Sidious AOE 1 shots in Challenge tier 1

Relic 7 Daka with 150k health, but Sidious still kills the entire team with his first AOE due to the DOT's it stacks, because DOT's are %health based. I doubt a phoenix team could survive it either.


  • khelzac
    335 posts Member
    Think it'll be doable with Talia. Sadly mine is only 6* so can't find out myself.
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    I did tier 1 kinda alrightly. Nothing too bad went wrong. Sidious nearly killed Daka with his constant aoes and she died from her wounds in phase 5, but I finished it in the end. Tier 2 is when the poop hits the fan and he one-shots everybody for me.
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    Talia's usually too dead to use her heal. I got it this time because RNG had Talia not stay permanently dead from the aoe so she could cleanse, and Daka only got 1 dot instead of multiple Doubt I can do tier 2 because of that though.
  • Moorebid
    499 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    I was just casually strolling through the phases, until I saw a reddish blur coming at me with 2 lightsabers and then it was done. No time to use celerity, nothing. I entered P4 and he instagibbed my whole team... Eerrmm...?
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    Yeah.. and tier 2.. I don't know what kind of speed mods you need but once Maul puts daze on everyone things go pretty bad pretty fast. either that or they're expecting high tenacity nightsisters builds I don't know.
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    Hands down this event had no quality control

    Phoenix - rofl
    Ns - aoe death without rezz...fix your bugs
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    it'd be fine if the DoT's weren't % health based
  • Culegatorul
    178 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    XKurareX wrote: »
    Hands down this event had no quality control

    Phoenix - rofl
    Ns - aoe death without rezz...fix your bugs

    It's not a bug if an aoe kills every single ns,zombie will not trigger the revive since there are no ns left.I also am frustrated but what can you do...
  • XKurareX
    478 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Sure and Daka dieing by dot (thanks to 7 stacks) is working as intended?

    Its hilarious to see some of the newest events being not simply hard...just rng as they are not well thought.

    Dot death = no rezz in any case btw
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    Has anyone completed T2? My guild mate has 4R7 NS with good mods and still no chance so I was wondering if there's something we are doing wrong
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    One lucky dodges on daka+assaj /yay
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    What leads are people using? I keep switching between assaj and MT and no luck in p4. Feels like lsgtb all over again
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    Payback for Secrets and Shadows being too easy.
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    What leads are people using? I keep switching between assaj and MT and no luck in p4. Feels like lsgtb all over again

    MT for challenge tier 1. The extra stacks of plague are needed, and the extra revives. I had her and Daka die in wave 4, but was able to do a pseudo Deathstorm with Ventress and Spirit and get Daka to revive on the finishing blow. Nihilus doesn’t prevent revive with his annihilate, so after Sid it’s pretty clear sailing.
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    Wondering about relic phx in tiers 1 and 2
  • GA_Phoenix
    368 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Wondering about relic phx in tiers 1 and 2
    We have on member in our guild with who has relic phx.
    He told me, that Tier 1 ist quiet easy with them but in tier 2 they dont make it to phase 3 xD
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    put daka in the second slot, so you make sure zombie revives the leader and daka
  • Saada
    664 posts Member
    Shaddes wrote: »
    I was able to do it with relic 5 daka 124k health, 103% tenacity. I had to bring talia in because even with that much tenacity she kept getting heal block stuck to her.. took a few tries but eventually she resisted it enough and I was able to get enough plague on him for him to die from a talzin aoe. Was a close call

    Tier 1 or 2?
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    When this first came out, years back, in the top tier Sidious did the same thing to my teams too. one AOE and boom, my whole NS team was dead.

    All they're doing for these is making enemies relic 5, 7, 12, or whatever, and not "balancing" anything. Even watched its just ian's video about tier two and even his relic 7 NS team couldn't complete the second tier. Yet, for places of power I full auto'd tier 1 and 2 with 3 relic 4 characters and two G12.
  • Tanzos
    219 posts Member
    Try Daka lead. Use celerity to taunt away from Daka who can just revive anyone. Hopefully extra defense and health survives the AoE.

    I have a terrible Daka and made it to Sidious. But for some reason he didn't use his AoE first turn... still lost though when he took his next turn. But if I had Assaj lead I would've turn meter controlled him.
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  • Vendi1983
    5028 posts Member
    Solid damage output. Wish my Sidious could do that. +60 speed each mod and +200 offense per slot. Hah.
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    Ventress's attack stacks don't care over from phase to phase, do they? Seems kind of ridiculous that Ventress's attacks bonuses don't stack between phases of that event, but Zombie's limited revives and speed do. Either both should carry through or both should reset.
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    Which lead is better ? Talzin or Ventress?
  • KyoO1234
    270 posts Member

    Yes, that pretty much sums it up.

    Has anybody tested the difficulty for this?
  • Ultra
    11551 posts Moderator
    Tanzos wrote: »
    Try Daka lead. Use celerity to taunt away from Daka who can just revive anyone. Hopefully extra defense and health survives the AoE.

    I have a terrible Daka and made it to Sidious. But for some reason he didn't use his AoE first turn... still lost though when he took his next turn. But if I had Assaj lead I would've turn meter controlled him.
    Did MT lead and I used celery on Daka because she was the only toon that had a turn before Sidious would AOE everyone

    I was hoping the defense up would work in my favor long enough that the taunt doesn’t harm me later on and it worked out
  • KyoO1234
    270 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Never mind. Posted in error
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    **** i made it to beat Tier 1 with zzTalzin (G12), zDaka (R4), zzVentress (R4), Ghost (G12) und Zombie (G12) but i was forced to put Arenamods on them.

    You still need some **** good RNG in Phase 4. Making Ghost as fast as possible was the key for me. His foresight saved him every time and i was able to deathstorm Sid. At the End i was lucky that Dakka came back so i could revive everyone at the start of phase 5. The rest of Tier 1 was a walk in the park.

  • Sewpot
    2010 posts Member
    First tier was easy but sidious in the second tier is no joke. I put all crit avoidance arrows on except zombie. Using MT lead for first and second tier. Gonna try Talia lead soon and hope for more avoidance but MT lead helps with plague so hard trade off
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