GL Rey Ultimate Tier

Two things; the first is feedback.

1) The final tier of the Rey even is awful since the upgrade to Kylo. I was never very good at it (less than 50% win rate)... but now it's just wrecking me over and over again. The combination of an upgrade to an AI - so you need to learn new strategies - midway through an event that requires you to earn tickets - so that you can only do it once every day or two, and you'd better not mess up - is just really unpleasant and frustrating. Please consider doing something to dial the event back a notch, or give the Resistance squad a boost.

Okay. With that bit of feedback off my chest, the second part of this post is purely personal.

2) While I'm hear, I could use some help with this event. I have every Resistance character at G13... I even took 3PO to G13 because YouTube said it would be helpful. It might be, but I still lose half the time. Any tips would be appreciated. What's the best team? How should I be modding them?

Thanks for any help anyone can provide in response to either point!


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    Rey, JTR, BB8, RH Finn, RH Poe.

    Since the rework, I failed twice. Then I realised why - Rey needs to have enough speed. I took her to 509 and it’s worked every time since.

    1) use the event move to put taunt on JTR whenever it’s available. Use lifeblood on JTR. TM swap to Rey so she can lifeblood JTR again.

    2) only attack kylo until Rey’s whirlwind is available. That should kill one of the sides.

    3) rinse / repeat.

    4) don’t ever use Rey’s mind tricks special on kylo. Use it on a side if you must, but there’s no real need to use that move at all.

    You can check my modding on - should be easy to find my profile. I’m not holding up my mods as sensational, but they get the event done with the strategy above.
  • TVF
    36672 posts Member
    All correct. The only difference is you need to be faster now, but it's the same strategy.
    I need a new message here.
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    Thanks for the comments. My Rey is at 566 speed, so I ought to be fast enough. But the advice to avoid mind trick is probably getting at the heart of what I've been doing wrong. When I lose - which is often, so I have some expertise! - it's because Kylo builds up 100 stacks (or more, way way more) of ... anti mastery or what-have-you. At that point, he's just about impossible to damage. So if I'm mind-tricking and giving him more protection, it's letting him stay alive longer and build up more stacks. I was successful in my most recent attempt with 3P0, R2, and the two resistance heroes (letting R2 fill the tank role). And maybe that's because I'm not tempted to mind trick with that lineup.

    FEEDBACK insight: I was thinking about this some more, and it occurred to me that it's kind of similar to what Carrie (may she reddit in peace) said about making the switch from variable zeta drops to fixed zeta drops in challenges. Variable zeta drops created a situation where it "felt really bad to lose" (that may not be an exact quote from the announcement, but I think I've captured the sentiment). This ticket system creates a situation where it feels really bad to lose!

    One thing that might make sense is to set up a system where your first 20 attempts cost tickets (so that if you can win more than 50% of the time, you get a boost). But after your 20th attempt, you're allowed to enter for free. I think Hearthstone does something similar with their "pity timer" for opening packs. I mean, maybe that's an expensive fix to solve a unique problem, as it's entirely possible that I am the only player in the game who will need more than 20 cracks at the event to unlock the ultimate. Hopefully it's slightly illustrative of what I mean about creating a situation that does (or doesn't) have that "feels bad to lose" aura, which is a less attractive feature in a game than "feels good to win!"
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