There's a neutral character in the game already

In the challenge tiers of Ground War, you can see that the shield generator droid is neutral since the G13 ring around its icon is silver.



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    Nice spot. I would also contest that Jawas and the Wampa are pretty neutral, though they have tags in-game...
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    Ugnaught, tuskens should be neutral too.
    Even nighsisters can be
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    Tano fulcrum?
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    Keep waiting for Beckett for the neutral faction.
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    Ugnaught, tuskens should be neutral too.
    Even nighsisters can be

    Actually, Talzin and her nightsisters were pretty **** evil all things considered. They just happened to be, or rather became enemies of the sith. The nightsisters' whole way of life revolved around the dark side, they lived and breathed the stuff, in many ways more than the sith. Talzin was also an uneasy ally of the sith before being betrayed by Palpatine, after he learned what sorceries he could from her. Oh and then there's that bit about Talzin gifting Maul to Palpatine to use as his sith apprentice and ultimately successor, though that didn't quite work out and Maul didn't get to play his part in the clone wars after all, as he laments in the series.

    The only nightsister who could be considered neutral would be Asajj, and only after she was discarded by the separatists and left by her lonesome after Palpatine and the Separatists killed off all the other nightsisters. She did some work as a bounty hunter after that and ultimately became a grey/rogue jedi after falling in love with that long haired hippie zabrak jedi whose name escapes me. If I remember correctly.

    Otherwise nightsisters are as deserving of the DS tag as the sith.
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    Other Passive droids are still classified as dark side So that’s odd lol
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    Tano fulcrum?

    Working for the rebels makes her light side.
  • LordDirt
    5092 posts Member
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?

    Yeah, pretty much. Except for maybe Jango as he was hired by the Separatists not for his bounty hunting skills, but as a mercenary.
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?

    This is a good question. Curious to hear people's thoughts on this. On the face of it, it seems that way. But when I think about Cad Bane, for example, my gut reaction is that he should be placed in the opposite alignment to the Jedi, because of how many times he's worked against them.

    I mean, arguably the trade union were in it for the money as well.

    Many would contest that the separatists, especially non-combatants like Lux Bonteri's mother and droid manufacturers, should not be associated with the dark side.

    I mean, the Hutts are just a group hunting out cash. Are they somehow more inherently evil/dark than bounty hunters?

    Ok playing devil's advocate now but what do people think about the binary light/dark distinction or the idea of a neutral tag?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    on the one hand it seems BH could be neutral, but on the other, they don't seem to sell their services to the "good" guys. it's not like jedi etc are hiring them. why? bc they use stuff like cops and law enforcement. Altho under the EMpire, you would think rebels could hire bounty hunters, so...?

    RTT: that droid isn't neutral, he just doesn't care enough
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?

    Light and outward focused, dark is inward focused. Hard to find a more inward focused people than the ones who hunt others down for money.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    I'd say Jawas would be neutral too
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?

    Light and outward focused, dark is inward focused. Hard to find a more inward focused people than the ones who hunt others down for money.

    To be fair, Mando is about as close to light-aligned bounty hunter as one can get.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    NicWester wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Shouldnt all bounty hunters be neutral?

    Light and outward focused, dark is inward focused. Hard to find a more inward focused people than the ones who hunt others down for money.

    To be fair, Mando is about as close to light-aligned bounty hunter as one can get.

    There's also Embo who came off as sort of a good-guy BH in the clone wars series. Think he helped the Jedi on one occasion.
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    Something about killing for cash seems bad to me , I'm not 100% sure though
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    I'm pretty new to the forum. But this seems like a very interesting question. Especially if they start adding mandalorian characters. Is Mando light or dark? He is distrustful of the empire, but it also says his people were ancient enemies of the jedis. I think a neutral class could be very useful especially if they start making more things like the mandalorian, neutral side stories.
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    baby yoda could be light, but he isn't necessarily good, he could be neutral too
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    I would put the Jedi as evil or dark side. Seeing as they basically supported a hybrid class/feudal system that worked to keep them at the top of the food chain, oppress the masses and don't forget taking children away from their families permanently. In addition, they ran the republic as self-appointed rulers.

    Furthermore, the rebels were scum as for the most part they were drug runners, murders and petty criminals.

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    Phasmatron wrote: »
    I'd say Jawas would be neutral too

    Right up until a tribe is slaughtered by storm troopers.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Ugnaught, tuskens should be neutral too.
    Even nighsisters can be

    Actually, Talzin and her nightsisters were pretty **** evil all things considered. They just happened to be, or rather became enemies of the sith. The nightsisters' whole way of life revolved around the dark side, they lived and breathed the stuff, in many ways more than the sith. Talzin was also an uneasy ally of the sith before being betrayed by Palpatine, after he learned what sorceries he could from her. Oh and then there's that bit about Talzin gifting Maul to Palpatine to use as his sith apprentice and ultimately successor, though that didn't quite work out and Maul didn't get to play his part in the clone wars after all, as he laments in the series.

    The only nightsister who could be considered neutral would be Asajj, and only after she was discarded by the separatists and left by her lonesome after Palpatine and the Separatists killed off all the other nightsisters. She did some work as a bounty hunter after that and ultimately became a grey/rogue jedi after falling in love with that long haired hippie zabrak jedi whose name escapes me. If I remember correctly.

    Otherwise nightsisters are as deserving of the DS tag as the sith.

    I belive that was Quinlin Vos
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    Right the other dude with the fancy haircut. He also had sort of a hippie vibe though.
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    Right the other dude with the fancy haircut. He also had sort of a hippie vibe though.

    Matthew McConaughey?
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    Monel wrote: »
    Right the other dude with the fancy haircut. He also had sort of a hippie vibe though.

    Matthew McConaughey?

    No he's the soft-spoken murdercop/astronaut, never came off as a hippie to me although I'm sure he's a liberal fellow.
  • MightyWizard
    872 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    rickertron wrote: »
    I would put the Jedi as evil or dark side. Seeing as they basically supported a hybrid class/feudal system that worked to keep them at the top of the food chain, oppress the masses and don't forget taking children away from their families permanently. In addition, they ran the republic as self-appointed rulers.

    Furthermore, the rebels were scum as for the most part they were drug runners, murders and petty criminals.

    Supplying recreational drugs to a suppressed galaxy in need isn't so bad imo... Helps pass the time in trying times.

    But otherwise the rebels were rebels and were upsetting the Emperor's peace. Say what you will about the empire but the galaxy was rather peaceful.

    Also don't forget the Jedi were basically space-wizards. If I was a space-wizard I'd demand the right to rule also.
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    Gifafi wrote: »
    on the one hand it seems BH could be neutral, but on the other, they don't seem to sell their services to the "good" guys. it's not like jedi etc are hiring them. why? bc they use stuff like cops and law enforcement. Altho under the Empire, you would think rebels could hire bounty hunters, so...?

    If the good guys offered them 5k credits for a job, but the bad guys offered them 10k credits for a job, they'd pledge themselves to the bad guys. The Jedi, Rebels, Resistance, and various Republics don't hire the bounty hunters because most of the time, the Seps, Empire, & FO will just pay them more because they have more money.
    That, and the Jedi don't want to be affiliated with scum like bounty hunters.

  • Echuffenw
    14 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Ugnaught, tuskens should be neutral too.
    Even nighsisters can be

    Oh and then there's that bit about Talzin gifting Maul to Palpatine to use as his sith apprentice and ultimately successor...

    I thought Maul was given to Palpatine so he wouldn't be subjected to Talzin's rule?
    At least that's how I remember it from the book, Darth Plagueis. It's been awhile so I may not remember it correctly.

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