Best FTP PVP Team?? Considering level 80!!

585 posts Member
edited March 2016
I run: Dooku 6* (leader), Phasma 6*, Sidious 7*, Luminara 7* and QGJ 6*. Currently Rank 80. The question is in the title!
Post edited by TheDukeofDukes22 on


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    Ewoks, not even kidding.
    My name is cosmicturtle333, aka CT-333, aka Threes.
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    I'm a low spender ($27) right now I run QGJ (L), Yoda, Lumi, Dooku and Sid. With 1 Refresh I almost always am able to get top 5. I would work on QGJ and GS if I were you. Greedo is your weak link so remove him ASAP.
  • scuba
    14130 posts Member
    Ewoks, not even kidding.
    The video of them is just funny
  • SteelersCA
    216 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I run: Phasma (leader), dooku, sidious, luminara and greedo. Currently Rank 130. The question is in the title.

    I consider the best F2P teams (for current meta) to be the toons easiest/fastest to farm.

    What are the levels and * of each of your characters?

    Knowing nothing other than what you have out there, I would say:

    Your front four are ok, Greedo you might want to swap out for someone else. Start farming Genosian Soldier in 1A cantina and take a look at Poggle in the GW shipments.

    It really depends on what level you are and where you are in the game.
  • Mazurka
    961 posts Member
    Best FTP team I've faced is QGJ (L) dooku GS yoda, and lumi. You really gotta start farming Rey tho. She's a goddess
  • Greg1920
    1777 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    QG, Sid, Lumi, RP, GS

    Finishes number 1 on a server that just hit 70

    Farming RG, Ashoka, Rey, and Yoda to keep it competive over the next 8 weeks.

    QG and GS are must haves on an FTP team. Sid is best out of Arena and I think RP compliments QG and GS well but there are lots of options for the fifth slot
  • bbmiLo
    378 posts Member
    QGJ(L), Yoda, GS, Lumi, Poe. if you do not have Yoda, use Sid or IG86 instead. I hit top spot on my server more than 50% of time with that/
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    Top f2p teams are the same as the p2p teams .. All the good toons are f2p, no benefit on toons to paying. Just on how quick you can get them to 7 and gear them up
    "I find your lack of faith disturbing" - Darth Vader
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    @ImperialRebel @SteelersCA Im at level 70, phasma 6*, Greedo 7* (Hardest hitter, 5600 pwr, hits for 12K oftenly), Sid 7*, Luminara 6*, Dooku 5*. They are all gear 7 or 8.
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    @TheDukeofDukes22 what other characters do you have? Do you have the Genosian Soldier? Do you have Poggle? Do you have Kylo Ren? Just looking for synergies for you.

    right now the meta is Speed/DMG. Many characters and setups can get you to no 1. It is just for the F2P you are limited to the table toons and not the Chrome or Hard Battle ones. You have a good mix right now, but I would pull Dooku for a stronger character if you have one.

    Could you post a screen shot of your bench and best toons?
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    @ImperialRebel @SteelersCA Im at level 70, phasma 6*, Greedo 7* (Hardest hitter, 5600 pwr, hits for 12K oftenly), Sid 7*, Luminara 6*, Dooku 5*. They are all gear 7 or 8.

    What I can tell you is that currently I am running a team like this:

    Sid (Lead)
    GS (Genosian Soldier) Arguably the strongest toon currently and can be had on node 1A of the cantina.

    All are 7* and all have max gear

    I have 2 other toons maxed: Eeth Koth and IG-86

    I have used Eeth a couple of times but have felt a bit underwhelmed with him. He is quick, but the AI targets him early and I have even had him out of the fight before he even got a shot off.

    IG-86 might be a good sub for LUMI but her heal comes in real handy on the first turn.

    I am close to getting QGJ to 7* and maxed so I might work him in instead of of LUMI or Dooku but it really depends on who I am facing. Dooku and Sid are Jedi bashers and I love taking them against QGJ teams. My line up is not the best against a Droid stack so would have to adjust there.

    Since I have been finishing no 1. almost every day. I have not been growing any alternatives to my current PVP squad, but instead have been focusing totally on building up a Barris GW squad to combat the madness which is GW these days.
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    I changed the post to my new team and the new level cap! More help would be appreciated!!
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    @SteelersCA Any changes??
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I'm FTP and run Phasma (L), Han and HK-47 along with the obvious GS and Lumi. Lumi 7*, the rest 6* (for now). Three at level 70, the other two level 67. All top gear for pre-update except GS is 36/50 stun cuffs on his way to gear 9.

    Normally finish top 10. Lots of options are viable, frankly. It doesn't have to be Sidious or Qui Gon.
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    Phasma(L) st Han, Rey,GS, FOO all daaaaaay :D
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    @Kabbes @Suppahotfire is ST Han that good?? If he is, I may start farming him in arena shipments! Why do you like/use him?
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    @Kabbes @Suppahotfire is ST Han that good?? If he is, I may start farming him in arena shipments! Why do you like/use him?

    Han is the God of the Turn Meter. His job is to taunt and then die. But once he has taunted, it's goodnight opposition. All opponents have to hit him and every time they do, your whole team gain TM. You get masses of extra goes. Throw in the TM gain when he actually taunts and TM gain from Phasma's Victory March and all you have to do is survive to the taunt for righteous victory.

    The icing on the cake is that for a wall, he also has a pretty strong attack. And you can use it to attack Dooku, who grants you TM with his counter.

    He's only going to get better with the rebalancing too, I suspect. I think he's prime for some fortitude, which will really push him to a whole new level.

    I have him on 55/100 for his seventh star and I've never regretted prioritising him.
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    @Kabbes Should I wait until the update comes along to know who to farm or should I go straight for Han?
  • Kabbes
    430 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    @Kabbes Should I wait until the update comes along to know who to farm or should I go straight for Han?

    Is there anybody you prefer the look of in arena shipments? If not, why not go for him?

    Besides, Han Solo is one of the great iconic characters of cinema. To have a Star Wars game and neglect him is just... wrong.
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    @Kabbes I just started a poll on that! I will be honored if you reply and vote in it :smiley:
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    Yup he is for exactly what @Kabbes said, add phasma lead making everyone go randomly and gain even more turn meter, then I was thinking "who's first order for extra assist dmg and ALSO manipulates turn meter?" That's why in theory, FOO should be great with those two (phas lead Han) sooooo much turn meter manipulation. I was gonna start trying to farm him in cantina shipments on that hunch alone.
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    Dooku as lead is the meta now on my server. Everyday 6-8 of the top ten are running him as lead. Team Instinct put out a pretty good guide as to the best team current meta.

    Will try to find the link, but if memory serves:

    Dooku L
    RG at 4-5 stars is doable in Arena and he is really helpful in GW

    Last 2 are a toss up:

    Rey, Yoda, QGJ, Daka, Sid, Poggle, and a few others. (they said the best team was, Dooku, RG, GS, Yoda, Rey; but Rey is not F2P; nor is RG but taking a hard battle toon to 5* is a ton easier than going to 7*)

    So for F2P. Dooku L, RG at 4-5*, GS, QGJ, Yoda.

    But to answer your question really, no one really knows what it is going to be like at 80 yet, not even the developers. With the new massive combat update coming in the next few weeks that could change everything so it is anyone's guess right now. So my strategy is to continue to build my PvP team and let my GW team rest @70 for a while. Don't really have a solid plan, yet, but not making any rash moves.
  • ioniancat21
    2091 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Great posts here, I like to see good information like this.

    In my view, focus on farming and stay away from the gear trap. Get these toons to at minimum Level 7 and then let them ride, they've made Gear too daunting of a task to focus on at the higher levels...
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    How can this be answered, no one has gotten to level 80 so no one knows what the gear levels will bring to a character.
  • TheDukeofDukes22
    585 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    SteelersCA wrote: »
    Dooku as lead is the meta now on my server. Everyday 6-8 of the top ten are running him as lead. Team Instinct put out a pretty good guide as to the best team current meta.

    Will try to find the link, but if memory serves:

    Dooku L
    RG at 4-5 stars is doable in Arena and he is really helpful in GW

    Last 2 are a toss up:

    Rey, Yoda, QGJ, Daka, Sid, Poggle, and a few others. (they said the best team was, Dooku, RG, GS, Yoda, Rey; but Rey is not F2P; nor is RG but taking a hard battle toon to 5* is a ton easier than going to 7*)

    So for F2P. Dooku L, RG at 4-5*, GS, QGJ, Yoda.

    But to answer your question really, no one really knows what it is going to be like at 80 yet, not even the developers. With the new massive combat update coming in the next few weeks that could change everything so it is anyone's guess right now. So my strategy is to continue to build my PvP team and let my GW team rest @70 for a while. Don't really have a solid plan, yet, but not making any rash moves.

    Thanks @SteelersCA !!! Really really helpful!
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    Great posts here, I like to see good information like this.

    In my view, focus on farming and stay away from the gear trap. Get these toons to at minimum Level 7 and then let them ride, they've made Gear too daunting of a task to focus on at the higher levels...

    What is the gear trap??
    How can this be answered, no one has gotten to level 80 so no one knows what the gear levels will bring to a character.

    Not meaning gear... mostly I mean to kinda predict with what we know (some of the gear, the abilities and the increase of each stat per level)
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