“Win after defeating 3 enemies in the same turn”

139 posts Member
edited January 2021
Man this feat for GC is absolute garbage. Have to get perfect RNG to get it right, it’s just such a grossly specific feat. Ik I’m being salty right now but seriously it’s just so frustrating. Any tips?
Post edited by crzydroid on


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    SLKR did it easily.
    My wife used DR, Bast & Malak
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    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble
  • Stryde
    152 posts Member
    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble

    Any suggestions on timing to get three in the red with the Deathmark feature?

    I don't have SLKR. I've tried DR, Malak, and Bastila, waiting to shock then letting Bast go to work. I've tried Padme GR, hoping courage with JKA or GMY could pull it off. I've tried Shaak Ti clones, wondering if Echo could make it happen; to be fair, I've been the closest to three in the red here, but each and every time, Echo has ability block at this point (and I mean over 20 attempts, when there's still three standing).

    Or anybody else find the non-GL cheese for this yet?
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    I used GAS squad to get it done.
  • LordDirt
    5106 posts Member
    Rey, SLKR, SEE and others can easily do it.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Ltswb1
    550 posts Member
    I used gas, Rex, fives, arc, and Hoda. On first move with Rex use his basic so that he gets death mark. Then just work down the enemies and hope the stay focused on Rex. Put turret on 5s so that both he and arc have dispells. Give Hoda special to gas and then hope you can get three close enough to dead to use Gas’ specials.
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    I used EP lead, DR, DB, Traya, and Wat. Insanity on RJT. Weapon tech on DB. Tank tech on DR. Other tech on EP. Keep everyone stunned n shocked, and watch palp go nuts. 75% tm gain on basic when all 5 are shocked. Plus the tm gain from the debuffs. Still had to run it a few times to get the right rng to have DB use wild lightning to wipe 3 out. Reminded me of using palp and teebo in the tank raid ages ago, watching EP get turn after turn...
  • chpMINIsolo_77
    3103 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Stryde wrote: »
    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble

    Any suggestions on timing to get three in the red with the Deathmark feature?

    It took my wife 5 or 6 tries. She also had GG & Wampa in there for AOEs, but never used them
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    All these people suggesting using a galactic legend as if that’s just something everybody has lmao. You think I’d be asking for help with this if I had SLKR?

    Luckily finally got it with DR, just took about 40 tries
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    Rewards aren’t even worth it anyways
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    I used relic 5 jka. Honestly I thought this feat was great. It requires some thinking and experimenting. It isn't a pay wall or character wall.

    It's a creative feat, we need more of these.

    I would much prefer though, if we weren't required to clear just about every feat to get the top rewards. Give us a few different paths to success cg
  • Fingolfin26
    270 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Stryde wrote: »
    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble

    Any suggestions on timing to get three in the red with the Deathmark feature?

    I don't have SLKR. I've tried DR, Malak, and Bastila, waiting to shock then letting Bast go to work. I've tried Padme GR, hoping courage with JKA or GMY could pull it off. I've tried Shaak Ti clones, wondering if Echo could make it happen; to be fair, I've been the closest to three in the red here, but each and every time, Echo has ability block at this point (and I mean over 20 attempts, when there's still three standing).

    Or anybody else find the non-GL cheese for this yet?

    You have to get death mark on one of your own characters so you have the freedom to put hits on particular enemies. Then when you've got them worn down drop an aoe

    I used gr specifically jka relic 5
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    Yung_Hen wrote: »
    All these people suggesting using a galactic legend as if that’s just something everybody has lmao. You think I’d be asking for help with this if I had SLKR?

    Luckily finally got it with DR, just took about 40 tries

    Gave you other options too, if you read my posts
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    Listen to Fingolfin26. Get Deathmark on one of your people and keep them alivr however you can--if you're using Galactic Republic you can take no-damage turns to get it on Kenobi, he's a beefy boi so he'll be easy to keep alive. Unfortunately he's also very slow so he's hard to get to go before any enemies do damage. Then spread damage around so Anakin can finish them off with one AoE.

    If you were able to do all the other feats, you'll only need to get the three kills on T6 for max reward.

    For folks with Rey as their only GL, I was able to do it with her, GM Yoda, Revan, and Anakin; each one has an AoE. I let the enemy Rey get Deathmark, then used Revan to mark Chewbacca since he's got a bunch of hp ans I could spread damage between the two of them. Eventually Finn taunts, ignore him and get the other two down to yellow, then youe Rey uses her murder special to instantly defeat Finn, and the AoE portion should take out the other two.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    Deathmark on one of your own is definitely the way to do it; if you have some group stuns that will help keep that person alive so the deathmark doesn't change. Using one of the Kylos or Malak can be a way to help that too.
  • Stryde
    152 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    I used EP lead, DR, DB, Traya, and Wat. Insanity on RJT. Weapon tech on DB. Tank tech on DR. Other tech on EP. Keep everyone stunned n shocked, and watch palp go nuts. 75% tm gain on basic when all 5 are shocked. Plus the tm gain from the debuffs. Still had to run it a few times to get the right rng to have DB use wild lightning to wipe 3 out. Reminded me of using palp and teebo in the tank raid ages ago, watching EP get turn after turn...

    This specific strategy and characters, working to get deathmark on my own character per ltswb1 and Fingolfin26 (didn't try this approach on my end before because whoever got deathmarked just got death), and then using stuns to keep her from being deleted like crzydroid added is what worked to clear tier 6. Thanks. I appreciate all the different recommendations to reflect all the different rosters and experiences.
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    GG sep droids. Use Nuke team tactic. No strategy at all. Just let your team mates die so you keep AOEing. Got it 2nd try after abandoning Padme
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    I used my GAS (had to switch to protection modding and reduce the offense to keep enemies from dying too quick).

    Got Fives deathmarked, then it was just biding time and spreading damage across their team with only basics.

    Managed it in like 2-3 tries. Got Vet Chewie and Finn in red and RJT in yellow (was about 30-40% health I guess). Used GAS aoe, targeting RJT. The followup kick knocked out RJT. Finished battle in a couple turns by killing BB8.

    Also BB8 did get off illuminated destiny, so that definitely helped amp up GAS damage to land the triple kill.
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    Chewie and Threepio all the way!
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    Stryde wrote: »
    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble

    Any suggestions on timing to get three in the red with the Deathmark feature?

    with the Drevan team, if malak is strong enough have him take the deathmark as he wont suffer from it and can recover HP well. then just weaken everyone with Drevan, bastilla, hk, and others until they are weak for an AoE.
    i did it with gear 12 sith empire and a g13 relic 7 malak
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    flux_rono wrote: »
    Stryde wrote: »
    Don't use an aoe until you have 3 in the red if you're having trouble

    Any suggestions on timing to get three in the red with the Deathmark feature?

    with the Drevan team, if malak is strong enough have him take the deathmark as he wont suffer from it and can recover HP well. then just weaken everyone with Drevan, bastilla, hk, and others until they are weak for an AoE.
    i did it with gear 12 sith empire and a g13 relic 7 malak

    My Malak was not strong enough (just unlocked in the last month, and I'm behind on many things due to mismanagement of resources). I tried Sith Empire for a long time, but the Palp, BSF, Wat, Traya, Revan team is what finally worked for me; only my Revan is R4 (the rest are gear 12), and Traya got the deathmark while Palp stunned them all (after multiple attempts). There are a lot of suggestions here in this thread to help many players and many playing styles! Thanks.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Chewie and Threepio all the way!

    Honestly, this sounds fun. I might try it if I have time.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
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  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Chewie and Threepio all the way!

    Honestly, this sounds fun. I might try it if I have time.

    Nevermind....tried it about 15-20 times. Not fun. Even with all relic characters, the RNG is a pain.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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