Daily shard challenges

77 posts Member
edited March 2016
This is primarily for devs and Jessie to look at but is here for anyone who can read the entire post. After this post is up I will be working on a shorter version since I know long posts will turn people away, I will also be posting a poll for the community to vote on. Anyways here it is.

After reaching level 70 and realizing after max level there is not much to do in the game. I have thoroughly enjoyed this game from start to finish, I still play every day, with that said I am now facing having no intention of completing all the daily challenges. Now this might be just a problem that I am facing but I know for a fact that everyone else is also begging for new or more content. We know that we have an impending level cap raise coming and while not entirely sure we have some idea of what might be next. I have come up with an idea that I think could really have a big push to make it into this game. It would be a game mode that amplifies the idea of collecting every toon as we all love every star wars character in this game and everyone else in the star wars universe. From Luminara, Qui gon, Sid, jedi Luke, jar jar, URORRUR’R’R and yes even you Ugnaught. After looking at squad cantina battles and with the recent chromium only characters becoming farmable I realized if they intend to make others there isn’t much space, while they could just add more in the future or add them to shipments I believe that my idea would be better for now and even in the future as they add more chromium only characters. This Idea would also benefit both new players and max level players, with a slight edge to the max players. This would influence max players and new players to complete all daily challenges in order to be able to use this new game mode also.

So below is my new game mode for those that have stuck with me this far I thank you and hope that you like and enjoy my proposed idea, to the devs I hope after reading this you can give this a serious thought and with the help of the community we could push to making this become a real game mode.

This game mode would be a daily shard challenge. There would be a node in the cantina like the current event node, it could even be put into the event node itself.
There would be three sub selections a Light, a Dark, and a random. The light and the dark would have a character, light would have a light side and dark would have a dark side toon that would refresh with a new character to get shards for every day. For the random it would have no select character. It would be no different than the hard node battles and use RNG to not only determine if it will give shards but also determine which character to give if it gave a shard which could be 1-2 shards. Overall for the light, dark and random, credits could be rewarded to help with the credit crunch. crystals too but that is for the devs to decide.


To enter the challenge there would be a currency to enter. The currency is where the daily challenges come in. In addition to the rewards given now it could give a “shard challenge coin” or a RNG chance which is up to the devs to decide. It could also be rewarded on GW completion. These coins could also be bought from either shipments, shard shop or the data card store. Since the rewards for this challenge would be shards the coins would have to be not hard to get but certainly not in abundance either. I originally decided only from daily completion, shard shop and the data cards but why not it extend to GW and shipments. For the prices…

• Shard shop 450 for 1
• Shipments 215 for 1

Data cards
• 3 for 600
• 6 for 1200 you could only purchase one of these options once per week.
• 9 for 1800

General rules for the shard challenge itself

• Two chances for both the light side and dark side a day which refresh daily.
• one coin for each challenge entry
• The level of the challenge would be based on your highest toon if I had one level 70 and 5 other 68’s too bad all the enemies are 70 even if only one toon is. Or even higher levels that we can’t reach yet.
• the difficulty would be adjusted like in light, dark and squad battles (more health and stuff like that)
• This would be up to the devs again but I originally thought only one 5 person enemy squad per node a 6 person team if possible would be more challenging or have the regular 1-3 battles per node.
• Another up to the dev we would be able to have 5 or 6 toons on our team with even the 6th toon being from our own characters would offer their leader bonus in addition to the other leader bonus.
• The toons we would be facing would show up like the way they show up in squad arena this is why the only one battle would work better for this part
• The random battles will have no limitation for the amount of tries.

Light and dark side.

• Upon entering there would be five nodes, if all five are won a sixth node would be unlocked
• The light side toons would fight the dark side and the dark side would fight the light side.
• You have full access to all the toons for each side.
• There could or could not be a retreat function like in GW either way would work fine.
• Unlike GW after each battle toons would have full health and all cooldowns refreshed.
• If a toon died in battle they would be dead for the rest of the challenge.
• If you are defeated in the battle you would lose rewards for the node and the 6th node would be lost, but move on and the five or even six characters would be done for the challenge.
• If defeated a second time you are locked out of the challenge.

Random battles

• The random battle will have no nodes, and unlimited battles until one loss
• We will pick 12 toons from either side to be used(only 5-6 will be used for one battle)
• Like GW they will not be healed outside of battle nor have their abilities cooled and if a toon dies they are done.
• If a player wins 15 battles within the random challenge they will be rewarded 5 shards of a random character
• The toons that we will be going up against will not be displayed
• If even one battle is lost you will be done with the challenge.


• During light and dark side the five nodes you will always get 2 shards of the character for the day of that side.
• If you are defeated like stated above you do not get the rewards
• In addition to the shards there would also be credits and anything else the devs decide
• For the random and the 6th node it will always give credits with the RNG chance to give 1-2 shards of an RNG character.

6th node

• If and only if all five of the nodes are won will this unlock
• I haven’t decided if toons would continue to be dead or they could be revived. There could be a middle where you can but it can only be a certain number.
• You can continue to play this node until you are defeated like the challenge if a toon dies they are out.
• This would always reward credits and an RNG chance to drop only one extra shard for that character.
• During this sixth node the classic GW rules apply and toons can only heal in battle.

I believe that this would be a great addition to the game and would immensely help with bringing chromium characters over to FTP players and this would let the people that chose to spend money the option to buy these coins which would easily generate income from this app.
I hope that you guys enjoyed this and think is a great idea for the game, as always I am open to suggestions and constructive criticism, so let me know what you guys think and any comments will help keep this post up in the forums so that as many people as possible will see this. Like I said I will be posting a shortened version along with a poll if people like this or not


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  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    What do you mean by daily challenges?
    Out of all the current content the only thing that takes some thought and time is GW and arena. If you are leveled and maxed as you make is sound everything else can be auto battle and simmed. It is your decision if you want to skip the free stuff they give you but it does not compute.
  • CollinF
    203 posts Member
    Cool idea
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    @scuba not necessarily that I don't want to do it I enjoy the rewards it's just I'm getting bored as I think we all are once we hit max level
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    If you are bored then level your guest account.
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  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    @scuba not necessarily that I don't want to do it I enjoy the rewards it's just I'm getting bored as I think we all are once we hit max level

    Speak for yourself. I am not bored with the game.
    Thats not to say it can't use more in the game. I would personally like to see all the current bugs/problems fixed before they introduce new bugs/problems with new modes.
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    Im not "bored" of the game i am just looking for more to do
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    wrong forum
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