OPINION: The Mandalorian Series has become bad and cringe.




This is my opinion. It is perfectly fine if you like the Mandalorian series, there is nothing wrong with that, just like there is nothing wrong with me not liking the Mandalorian series. No need to take personal offense to anything I say.

(1) Season 2 was when I really started to notice it. Several episodes so far in this new season are just boring, pointless filler.

- Season 2 Episode 4, "The Siege", was just meant to remind the audience that Greef Karga and Cara Dune still existed.

- Season 2 Episode 7, "The Believer", was just blatant filler. A lot of people who watched that episode today would agree with me on that. It was not anywhere near as entertaining as last weeks episode, "The Tragedy"

(2) In addition, what new ideas or concepts has this series actually given us?

- So many scenes are on Tatooine... Why? I don't care anymore... we have seen that planet in several movies, and I honestly am sick of the planet at this point.

- The dark saber was already in the Clone Wars series and the Star Wars Rebels series (although I never watched Rebels it was clearly only meant for kids)

- Mandalorians have already been in the Clone Wars series, they are nothing new.

- They tried to make Cara Dune not a 1-dimensional character by having her say her family died on Alderaan, but then again we already saw Leia go through that (and also see the actual planet get yeeted into oblivion) in the original Star Wars movie.....
EDIT: I think I was supposed to feel sad when Cara said this, but why is beyond me. I have had plenty of time to feel sad that Alderaan exploded; to be specific, ever since I saw A New Hope.

- The only new planets they have shown us have been so generic, to the point where the one in today's episode just looked like they went to some forest in Oregon and filmed there.

- Boba Fett surviving his "death" in the 6th movie wasn't anything new, that was already cannon. Nothing new or original in bringing him back.

- Etc, etc.

There were very few and infrequent things that I noticed that were original ideas. If so little is being brought to the table, why even have the series? The child is already very clearly a marketing ploy and an excuse to sell toys to children, which makes me question the intentions of Disney when they started this series. They are just milking the fanbase of what they only see as a cash cow they bought for $4 Billion dollars from George Lucas.

(3) Violence is dumbed down to a level where it takes me out of the immersion

-Season 1 Episode 6, "The Prisoner", towards the end of the episode, a large alien mercenary is holding open a blast door to try to reach the Mandalorian, however the Mandalorian pulls a 500 IQ play and closes the blast door on the mercenary.

The only realistic outcome given the situation would have been that the mercenary was instantly crushed to a puddle of alien meat. However, at the very end it is shown he is perfectly fine in a jail cell with only a few bruises. If thats how Star Wars physics work, then why were Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO all scared when they were inside a trash compactor on the Death Star????

- Season 2 Episode 3, "The Heiress". When the Mandalorian is captured by pirates on a ship in the middle of an alien ocean, three former members of Death Watch (from the Clone Wars) come in and rescue him.

In the fight scene, the three Death Watch Mandalorians take the pirates' spears from them and then proceed to, and I kid you not, use those spears as clubs and baseball bats against the pirates. I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be warriors, not warriors dumbed down to a G-rated level by Disney to increase their viewers.

(4) Every scene with the child is cringe.

Why is it that the child was always doing something cute during the middle of every scene? It felt so random at times, and it felt cringe at times.

Yes, I understand we are supposed to think he is the cutest thing in the world or something like that, but honestly I feel that he is only shown doing cute things during dialogue scenes in order to keep younger audiences interested. Thats really the only reason why that stuff exists.

Lets pretend they didn't have any of that cute stuff that is only intended to keep kids with the attention span of a goldfish engaged for a 30 minute episode. What do we have left? A little bit of lore, and a completely 1-dimensional character.

Yes, the child is the main plot of the series, but when Disney dumbs down that main focus of the plot to the level of a 1st grader, then that takes away from the character. People only like the child because he is cute, not because he is an interesting character like the Mandalorian is.

Speaking of interesting characters, the only characters in the Mandalorian series that I actually liked were the Mandalorian and Moff Gideon.

(5) What is Disney's obsession with reviving old characters and ruining them?

Boba Fett isn't a good guy. He is a bounty hunter, he has no loyalties. Yet in Mandalorian, he is a COMPLETELY different character from who he was in the originals. Suddenly he's fighting against the empire for free, as if it is personal to him. No, the Mandalorian isn't paying credits for Boba's services, it is all free. It wasn't Boba's fault that the child was stolen, and yet he deems himself responsible.

Imagine if someone like Cad Bane suddenly turned into a good guy. It wouldn't feel right. They are taking characters from the original movies and completely changing them in order to fit the story line.

Just like what happened to Luke in The Last Jedi. He was a useless and whiney old man in that movie, nothing like in Return of the Jedi.

Just like what happened to Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker. He went from being a mastermind who started and orchestrated both sides of an all out galactic war to a one-time all-talk-and-no-show Marvel villain.

I started out liking the Mandalorian series. I really did. It's just that I just saw the same thing I saw in the sequel movies and that movie about Han Solo. Too much Disney, and not enough Star Wars.


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    "The siege" showed Palps was already starting his cloning experiments just 10(?) years after his fall. Does the specimens in the background look like someone we know?

    "The believer" was mostly filler, but it did show that Mando is starting to question his identity and shows just how much he cares about the child. He went against the creed to show that. Boba may have played a part in that, who knows.

    Name a show that doesnt have filler episodes in it, yeah it sucks but eh I dont mind. It's not like it is every other episode. You said 2 out of 15 episodes were filler, I'd say that is doing pretty good.

    The dark saber, How did the empire come to have it, what happened on Mandalore?

    Rebels wasn't just for kids, it was a continuation of TCW and we got to see what happened to our old friends. We got to see what Rex and Ashoka were doing, Maul and his arc get a proper ending. It also showed us a little of the formation of the New Republic.

    Just because something was in TCW doesn't mean it can't be explored farther. Yoda was in TCW and I bet everyone would be over the moon watching a series following his life. Fleshing out lore that isn't as "mainstream" is great for world building and helps keep people wanting to dig deeper and find out more.

    I agree about Cara, sucks but it happens in shows.

    If they showed these exciting new planets with crazy environments that they spend over half the show exploring and not adding a whole lot, I'm sure you would be complaining about that instead. Yes it would be cool to see, but it is a trade off. They're limited with money and time, would you rather see Mando saving the day, or a cool planet and a 3 eyed monkey cat thing that can puke diamonds with him just walking around?

    Was it canon still or with the Disney acquisition did it make it Legends? Serious question.

    Violence, Star Wars movies didn't really have a lot of violence either, yeah people got lasered but no blood or ripped off limbs (RIP Wampa, and every right hand), but the Boba rampage at the end of "The Tragedy" was an outlier, he stabbed and bashed those troopers. I think seeing a trooper helmet with a brain and half a face would take away from the show, not add to it.

    He has no beef with Mando, a lot can happen in 10(?) Years and almost getting devoured could change a person. They made a deal, he is honouring it. The Mandalorian way. He also had what, 5 minutes of screen time in the originals, not much to go off.

    End of the day, if you dont like it, dont watch it. I get where you're coming from, it is Star Wars, the reason we are all here. We love it. I would say a good portion of the fan base is really enjoying it, but like everything, there will be people who won't and that is okay.
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    "The siege" showed Palps was already starting his cloning experiments just 10(?) years after his fall. Does the specimens in the background look like someone we know?

    "The believer" was mostly filler, but it did show that Mando is starting to question his identity and shows just how much he cares about the child. He went against the creed to show that. Boba may have played a part in that, who knows.

    Name a show that doesnt have filler episodes in it, yeah it sucks but eh I dont mind. It's not like it is every other episode. You said 2 out of 15 episodes were filler, I'd say that is doing pretty good.

    The dark saber, How did the empire come to have it, what happened on Mandalore?

    Rebels wasn't just for kids, it was a continuation of TCW and we got to see what happened to our old friends. We got to see what Rex and Ashoka were doing, Maul and his arc get a proper ending. It also showed us a little of the formation of the New Republic.

    Just because something was in TCW doesn't mean it can't be explored farther. Yoda was in TCW and I bet everyone would be over the moon watching a series following his life. Fleshing out lore that isn't as "mainstream" is great for world building and helps keep people wanting to dig deeper and find out more.

    I agree about Cara, sucks but it happens in shows.

    If they showed these exciting new planets with crazy environments that they spend over half the show exploring and not adding a whole lot, I'm sure you would be complaining about that instead. Yes it would be cool to see, but it is a trade off. They're limited with money and time, would you rather see Mando saving the day, or a cool planet and a 3 eyed monkey cat thing that can puke diamonds with him just walking around?

    Was it canon still or with the Disney acquisition did it make it Legends? Serious question.

    Violence, Star Wars movies didn't really have a lot of violence either, yeah people got lasered but no blood or ripped off limbs (RIP Wampa, and every right hand), but the Boba rampage at the end of "The Tragedy" was an outlier, he stabbed and bashed those troopers. I think seeing a trooper helmet with a brain and half a face would take away from the show, not add to it.

    He has no beef with Mando, a lot can happen in 10(?) Years and almost getting devoured could change a person. They made a deal, he is honouring it. The Mandalorian way. He also had what, 5 minutes of screen time in the originals, not much to go off.

    End of the day, if you dont like it, dont watch it. I get where you're coming from, it is Star Wars, the reason we are all here. We love it. I would say a good portion of the fan base is really enjoying it, but like everything, there will be people who won't and that is okay.

    Thats your opinion and I fully respect that.

    I just wanted to respond to what you said at the end because it isn’t as simple as not watching it.

    I grew up with star wars. The prequels, the originals, and the clone wars tv show. It was a major portion of my childhood. Seeing how Disney has ruined Star Wars and divided its fanbase so much has bothered me a lot, but I am not a fair-weather fan. I will stick around for the good and the bad. That doesnt mean I have to enjoy the good and the bad. If I am upset with the direction Star Wars has veered off into, I can and will be vocal about it.

    Just some insight into why I still watch this show despite very clearly not liking it.
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    "The siege" showed Palps was already starting his cloning experiments just 10(?) years after his fall. Does the specimens in the background look like someone we know?

    "The believer" was mostly filler, but it did show that Mando is starting to question his identity and shows just how much he cares about the child. He went against the creed to show that. Boba may have played a part in that, who knows.

    Name a show that doesnt have filler episodes in it, yeah it sucks but eh I dont mind. It's not like it is every other episode. You said 2 out of 15 episodes were filler, I'd say that is doing pretty good.

    The dark saber, How did the empire come to have it, what happened on Mandalore?

    Rebels wasn't just for kids, it was a continuation of TCW and we got to see what happened to our old friends. We got to see what Rex and Ashoka were doing, Maul and his arc get a proper ending. It also showed us a little of the formation of the New Republic.

    Just because something was in TCW doesn't mean it can't be explored farther. Yoda was in TCW and I bet everyone would be over the moon watching a series following his life. Fleshing out lore that isn't as "mainstream" is great for world building and helps keep people wanting to dig deeper and find out more.

    I agree about Cara, sucks but it happens in shows.

    If they showed these exciting new planets with crazy environments that they spend over half the show exploring and not adding a whole lot, I'm sure you would be complaining about that instead. Yes it would be cool to see, but it is a trade off. They're limited with money and time, would you rather see Mando saving the day, or a cool planet and a 3 eyed monkey cat thing that can puke diamonds with him just walking around?

    Was it canon still or with the Disney acquisition did it make it Legends? Serious question.

    Violence, Star Wars movies didn't really have a lot of violence either, yeah people got lasered but no blood or ripped off limbs (RIP Wampa, and every right hand), but the Boba rampage at the end of "The Tragedy" was an outlier, he stabbed and bashed those troopers. I think seeing a trooper helmet with a brain and half a face would take away from the show, not add to it.

    He has no beef with Mando, a lot can happen in 10(?) Years and almost getting devoured could change a person. They made a deal, he is honouring it. The Mandalorian way. He also had what, 5 minutes of screen time in the originals, not much to go off.

    End of the day, if you dont like it, dont watch it. I get where you're coming from, it is Star Wars, the reason we are all here. We love it. I would say a good portion of the fan base is really enjoying it, but like everything, there will be people who won't and that is okay.

    Thats your opinion and I fully respect that.

    I just wanted to respond to what you said at the end because it isn’t as simple as not watching it.

    I grew up with star wars. The prequels, the originals, and the clone wars tv show. It was a major portion of my childhood. Seeing how Disney has ruined Star Wars and divided its fanbase so much has bothered me a lot, but I am not a fair-weather fan. I will stick around for the good and the bad. That doesnt mean I have to enjoy the good and the bad. If I am upset with the direction Star Wars has veered off into, I can and will be vocal about it.

    Just some insight into why I still watch this show despite very clearly not liking it.

    That's fair and I also respect that.

    The movies were definitely a let down, but I believe they (Dave F) is trying to fix that fracture and show that even under Disney, the magic can be brought back. There were a lot of new shows just announced with that Disney day thing. The future still has hope.
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    This is my opinion. It is perfectly fine if you like the Mandalorian series, there is nothing wrong with that, just like there is nothing wrong with me not liking the Mandalorian series. No need to take personal offense to anything I say.

    (1) Season 2 was when I really started to notice it. Several episodes so far in this new season are just boring, pointless filler.

    - Season 2 Episode 4, "The Siege", was just meant to remind the audience that Greef Karga and Cara Dune still existed.

    - Season 2 Episode 7, "The Believer", was just blatant filler. A lot of people who watched that episode today would agree with me on that. It was not anywhere near as entertaining as last weeks episode, "The Tragedy"

    (2) In addition, what new ideas or concepts has this series actually given us?

    - So many scenes are on Tatooine... Why? I don't care anymore... we have seen that planet in several movies, and I honestly am sick of the planet at this point.

    - The dark saber was already in the Clone Wars series and the Star Wars Rebels series (although I never watched Rebels it was clearly only meant for kids)

    - Mandalorians have already been in the Clone Wars series, they are nothing new.

    - They tried to make Cara Dune not a 1-dimensional character by having her say her family died on Alderaan, but then again we already saw Leia go through that (and also see the actual planet get yeeted into oblivion) in the original Star Wars movie.....
    EDIT: I think I was supposed to feel sad when Cara said this, but why is beyond me. I have had plenty of time to feel sad that Alderaan exploded; to be specific, ever since I saw A New Hope.

    - The only new planets they have shown us have been so generic, to the point where the one in today's episode just looked like they went to some forest in Oregon and filmed there.

    - Boba Fett surviving his "death" in the 6th movie wasn't anything new, that was already cannon. Nothing new or original in bringing him back.

    - Etc, etc.

    There were very few and infrequent things that I noticed that were original ideas. If so little is being brought to the table, why even have the series? The child is already very clearly a marketing ploy and an excuse to sell toys to children, which makes me question the intentions of Disney when they started this series. They are just milking the fanbase of what they only see as a cash cow they bought for $4 Billion dollars from George Lucas.

    (3) Violence is dumbed down to a level where it takes me out of the immersion

    -Season 1 Episode 6, "The Prisoner", towards the end of the episode, a large alien mercenary is holding open a blast door to try to reach the Mandalorian, however the Mandalorian pulls a 500 IQ play and closes the blast door on the mercenary.

    The only realistic outcome given the situation would have been that the mercenary was instantly crushed to a puddle of alien meat. However, at the very end it is shown he is perfectly fine in a jail cell with only a few bruises. If thats how Star Wars physics work, then why were Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO all scared when they were inside a trash compactor on the Death Star????

    - Season 2 Episode 3, "The Heiress". When the Mandalorian is captured by pirates on a ship in the middle of an alien ocean, three former members of Death Watch (from the Clone Wars) come in and rescue him.

    In the fight scene, the three Death Watch Mandalorians take the pirates' spears from them and then proceed to, and I kid you not, use those spears as clubs and baseball bats against the pirates. I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be warriors, not warriors dumbed down to a G-rated level by Disney to increase their viewers.

    (4) Every scene with the child is cringe.

    Why is it that the child was always doing something cute during the middle of every scene? It felt so random at times, and it felt cringe at times.

    Yes, I understand we are supposed to think he is the cutest thing in the world or something like that, but honestly I feel that he is only shown doing cute things during dialogue scenes in order to keep younger audiences interested. Thats really the only reason why that stuff exists.

    Lets pretend they didn't have any of that cute stuff that is only intended to keep kids with the attention span of a goldfish engaged for a 30 minute episode. What do we have left? A little bit of lore, and a completely 1-dimensional character.

    Yes, the child is the main plot of the series, but when Disney dumbs down that main focus of the plot to the level of a 1st grader, then that takes away from the character. People only like the child because he is cute, not because he is an interesting character like the Mandalorian is.

    Speaking of interesting characters, the only characters in the Mandalorian series that I actually liked were the Mandalorian and Moff Gideon.

    (5) What is Disney's obsession with reviving old characters and ruining them?

    Boba Fett isn't a good guy. He is a bounty hunter, he has no loyalties. Yet in Mandalorian, he is a COMPLETELY different character from who he was in the originals. Suddenly he's fighting against the empire for free, as if it is personal to him. No, the Mandalorian isn't paying credits for Boba's services, it is all free. It wasn't Boba's fault that the child was stolen, and yet he deems himself responsible.

    Imagine if someone like Cad Bane suddenly turned into a good guy. It wouldn't feel right. They are taking characters from the original movies and completely changing them in order to fit the story line.

    Just like what happened to Luke in The Last Jedi. He was a useless and whiney old man in that movie, nothing like in Return of the Jedi.

    Just like what happened to Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker. He went from being a mastermind who started and orchestrated both sides of an all out galactic war to a one-time all-talk-and-no-show Marvel villain.

    I started out liking the Mandalorian series. I really did. It's just that I just saw the same thing I saw in the sequel movies and that movie about Han Solo. Too much Disney, and not enough Star Wars.

    1. What seems at first to be filler may be building towards a future plot thread so it makes sense later.

    I actually found episode 4 to be anything but filler. Before that mando thought that gideon was dead and gideon didn't know where mando was. We also get a look at the possible reason why they want grogu. And it's delivered in a way that isn't a lot of exposition. So not filler.

    The latest episode explains how they locate moff gideon's ship as well as has some character development for mando in him having to make a decision on whether he cares for the creed or grogu more. So not really filler. It may not be as exciting as the episode before but not every episode can be.

    2. Just because they tie in some old concepts doesn't mean that the story is bad. There are plenty of new characters. Gideon for one. I think they do pretty well mixing the old with the new.

    3. Yeah star wars isn't going to have gory violence. They want a PG rating. It has always been that way.

    4. I disagree. I think they have done a good job with the child. I don't think it distracts from the show much and as a parent, most of what you see the child doing is completely realistic (if you assumed a toddler had force powers) and not really out of character.

    5. We really never found out a lot about Boba in the movies. He was just a bounty hunter that worked mostly for jabba and since he was after han anyway for the empire. The OT pretty much left it at that.

    The EU expanded on that much more but that isn't cannon anyway. You complain about things not being new and about something being different. Make up your mind.

    But here's my reasoning for Boba. He agreed to protect the child to get his armor back. To him, getting his armor back is like payment because it is valuable to him. He keeps his word.

    We see nothing in the ot that makes us think that boba wouldn't value his armor. It that he would break his word once given. Just because he worked for vader and jabba doesn't mean he has no honor code.

    So none of what we saw directly contradicts how he acted in the ot.

    Luke on the other hand was very fleshed out in the ot and treated horribly in the sequels. So you're right about that.

    I'll finish with you are free to like it or not. But I don't agree with any of your points.
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    This is my opinion. It is perfectly fine if you like the Mandalorian series, there is nothing wrong with that, just like there is nothing wrong with me not liking the Mandalorian series. No need to take personal offense to anything I say.

    (1) Season 2 was when I really started to notice it. Several episodes so far in this new season are just boring, pointless filler.

    - Season 2 Episode 4, "The Siege", was just meant to remind the audience that Greef Karga and Cara Dune still existed.

    - Season 2 Episode 7, "The Believer", was just blatant filler. A lot of people who watched that episode today would agree with me on that. It was not anywhere near as entertaining as last weeks episode, "The Tragedy"

    (2) In addition, what new ideas or concepts has this series actually given us?

    - So many scenes are on Tatooine... Why? I don't care anymore... we have seen that planet in several movies, and I honestly am sick of the planet at this point.

    - The dark saber was already in the Clone Wars series and the Star Wars Rebels series (although I never watched Rebels it was clearly only meant for kids)

    - Mandalorians have already been in the Clone Wars series, they are nothing new.

    - They tried to make Cara Dune not a 1-dimensional character by having her say her family died on Alderaan, but then again we already saw Leia go through that (and also see the actual planet get yeeted into oblivion) in the original Star Wars movie.....
    EDIT: I think I was supposed to feel sad when Cara said this, but why is beyond me. I have had plenty of time to feel sad that Alderaan exploded; to be specific, ever since I saw A New Hope.

    - The only new planets they have shown us have been so generic, to the point where the one in today's episode just looked like they went to some forest in Oregon and filmed there.

    - Boba Fett surviving his "death" in the 6th movie wasn't anything new, that was already cannon. Nothing new or original in bringing him back.

    - Etc, etc.

    There were very few and infrequent things that I noticed that were original ideas. If so little is being brought to the table, why even have the series? The child is already very clearly a marketing ploy and an excuse to sell toys to children, which makes me question the intentions of Disney when they started this series. They are just milking the fanbase of what they only see as a cash cow they bought for $4 Billion dollars from George Lucas.

    (3) Violence is dumbed down to a level where it takes me out of the immersion

    -Season 1 Episode 6, "The Prisoner", towards the end of the episode, a large alien mercenary is holding open a blast door to try to reach the Mandalorian, however the Mandalorian pulls a 500 IQ play and closes the blast door on the mercenary.

    The only realistic outcome given the situation would have been that the mercenary was instantly crushed to a puddle of alien meat. However, at the very end it is shown he is perfectly fine in a jail cell with only a few bruises. If thats how Star Wars physics work, then why were Luke, Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO all scared when they were inside a trash compactor on the Death Star????

    - Season 2 Episode 3, "The Heiress". When the Mandalorian is captured by pirates on a ship in the middle of an alien ocean, three former members of Death Watch (from the Clone Wars) come in and rescue him.

    In the fight scene, the three Death Watch Mandalorians take the pirates' spears from them and then proceed to, and I kid you not, use those spears as clubs and baseball bats against the pirates. I thought Mandalorians were supposed to be warriors, not warriors dumbed down to a G-rated level by Disney to increase their viewers.

    (4) Every scene with the child is cringe.

    Why is it that the child was always doing something cute during the middle of every scene? It felt so random at times, and it felt cringe at times.

    Yes, I understand we are supposed to think he is the cutest thing in the world or something like that, but honestly I feel that he is only shown doing cute things during dialogue scenes in order to keep younger audiences interested. Thats really the only reason why that stuff exists.

    Lets pretend they didn't have any of that cute stuff that is only intended to keep kids with the attention span of a goldfish engaged for a 30 minute episode. What do we have left? A little bit of lore, and a completely 1-dimensional character.

    Yes, the child is the main plot of the series, but when Disney dumbs down that main focus of the plot to the level of a 1st grader, then that takes away from the character. People only like the child because he is cute, not because he is an interesting character like the Mandalorian is.

    Speaking of interesting characters, the only characters in the Mandalorian series that I actually liked were the Mandalorian and Moff Gideon.

    (5) What is Disney's obsession with reviving old characters and ruining them?

    Boba Fett isn't a good guy. He is a bounty hunter, he has no loyalties. Yet in Mandalorian, he is a COMPLETELY different character from who he was in the originals. Suddenly he's fighting against the empire for free, as if it is personal to him. No, the Mandalorian isn't paying credits for Boba's services, it is all free. It wasn't Boba's fault that the child was stolen, and yet he deems himself responsible.

    Imagine if someone like Cad Bane suddenly turned into a good guy. It wouldn't feel right. They are taking characters from the original movies and completely changing them in order to fit the story line.

    Just like what happened to Luke in The Last Jedi. He was a useless and whiney old man in that movie, nothing like in Return of the Jedi.

    Just like what happened to Palpatine in The Rise of Skywalker. He went from being a mastermind who started and orchestrated both sides of an all out galactic war to a one-time all-talk-and-no-show Marvel villain.

    I started out liking the Mandalorian series. I really did. It's just that I just saw the same thing I saw in the sequel movies and that movie about Han Solo. Too much Disney, and not enough Star Wars.

    1. What seems at first to be filler may be building towards a future plot thread so it makes sense later.

    I actually found episode 4 to be anything but filler. Before that mando thought that gideon was dead and gideon didn't know where mando was. We also get a look at the possible reason why they want grogu. And it's delivered in a way that isn't a lot of exposition. So not filler.

    The latest episode explains how they locate moff gideon's ship as well as has some character development for mando in him having to make a decision on whether he cares for the creed or grogu more. So not really filler. It may not be as exciting as the episode before but not every episode can be.

    2. Just because they tie in some old concepts doesn't mean that the story is bad. There are plenty of new characters. Gideon for one. I think they do pretty well mixing the old with the new.

    3. Yeah star wars isn't going to have gory violence. They want a PG rating. It has always been that way.

    4. I disagree. I think they have done a good job with the child. I don't think it distracts from the show much and as a parent, most of what you see the child doing is completely realistic (if you assumed a toddler had force powers) and not really out of character.

    5. We really never found out a lot about Boba in the movies. He was just a bounty hunter that worked mostly for jabba and since he was after han anyway for the empire. The OT pretty much left it at that.

    The EU expanded on that much more but that isn't cannon anyway. You complain about things not being new and about something being different. Make up your mind.

    But here's my reasoning for Boba. He agreed to protect the child to get his armor back. To him, getting his armor back is like payment because it is valuable to him. He keeps his word.

    We see nothing in the ot that makes us think that boba wouldn't value his armor. It that he would break his word once given. Just because he worked for vader and jabba doesn't mean he has no honor code.

    So none of what we saw directly contradicts how he acted in the ot.

    Luke on the other hand was very fleshed out in the ot and treated horribly in the sequels. So you're right about that.

    I'll finish with you are free to like it or not. But I don't agree with any of your points.

    Ok thats your opinion, thank you for sharing your thoughts
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    I am not a super fan of the show but watch it because it is SW and something new. It has always felt like a video game with the Mandalorian just needing something from someone but they have something they need him to do first. Then every once in a while he gets some gear to upgrade his armor.

    At this point call it The Babysitter and just have everyone trying to watch the child.

    I am just curious how this all fits in to Episode 7-9. Where are all these people when they need others to fight the Final Order? Are they going to have a new ship for them and it will be one of them that arrive at the end of 9 and everyone will freak out?

    Why isnt Grogu being hunted by the First Order? Is he dead? Is he hidden again? Does Luke train Grogu? Does Kylo Ren kill him? Does he survive the Jedi Purge and the Kylo Ren attack? So many answers that I doubt we get.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I am not a super fan of the show but watch it because it is SW and something new. It has always felt like a video game with the Mandalorian just needing something from someone but they have something they need him to do first. Then every once in a while he gets some gear to upgrade his armor.

    At this point call it The Babysitter and just have everyone trying to watch the child.

    I am just curious how this all fits in to Episode 7-9. Where are all these people when they need others to fight the Final Order? Are they going to have a new ship for them and it will be one of them that arrive at the end of 9 and everyone will freak out?

    Why isnt Grogu being hunted by the First Order? Is he dead? Is he hidden again? Does Luke train Grogu? Does Kylo Ren kill him? Does he survive the Jedi Purge and the Kylo Ren attack? So many answers that I doubt we get.

    Mando takes place 10 years after ep 6 and I believe ep 7 is 30+ years after. They have a lot time to play with and place Mando characters where they won't be reached/unavailable like Capt Marvel.

    they could end up dying or they might pull a "Rebels" and have everyone get stuck in a wormhole to keep the timeline. Having Kylo be the big bad for the final season would also be cool.

    I have no doubt we will find out who trains Grogu next season, there would be no point having him send the signal and then forget about it.
    Dave F has a plan and knows what he needs to show to keep a constant timeline between ep 6 and ep 7.
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I am not a super fan of the show but watch it because it is SW and something new. It has always felt like a video game with the Mandalorian just needing something from someone but they have something they need him to do first. Then every once in a while he gets some gear to upgrade his armor.

    At this point call it The Babysitter and just have everyone trying to watch the child.

    I am just curious how this all fits in to Episode 7-9. Where are all these people when they need others to fight the Final Order? Are they going to have a new ship for them and it will be one of them that arrive at the end of 9 and everyone will freak out?

    Why isnt Grogu being hunted by the First Order? Is he dead? Is he hidden again? Does Luke train Grogu? Does Kylo Ren kill him? Does he survive the Jedi Purge and the Kylo Ren attack? So many answers that I doubt we get.

    Mando takes place 10 years after ep 6 and I believe ep 7 is 30+ years after. They have a lot time to play with and place Mando characters where they won't be reached/unavailable like Capt Marvel.

    they could end up dying or they might pull a "Rebels" and have everyone get stuck in a wormhole to keep the timeline. Having Kylo be the big bad for the final season would also be cool.

    I have no doubt we will find out who trains Grogu next season, there would be no point having him send the signal and then forget about it.
    Dave F has a plan and knows what he needs to show to keep a constant timeline between ep 6 and ep 7.

    Its 5 years after episode 6, and 9 years after episode 4. It seems to be the official number, but I can't find anything explaining how this number was determined.
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I am not a super fan of the show but watch it because it is SW and something new. It has always felt like a video game with the Mandalorian just needing something from someone but they have something they need him to do first. Then every once in a while he gets some gear to upgrade his armor.

    At this point call it The Babysitter and just have everyone trying to watch the child.

    I am just curious how this all fits in to Episode 7-9. Where are all these people when they need others to fight the Final Order? Are they going to have a new ship for them and it will be one of them that arrive at the end of 9 and everyone will freak out?

    Why isnt Grogu being hunted by the First Order? Is he dead? Is he hidden again? Does Luke train Grogu? Does Kylo Ren kill him? Does he survive the Jedi Purge and the Kylo Ren attack? So many answers that I doubt we get.

    Mando takes place 10 years after ep 6 and I believe ep 7 is 30+ years after. They have a lot time to play with and place Mando characters where they won't be reached/unavailable like Capt Marvel.

    they could end up dying or they might pull a "Rebels" and have everyone get stuck in a wormhole to keep the timeline. Having Kylo be the big bad for the final season would also be cool.

    I have no doubt we will find out who trains Grogu next season, there would be no point having him send the signal and then forget about it.
    Dave F has a plan and knows what he needs to show to keep a constant timeline between ep 6 and ep 7.

    Its 5 years after episode 6, and 9 years after episode 4. It seems to be the official number, but I can't find anything explaining how this number was determined.

    So making it even farther from EP 7.
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    I am not a super fan of the show but watch it because it is SW and something new. It has always felt like a video game with the Mandalorian just needing something from someone but they have something they need him to do first. Then every once in a while he gets some gear to upgrade his armor.

    At this point call it The Babysitter and just have everyone trying to watch the child.

    I am just curious how this all fits in to Episode 7-9. Where are all these people when they need others to fight the Final Order? Are they going to have a new ship for them and it will be one of them that arrive at the end of 9 and everyone will freak out?

    Why isnt Grogu being hunted by the First Order? Is he dead? Is he hidden again? Does Luke train Grogu? Does Kylo Ren kill him? Does he survive the Jedi Purge and the Kylo Ren attack? So many answers that I doubt we get.

    Mando takes place 10 years after ep 6 and I believe ep 7 is 30+ years after. They have a lot time to play with and place Mando characters where they won't be reached/unavailable like Capt Marvel.

    they could end up dying or they might pull a "Rebels" and have everyone get stuck in a wormhole to keep the timeline. Having Kylo be the big bad for the final season would also be cool.

    I have no doubt we will find out who trains Grogu next season, there would be no point having him send the signal and then forget about it.
    Dave F has a plan and knows what he needs to show to keep a constant timeline between ep 6 and ep 7.

    Its 5 years after episode 6, and 9 years after episode 4. It seems to be the official number, but I can't find anything explaining how this number was determined.

    So making it even farther from EP 7.

    Apparently it the Mandalorian takes place 25 years before episode 7
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Spoilers ahead.

    Now as I get started I SAID SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

    I am not a large fan of the Mandalorian, but most of your points don’t cover my complaints.

    I’m concerned that this show has no very little interest to a general audience. Why should they care about these cameos that are beginning to dominate the show? Most of the episodes are almost pure action. The plot is usually just told to us at the beginning of the episode. Nothing unpredictable happens, yet nothing predictably good happens. To me, this show is simply Star Wars at its finest; but story at its lowest.

    This means that while I enjoy the show as a Star Wars fan, the part of me that loves a good story spends most episodes screaming at the screen. This show, and especially this last episode, is fan fiction. It is an attempt to apologize for the decisiveness of the sequels, and Disney simply needs it to be a crowd pleaser, not a good story.

    “The Believer,” the one episode not written by Favreau or Filoni, is my favorite. The dialogue is rich, which is rare for the Mandalorian and I’m guessing that’s because Filoni took too many pages from Lucas’ book. The acting is phenomenal and makes the show pop. The lively color contrasts greatly with the dead landscape of the previous episode. THERE IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. More than we’ve ever seen on this show before. This episode was really good, and it shows to me what the Mandalorian could have been.

    I know this is a really unpopular opinion. I don’t actively hate the Mandalorian either. I just think that the hype is VERY overstated, and this show could use some better writing.

    Side note: We almost had Star Wars material that wasn’t connected to the Skywalkers. Almost.
  • Options
    Nihion wrote: »
    Spoilers ahead.

    Now as I get started I SAID SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

    I am not a large fan of the Mandalorian, but most of your points don’t cover my complaints.

    I’m concerned that this show has no very little interest to a general audience. Why should they care about these cameos that are beginning to dominate the show? Most of the episodes are almost pure action. The plot is usually just told to us at the beginning of the episode. Nothing unpredictable happens, yet nothing predictably good happens. To me, this show is simply Star Wars at its finest; but story at its lowest.

    This means that while I enjoy the show as a Star Wars fan, the part of me that loves a good story spends most episodes screaming at the screen. This show, and especially this last episode, is fan fiction. It is an attempt to apologize for the decisiveness of the sequels, and Disney simply needs it to be a crowd pleaser, not a good story.

    “The Believer,” the one episode not written by Favreau or Filoni, is my favorite. The dialogue is rich, which is rare for the Mandalorian and I’m guessing that’s because Filoni took too many pages from Lucas’ book. The acting is phenomenal and makes the show pop. The lively color contrasts greatly with the dead landscape of the previous episode. THERE IS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. More than we’ve ever seen on this show before. This episode was really good, and it shows to me what the Mandalorian could have been.

    I know this is a really unpopular opinion. I don’t actively hate the Mandalorian either. I just think that the hype is VERY overstated, and this show could use some better writing.

    Side note: We almost had Star Wars material that wasn’t connected to the Skywalkers. Almost.

    I totally agree!
  • Options
    First off, let me say that I really hate it when a novella length post gets quoted when just the relevant part of the post could have been picked. Way too much scrolling involved.
    I will agree about the cringe factor, c'mon kid, don't eat that lady frogs offspring!
    Definitely disagree about Rebels, I watched that show to understand the origin of the Phoenix team and found it absolutely engaging and engrossing, quite possibly the Star Wars content that I enjoyed the most.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • TVF
    36629 posts Member
    First off, let me say that I really hate it when a novella length post gets quoted when just the relevant part of the post could have been picked. Way too much scrolling involved.
    I will agree about the cringe factor, c'mon kid, don't eat that lady frogs offspring!
    Definitely disagree about Rebels, I watched that show to understand the origin of the Phoenix team and found it absolutely engaging and engrossing, quite possibly the Star Wars content that I enjoyed the most.


    But which part of the post I quoted do I agree with?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    First off, let me say that I really hate it when a novella length post gets quoted when just the relevant part of the post could have been picked. Way too much scrolling involved.
    I will agree about the cringe factor, c'mon kid, don't eat that lady frogs offspring!
    Definitely disagree about Rebels, I watched that show to understand the origin of the Phoenix team and found it absolutely engaging and engrossing, quite possibly the Star Wars content that I enjoyed the most.


    But which part of the post I quoted do I agree with?

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »

    But which part of the post I quoted do I agree with?

    Hopefully all of it?
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • Options
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • LordDirt
    5034 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    It is because your nostalgia has blinded you. Star Wars fans are too easily entertained with old rehashed ideas. Just throw in characters they like and ad some fan service then they go crazy.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    It is because your nostalgia has blinded you. Star Wars fans are too easily entertained with old rehashed ideas. Just throw in characters they like and ad some fan service then they go crazy.

    I completely agree!
  • Options
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    And the other 10%?
  • TVF
    36629 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    It is because your nostalgia has blinded you. Star Wars fans are too easily entertained with old rehashed ideas. Just throw in characters they like and ad some fan service then they go crazy.

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • LordDirt
    5034 posts Member
    So explain the Luke scene. Thrown in for pure fan service. He chopped up some weak droids in a hallway and everyone went crazy. Give me a break. Too many fans are easily entertained with just throwing in old characters and have them do something that has already been done in a similar fashion. Show is just fan service at this point and a means for dozens of spinoffs. Funny how people love the House of Mouse again.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    And the other 10%?

    My bad - I reread the original post and realized I pretty much disagree with everything. As you said, it's your opinion and that's fine. You are entitled to it.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    So explain the Luke scene. Thrown in for pure fan service. He chopped up some weak droids in a hallway and everyone went crazy. Give me a break. Too many fans are easily entertained with just throwing in old characters and have them do something that has already been done in a similar fashion. Show is just fan service at this point and a means for dozens of spinoffs. Funny how people love the House of Mouse again.

    Which Jedi, who would have been alive, around and not afraid to come should it have been then? Many would argue that any other Jedi showing up would have been nonsensical fan service. Given the timeline, Luke is one of perhaps 2 or 3 that even make sense. Ezra is likely tied up (metaphorically) with Thrawn and we already know Ahsoka won't train him. Who does that leave?
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • DarthVeritlyn
    704 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    He's got a point you know
    Nikoms565 wrote: »

    Which Jedi, who would have been alive, around and not afraid to come should it have been then? Many would argue that any other Jedi showing up would have been nonsensical fan service. Given the timeline, Luke is one of perhaps 2 or 3 that even make sense. Ezra is likely tied up (metaphorically) with Thrawn and we already know Ahsoka won't train him. Who does that leave?

  • TVF
    36629 posts Member
    He's got a point you know
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    So explain the Luke scene. Thrown in for pure fan service. He chopped up some weak droids in a hallway and everyone went crazy. Give me a break. Too many fans are easily entertained with just throwing in old characters and have them do something that has already been done in a similar fashion. Show is just fan service at this point and a means for dozens of spinoffs. Funny how people love the House of Mouse again.

    Which Jedi, who would have been alive, around and not afraid to come should it have been then? Many would argue that any other Jedi showing up would have been nonsensical fan service. Given the timeline, Luke is one of perhaps 2 or 3 that even make sense. Ezra is likely tied up (metaphorically) with Thrawn and we already know Ahsoka won't train him. Who does that leave?

    Imagine if Darth Traya showed up.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Disagree with about 90% of the OP.
    It is because your nostalgia has blinded you. Star Wars fans are too easily entertained with old rehashed ideas. Just throw in characters they like and ad some fan service then they go crazy.

    I actually feel this "nostalgia argument" goes both ways when it comes to SW content.

    "It will never live up to the hype" is why fans hate things, but much of the hype is personal, blinding them to things that are good, just not what they have "in their head".
  • LordDirt
    5034 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    So explain the Luke scene. Thrown in for pure fan service. He chopped up some weak droids in a hallway and everyone went crazy. Give me a break. Too many fans are easily entertained with just throwing in old characters and have them do something that has already been done in a similar fashion. Show is just fan service at this point and a means for dozens of spinoffs. Funny how people love the House of Mouse again.

    Which Jedi, who would have been alive, around and not afraid to come should it have been then? Many would argue that any other Jedi showing up would have been nonsensical fan service. Given the timeline, Luke is one of perhaps 2 or 3 that even make sense. Ezra is likely tied up (metaphorically) with Thrawn and we already know Ahsoka won't train him. Who does that leave?

    Why does a Jedi have to save them?

    At this point you could bring back any Jedi you want, lol. So far they have brought back Boba Fett, Emperor Palpatine and Bib Fortuna from the dead.

    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    Who said Bib Fortuna died? He just took over when Jabba failed to come back from his sail barge and likely just sat there until Boba came back. And the whole Boba surviving thing was in Legends for awhile so dunno why you’re complaining...

    As for why Luke came, I think you ought to rewatch some of the episodes to see why if you don’t know.
  • LordDirt
    5034 posts Member
    edited January 2021
    Who said Bib Fortuna died? He just took over when Jabba failed to come back from his sail barge and likely just sat there until Boba came back. And the whole Boba surviving thing was in Legends for awhile so dunno why you’re complaining...

    As for why Luke came, I think you ought to rewatch some of the episodes to see why if you don’t know.

    Bib Fortuna was on Jabba’s barge when it blew up so yes he died in RotJ. Didnt think Boba’s survivsl was canon until The Mandalorian episode.

    Just find it funny that people have always laughed that no one stays dead in comics and I guess they can say the same for Star Wars.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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