Guilds Looking For Mergers - April 2020 *** READ RULES IN FIRST POST BEFORE POSTING ***


  • LightUptheDarkness
    53 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    ****No longer looking****

    We could open up 15 to 25 spots for the merger and up to 4 officer spots.

    Currently a 137 million GP guild and looking to vastly improve that with merger.

    We are a US based guild with an awesome core group

    We are doing Geo TB darkside at 13 to 14 stars and lightside Hoth at 40+ stars.
    We are fully Heroic on raids.

    Hpit is simmed
    Haat starts at 7 pm CST with a one day join
    Hsith starts at 6 pm CST with a one day join
    All raids will launch automatically once tickets needed is reached.

    If interested in a merge or have questions message me, Tylo Ren at ally code 946-527-432 or come chat on our discord server at

    We do use discord regularly and encourage it but do not require it.

    We do not have a ticket requirement though most of our members get 600 and we rarely have anyone inactive more than a day. 3 day inactive rule is enforced.
    Post edited by LightUptheDarkness on
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    The Death Star is looking for 15 to 25 members.

    Currently 35 members and 185m gp.

    Veteran guild since day 1.

    Raid times negotiable, message me on line app for more info.

    vegasskywalker on line app.
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    Hello there, The Old Galactic Rebulic is looking for a group of 10-15 people to join our guild. Many of us have been playing together for 2+ years. We are at 130M GP but we were at 155M GP before our purge.

    We are farming all heroics raids, getting 14 stars DS Geo battle and around 40 stars on LS Hoth.

    We are looking for daily active players with 2,5M GP and a participation on all guild events and raids.

    We are fun players without the fuss, we play this game for fun and challenge. We want to continue to grow up and we need fresh blood for it.

    We’re Uk time with reset time at 7:30Pm

    Contact me in game - ally code 399-859-668
  • Jabbaboy
    24 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Clandestine heroes are recruiting unfortunately we have lost some people due to inactivity. We are an Australian based guild at 133mil gp currently and looking to merge with another guild. All heroics regularly. Can get 13 stars in Ds geo 7 in Ls geo regular wins in tw odd loss every now and then (cant win them all).We are at 38 players atm with possibility to cull a few more if needed. We are a casual guild with in that life comes first. I can contacted on discord at jabba#7490
    Post edited by Jabbaboy on
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    Hey all,

    Council of Dark Elders is looking for 6-8 active members to join, currently farming HPit and HTank but need a few more to push us to HSTR. Very active in TB and TW, have a casual environment and an active Discord. Have 1 officer position open for a merge, hit me up in Discord at tpedd87#1827 or in game at 985-567-842. Thanks!
  • Lpd777
    221 posts Member

    We are basically a bunch of old school players who started a guild to have fun and help out newer players. We know all strategies for Raids, Territory Battles and Territory Wars.
    We have won all of our Territory Wars
    We are running ALL raids on Heroic.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging into any other guild

    We do require Discord and a SWGOH account (This can be setup after joining)

    Let us know if you would like to merge into our guild and how many people would be coming
    Please contact one of us in game or on Discord about joining
    Quaalude 842-821-529
    LPD777 448-382-117
    Miller’s chub 454-312-498
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    Guild name: The Belmont Clan

    My Ally Code: 496-382-617

    We casually use Discord for chat and advice. I can’t stress enough how laid back most of us are about the game we don't even stress about logging in each day. We play seriously but know that for most people this is just a game, family and life comes first.

    No minimum player level, no GP requirements, we’re just looking for extra people to fill the guild and replace members that left for a more competitive game experience.

    If you’re interested in merging and have up to 25 members contact me. We will consider making the other guild's leaders and officers, officers in our guild, as well.

    We welcome newer players/guilds, so don’t worry if your GPs are low. My GP is around 4 million but we’ve got people who are under 1 million. No Mol Eliza's but only because we already have one and it gets confusing...

    We were in a position to auto the Heroic Pit twice a week, the Heroic Tank is weekly, and we would like to carry on with Heroic Sith raid (a few of us are close to unlocking Trays). We win most Territory Wars (probably a 5:1 win ratio or better) and we were getting 25-28 stars in Light Side Hoth, 28-30 in dark side hoth, 4 stars in light side geo and 8 stars on Dark Side Geo. Our GP is currently down to 60 million GP but we were at 110m.

    If you're interested please contact me in-game or here, or discord #0662 (though in-game will probably be faster).
    This is the Way
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    Looking to merge with a another guild. Currently my guild is 87 million we need to take the next step to become elite. Officers position available to keep guild on track. My guild is Unvanquished, My name is xXDarth RevanXx in game. My discord is
  • pintje
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Mace Windex is looking for 10-15 active players to replace inactive players
    211 mill GP with 47 members
    doing DS and LS GEO TB
    all heroic raids @ 1300 GMT and 1800 GMT - 24h join period then free for all

    Other option could be 2 guilds merging together and making 1 very active guild and 1 guild for the casual players

    If your guild is looking to merge let me know on discord : pintje#3012 or in-game : 678-387-529
    Post edited by pintje on
  • FHoA
    33 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Darkside Raiders

    Is currently looking for some new members,
    We are a F2P Guild, we do require daily play, but don’t have a ticket requirement. We also require Discord usage (it’s how we disseminate important Info). Since we’re a F2P Guild we understand that it takes a long time to grind characters out, we’re not going to get mad at you if it takes you a long time to get the newest META.

    We are running all the Raids. And we were doing really well on the TB/TW but I can’t tell you where we stand on it ATM because we just we purged inactive members and a few P2P players get impatient and leave because they don’t realize the struggles of F2P players. This guild has mostly been together since guilds started. As guilds go we’ve seen ups and downs and right now we could use your guild to bring us back up. Honestly Guild mergers are one of the best ways to do that because that way we get a group that already works well together

    We currently have about 20 spots open. All of our members are at least 3mil or higher. Current guild GP is 106 mil. We are looking to absorb another guild not be absorbed by another guild.
    There will be op opportunities for the current leader and some of their officers.

    Reset is 1200am PST

    Sith 2pm
    Rancor 3pm
    Tank 4pm

    We ask all of our members are lvl 85 and at least 3 mil GP (message me for exceptions or considerations). If you’re looking for a Guild that puts its members first and is all about helping out each other check us out.

    Message me in game or on Discord

    FHoA: 299-949-783 (Game)
    FHoA#9665 (Discord) (Honestly the best way)
    Post edited by FHoA on
  • Buffems
    178 posts Member

    Looking for 10-15 players that are focused, get 600 daily tickets, and working on squads for both TW and TB (especially LS TB).


    1. 600 daily tickets.
    2. 3.5 million GP.
    3. Average arena rank in the top 150.
    4. G12 Geos or better or able to get Wat shards.
    5. G12 Shaak Ti and Clones or better (preferably better).
    6. 100% participation in TB and TW.

    About us:

    210m+ GP
    Guild reset at 5:30pm EST
    Raids at 5pm EST
    Rancor on sim
    24 hour sign up for the others
    Both heroic raids are done very quickly
    25 Stars on DS Geo TB and 22+ Wat shards
    10 stars on LS Geo TB

    Contact me on discord @Buffems#0625
    or @RoboJoe#0483
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    GT1 - 207MM - Need 3. 4.5Mil+ Top 150 arena, Top 50 fleet
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    180 million gp 30 members
    Room for 20 to 25 players
    If interested in forming elite guild message me for more info.
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    Hello! Look forward to having you on the TributeToHusyor team.

    TributeToHusyor is a guild we created to honor the loss of a fellow gamer to cancer. We are a casual Guild with players of all levels, looking to have fun, and help our junior members. Daily participation is desired.

    We are currently 26M GP with 20 active members, with room to absorb up to 30 active members.

    Working heroic level Rancor and Tank Takedown raids, and at the 6* Sith raid.

    Guild is open to join or send me or one of my officers a message in the game chat if you have any questions: MMNCMSS, HansBrolo, or Nunya.

    My ally code is 446-483-915

    We look forward to having you join our team.
  • snookalo
    289 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Took my alt to a guild and looking to get rid of some riff raff and make a full guild of active, taggable folks. It was my first guild and I like the leader, who isn’t going anywhere, so looking for people to come in and join us. I’m trying to get it all organized like my main but need the horses to do so. If you got an active group 3m gp plus who get 600 daily and respond to tags on discord hit me up.

    I’m an officer in my main which is a 265m Gp guild so I see it done right and want it that way for both accounts. Willing to take a couple on as officers so there’s a say, we have layers of leadership on discord so there’s room for more leaders there. Don’t be afraid to hit me up, talking doesn’t hurt anything.

    Post edited by snookalo on
  • Lpd777
    221 posts Member

    We are basically a bunch of old school players who started a guild to have fun and help out newer players. We know all strategies for Raids, Territory Battles and Territory Wars.
    We have won all of our Territory Wars
    We are running ALL raids on Heroic.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging into any other guild

    We do require Discord and a SWGOH account (This can be setup after joining)

    Let us know if you would like to merge into our guild and how many people would be coming
    Please contact one of us in game or on Discord about joining
    Quaalude 842-821-529
    LPD777 448-382-117
    Miller’s chub 454-312-498
  • WildcatSWGOH
    91 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Looking for a group of 4 (or less) looking to move. Did some clean up of some of our less active and softer rosters and want to replace with strength that we have elsewhere in the guild. Hit me up in Discord to chat. At 203MM at 46/50 and get 26*. Will get 27/28 on DS when we fill.
    Discord: Wildcat#7773
    Post edited by WildcatSWGOH on
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    RevanDS wrote: »
    Looking to merge with a another guild. Currently my guild is 87 million we need to take the next step to become elite. Officers position available to keep guild on track. My guild is Unvanquished, My name is xXDarth RevanXx in game. My discord is

    Your discord tag is wrong if want to contact me at Jabba #7490 I'd be happy to discuss a possibility of a merge
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    Our Guild, Fear and Loathing, is a long-time active guild!
    We speak English and use discord to discuss tactics and general discussion on improving squads or any advice from other players.
    Must be an active player to join with a minimum of 2 mil GP to join.
    We are looking for up to 10 spots for active and fun players!

    We have 150 million GP
    We win 85% of the TW we have played (since the beginning of 2018)
    We get 15 stars on DS Geonosis TB
    We get 8 almost 9 stars on LS Geonosis TB
    We complete the heroic sith raid every 3-4 days

    My ally code is 524-324-936 or if you are on discord, my name is Brooks#1325. Send me a message on either if you are interested.
  • Lpd777
    221 posts Member

    We are basically a bunch of old school players who started a guild to have fun and help out newer players. We know all strategies for Raids, Territory Battles and Territory Wars.
    We have won all of our Territory Wars
    We are running ALL raids on Heroic.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging into any other guild

    We do require Discord and a SWGOH account (This can be setup after joining)

    Let us know if you would like to merge into our guild and how many people would be coming
    Please contact one of us in game or on Discord about joining
    Quaalude 842-821-529
    LPD777 448-382-117
    Miller’s chub 454-312-498
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    Council of Dark Elders is looking for a small guild or group(s) who want to merge. We recently trimmed a lot of fat of players who would not join discord or were inactive and we now have a lean roster of 32. Currently Farming HPit and HTank, and are super active in TB/TW. We run an active but casual crew and with a good merge will look at taking down HSith. DM me in Discord at tpedd87#1827 if interested.
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    Looking for a group of up to 5. Did some clean up of some of our less active and softer rosters and want to replace with strength that we have elsewhere in the guild. 18 GAS and counting, so if you have, reach out and strengthen those numbers. Hit me up in Discord to chat. At 203MM at 46/50 and get 26*. Will get 27/28 on DS when we fill.
    Discord: Wildcat#7773
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    Need the actives! Can bring in 20-25 if they’re active.

    Took my alt to a guild and looking to get rid of some riff raff and make a full guild of active, taggable folks. It was my first guild and I like the leader, who isn’t going anywhere, so looking for people to come in and join us. I’m trying to get it all organized like my main but need the horses to do so. If you got an active group 3m gp plus who get 600 daily and respond to tags on discord hit me up.

    I’m an officer in my main which is a 265m Gp guild so I see it done right and want it that way for both accounts. Willing to take a couple on as officers so there’s a say, we have layers of leadership on discord so there’s room for more leaders there. Don’t be afraid to hit me up, talking doesn’t hurt anything.

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    Looking for 2 small mergers of 15-20 to join our guild. Ideally we want gp to be in the region of 1.5-3 mil gp per player. And from the uk/europe and use discord. If this interests u then plz contact me ingame at 257 168 376 or on discord - vaexqua grupen #5754
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    30 member 125M GP guild looking to merge with a guild with 20-25 members as we have some dead weight currently.
    We’re a no stress guild looking for 3M+ GP members. Heroic raids, DS Geo TB.
    We don’t enforce a daily ticket requirement. Just looking to have fun.

    TanFolo#9845 On discord or Ally code: 449-847-899 if you are interested or want to know more.
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    Our guild mental is looking to fill out or ranks.

    We are a relaxed EU based guild.
    We do all raids heroic - raid starts evenings UTC.
    LS/DS geo tb with mixed results :)

    Are you and your friends looking for a new home? Then perhaps you can merge with us.
    We are 43 in The guild right now and mostly ca 30-35 who activly take part of events.
    So we can probably take in ca 10 players.

    Contact us in game
    Leader: Gibs - 353-224-427
    Officer Siansi - 567-378-563
  • Lpd777
    221 posts Member

    We are basically a bunch of old school players who started a guild to have fun and help out newer players. We know all strategies for Raids, Territory Battles and Territory Wars.
    We have won all of our Territory Wars
    We are running ALL raids on Heroic.

    We are not a feeder guild and have no interest in merging into any other guild

    We do require Discord and a SWGOH account (This can be setup after joining)

    Let us know if you would like to merge into our guild and how many people would be coming
    Please contact one of us in game or on Discord about joining
    Quaalude 842-821-529
    LPD777 448-382-117
    Miller’s chub 454-312-498
  • Tamborin
    4 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    THE SHAD0W COLLECTIVE was recently created from the remnants of Ocrana. We currently have 26 committed members with an average gp of over 2 million. We are looking for small groups of players 5-15 to join our community. We have an active Discord where we talk about the game and Star Wars, discuss tactics, and, of course, share memes.

    We’re looking for active players with 2m+ gp preferred. Our Discord is required to maximise success and enjoyment.

    If interested or have any questions, feel free to message my Discord: Tamborin2#6795
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    GT1 looking for a group of 5-10 players who may want to join up to making something collectively stronger. If you have a group of players with 3.5MM+ and stronger rosters, message me on Discord (Wildcat#7773) and let’s chat.
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    We have room for a small merge with 16 spots
This discussion has been closed.