An honest appeal from a 4+ year pure F2P player

14 posts Member
edited June 2020
I would want to give a brief background about myself playing swgoh so most people can gauge where I come from and what I am talking about. I started this game late in Dec 2015 (almost a month or so after it started) and have been in my current guild for 4 yrs or so. I have never been someone who has been active in forum or reddit posting stuffs. I also had been able to get first on my shard and fleet for almost 3 years or so. And yes, I unlocked all the exclusive characters apart from thrawn on first go and I happen to own so called Galactic Rey. Me choosing galactic rey was purely because I knew no matter which GL we chose one would be able to beat another in arena and I thought if I choose Rey it would help me and guild as a whole in LSTB.
I have never felt this bad about the game ever since I started playing it. Last week while I was gearing characters for Luke event that is when it started hitting me that I would be needing that G12 gears mostly if I want to stay competitive in game. I have no issue with CG giving buff to kylo because of how weak he was. I really love my guild and everyone in it, it has been one of the most important reason why I been in this game so long. But now CG is even trying to take that away because sooner or later most will realize they need those g12+ gear and best way to get it as a f2p would be sith raid. And if your guild has let’s say more than 10 people with SLKR it is pretty much impossible for rest to be getting rewards inside top 10 and we all know how rewards are beyond top 10. I am clinging to the road ahead post hoping they will address this situation in some way.
The reason I felt like posting this was because I saw forum post after a long time and all I see is people bashing saying you guys paid for it or not being smart enough to wait or stuff like that. it is simply not true for all rey owners.

Thank You :)
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    I hear you brother. I could have written the same post myself. I haven't put more than $100 in 4+ years (and practically none in the last 2+) - but things have certainly gone south. Still no communication, no new content (that most of the player base can enjoy) and now the GL silliness that CG is pulling - as they release another counter to Rey and prepare to buff SLK for the 3rd time to make sure he's stronger and better in practically every aspect of the game.

    CG was never great at their job, but amazingly, they seem to be getting worse. And just for fun, my HSith Raiad attempt froze this morning - that's never happened before on my new phone. Thanks CG for the recent "update" I guess. So they still can't fix even the basic things that are wrong with the code - almost 5 years.

    Might be time to start thinking about handing the light sabre to someone else - or just flinging it off a cliff.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • gflegui
    294 posts Member
    Amen.... the sith raid is the real problem between the legends and needs to be adress asap. If you ask me, I will forbid Kylo to solo the entire thing by adding a cap to his damage or something like that in raids.
    Because is not only a problem between GL owners... also with the rest of the guild who does not have a GL... the raid is gone in 20minutes. And they are raising the subject about they all contribute with tickets to open the raid... and they are entitled to enjoy the content a little more (not get to top positions, but at least try 4 or 5 teams).
  • Options
    Sim of Sith raid or better distribution of rewards is so long overdue it’s almost painful.

    The raid was brutal when first released but most guilds see the raid go down in less than an hour these days.
    It would solve some of the GL balancing just to introduce sim to Sith (and Haat for that matter).
    And it would be basic QOL update at the same time, so CG wouldn’t even have to admit it was to ease some of the Rey-pain.
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    I hear you brother. I could have written the same post myself. I haven't put more than $100 in 4+ years (and practically none in the last 2+) - but things have certainly gone south. Still no communication, no new content (that most of the player base can enjoy) and now the GL silliness that CG is pulling - as they release another counter to Rey and prepare to buff SLK for the 3rd time to make sure he's stronger and better in practically every aspect of the game.

    CG was never great at their job, but amazingly, they seem to be getting worse. And just for fun, my HSith Raiad attempt froze this morning - that's never happened before on my new phone. Thanks CG for the recent "update" I guess. So they still can't fix even the basic things that are wrong with the code - almost 5 years.

    Might be time to start thinking about handing the light sabre to someone else - or just flinging it off a cliff.

    CG had never been great at communicating .. I can honestly understand they fixing so called AI issues and all. But how about one GL now being better at almost all aspect of game than other one ( I know kylo users will never agree this being case) but it practically is being the case now with Kylo being better in raid pretty much evened out in gac and arena..
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    Sim of Sith raid or better distribution of rewards is so long overdue it’s almost painful.

    The raid was brutal when first released but most guilds see the raid go down in less than an hour these days.
    It would solve some of the GL balancing just to introduce sim to Sith (and Haat for that matter).
    And it would be basic QOL update at the same time, so CG wouldn’t even have to admit it was to ease some of the Rey-pain.

    Yea i just wish they make simmable raid or at least give us some new ways to earn those g12+
  • ConnorMcLurk
    99 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I am totally with OP. I have long time been on top of HSR and that was due to hard work, theorycrafting, putting 100s of millions in remodding. I think I have played every viable team from Chexmix to Monster Greedo to Nightsisters and nowadays to JTR and ST Clones. I have spent countless hours trying to figure ways to maximize my damage output.

    Then came Kylo. And with NO effort whatsoever suddenly all the Kylo owners rule the HSTR. Swapping mods? Lol? Applying tactics? Go away! Just hit auto and lean back (intentional exaggeration!)

    This **** me off. I went for Rey and find her totally inferior to Kylo in every single aspect. I spent quadrillions on gear and stuff and went down Rey road for the better of 5 months. Now she gets beat by Vader.

    No hate, I totally LOVE the new Vader, he is awesome. But JKL was a Rey counter, Vader should have been a Kylo counter at least.

    TLDR: I spent 6 months farming a GL that was meta for 27 minutes and now gets stomped on by F2P chars AND is useless in Raids.

    I deeply regret that.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I am totally with OP. I have long time been on top of HSR and that was due to hard work, theorycrafting, putting 100s of millions in remodding. I think I have played every viable team from Chexmix to Monster Greedo to Nightsisters and nowadays to JTR and ST Clones. I have spent countless hours trying to figure ways to maximize my damage output.

    Then came Kylo. And with absofukkinglutely NO effort whatsoever suddenly all the Kylo owners rule the HSTR. Swapping mods? Lol? Applying tactics? Go away! Just hit auto and lean back (intentional exaggeration!)

    This **** me off. I went for Rey and find her totally inferior to Kylo in every single aspect. I spent quadrillions on gear and stuff and went down Rey road for the better of 5 months. Now she gets beat by Vader.

    No hate, I totally LOVE the new Vader, he is awesome. But JKL was a Rey counter, Vader should have been a Kylo counter at least.

    TLDR: I spent 6 months farming a GL that was meta for 27 minutes and now gets stomped on by F2P chars AND is useless in Raids.

    I deeply regret that.

    i couldnt agree more .. I so much enjoyed when the raid first came and we were all trying to figure out how to defeat it and everyone was so engaged i miss those moments.. i used to be top 3 when we started to beat hsr but i just didnt care much for last year or so .. to simply put i was just getting bored but i never thought it would be so important to do hsr.. We all know all upcoming events would at minimum be requiring g13 toons so it is really sad CG not mentioning it anywhere ( at least i havent seen them mentioning this).
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • Options
    I'm not disagreeing with how the Sith raid gear payouts are managed, but have you discussed with your guild the possibility of shifting from a free for all on raids to a everyone gets a turn at top 10? The guild I'm in does that and it seems to benefit everyone equally. Also, by doing that, it helps the guild as a whole as those a little further down in the gear farming of (insert important character here) to gear them more quickly and be of more use in TB/TW.

    I left my last guild months ago for this very reason. I'm much happier now and have geared more characters up than I would have had I stayed at the last guild. Yeah, we take a while to clear HSith and HAAT, but everyone has a fighting chance instead of a 10-30 minute window to get whatever hits in that you can.
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    I'm not disagreeing with how the Sith raid gear payouts are managed, but have you discussed with your guild the possibility of shifting from a free for all on raids to a everyone gets a turn at top 10? The guild I'm in does that and it seems to benefit everyone equally. Also, by doing that, it helps the guild as a whole as those a little further down in the gear farming of (insert important character here) to gear them more quickly and be of more use in TB/TW.

    I left my last guild months ago for this very reason. I'm much happier now and have geared more characters up than I would have had I stayed at the last guild. Yeah, we take a while to clear HSith and HAAT, but everyone has a fighting chance instead of a 10-30 minute window to get whatever hits in that you can.

    we are currently on process of discussing it..and personally i am waiting on road ahead to see where i stand with the game.. so i am not pushing the issue too hard but i just felt like mentioning it since it is being missed on discussion
  • Options
    I'm not disagreeing with how the Sith raid gear payouts are managed, but have you discussed with your guild the possibility of shifting from a free for all on raids to a everyone gets a turn at top 10? The guild I'm in does that and it seems to benefit everyone equally. Also, by doing that, it helps the guild as a whole as those a little further down in the gear farming of (insert important character here) to gear them more quickly and be of more use in TB/TW.

    I left my last guild months ago for this very reason. I'm much happier now and have geared more characters up than I would have had I stayed at the last guild. Yeah, we take a while to clear HSith and HAAT, but everyone has a fighting chance instead of a 10-30 minute window to get whatever hits in that you can.

    I'm an officer in my guild and this method you mentioned has caused a lot of controversy within the guild. We recently lost an officer over it.
    The biggest problem is the hardest hitters are so against not having their surefire top prize winning squads run as hard and fast as they can that they will leave the guild if not allowed to do so.
    While I understand that letting them is pandering to a certain degree.... Anyone hitting top scores in HSTR is quite likely doing big things in the other areas of the game and would be a shame to lose over something like raid position.
    The idea is not a bad one. But there are things that must be considered. Like the possibility of losing some of your best players when they don't agree with it.
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    Stonefist wrote: »
    I'm not disagreeing with how the Sith raid gear payouts are managed, but have you discussed with your guild the possibility of shifting from a free for all on raids to a everyone gets a turn at top 10? The guild I'm in does that and it seems to benefit everyone equally. Also, by doing that, it helps the guild as a whole as those a little further down in the gear farming of (insert important character here) to gear them more quickly and be of more use in TB/TW.

    I left my last guild months ago for this very reason. I'm much happier now and have geared more characters up than I would have had I stayed at the last guild. Yeah, we take a while to clear HSith and HAAT, but everyone has a fighting chance instead of a 10-30 minute window to get whatever hits in that you can.

    I'm an officer in my guild and this method you mentioned has caused a lot of controversy within the guild. We recently lost an officer over it.
    The biggest problem is the hardest hitters are so against not having their surefire top prize winning squads run as hard and fast as they can that they will leave the guild if not allowed to do so.
    While I understand that letting them is pandering to a certain degree.... Anyone hitting top scores in HSTR is quite likely doing big things in the other areas of the game and would be a shame to lose over something like raid position.
    The idea is not a bad one. But there are things that must be considered. Like the possibility of losing some of your best players when they don't agree with it.

    Yep it definitely is most unwanted situation any officer can be in with this .. coz no matter what u do u cant make everyone happy with out come specially if u are in top guild..
  • Options
    Stonefist wrote: »

    I'm an officer in my guild and this method you mentioned has caused a lot of controversy within the guild. We recently lost an officer over it.
    The biggest problem is the hardest hitters are so against not having their surefire top prize winning squads run as hard and fast as they can that they will leave the guild if not allowed to do so.
    While I understand that letting them is pandering to a certain degree.... Anyone hitting top scores in HSTR is quite likely doing big things in the other areas of the game and would be a shame to lose over something like raid position.
    The idea is not a bad one. But there are things that must be considered. Like the possibility of losing some of your best players when they don't agree with it.

    I agree that there are things to be considered - keeping things as a free for all can also lead to your mid and lower level quitting the game altogether or finding another guild where they are more of a top dog. I totally understand that this game is not completely team based, but the way things are going right now, the guild aspect of the game is more appealing to me than the individual grind. I'd rather ensure everyone has a fair shake at improving their roster than giving the best payouts to a few - which seems to exacerbate the divide between the top GP people and the rest within a guild.

    It's a balancing act, for sure, but in the guild I'm in, it seems to work well for everyone with little to no policing required.
  • Options
    And what is it that you want CG to do? You want them to make GL Rey solo the raid? Or change whatever to make GL Kylo unable to solo the raid?

    Choices of people in this game always came with advantages or disadvantages. I **** in HAAT because I did not go for resistance toons. Which also meant that I lacked the most important squad when HSTR came to the game. And I since I did not invest in Clones yet the best I could do in HSTR was 8-10. But only when participation was low.

    Now I have GL Kylo and this the first time for me that I can make it to a top spot. And GL Rey is not bad. She helps guilds get more rewards from LS Geo TB. She still outnumbers Kylo in the top 20 of arena. She is great in PvP. There are counters to both GL. People beat up my Kylo with DR, the meta before the meta that was succeeded by the GL. People use Vader to beat Kylo.

    Yes, Kylo is better in HSTR and this is the first time a First Order squad is better than a Resistance squad in a raid. Actually, this is the first time you could say that First Order is better in any part of the game.
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    And what is it that you want CG to do? You want them to make GL Rey solo the raid? Or change whatever to make GL Kylo unable to solo the raid?

    Choices of people in this game always came with advantages or disadvantages. I **** in HAAT because I did not go for resistance toons. Which also meant that I lacked the most important squad when HSTR came to the game. And I since I did not invest in Clones yet the best I could do in HSTR was 8-10. But only when participation was low.

    Now I have GL Kylo and this the first time for me that I can make it to a top spot. And GL Rey is not bad. She helps guilds get more rewards from LS Geo TB. She still outnumbers Kylo in the top 20 of arena. She is great in PvP. There are counters to both GL. People beat up my Kylo with DR, the meta before the meta that was succeeded by the GL. People use Vader to beat Kylo.

    Yes, Kylo is better in HSTR and this is the first time a First Order squad is better than a Resistance squad in a raid. Actually, this is the first time you could say that First Order is better in any part of the game.

    You are answering most of questions you posted yourself.. First of all we had choices before on characters which were completely different and werent on par with each other. As far as u talking about rey being out numbered it is simply coz most people chose rey over kylo .. when i unlocked my rey there werent even half of kylo for each rey. so u will definitely still be seeing more rey in arena.. and no with the buff kylo got twice it isnt fair game in arena anymore.. Just see it from neutral point of view if u can rather than seeing it from your KYLO perspective...
  • Options
    I’m in agreement with and in a similar situation as OP. Feeling like crap about the game as a light spender (under $200 over 4 years) who invested time and resources into Rey. Can’t touch top 10 in str raid anymore, 3 buffs and counting on slkr and watching the whole community rejoice in a getting a free to play hard counter to my gl Rey. I know people like OP, me and others commenting on this post are small minority. We don’t spend enough to warrant attention. There is not enough of us to get attention. I’m afraid hard counter to Rey will stand. The whales don’t seem to care and the people who didn’t go for Rey are so happy.
  • Options
    rukesh wrote: »
    And what is it that you want CG to do? You want them to make GL Rey solo the raid? Or change whatever to make GL Kylo unable to solo the raid?

    Choices of people in this game always came with advantages or disadvantages. I **** in HAAT because I did not go for resistance toons. Which also meant that I lacked the most important squad when HSTR came to the game. And I since I did not invest in Clones yet the best I could do in HSTR was 8-10. But only when participation was low.

    Now I have GL Kylo and this the first time for me that I can make it to a top spot. And GL Rey is not bad. She helps guilds get more rewards from LS Geo TB. She still outnumbers Kylo in the top 20 of arena. She is great in PvP. There are counters to both GL. People beat up my Kylo with DR, the meta before the meta that was succeeded by the GL. People use Vader to beat Kylo.

    Yes, Kylo is better in HSTR and this is the first time a First Order squad is better than a Resistance squad in a raid. Actually, this is the first time you could say that First Order is better in any part of the game.

    You are answering most of questions you posted yourself.. First of all we had choices before on characters which were completely different and werent on par with each other. As far as u talking about rey being out numbered it is simply coz most people chose rey over kylo .. when i unlocked my rey there werent even half of kylo for each rey. so u will definitely still be seeing more rey in arena.. and no with the buff kylo got twice it isnt fair game in arena anymore.. Just see it from neutral point of view if u can rather than seeing it from your KYLO perspective...

    What I see is GL Rey making it to number 1 in arena every day. And I see people beat Kylo every day. And what makes you think that there wont be more counters to Kylo in the future? Maybe you could answer what CG should do about HSTR.

    I don’t understand what you said about choices. Maybe because I am not a native speaker, maybe I just can’t make sense of it. And I unlocked Kylo the day before yesterday. I don’t have the ultimate ability. My perspective did not change since last Sunday when I had no GL
  • rukesh
    14 posts Member
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    i have mentioned above that i have no issue with kylo getting his buff... i find it pointless debating with guys who have KYLOS now.. coz if u want to get that issue in then they should have left it as it is when they introduced both of them period... no arguements
  • Options
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    Who really had either of them to do much crying for either ? I have not seen any figures but I would guess less than 15% of the playerbase? 🤷‍♂️ I didn't have either to have a say in the matter when all that chatter was taking place. I caught the tail end of it.
  • Options
    rukesh wrote: »
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    i have mentioned above that i have no issue with kylo getting his buff... i find it pointless debating with guys who have KYLOS now.. coz if u want to get that issue in then they should have left it as it is when they introduced both of them period... no arguements

    You are talking to people who decided to go for Kylo when there was no announcement CG would buff him. You talk to people who knew that their GL wouldn’t be the better one in arena. What happened since then is not our fault. And you still did not come up with an idea to solve the problem you have: rewards in HSTR.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    :watches hSTR:
    I need a new message here.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Might be time to start thinking about handing the light sabre to someone else - or just flinging it off a cliff.

  • Options
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    Rey was never considered the best at everything. From day 1, everyone knew Kylo was going to dominate the raid content and still be a solid #2 to Rey in PvP. This seemed like a reasonable choice. Pvp or Pve? No one needed to call for balance at that time because it existed!

    Now Kylo is still superior at one thing and at a minimum equal in the other. The blanace is gone.
  • Options
    For anyone complaining about not getting top 10 in the Sith raid thanks to Kylo, here's the other side. Getting top 3 in the raid usually gives garbage rewards. In the past 20 times I've come in top 3, I have gotten a full Mk12+ piece about 3 times. The rewards were nerfed by CG long before Kylo was buffed. We've had people leave our guild because of bad raid rewards and I'm sure they discovered the grass was not greener in a less competitive PVE guild.

    That's no excuse for the Kylo > Rey argument. I love the 1-3 and especially 1 even if i get crap rewards sometimes. The tokens compensate.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    For anyone complaining about not getting top 10 in the Sith raid thanks to Kylo, here's the other side. Getting top 3 in the raid usually gives garbage rewards. In the past 20 times I've come in top 3, I have gotten a full Mk12+ piece about 3 times. The rewards were nerfed by CG long before Kylo was buffed. We've had people leave our guild because of bad raid rewards and I'm sure they discovered the grass was not greener in a less competitive PVE guild.

    Have you ever gotten 11th?

    I need a new message here.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    TheRHOMBUS wrote: »
    Where were you guys calling for GL balance when Rey was considered the best? Originally most of the chatter was that Kylo was vastly inferior. ‘Wait till he gets his Ultimate’, was the only hope for players who went FO. But after the dust cleared Kylo has come out on top, and Now Rey users are furious? Come on. You don’t see the hypocrisy? Or maybe you’ve just enjoyed the LS tilt this game has had for far too long? Only thing more pitiful than rebel scum are resistance sympathizers.

    :: watches the last 5 mins of Rogue One....again ::

    Rey was never considered the best at everything. From day 1, everyone knew Kylo was going to dominate the raid content and still be a solid #2 to Rey in PvP. This seemed like a reasonable choice. Pvp or Pve? No one needed to call for balance at that time because it existed!

    Now Kylo is still superior at one thing and at a minimum equal in the other. The blanace is gone.

    Was there ever blanace?

    In all seriousness, yes.
  • baked_qft
    275 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    This came up a long time ago with teebo and the rancor (remember those days?) In those days, those of us that could solo would trade off raids- so we didnt solo every raid and gave others a chance. If your guild is tight, then come up with a solution like this. In hsr we go between morning and evening raids. Morning raids I'll auto a jkr team on p2. Evening raids I'll run slkr. It makes it fair to those in the guild that dont have him. It's the right thing for me to do based on the fact that I've been in this guild with some of these guys for 3+ years. We work together. That's the solution u need to look at, dont wait for cg to make it "fair".
  • Options
    My FTP story is much like yours. Started at the same time. Top arena ranks. I have every character except SLKR, JKL, and KAM. I moved from my guild I had for 3 years recently. The new guild has a lot of strong players so we created a system where you can’t take top 10 two raids in a row for HSR. It seems to work well for us.
  • Nitrogen
    119 posts Member
    I am totally with OP. I have long time been on top of HSR and that was due to hard work, theorycrafting, putting 100s of millions in remodding. I think I have played every viable team from Chexmix to Monster Greedo to Nightsisters and nowadays to JTR and ST Clones. I have spent countless hours trying to figure ways to maximize my damage output.

    Then came Kylo. And with NO effort whatsoever suddenly all the Kylo owners rule the HSTR. Swapping mods? Lol? Applying tactics? Go away! Just hit auto and lean back (intentional exaggeration!)

    This **** me off. I went for Rey and find her totally inferior to Kylo in every single aspect. I spent quadrillions on gear and stuff and went down Rey road for the better of 5 months. Now she gets beat by Vader.

    No hate, I totally LOVE the new Vader, he is awesome. But JKL was a Rey counter, Vader should have been a Kylo counter at least.

    TLDR: I spent 6 months farming a GL that was meta for 27 minutes and now gets stomped on by F2P chars AND is useless in Raids.

    I deeply regret that.

    I am in the same boat, I feel extremely frustrated.

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