Help on what to focus on

5 posts Member
I have 5 kids, this looks like an awful lot of reading to figure everything out lol. Hoping someone can give best plan of action where to focus my time and efforts. Depending on how much I enjoy game will determine if i decide to spend money. Thanks for any help in advance!


  • ir21tiny
    70 posts Member
    Disclaimer: This game takes patience and time, it would suck if you put in a month and then your blown out and don't want to play.

    You can skip months of work by getting the Hyperdrive bundle if you'd like. It is 100 dollars though.

    First, you want to keep pushing to unlock more and more Light and Dark Side battles. Try to get to Dark Side Battles 5-B Hard. Push to get more and Cantina Battles done too. I would go for Jedi and Pheonix. I would work for Bastilla Shan to make a Jedi team with Ezra, Old Ben, Jedi Knight Anikan, and Ashoka Tano. Bastilla Shan is farmable on the Dark Side Battles: 5-B Hard. This team will get you far in the arena and it will get you Yoda. Ezra and Kanan are both Jedi and Pheonix so they are must-haves. Those two teams will get you Yoda, Palpatine, and Thrawn. Palpatine, Thrawn, and Darth Vader, who you will get shards throughout progressing the game, will make a solid team. Then I'd go for Separatists with Nute, Count Dooku, Asajj, Magma, and B2. Going for Jedi helps you get through the easy Yoda event and Yoda is very good. Going for Pheonix get you Palpatine and Thrawn. Going for Sept get you Padme. The best advice I can give you is to go after one team like Jedi, Pheonix, or Sept. Then working on another and so on and so on.

    Good luck to you.

    Here is my roster. You can see the only Pheonix character I have geared up is Ezra. Jedi and Sept are good late game, Pheonix are not.

    On youtube look up videos about Bastilla Shan Jedi (without JNR) teams and Nute teams.
  • JoBo
    5 posts Member
    I'd I didnt just get laid off work, I'd probably consider the Hyperdrive Bundle. If/when I do realize I'm in this for long haul, may probably go that route (hoping I won't be unemployed for long).

    I got battles maxed out now where i can based on my player level. I was going after Boba Fett, Lando, Scavenger Rey, and Biggs pretty hard. Should I stop that and switch to these characters?

    Should I just merely get one team and then another? Or should I promote them to certain level before going after another team? Should I hone in on maximizing 1-2 players or build them up evenly? Sounds like I should only gear up long term players like jedi/separatists?
  • ir21tiny
    70 posts Member
    I wouldn't stop going for boba and biggs, they have great ships. That said they aren't as important as having a full Jedi squad. The Jedi and separatists are good throughout the game, yes, but there are squads that may not be the greatest, but are easily really good in the early game. Scavenger Rey has insane damage and is good to have early. If I was you, I would set a goal to get Grand Master Yoda through the Bastilla led Jedi. It will give you purpose in-game and help you stay motivated. Then just set more goals like getting Padme or Emperor Palpatine or Commander Luke Skywalker. I would start to go after people based on factions and teams. So when you start to go after rebels you can go for Lando and Biggs, and when you go for bounty hunters you can go for boba. Same for Scav Rey. For people to go for, you need Bastilla for the Jedi to be the best. Her leadership is overpowered at an early game. Ezra and Old Ben should also be in there. Then you want a healer like Bariss. If you can get Jolee too then you will be set for sure. It will take you a bit to get there though.

    Good luck. If you need help hop on Reddit. There is a great SWGOH community and everyone is willing to help.

    The best way to have fun is to set goals. There is nothing more satisfying than getting a 7-star character or unlocking a legendary. You will hit those marks sooner rather than later.

  • JoBo
    5 posts Member
    Should I focus on getting the entire team to 7 stars before moving on to another team then?
  • ir21tiny
    70 posts Member
    No, but you should still continue to farm them to 7 stars.
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    Honestly, if you are F2P, have very limited time and still want to enjoy this game in a competitive way, you need to be very careful with resource management.

    Stay extremely focused on building up 1 squad. Bring it to 7 stars (so you can join a guild and piggyback on raid rewards) and g12 before moving on to a new squad. Do not invest in any toons, which are only early game viable. They will only hurt your roster in the long run.

    This game is very resource management intensive. And hoarding stuff is best practice.
  • JoBo
    5 posts Member
    Thanks again! I'll be more like $5-15/month than purely free. Debated $20 other day instead of the $10 to go straight to a character as it didnt seem like $10 2x would really get you a enough to be the equivalent of a character.

    Guess this is my plan:
    Primary farming: Jedi (Kanan, Ahsoka, Ezra, Jedi Knight Anakin.....then Bastila when I open up more battles in next day or 2). JKA/Bastila not unlocked yet.

    Secondary farming: Phoenix (Zeb, Hera, Chopper). None of these currently unlocked.

    Third will be Separatists (Count Dooku, Nute, Magna, Poggle and B2). None currently unlocked.

    As far as gearing them up, I've only been doing it when I've had excess gear. They are all pretty weak right now.
  • T3MP3ST
    10 posts Member
    Geo Soldier, geo spy, sun fac. They are priority #1, farm nute from squads arena store, save gems for when enfys nest shows up in shipments. Those 5 can take Phoenix, jedi bastilla, clones and empire, which will be the 3 strongest teams you'll fight in Galactic War especially if you save all your guild event tokens for buying Hermit Yoda ( dont buy gear it's a trap). Replace geo soldier with Hoda in squad arena and you'll be top 1k easy. Use GW shards for poggle and geo ships, and jedi ships. I suggest executrix as your first capital ship to focus for the access to zeta materials. Gear priority goes nest, geos, nute, tarkin, Hoda. By g11 on geos with 5*A mods and 7* ships you can push your fleet battles all the way to nest's node. 5-4 hard I believe. Nest and Hoda with any other three can pretty much clear 100% of your light side battles. Nute lead with the 4 geos runs circles around all of the darkside missions. You can also use them to unlock padme. And you should be able to 3 star all of cantina battles as well which will bring you to brood alpha. Your farming focuses after them should be the GAS requirements. I suggest geos first though as they can bring you to the top 50 in fleets and their gear requirements aren't as steep as the rest of the separatist faction. I do recommend giving relics to your geo pilots since they can make short work of hounds tooth at that point which is the most common obstacle in fleet arena and it'll make the wat shard mission and aklay mission in geo TB much easier. Cantina shop should be ashoka, guild store currency should be saved for ewoks and clones. Normal energy should go to driod ships since they don't have pilots, separatist droids + dooku and jedi knight anakin. Ship energy should go to nest, shakti, and anakin's starfighter. After you have the GAS requirements completed it would be whatever suits your fancy. But with those as your first focuses you should utterly crush your opponents in GAC, GAS should be reliable for the top of squad arena for the anytime soon and separatist fleet will give you the top of fleet arena.
  • JoBo
    5 posts Member
    Man...right when I think i have a gameplan, you now saying to completely switch it lol...
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