Active Guilds Looking For Players - February 2020 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Servants of Honor

    GP: 112 Million GP

    We are currently looking for more members for our guild. We are extremely active in discord which is a must for those interested. Our members span the globe, so anyone is welcome to join barring you meet requirements below. We hope to see and chat with you in the guild!!!

    Raids: Fully Heroic Guild
    Territory Battles: DS Geo 12* LS Geo 5*
    Territory Wars: >95% Win rate
    REQUIREMENTS: 1.5 Million GP, join Discord, 600 Raid tickets daily, and active in TB/TW.

    My ally code: 386-926-741 Message for invite

    Looking forward to seeing you in the Guild!!!!

    ET Jokerz
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    CTM guild - open to join. Casual - only 2 requirements: regular participation and observe any posted raid guidelines. If you are like i was and just didn’t have the time to put into a highly competitive guild, come check us out. Great members, we use the chat built into the game... Click to learn more
  • YodaDoc
    1052 posts Member
    Chairborne Rangers (
    (Invite only)

    We are looking for 15 active people to join our guild. We are one independent guild of four in an alliance. And we have a sister guild.
    We prefer that you're Geo DSTB ready or working on it.

    • Must be active - daily players only
    • Must be at minimum level 85
    • Must be at minimum have 2.5m GP
    • Must have account
    Here's our rules...
    • Be active: do the quest's daily guild activities and generate at least 300 tickets (20 misses in 2 months, get removed)
    • No login for 10 straight days without notifying me, get removed.
    • We have strike system... for TB/TW. If rule for strategy broken, get a strike. 3 strikes, get removed. Rules are as follow...
      • For TW defense, squad size requirement are set for few territories, go below, get a strike. If you join, must score points.
      • For TB, anyone do rebel action, get a strike (rarely happened).
    • Geo DSTB: we get about 14 stars, 1 WAT shard
    • Geo LSTB: we get about 8 stars
    • HPIT (Sims)/HAAT/HSTR: 24 hours wait period, start time is 8 local rotating with EST, PST, EU (Germany)
    • Discord is optional - rated PG :)
    Any questions? Or welcome aboard? :)
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    Mos Eisley Cantina Quartet

    277 mil gp when full, short two player

    TB focused

    TW is optional to join, but if you join you must participate.

    DS Geo 30⭐️ (very close to 31) 40+ wat shards
    LS Geo 16⭐️ this time 17 next time
    15+ KAM

    HSITH 2000 UTC
    HAAT 1900 UTC
    Guild reset 22:30 UTC
    Excellent guild. Fun discord. We use hotbot as well so it’s rare that we don’t hit 30k tickets.

    5mil minimum GP required unless very focused.

    Join our discord for more info.
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    -We're a new guild looking for any, whether it experienced or brand new, players as long as you're.

    -There's no GP requirements for now as we only have 7/50 players, however we are all active.

    -Heroic Rancor is guaranteed to be done in this guild.

    -Heroic Tank should be able to be done but we are currently not too sure until we attempt it.

    -Heroic Sith is currently not possible for us, but will be done in future.
    Gear Donations

    -Not much to say here but if you could please donate as much as you can to help other players it would be much appreciated.
    Further Contacts

    In-game contacts:
    - 998-165-457 (name: Grimnax III)
    - 356-496-687 (name: Brooksy) This account is the first accounts alt
    - 655-684-841 (name: ChaoticFives)

    -Guild challenges reset at 6:30PM GMT
    -Raids will begin at 7PM GMT

    Please consider joining us so we can grow together!
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    !!!!Die Galaktische Revolution Sucht Dich!!!!

    Bist du unzufrieden, genervt weil in deine Gilde alles chaotisch abläuft?
    Alle machen was sie wollen und keiner bringt Ordnung rein?
    Zu viele bleiben Inaktiv?

    Dann komm zu uns, lern uns kennen!
    Wir sind ein bunter, motivierter Haufen der stets dem Spass in den Vordergrund stellt.
    Bei uns gibt keine Farmingaufträge. Jeder kann das farmen was er möchte.
    Trotzdem werden Empfehlungen ausgesprochen, was man farmen sollte, um erfoglreicher zu sein.
    Vorallem Reallife geht bei uns immer vor!
    Wenn ihr mal keine Zeit habt, ist das kein Problem.
    Wir sollten nur Bescheid wissen.
    Wir halten nichts von einem Verbund mit anderen Gilden.
    Wir wollen eigenständig sein und bleiben es auch!
    Die meisten bei uns sind fast von Anfang an bei uns und haben die Gilde mit aufgebaut.
    Folgendes kann man zu uns sagen:

    Aktuell haben wir 4 Plätze frei, bei Bedarf auch den ein oder anderen mehr

    Wir bieten:
    - 150 Mio GM
    - alle Raids heroisch mit 24h Anmeldung
    - LS Hoth TB mit 39 Sternen, bald versuchen wir wieder LS Geo
    - DS Geo TB mit 17 Sternen
    - 87% Siegqoute im TW
    - eine lockere Gemeinschaft; die **** wächst ohne druck
    - großteil F2p aber trotzdem erfolgreich
    - großer Erfahrungsschatz, durch Mainaccs in Highend Gilden
    - 4 Freie Plätze

    Was solltest du mitbringen?
    - Begeisterung dich in allen modi zu entwickeln und sinnvoll Teams zu erfarmen
    - aktive Teilnahme am TB, TW Anmeldung nicht verpflichtenD, wenn ja dann aktives mitwirken
    - fähig sein, Anweisungen des Offi-Teams umzusetzen
    - GM sollten 2,5 Mio betragen mit einem akzeptablen Rooster ( profil vorausgesetzt)
    - Kommunikation findet hauptsächlich über Discord auf eigenem Server statt

    Wenn wir dein Interesse geweckt haben, melde dich bitte auf Discord unter
    @Caddylamp#3328 @Carpijoe#9735 oder @Imperator#4957
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    Barkers Berserkers SG is recruiting.

    We are an Australian / Asian guild. Currently at 47/50 and looking to fill at least 3 spots (potentially could make room for more) and are currently 190m GP.

    We are TB and TW focused.

    Dark Side Geo TB we are getting 26*'s
    Light Side Geo TB we are getting 10*s
    We may go back to Hoth Light side where the last time we got 44*'s (missed only on Rogue 1 squads).

    TB participation is mandatory. TW is not, we just ask if you aren't going to contribute on Offence or Defence that you don't sign up.

    All raids are Heroic and go quickly. We have a 24 hour sign up period.

    We are looking for players that have 3.3m+ GP and have targeted squads for TB Ie. geonosians / separatist droids / galactic republic etc.

    Feel free to contact me on here, in game or on discord.

    Discord is mandatory.

    Ally code - 962-132-143
    In game name - mrp
    Discord link - -
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    Hello everyone!

    Blood Drive is recruiting! We’re currently standing at 165 million galactic power. We have 2 spots open in our guild. Mostly a chill guild with no rules other than participation. We’re currently running all Heroic Raids and beating them without breaking a sweat, also running Geo Separatists might and get 16-17 stars per run

    Message Blizzy Skywalker
    Ally code 894-128-243
    Please be above 2 million GP because we’re still trying to grow
  • Zimetnac
    1 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    Herkese Selamlar,

    Takımımıza min 3.000.000 gp ve üzeri arkadaşları bekliyoruz. 130 milyon gp takım gücümüz var. 8-10 kişi arası takıma ekleme yapacağız. Zorlayıcı hedeflerimiz yok. Öncelik oyundan zevk almak ve güzel bir arkadaşlık kurmak.

    Ally Code : 979-157-121

    Saygı ve Sevgilerimle,.
    Post edited by Zimetnac on
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    Let Quigons B Bygones is recruiting

    We are an independent guild searching for one member to fill our ranks. We are a TB focused guild currently working on farming KAM shards. We love to stream our GAC as a group, chat and have a great time. If you are looking for a guild that builds on relationships while being competitive then we check us out.

    Geo TB’s
    Earning about 2 KAM shards and 30 WAT Shards.
    26 stars DS
    11 stars LS

    34 Negotiator
    24 GAS
    41 Wat Tambor
    9 KAM ready rosters

    Raids (EST)
    Early Raid 1pm
    Late Raid 9pm
    Guild Reset 9am

    Looking For:
    4m+ player (flexible for KAM focused roster)
    600 daily tix
    TB/TW participation
    Discord not on mute

    If interested please send me a message through forums or on discord at: Quinlin#1669
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    Hello Everyone!!!
    Bitter Endor is a fun, friendly and active guild full of daily players. We are growing and would love for people to join us. only requirements are daily participation and participation in TW/TB. We can help you grow if you are still a small fry. We donate daily. we have a mixture of newbies and seasoned members who offer advice and will help you build.

    My ally code is 889-183-961 E Woking Dead
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  • JamDev
    262 posts Member


    We are a UK based guild but have members from all over the world. We are always active on Discord and are happy to give support and advice wherever we can. Rules and strategy are decided as a group, so all members have a full say in any decisions that affect them.

    A bit more about us:
    - GP 200m
    - Time zone GMT
    - HPit 3x weekly HAAT 2x weekly, HSTR as often as possible!
    - Daily refresh is at 12am.
    - Raids begin with 24hr registration period. All raids are free for all.
    - HSTR attack phase starts at 7pm, Rancor at 7pm (simmed), HAAT at 8pm.
    - Geo TB 25* (LS 9*)
    - Winning record in Territory Wars
    - Check us out at

    We are looking for active players that are keen to make progress in a friendly, supportive environment, you don't have to be the finished article, just eager to improve and willing to take part in guild events. Preference given to players with GP over 3m but will make exceptions for players with lower GP if they are active and improving fast. 600 raid tickets daily and participation in TB/TW is expected. Only other requirements are that you be active, enthusiastic and have, (or are willing to download) Discord for communication.

    If you would like an invite, or have any questions, PM me here, add me on Discord at; Jam Dev#6795 or join our recruitment channel at: (Recruitment channel is best for a quick response).

  • Binxy
    805 posts Member
    Guild-Name: Brōtherhood of Darkness
    Guild-GP: 202m

    Geo LSTB: 12/36 (KAM Shards = 1+)
    Geo DSTB: 30/33 (Wat Shards = 30+)
    Hoth LSTB: 45/45
    Hoth DSTB: 48/48

    HPIT: 8pm GMT (on sim)
    HAAT: 9pm GMT (on farm)
    HSTR: 10pm GMT (on farm)

    Discord Server:
    Discord Host: Binxy#9448
    Ally Code: 493-799-258

    The Brōtherhood of Darkness is a fully heroic independent guild focussed on Geonosian Territory Battles and Territory Wars. We are now recruiting players with a minimum GP of 4m, who are ready to compete with a very active and friendly, fun guild.

    Top players and collaborative environment - feel free to send me a message on discord if interested
  • KeaseOdinson
    47 posts Member
    edited March 2020

    Immortal Shadows seeking 2 players to add to our very active guild.

    -120m+ GP
    - UK/US/EU guild
    - All heroic raids
    - Consistent raids times - no rotation
    - Hoth TBs, 42⭐DS, 42⭐LS
    - Geo TB, 10⭐DS
    - Always active in TW
    - Average 26k raid tix daily

    - Minimum 500 tix daily
    - fully active in TB/TW
    - 1.5m min GP requirement
    - Discord recommended for TB, TW & banter!

    Contact me if you want to know more 👍🏼

    Discord - Kease#5853
    Ally code - 115-843-644
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    Separatist Ninjas spots finally available...Join soon.

    Fun and active guild. We are actually two guilds with Separatist Ninjas being the smaller one.

    12 slots open.

    2.5mil+ gp desired as we'd like to add 25-30 mil+ to our guild gp. But with a focused roster, exceptions can be made:)

    All herioc level raids. (Simmed Pit)

    500+ daily Tix
    If you join TW, participate.
    Participate in TB.
    Participate in HSTR. (Raids are FFA)
    Discord strongly encouraged.
    SWGOH.GG account requested
    5-7 days inactive w/o reason = boot
    Have the ability to relax and laugh.

    We are at 139 mil gp as we recently "fed" our larger guild.

    LS Geo TB 6 stars
    DS Geo TB 6-12 stars

    Ally code 646-189-792
    Discord: ImYourKnightBro#9269
  • mime60
    102 posts Member
    Our guild, Bobas Bootyhunters, is looking for new players.
    We are active, but relax, all activities:
    171m+ GP
    Raid Time - 1pm EST (6pm GMT)
    Raids: all heroic with 24 h join period
    Territory Battles: Geo
    GP 1,8m+ or a good rooster
    be active
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    **** squad of the ANZGC Alliance is looking for active, communitive and focused members. We are mostly Aussie and US based members with some EU members

    Active on discord
    Participate in a all guild events
    Min Gp 4.5m with key squads (possible consideration on lower Gp with certain squads)

    All heroic raids and rancor on Sim

    Since we are international our raid times do alternate between 1pm and 3am utc ( 8am/10pm CST )

    Message me here
    Discord: Anthony Trenor #1300
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    Are you looking to grow and have fun!
    Looking for 1 more
    Looking for competitive players
    Geo-TB and TW FOCUS-Knights of the fallen
    Do you have 3.0 mil gp or higher??
    Having Malak, Padme, DR, Revan, or GAS is a plus..
    We are looking for a few members
    199mil GP guild 4.05 mil gp Average
    All Heroic raids-alternate weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB-GEO and TW participation
    Consistently win TW
    18 WAT shards soon to be 21 on next TB
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
    Guild reset 7:30pm Est
  • hyme
    147 posts Member
    Heroes with 1000 Faces
    As new year starts some members decided to stop playing
    Currently looking for 2 individuals to join our ranks
    Currently 48/50 - 154 mil GP
    Current requirements are level 85 and 2 mil GP
    We have 95% win ratio in TW
    We get 17+ stars in DS Geo TB
    We get 8+ on current LS Geo TB.
    We expect everyone to sign up for all raids when they log, participation is optional.
    We expect everyone to deploy all characters and ships in TB as they log.
    We expect that if an individual does not want to or can not actively participate in TW, That they do NOT sign up. If an individual signs up we expect active participation throughout the event.
    Everyone in our group does their part including officers and we expect the same for new members.
    We do not have farming requirements or force people to pay. We hope all enjoy the game and will work together to progress. We hope you choose to join us on your journey.
    Contact us on Discord at
    Contact us online at
    Contact us in-game at
    Petrol 768-394-336
    Orion DiJackal 138-587-223
    Eklektos51 553-699-369
    Hyme 271-481-216
  • Caren
    44 posts Member

    We are looking for 2 members

    About us:
    - 212M GP
    - 26* DS Geo
    - 10* LS Geo

    - HPit Simmed
    -HAAT/HSR at 3pm and 8pm EST

    - 4M+ GP, we can be flexible but you should be reasonable
    - Be active: 550 daily but aim for 600, participation in guild events
    - Discord, as we use it to communicate but you don’t have to be active in the server

    Hope to hear from you soon and see you in the guild/discord server.
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