MAW - World’s first 33 Stars DS Geo TB!


  • LordDirt
    5092 posts Member
    Biggest achievement is how much they all have spent! FTP guys need to thank that guild for keeping this game going.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    Bunch of whales, nothing interesting

    There is a lot more to it than just spending money. If you don’t have 50 people with the same mindset and outstanding leaders guiding the guild, you’ll never achieve this. I don’t care how much money you spent. Besides, if this was all about money, TI, would have been first.
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
  • Jml727
    119 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Dont be rude just because they wanted to possibly put money into something THEY enjoy. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean you should knock them. Don’t troll just to troll.
    Anyway that’s great @TotenTeufel that you guys went pretty flawless. With that leftover GP, just shows even if more guys slip you have a little buffer.
    Edit to add @Boomer8800. Thanks for answering also.
    Post edited by Jml727 on
  • Rexollboy
    70 posts Member
    Many rewards I bet. And I imagine this guild had a lot of GP
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    Bunch of whales, nothing interesting

    There is a lot more to it than just spending money. If you don’t have 50 people with the same mindset and outstanding leaders guiding the guild, you’ll never achieve this. I don’t care how much money you spent. Besides, if this was all about money, TI, would have been first.

    First of all, congrats on the 33 stars. It's definitely great to be the first guild to achieve that, so well done. But you can't deny that it's like 99% about money. As of now, the raw GP you need to get those 33 stars can only be achieved through massive spending. This doesn't make you any better players than the rest of the player base, it just means you spent more. Many TB focused guilds consisting of f2p or light spenders that have a great understanding of the game could achieve that if they had the GP. But they don't because they don't spend that much. You guys did a great job, but you should also stay realistic.
  • DarjeloSalas
    9944 posts Member
    Bunch of whales, nothing interesting

    There is a lot more to it than just spending money. If you don’t have 50 people with the same mindset and outstanding leaders guiding the guild, you’ll never achieve this. I don’t care how much money you spent. Besides, if this was all about money, TI, would have been first.

    @TotenTeufel one question about phase 4...

    Special or no special? Our guild (255M, 30⭐️) find the special pretty easy but we notice that it tends to leave you short for combat. Not an issue for us, as we’re nowhere near your GP and 31⭐️ is not in reach yet - but I’m interested to know if you skipped the special to help get more combat points or not?
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    Congratulation guys ! This week must have been intense right? Very good job
    Hailfire portrait !
    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ?
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    I smell so much jealousy here. Those who say any guild can 33* with enough money probably never got the chance to play P4 before. Compare the difficulty the first three phases are really easy peasy.

    Imagine play P1 of the light side Geo. That's roughly the same difficulty level as P4.
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    Antario wrote: »
    I smell so much jealousy here. Those who say any guild can 33* with enough money probably never got the chance to play P4 before. Compare the difficulty the first three phases are really easy peasy.

    Imagine play P1 of the light side Geo. That's roughly the same difficulty level as P4.

    Totally agree
    I can buy a racing car, it doesnt make me a racing pilot (even if it helps)

    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ?
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    Antario wrote: »
    I smell so much jealousy here. Those who say any guild can 33* with enough money probably never got the chance to play P4 before. Compare the difficulty the first three phases are really easy peasy.

    Imagine play P1 of the light side Geo. That's roughly the same difficulty level as P4.

    Will be 28 star when last 10 members do their battles, not sure who you are talking about here. z8zkpreb74ma.jpg

    You are playing the game for a year and you are in a 242M GP guild ?
    Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise ?
  • Antario
    996 posts Member
    Will be 28 star when last 10 members do their battles, not sure who you are talking about here. z8zkpreb74ma.jpg

    That's exactly the problem! This is not even half way to 33* yet.
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    Antario wrote: »
    I smell so much jealousy here. Those who say any guild can 33* with enough money probably never got the chance to play P4 before. Compare the difficulty the first three phases are really easy peasy.

    Imagine play P1 of the light side Geo. That's roughly the same difficulty level as P4.

    well that is just wrong
    ns are a save 4/4 even with only 1 or 2 relics onto them (daka mainly)
    slkr is a 4/4
    the special is an easy 2/2 with those relic levels (dooku not getting oneshot for example)
    geos at r5+ are a safe bet aswell
    3 stars in fleet is less than 50m from combat missions with that much gp

    with 47 reys and 48 kylos you can maybe barely imagine how much money went into that
    so what is the achievement here?

    its getting 50 people together that have one goal and doing all those combat misions in the first 3 hours of the phase
    coordinating different timezones to be active as soon as the phase starts
    which is nice, considering, that you have to find 50 whales that do this together

    doing 33 stars is rather easy if you have the gp and basically unlimited ressources
    but coordinating it is the real task/achievement here i would say

    but if you wanna take 48 kylos as a baseline (not including future ds characters that may help in p4) then achieving 33 stars for lets say the top 100 guilds gp wise wont happen this year anymore
  • ddlooping2
    1047 posts Member
    Quite pleased with what we achieved too. :)
  • Balthasar666
    254 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    ddlooping2 wrote: »
    Quite pleased with what we achieved too. :)

    even though that is most likely a calculation thing
    the jump from 31 to 32 stars is rather big aswell but the rewards dont account for that
    so a lot of guilds that can do 31 savely just try to squeeze out as much get2 from the special as possible
    i am pretty sure you will see a lot more 31 stars at the end of the tb
    and the currency difference from 31 to 32 is 200 get 2 and 150 get 1 same crystals and i doubt a much higher count of items in the box
    so if you can decide between 32 stars without any get2 from a special mission or the 31 stars reward with like getting 2000 get2 from the special it might actually lean towards just take the 31 stars

    so depending on their reward box MAW maybe even switches back to 32 stars next time
    who knows
    1800 get 2 difference between 33 stars and no special mision vs 50 specials and 32 stars is like 30 kyros out of the shop
    the reward box has to justify that tradeoff
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    Congratz folks for 33 stars
  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    Congratulations to everyone for your improved star achievements. Hope the rewards are useful. Enjoy!
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    Congrats guys! <3
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    Here you go
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
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    Lets try that again
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
  • Jack1210
    771 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Lets see that prize box
    Edit: don't mind me
  • Peempo
    403 posts Member
    jeez buy some crystals ya bum. Grats guys :)
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    Title is still locked for some reason


    And radio silence as usual.
    “When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.” George R R Martin
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