Why no reward for defense in GA?

122 posts Member
edited December 2020
I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?
Post edited by Kyno on


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    You are rewarded twice:
    * you get banners for setting the squad
    * you deny your opponent banners if it holds
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    But I get the first banners weather I put out relic or crap
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    You get banners for setting no matter what you set but you only get banners for holding if the squad actually survives.
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    I think it could actually be interesting to make defensive hold reward additional banners per attempts. Would make battles a lot more intense as you'd have to think twice before going in with a risky team to not give your opponent free banners.
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    as it is now, you lose banners for losing with a squad, so it's the same
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    Meanwhile, there's another active thread lamenting the disadvantage of having to face a difficult defense including charges of a scoring system that is too complicated.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    You are rewarded twice:
    * you get banners for setting the squad
    * you deny your opponent banners if it holds

    Somewhat true, but because banners are also used to determine league promotions and final scoreboard placement, not fully true.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited December 2020
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    * you deny your opponent banners if it holds

    This, it is giving you banners for defensive holds.

    Them winning on the second attempt is the same as you being given 20 banners for holding, or 30 for a win on a third attempt.

    even when you win, you are awarded points for placing a better defensive team. that is why they lose points for units without full health/protection and survival.

    The system is giving you banners for the things your defense does, its probably just easier for display and system purposes for it to be "displayed" on the attackers side, vs "passed to you" to be displayed.
    Post edited by Kyno on
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Again, that doesn't help for league advancement or final placement on the leaderboard (which can impact rewards).

    I'm not defending (ha) the idea of awarding more points for D, just pointing out the flaw (or rather the missing component) in the argument being used.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Just think of the collusion that could occur if your opponent is willing to throw battles to give you defensive hold banners. There's already collusion at times by setting a trash defense for shard mates, guild mates, etc...
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    TVF wrote: »
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    You are rewarded twice:
    * you get banners for setting the squad
    * you deny your opponent banners if it holds

    Somewhat true, but because banners are also used to determine league promotions and final scoreboard placement, not fully true.
    The complaint was no reward for defense. Simple as that.
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    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!
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    GIJippo wrote: »
    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!
    I think this is a different request to your request.

    This one wouldn’t work as it is so susceptible to abuse. Someone could be convinced / coerced / bribed into chucking team after team of bottom end roster rubbish at a defence team to let you rack up the points.

    It could work if there was a limit to the points obtained though, as that would close the loophole.
  • crzydroid
    7367 posts Moderator
    I get what people are saying about not getting progression because of defense, but if you set defenses strong enough to hold, then you are potentially sacrificing your attack banners. You get points for winning. If you want to maximize banners, you need to balance your roster between offense and attack, so your defense isn't too weak and yet you can still gets clears and feats on attack. I don't think you should be able to dump your best teams on defense, screw your opponent and yourself out of getting attack banner and feats, and then get rewarded more points. Seems to be working exactly right to me.

    The natural counter argument, though, is that in depriving your opponent of banners with defense, you increase your odds of winning the round. Therefore you DO get more points for progression, since you get the +1600 win banners.
  • crzydroid
    7367 posts Moderator
    edited December 2020
    GIJippo wrote: »
    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!

    This doesn't make much sense. If your opponent is better...then they're better. They shouldn't win for being better? This seems like a rehash of the matcmaking arguments where you made poor roster choices. How are you supposed to have a path to a defensive victory if they are, in fact, better? You are saying you are awarded more points for defensive holds than you lose by not attempting to even attack the teams you can't beat? So you get rewarded for not attacking and they get punished for actually trying?
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    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense

    Why is it a goal in itself to post stronger units on defense?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense

    Yes its all about choices and balance. you want to win matches and complete feats to make kyber. to do that you need to balance your choices on what you place on defense to meet your goals. more points awarded (on top of what you already get) for defense, wont really factor in unless they are huge(which they really shouldn't be), because the win is such a large point value, as it should be.
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    But if we are looking for the best mutual option to reach the highest level myself and my opponent should hold our best 7 squads for offense and then put the rest on defense with the goal that we would score the most possible points and while ever wins wins but we maximize out banners won, if I set a defense and clear the board on offense I will score around 2100-2200 banners total if I put stronger units on defense I might only clear 2-3 sections on offense and might only score 1200-1600 banners and the only benefit of my strong defense is if I win or not which may or may not happen but if I can earn banners for holding sections we could bridge that gap and make it worth being strategic about how we deploy our forces.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    But if we are looking for the best mutual option to reach the highest level myself and my opponent should hold our best 7 squads for offense and then put the rest on defense with the goal that we would score the most possible points and while ever wins wins but we maximize out banners won, if I set a defense and clear the board on offense I will score around 2100-2200 banners total if I put stronger units on defense I might only clear 2-3 sections on offense and might only score 1200-1600 banners and the only benefit of my strong defense is if I win or not which may or may not happen but if I can earn banners for holding sections we could bridge that gap and make it worth being strategic about how we deploy our forces.

    again, you do earn points for what your defense does. here is a hypothetical:

    you both set a good defense:

    Player 1 clears all zones and beats every team.

    Player 2 clears 3 zones and loses to 1 team.

    in the current setup Player 1 wins because the opponent scored less banners than them, because player 2 was awarded less banners

    in the setup you want with the same above results, Player 1 wins because they scored more banners than their opponent, because they were given banners after the opponent lost a battle.

    the scores would be exactly the same, if they changed the system to award points rather than hold them for the player to "take". There is no difference, just how the banners are seen, not in any way that would mean you should change your strategy.

    if you just want them to add points on top of the whole system that is build, that seems odd, because they already account for offensive wins and defensive losses, it doesn't make sense for them to add more on top of what you already get. This would also make it easier to advance in divisions, which is not really needed.
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    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense

    There you go. You just made winning secondary. Flawed!
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    GIJippo wrote: »
    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!

    This doesn't make much sense. If your opponent is better...then they're better. They shouldn't win for being better? This seems like a rehash of the matcmaking arguments where you made poor roster choices. How are you supposed to have a path to a defensive victory if they are, in fact, better? You are saying you are awarded more points for defensive holds than you lose by not attempting to even attack the teams you can't beat? So you get rewarded for not attacking and they get punished for actually trying?

    If I beat them they aren't better are they? No. If someone lost and I didn't they aren't "better" are they? Empirically, no. Therefore they shouldn't rank higher.
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    If you want to maximize banners, you need to balance your roster between offense and attack, so your defense isn't too weak and yet you can still gets clears and feats on attack. I don't think you should be able to dump your best teams on defense, screw your opponent and yourself out of getting attack banner and feats, and then get rewarded more points. Seems to be working exactly right to me.

    Until you account for differences in difficulty of schedule. I draw people that place GAS qnd DR on D, I still somehow win (defense is the only path to victory) but someone who played against weak defenses but still lost a match ranks ahead??? Get outta here with that. There is no teneble argument for that.

  • GIJippo
    107 posts Member
    edited December 2020

    This one wouldn’t work as it is so susceptible to abuse. Someone could be convinced / coerced / bribed into chucking team after team of bottom end roster rubbish at a defence team to let you rack up the points.

    It could work if there was a limit to the points obtained though, as that would close the loophole.

    Right now is susceptible to abuse. Someone could be convined / coerced / bribed into placing all top 30 D at expense of loss that can't be full cleared to prevent a certain player from ranking because clearing is what its all about. 🤷. This is why wins / losses are the rational QC of any competitive system where head to head matches are involved.
    The way it is now is indefensibly irrational 💯
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    GIJippo wrote: »
    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense

    There you go. You just made winning secondary. Flawed!

    To be fair they list your lifetime total banners earned rather than your life time GA win/loss record, But that isn’t the point.

    A win isn’t just a win you are rewarded with banners based on style points for winning and those style points are based on the quality of your offense not the quality of your defense. I can still win with a lousy defense if I out score them and for that I am rewarded with 3700 banners (2100+1600 for the win) even if I get swept on defense my opponent could have earned 2099 banners meaning we collectively earned 5799 banners between us

    If I put stronger squads on defense and so does my opponent as a result I only clear 2 sections and hold 2 with my defense but still win I earn 3100 banners (1500+1600) and my opponent earn 1499 then we collectively earned 4599 banners

    so with the inevitability that one side will win and one will lose by trying on defense under this system my opponent and I lose 1200 extra banners fighting for the 1600 prize that one of us will win either way

    At the very least why not reward banners for defensive wins 20 points for the first win 10 for the second 5 for a third
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    GIJippo wrote: »
    I just feel like if the ultimate goal is to make it to Kyber Level you obviously want to win the match but you would want to lean heavier on offense since that rewards more for you in banners but if you also won banners for holding territory then you could weigh posting stronger units on defense

    There you go. You just made winning secondary. Flawed!

    False. So very false.

    Winning is your primary goal since winning awards more championship points than you could ever earn from a full clear loss. It's actually a rational system.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    GIJippo wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    GIJippo wrote: »
    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!

    This doesn't make much sense. If your opponent is better...then they're better. They shouldn't win for being better? This seems like a rehash of the matcmaking arguments where you made poor roster choices. How are you supposed to have a path to a defensive victory if they are, in fact, better? You are saying you are awarded more points for defensive holds than you lose by not attempting to even attack the teams you can't beat? So you get rewarded for not attacking and they get punished for actually trying?

    If I beat them they aren't better are they? No. If someone lost and I didn't they aren't "better" are they? Empirically, no. Therefore they shouldn't rank higher.

    If you beat them they can't possibly score more than you (unless they score much more points from feats than you). A win is always worth more championship score than a loss. Always.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    At the very least why not reward banners for defensive wins 20 points for the first win 10 for the second 5 for a third

    As someone else pointed out in a previous comment:
    Your defensive holds are rewarded by your opponent winning less (or no) bonus points for 1st/2nd attempt wins. They increase your own chances to win.

  • crzydroid
    7367 posts Moderator
    edited December 2020
    GIJippo wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    GIJippo wrote: »
    I know you get points for setting a defensive squad but why not give a reward at the end for surviving squads?

    Good luck with this. People don't get it. I've tried. It's obvious there needs to be a reward of some kind for not allowing yourself to be full cleared. Instead, you are punished if you are matched with a better opponent and defense is the only path to victory. Oh well!

    This doesn't make much sense. If your opponent is better...then they're better. They shouldn't win for being better? This seems like a rehash of the matcmaking arguments where you made poor roster choices. How are you supposed to have a path to a defensive victory if they are, in fact, better? You are saying you are awarded more points for defensive holds than you lose by not attempting to even attack the teams you can't beat? So you get rewarded for not attacking and they get punished for actually trying?

    If I beat them they aren't better are they? No. If someone lost and I didn't they aren't "better" are they? Empirically, no. Therefore they shouldn't rank higher.

    That's not what you said though. You laid down the premise they are better. You have also yet to explain how you can get a defensive victory against a better opponent.
    GIJippo wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    If you want to maximize banners, you need to balance your roster between offense and attack, so your defense isn't too weak and yet you can still gets clears and feats on attack. I don't think you should be able to dump your best teams on defense, screw your opponent and yourself out of getting attack banner and feats, and then get rewarded more points. Seems to be working exactly right to me.

    Until you account for differences in difficulty of schedule. I draw people that place GAS qnd DR on D, I still somehow win (defense is the only path to victory) but someone who played against weak defenses but still lost a match ranks ahead??? Get outta here with that. There is no teneble argument for that.

    Even if you don't full clear them, but still won, that means you beat more teams than they did or beat them more efficiently, or maybe you cleared a teritory where they didn't. Is that a "defensive win" for you, or an offense one? Why does them setting a team you can't beat not net them a "defensive win?" It seems like you are playing a semantic game. Defenses cause your opponent to lose banners, thus lowering their chances of a win, and therefore costing them the bonus banners towards advancement.

    I'm going to assume your comment about ranking is not about an individual match, but whether an opponent you beat got a higher final ranking than you or made kyber where you didn't. But those things take into account all your matchups and also how many feats you've done. There's no reason to judge someone who made a higher final placement than you just because you beat them in an individual matchup. There's also just a lot of probability involved there. One victory isn't a be-all-end all determination of final success.
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    Oh you get one. It's just not one that counts towards anything of importance. I'm rewarded with smiles and messages for defends. Most like the offense approach for the banners and easier path to Kyber and there a few who are like me and just like wins and defends. We miss out on Kyber every now and then but again.. nothing of importance. It's just the way scoring is though OP and that's cool for the majority of players so it's fine with me.
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