Casual Guilds Looking For Players - Late October/November 2020 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***

2937 posts Moderator
edited January 2021
If you are a CASUAL guild looking for players, post your ads here. A Casual guild is one that:
  • Has no minimum activity or participation requirements.

These are the guilds that are more about camaraderie and having fun than achieving any specific game-related goals. It doesn't matter what level you are, how many raid tickets you contribute each day or even whether you participate in raids, Territory Battles or Territory Wars. Players in these guilds are free to play the game however they like.

  • No player advertisements. This thread is for guild advertisements only.
  • Do not reply to advertisements here. Instead, send a private message to the poster/guild recruiter or join their recruitment channel if they have one.
  • Do not post anything that is not a guild advertisement. This means no "I sent you a PM" or anything like that. This includes telling people not to post here. If you see such a post, flag it as "Other" or "Spam" and a mod will remove it.
  • Do not post personal contact information, such as chat IDs or email addresses, here. That information should only be handed out through private messages. Links to third-party chat servers/channels are OK.
  • Feel free to update your ad as often as you like to include relevant information, such as answers to frequently asked questions, current recruitment status, the size of your waitlist, more awesomeness, etc.
  • One ad per guild.


How you sell your guild is up to you but please try to keep it to a reasonable length. Some basic information you should include is:
  • Your guild name
  • Forum usernames of your guild recruiters
  • Link to your guild's recruitment chat server/channel, if applicable (Discord, Line, etc)
  • Your guild's reset time, preferably in terms of UTC or GMT offset (UTC 11:30, GMT -06:00, etc)
  • What tier of raids your guild completes and how often
  • How well your guild does at Territory Battles and Territory Wars
  • Minimum player level/GP and character requirements, if any
  • Anything else you feel is important for people to know
Post edited by Sunnie1978 on


  • Options
    -Primal Alliance
    -Uk based
    -1/3 of the guild is US based (mostly East Coast)
    -44/50 active members
    -GP 165 mil
    -All Raids have join period
    -Heroic Rancor raid 3 times a week
    -HAAT 2 times a week
    -HSTR 2 times a week
    -Raid times in est is 2 and 7 pm
    -Raid times in gmt is 7 pm and 12 am
    -TB 42* ls/ds
    -18* ds geo tb
    -12 WAT shard
    - 8* ls geo
    - over 1.5 mil gp
    -Territory Wars, very focused and great team ethic, with good strategy
    -Discord: frtpskn#0937
    What we are looking for:
    -Like minded players looking to join a guild and grow together
    -People who are willing to communicate
    If you are interested please get in touch or if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • RW421
    16 posts Member
    edited November 2020

    Grand Army of Heroes is looking for a few good recruits!

    220+ mil GP, casual guild doing all heroic raids.

    We are laid back and don't have any specific requirements, just a bunch of Star Wars fans having fun playing a mobile game! Just want everyone to have fun and ask that you participate as much as posssible.

    *49/50 at the moment, due to some recent retirments
    *24 hour join period, 7:30 pm auto Pit, 8pm Sith, 9pm Tank ET
    *Guild reset 730pm EST
    *26/12 stars Geo TB +Wat shards
    *Organized TW

    Looking for >3 mil GP, but focused rosters will get a look

    If your looking for a new guild that is fun and supportive, give us a look!

    Contact Random Wes allycode 262-683-419 or DM here!
    Post edited by RW421 on
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    Mutiners without fears (yes, the guild name is spelt wrong!)

    49/50 ...low turnover of players

    204mil gp.....Friendly, relaxed but very active guild. No rules other than playing regularly and following TW and TB instructions

    Heroic raids 7.30pm uk time

    Geo Tbs (so having a geo squad for wat shards is a bonus)

    Good tw strategy and record

    Ideally looking for 4m+ or a focussed roster

    Contact me on here or in game if any questions. Obi Dan 949-699-318

  • Kylen
    67 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    Fortress of Sol-itude
    166+ Million GP
    50/50 members
    reset time 6 PM PST, 8 PM CST, 9 PM EST UTC/GMT 01:00
    HPIT, HAAT, HSTR Daily when tickets available
    LSTB - 41 stars
    GDSTB - 17 stars
    We win the vast majority of our TW. (90%+)
    2800 tickets per week requirement.
    expected to contribute to TB (deployment at least) & TW
    No minimum GP requirment, just be active and eager.

    Join us at Mojo's Mutineers! We are an active but easy going guild with supportive members. We are Pacific Standard time zone based. We run Dark Side Geonosis full time and Light Side Hoth alternating with Light Side Geonosis.

    We do not use discord or any form of outside communication.

    We all care about the game but don't take it TOO seriously. Try us out and see if we're your speed.


    Post edited by Kylen on
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    Are you looking for a guild that is serious enough to make steady progress in the game, but without excessive drama and control?

    We are a laid-back friendly guild. We won't try to control your roster - as long as you are active daily and pitch in with TB and TW, we are happy. Play the game in the way you enjoy it. No HSTR team requirements, we got it covered.

    We have all heroic raids on farm, currently 26 *DSGeo/13 *LSGeo in TB. GP around 225m as we recruit new members. Raids fire at 7:30PM US Central, 0030 UTC.

    We are a family that grows together. We have very low turnover (about one per month), members tend to stick with us until they retire. We currently have 1 spot available.

    Preference will be given to rosters over 3m GP, but lower GP rosters will be considered.

    Send me a PM (keydash306#5766 on discord) or drop by our discord and say hi.
  • ObiJuanKendobi
    19 posts Member
    edited October 2020

    Join the Galactic Legion!
    We are a well organized 180M+ GP active adult guild looking to fill up the last open spots in our roster. We don't have any strict rules. We are looking for players who are generally active and are able to contribute with daily tickets and guild activities. We won't force anyone to farm anything specifically and we won't give you a hard time if you miss a day, we understand life happens. We want everyone to enjoy the game. Guild reset time is 4:30 GMT.
    We run all three raids at the Heroic level with a 24 hour join period. Plenty of Traya and Kenobi shards, we sim the Pit raid. Raid times are 7-8PM Eastern Time.
    Territory Wars and Battles:
    Geonosian Territory Battles. We are able to achieve around 21 stars in DS. Looking forward to keep improving.
    • Ideal GP 2M+
    • Contribute fairly with daily tickets (if you can do 600, that's great, if not that's ok)
    • Participate in TW and TB
    • We use in-game chat, no discord or line.
    Contact Us:
    • Guild Leader: Obi Juan Kendobi, Ally Code: 844-557-464
    • Guild Recruiter: Taslye, Ally Code: 985-799-262
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    Hi there fellow adventurers.
    Oot's and Toot's Adventurers is a casual, drama free 130m guild.
    All heroic raids (on 24hr join) as soon as tickets allow
    DS Geo, but LS Hoth, we didn't really get into LS Geo yet.
    no rules you must follow, just people who play and enjoy the game as they like
    UK based but have members from lots of different places
    please ask any questions or contact me in game if you prefer( 365-919-173 , Jonesy)
    this months special offer. 3 free Clone Wars Chewbacca shards on joining!
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    We’re a very solid and active guild looking for players to help out and grow stronger with us. Just join up and contribute daily. Search for "Feddy".
    We're close to getting through heroic Sith and could use some people to tip the scales!
    Guild name: Feddy
    Guild GP: 120 million
    Spots open: 6
    Entry level: 65
    Raids: Heroic Pit (sim), Heroic Tank, T6 Sith
    Territory Battles: Dark Side Geo
    Territory Wars: We usually win.
    Full of great players and allies.
    Guild leader: LandoMack
    Ally code: 183-341-152
    On Discord
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    Who likes chores? Nobody. So come join us.

    We're called NO CHORES (49 active players, 238mil+ GP), a laid back, but active guild, and we have room for 1 (or maybe 2) more.

    We run all three heroic raids with a 24 hour join period. Heroic raid times are 7:30PM Eastern Time if that works for you.

    Territory Wars and Battles:
    We haven't been prioritizing Territory Wars as much as Territory Battles, and have been earning an average of 23* + Wat shards in GeoDSTB, and 11* Geo LSTB.

    We don't have any strict rules, but are looking for players (4mil GP minimum) who are active and are able to contribute to guild activities (HSTR, territory battles, etc.). No daily requirements, or discord needed.

    Contact Us:
    • Guild Recruiter: GrendelKhan (Forum), Ally Code: 442-672-591
    • Guild Leader: Wes Terallo, Ally Code: 472-736-428
  • Lis_Garrett
    7 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    *Sorry, we're now back up to 50/50, thanks for the interest!*

    The Church of the Later day Dude
    We're an easy-going, helpful guild, currently 125mil gp with a few spaces open.
    We're looking for active players, preferably 1m+ but loyalty and participation are priority.
    We don't have many rules, we just expect members to follow commands and contribute to any event they sign up for.
    We understand people are busy and real life takes priority so we're pretty laid back about everything else.
    We use in game chat, so no discord required.
    Currently doing all Heroic raids (HSith is recent) - auto launch and 24hr sign-up
    Geo TBs (low stars, but good rewards) - recently working on TW to improve our tactics, we've won the last 7.
    Reset GMT
    Message me here or in game if you're interested, ally code 342-731-333
    Post edited by Lis_Garrett on
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    Universal Heroes

    Currently, we are a guild of 45 with a GP of 156 Million.
    We do all heroic raids with 24 hour sign up
    We join TW for the rewards not concerned about winning but occasionally pull out a victory.
    Geo DS 11-13 stars
    Hoth battle 30-35 stars
    No discord/easy going guild using in-game chat. No requirement to participate in chat.

    If interested ally code 539-223-113.

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    The Elite Rebel Squad, part of The Galen Initiative alliance, is looking for players! If you are not currently in a guild, or are unhappy with the guild you are in, we’re looking for you! If you are an active player that can participate in TBs and raids (TWs too, if you want), come join us!

    164-mil GP guild with a lot of friendly, helpful players. We’re made up of players with GPs between 5.5m and 2m. We run:

    Heroic Sith and Tank raids, simmed Pit raids (all raids have a 24-hour join window)
    Geo TB: DS at about 15 stars, and we’re getting Wat shards every time
    Geo TB: LS at about 6-7 stars, but we mostly focus on DS.
    TWs (optional)
    Our reset time is 8:30pm EST (UTC -4)

    We are casual but active. We have a very friendly group, with a lot of helpful players. We are always improving, and looking for players who want to improve with us.

    We have no spending requirements; we only ask two things:
    1. Be active!
    2. Consistently participate in the TBs and raids. We will run TWs as well, but those are optional.

    It’s pretty straightforward, really. Join a guild of friendly people that are not pushy or demanding, participate in the TBs and raids, get the loot, and improve your roster.

    If you’re interested in joining, you can message me through the forum, through our Discord server (, or in-game (ally code 252-477-693).

    Thanks for your time!
  • Options
    Tired of guilds being designed for players who are years into the game? (even though they're supposedly casual)? Tired of other casual guilds having poor participation?

    We are too! We've started a new guild for casual players, where we aim to grow together. currently looking for players between level 65 to 85. Working on rancor LVL 6 and sith LVL 4. LOOKING FOR BRAND NEW PLAYERS - OR SECOND ACCOUNT PLAYERS.


    Ally Code: 888-469-349

    We have a very active Discord community that we've built, and an active guild of about 46 members. Honest quote from one of our LVL 65 members "thank god I found this guild" :). Feel free to message me in game, or just search up and join our guild! It's built for players like you. (Players have said that they need to refresh guild search in-order to find us - FYI).

    EA guild search can be difficult You can just add me as a friend so that I can invite you to the guild! :) , Or try a boolean search for the guild name if it doesn't come up: Milky AND Way AND Empire

    You can also add one of our fellow officers/guild mentors 775-412-999

    Please note that Discord is required for our members, as we use it for coordinating Territory battles and wars (guild events). A lot of our members are first time discord users and they've told me numerous times how thankful they are now for it.
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    SHQ Elite is a US based, semi-casual guild designed to accommodate a better game/life balance that many of us would prefer. At the moment, we are looking to add 1-2 members at 2M+. We’re really looking for more to help with Territory Battles. Our current GP is ~170M. Our core group is made of previously competitive players who got tired of the requirements forced on you to be in an elite guild. It is called a game for a reason, you need to have fun with it!

    Our main goal as a guild is to enjoy the game and not feel like you have to logon everyday and "just go through the motions". We are currently running LS Hoth TB and DS Geo TB. We all want to run more raids, but if you need to miss a day or two, that is perfectly fine! With that said, we are still pretty active and raid constantly it seems. We are fully heroic. Our Pit is on sim, Tank opens at 11pm Eastern Standard Time and Sith opens at 9pm Eastern Standard Time. All have 24 hour join policies.

    While we are all active we do not force 600 daily tickets. Our only real rules at the moment is users sign up on, and be on Discord. We also ask that members TRY to wait for commands to be placed in TB and TW before taking any actions. We understand if you only have certain windows to play though. Please jump on to ask any additional questions as we are pretty talkative and happy to answer.

    Our Discord:
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    We're looking to add ~10 new players. We're very easy going. Just looking for people have fun and enjoy our love of star wars.

    We take players of all shapes and sizes.

    Refresh is at 7:30 EST

    All heroic raids. 24 HR join period.

    All we ask is to stay active and help make our guild stronger.
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    Blejaci are looking for new casual members. We are a Balkan based guild with several members from different parts of the globe. We have diverse player activity levels, experienced players to give advices about what to farm, how to mod for different events (GAC, raid phases etc). We mostly speak serbian in chat but all are fluent in English, some also in other languages.

    Guild GP:121M and million more on the way
    Reset: 7:30pm CEST (+2 UTC)

    There are no daily requirements or minimum GP to join us. Only requirements are tolerance of our horrible humour, participation in guild events, and not being inactive for more then 10 days in a row.

    We do all heroic raids (HPit on sim), with 24 hour join period, so that everyone can get rewards.

    We are currently doing geo TBs (10/11* in DS, and close to 5 in LS). Started farming Wat, but really slowly.

    You can message me here or just add me in-game (ally code 865-573-357)
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    Ewokolypse Ascension is Recruiting

    • 210 + million GP
    • Guild Reset: 6:30 PM / 7:30 PM Pacific Time
    • 26 star DS Geo Territory Battles
    • 12 star LS Geo
    •45 star LS / 44 star DS Hoth Territory
    • HPIT sim enabled
    • HAAT 11:00 AM Central Time
    • HSTR 12:00 PM Central Time
    •2 GL Rey
    •4 GL Kylo

    • 3.5 million + GP or a focused roster
    • Participation in TW/TB, 600 daily tickets, and growth expected

    For more information, contact Line ID ,“Kato27$”, or “Gonere” on Line", “Obi-wan Mahomie#8559”, or “Gonere#1949” on Discord; join our Discord server; and feel free to check out our profile.
    Recruiter ally code 642-991-487
  • TaliRaider
    68 posts Member
    edited November 2020
    Thank you! Now full
    Post edited by TaliRaider on
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    Brotherhood of the S1th recruiting

    We have a solid core of daily players and are a very casual guild standing at 113,938,001 GP. All Heroic Raids, Hoth TB 29+ stars, 80+ percent wins in TW, and we are just starting to accumulate Watt shards. 1 million GP minimums listed, but in reality, we have never refused anyone. Come have fun and grow with us! No requirements to participate in any event.

    Contact duck 635-468-945

  • P122K1918
    20 posts Member
    edited October 2020

    That is our guild name. No space so that it is easier to search.

    Let me start with some honesty and then get into the additional info you may want. The honesty is that recruiting is a pain. You may read this hoping to find the perfect guild for you. Probably not going to happen, but you may find a guild worth joining and staying. Not sure why you may be reading this looking for a new guild, and I cannot leave a message here saying that we can fill all the blanks or check all the boxes for what you may be looking. What I can tell you, honestly, is that ours is a good group with no drama and a casual approach to the game. Most of us have been playing together for a couple years. We are a very friendly group that works to help each other develop individually and as a team.

    Currently 40/50 with 136M GP. Have 4 members that have been inactive for quite a while. Not worth booting them while we still have 10 spots open, but if we fill up to 50 and someone wants in, we have no problem giving those inactives the boot.

    Looking for active players; preferably at level 85 and with at least 1M GP.

    TW record: 100% wins (12-0)

    TB record:
    32* LS Hoth (~15 ROLO shards) & 10* DS Geo (so far getting 1-2 Wat shards)

    All 3 raids on Heroic with a 1 day join period. Pit is not yet auto but will be after we get through the first 50 runs (halfway there).

    US based guild. Reset times: 4:30 PDT, 5:30 MDT, 6:30 CDT, 7:30 EDT

    We do have Discord but it is not required. Communication has been a mix of in-game chat and Discord.

    Have questions? Message me here, in game at P122K1918 (ally code 663-429-289), or in Discord (P122-K1918#2916).
    Post edited by P122K1918 on
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    • Ewok Tribble Alliance
    • Guild Recruiter: Pendragondev (Discord: PendragonDev#5875)
    • Discord (optional):
    • NA based guild with some EU/UK folks. Reset times: 4:30 PDT, 5:30 MDT, 6:30 CDT, 7:30 EDT
    • Rancor raid: Sim every other month (manual in between for newbies to get their achievement)
    • hAAT & hSTR every 3-4 days
    • 80% win percentage in TW (104 Wins - 27 Losses)
    • Light side Hoth (36 stars), Dark side Geo (12 stars)
    • No minimums - mostly F2P, we've got some older players with Rey and nearly SLKR, a few close to JKL/ JMLS, and we like to help newer players level up (and hopefully stick around!)
    • We've been around for a while and have some spots open for players looking for fun in a guild where everyone shares and celebrates their successes!

    May the Force be with you!
  • Options
    P122K1918 wrote: »

    That is our guild name. No space so that it is easier to search.

    Let me start with some honesty and then get into the additional info you may want. The honesty is that recruiting is a pain. You may read this hoping to find the perfect guild for you. Probably not going to happen, but you may find a guild worth joining and staying. Not sure why you may be reading this looking for a new guild, and I cannot leave a message here saying that we can fill all the blanks or check all the boxes for what you may be looking. What I can tell you, honestly, is that ours is a good group with no drama and a casual approach to the game. Most of us have been playing together for a couple years. We are a very friendly group that works to help each other develop individually and as a team.

    Currently 39/50 with 129.9M GP. Have 4 members that have been inactive for quite a while. Not worth booting them while we still have 11 spots open, but if we fill up to 50 and someone wants in, we have no problem giving those inactives the boot.

    Looking for active players; preferably at level 85 and with at least 1M GP.

    TW record: 100% wins (11-0)

    TB record:
    32* LS Hoth (~15 ROLO shards) & 10* DS Geo (so far getting 1-2 Wat shards)

    All 3 raids on Heroic with a 1 day join period. Pit is not yet auto but will be after we get through the first 50 runs (halfway there).

    US based guild. Reset times: 4:30 PDT, 5:30 MDT, 6:30 CDT, 7:30 EDT

    We do have Discord but it is not required. Communication has been a mix of in-game chat and Discord.

    Have questions? Message me here, in game at P122K1918 (ally code 663-429-289), or in Discord (P122-K1918#2916).

  • Options

    140 mil GP guild looking for 1 member
    All heroic raids (Pit on sim)
    Active in TW & TB (Hoth LS, Geo DS)

    Great guild, mix of veteran and newer players.

    We only ask 2 things, participate in TB and let us know if you’ll be offline for a while.

    No ticket requirements.

    Discord is required.

    Ally code: 123-147-392
    Discord: Wellsdog#1059
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    Lothal Ghost Crew is looking for a few new members to fill out the roster. We are a casual but very active. We do have Discord but mainly use in game chat.

    - US East Coast based with several members in the UK.
    - Guild GP a round 106mil after clearing out a few inactives.
    - Raids, All heroic, automatic start times with 24 hour join period.
    - Territory Battles: we usually run both Hoth tb, but mix in a dark side geo battle on occasion.
    - We win most of our TWs (at least 3 out of 4)
    - Requirements: Level 85 minimum. No GP minimum. Participate in Territory Battles so we all get better rewards. If you participate in TW, put up real squads with synergy and be considerate of the guild's effort.
    - Other than that, play to have fun. Collect the toons you like. If you want advice we have a lot of experience and are happy to help and talk about the game.

    My ally code is 565-672-741. The guild is open to join, so you don't need to wait for an invitation, but feel free to send me a message or ally request. Search "Lothal Ghost Crew".
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    Hey guys!
    Remnants of the **** Order, 231 mill GP Guild! Currently, Is looking for a few new players to replace some folks who will be quitting the game soon! (Please have at least 3.5mill GP+)

    We're a laid back Casual Competitive Guild!

    No u don't need to have Galactic Legends, but we do have members who do have them, or are still farming to get them! Whatever path ur taking(farming who ur farming) please continue to do so. We're not an elite guild, we like to win n collect awesome rewards along the way, but will never tell u what to farm! (It's a game lol)

    What We Have To Offer:👇🏽

    :All Heroic Raids (CST)
    :600min Tickets
    :TW Is Optional (Currently 90% Winning Streak)
    :LS Geo 10⭐ DS Geo 27⭐ (We will run LS Hoth here n there for folks wanting extra GET1 currency, Full ⭐) 20+ WAT shards) Working on getting KAM shards)
    :TB Is a must (We're a TB focused Guild)
    :We do use Discord, we have multiple channels for help from mods to GAC help and so on!
    :Respect Ur Guild Mates( We will not condone any kind of hate or disrespect in our guild)
    :We do love ppl with awesome personalities n a sense of humor tho, yea we're kind of goofy 😉
    :Overall Have Fun!

    If interested or have questions, please HMU👇🏽

    Discord handle: QueenMamaA#7246 🤙🏽
  • RJTREE303
    93 posts Member
    edited October 2020
    Massive Badgers are a friendly active UK based guild looking for players 1.5M and above, Current GP is 157M, We are fully Heroic. 38 stars in both Hoths and 13 stars in DS Geo. Message me if interested. 158-942-955
  • teafshrea
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2020
    No longer looking, thanks.
    Post edited by teafshrea on
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    Guild name: AXT.
    Guild GP: 65 mill approximately.

    Hello there, my name is Wonbong, and I am part of the fantastic guild AXT. We are friendly guild growing at a decent pace, who hope to meet new aspiring players.

    Why should you join us?
    1. We do FULL HEROIC (Yes HSITH as well). HAAT and HPIT is done solo by the guild, and HSITH is done with the help of mercs, so not done during TB.
    2. We have a good TW record, I have lost 4 since I joined in April.
    3. We do Hoth TB with steady increase in stars every TB. Best results currently is: 27 hoth ls, 24 hoth ds
    4. We have experienced players who can help you, but also other "padawans". We don't expect you to know everything and we would love to help you progress.

    HAAT and HPIT is 7:30 pm CEST with 24h join.
    HSITH is 9:30 pm CEST with 1h join, and 12h pause at p4.

    So as for every guild there is of course some requirements, here is ours.
    1. 1 mill GP (or about there, we do value good communication and friendliness above)
    2. 400 daily raid tickets
    3. Participation in events.
    4. Discord mandatory.

    We understand that it is difficult to find the guild name from the in-game guild search, therefore please message me in game (ally code 623-818-967) so that I may invite you directly to the guild - saving you all the hassle!!

    My allycode is: 623-818-967
    Guild SWGOH.GG:
    Guild discord:
    Discord: Wonbong#5562

    Feel free to write me on discord or just join our server :)

    I hope to hear from upcoming Jedis or Siths :wink: I'd also glady answer any other questions.
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    Looking for a supportive, casual guild interested in helping you progress in the game? You want to land where I did as new player more than three years ago: Mandalorean Masters. Glad I found it, and I'll never leave. Lots of long-time players helping new players rise. I joined at 100K GP and am now over 5M. We have a few spots available right now.

    We are particularly good in TW, with 130+ wins and only 3 losses.

    Message me in-game if you'd like to join: ally code 612 815 276.

    -US based, but quite a few in Europe too
    -GP ~165 mil
    -All Raids have join period
    -Heroic Rancor raid 2 times a week
    -HAAT 1.5 times a week
    -HSTR 1.5 times a week
    -Raid times 8:30 PM EST
    -12* ds geo tb
    -8 WAT shard
    - 7* ls geo

    What we are looking for:
    -active players looking to join a guild and grow together. Friendly, supportive, communicative environment
    If you are interested please get in touch or if you have any questions feel free to ask.
  • MutineerRA
    284 posts Member
    edited October 2020
    Mutiners without fears (yes, the guild name is spelt wrong!)

    49/50 ...low turnover of players

    204mil gp.....Friendly, relaxed but very active guild. No rules other than playing regularly and following TW and TB instructions

    Heroic raids 7.30pm uk time

    Geo Tbs (so having a geo squad for wat shards is a bonus)

    Good tw strategy and record

    Ideally looking for 4m+ or a focussed roster

    Contact me on here or in game if any questions. Obi Dan 949-699-318

This discussion has been closed.