spent maybe 4 total hours over 6 days on this and all I get is some TB tokens along the way? It might just be me, but that just doesn’t seem fair.

    Completely agree with you there what's the name of the guild?

    Seventh Heven I think? I’ve only been in it a month or two, so I didn’t really get to know anyone. I was in a guild for about 3 years until November when all the officers left.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    It's bad form to kick during an event, and even worse form to not let the person know why. It's lousy, but I'm sure you're better off not being there.
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    Quick Couple of questions @Nihion -

    - had you joined an external chat group like Line or more likely Discord for the guild?

    - can you read in game chat messages?

    If the answer to either or both of those is “no”, you could have been kicked for failure to respond to an instruction or request.

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    Here at Operation Fishstick, we appreciate all our members. *shamless Guild plug*
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    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Here at Operation Fishstick, we appreciate all our members. *shamless Guild plug*

    You appreciate members who don’t take part in Tb and still get the same rewards as the rest of you also?
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    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Here at Operation Fishstick, we appreciate all our members. *shamless Guild plug*

    You appreciate members who don’t take part in Tb and still get the same rewards as the rest of you also?

    Either way kicking before rewards is pretty crap.
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    Well, i don’t know the exact reason, but i know that my guild will kick someone during an event if they-
    1-are asked to do one thing and they ignore it completely. could have gotten 19 stars in the recent geo, got 18 cause they deployed in the wrong place.

    2- don’t participate often. we don’t ask people to go on 24/7, but half an hour to do your missions, platoons and deploy shouldn’t be too difficult, do it on the toilet or something.

    3- don’t get the daily tickets... this is a main one

    4-the guild v guild event. if they don’t do anything.

    practically, if they want to freeload, they get kicked. we just kicked three for having the minimum possible score from just deploying. Obviously, they do kinda need to break a few of these rules to be kicked during an event though. Notice is also given, you have 24 hours to respond with a valid excuse, like dog ate my mobile device isn’t going to cut it. Kicking without notice is kinda bad, but CG won’t do anything about it. What motivation do they have? If this affected the majority of the player base, then they may do something, but for now, just find a guild that won’t kick you
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    edited February 2020
    Man I'd hate to be in the hospital for 30 hours, get back ok, and find I was kicked because I got out 6 hours too late.

    How does it hurt the rest of you if you wait until the event is over to kick? It just seems vindictive otherwise.
    I need a new message here.
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    Couple years back I got kicked during a Territory Battle. It’s a terrible feeling, TB has always had some of the best rewards in the game.

    If not vindictive, it’s incredibly inconsiderate. Sorry to hear it happened to you, man.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    @Nihion If you were kicked for no reason or for a first/minor offense then you're better off without that guild anyway. Ye, kkicking you was unfair, but think of it as an oppirtunity to move on to a better managed guild.

    If you were kicked for repeated/major offenses or for general stuff like not responding when officers reach out to you, then move on to your next guild and try to not repeat whatever you did in your former guild.
  • cannonfodder_iv
    992 posts Member
    edited February 2020
    TVF wrote: »
    Man I'd hate to be in the hospital for 30 hours, get back ok, and find I was kicked because I got out 6 hours too late.

    How does it hurt the rest of you if you wait until the event is over to kick? It just seems vindictive otherwise.

    There are degrees and activity levels to consider of course. A diligent player that suddenly stops doing the needful represents a concern. Someone who is historically disinterested remaining so during TB despite multiple warnings....I think a different story.

    The logical consequence for not doing what you're supposed to in TB is not sharing in the TB rewards.
  • TVF
    36693 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Man I'd hate to be in the hospital for 30 hours, get back ok, and find I was kicked because I got out 6 hours too late.

    How does it hurt the rest of you if you wait until the event is over to kick? It just seems vindictive otherwise.

    There are degrees and activity levels to consider of course. A diligent player that suddenly stops doing the needful represents a concern. Someone who is historically disinterested remaining so during TB despite multiple warnings....I think a different story.

    The logical consequence for not doing what you're supposed to in TB is not sharing in the TB rewards.

    We've kicked people after TB. I just don't see the point in doing it during. Shrug.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Man I'd hate to be in the hospital for 30 hours, get back ok, and find I was kicked because I got out 6 hours too late.

    How does it hurt the rest of you if you wait until the event is over to kick? It just seems vindictive otherwise.

    There are degrees and activity levels to consider of course. A diligent player that suddenly stops doing the needful represents a concern. Someone who is historically disinterested remaining so during TB despite multiple warnings....I think a different story.

    The logical consequence for not doing what you're supposed to in TB is not sharing in the TB rewards.

    We've kicked people after TB. I just don't see the point in doing it during. Shrug.
    Once had a TB loose cannon. Deployed when zones were locked. Hit combats before platoons were done. Used toons in wrong missions so he locked himself out of other missions. Also missed tickets multiple times.

    We tolerated it.

    When we saw him in a recruitment thread “looking for a more serious guild”, we made sure he didn’t need to worry about leaving his current one before joining his new one.

    An edge case, but I’m sure even your patience could be tested by the right amount of provocation.
  • Options
    Well, i don’t know the exact reason, but i know that my guild will kick someone during an event if they-
    1-are asked to do one thing and they ignore it completely. could have gotten 19 stars in the recent geo, got 18 cause they deployed in the wrong place.

    2- don’t participate often. we don’t ask people to go on 24/7, but half an hour to do your missions, platoons and deploy shouldn’t be too difficult, do it on the toilet or something.

    3- don’t get the daily tickets... this is a main one

    4-the guild v guild event. if they don’t do anything.

    practically, if they want to freeload, they get kicked. we just kicked three for having the minimum possible score from just deploying. Obviously, they do kinda need to break a few of these rules to be kicked during an event though. Notice is also given, you have 24 hours to respond with a valid excuse, like dog ate my mobile device isn’t going to cut it. Kicking without notice is kinda bad, but CG won’t do anything about it. What motivation do they have? If this affected the majority of the player base, then they may do something, but for now, just find a guild that won’t kick you

    So, not your guild.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Quick Couple of questions @Nihion -

    - had you joined an external chat group like Line or more likely Discord for the guild?

    - can you read in game chat messages?

    If the answer to either or both of those is “no”, you could have been kicked for failure to respond to an instruction or request.

    It honestly could have been number one, but I was definitely never given a message about a discord or required chat. The guild chat was pretty dead as well, but I may have missed a message.
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