Events take too long

54 posts Member
edited February 2021
A little late on this one, but I just wanted to clear something up for CG. When we told you that we were spending too much time in game it was because the events take too long to finish, not because there is too much content.

I just spent 25 minutes on tier 3 of the assault battle. If this was 5 or even 3 separate events, no problem. The time sink for this ONE event is ridiculous though. How you took that to mean we can’t handle more than one territory battle at a time I can understand, but that’s just not the case.

A VERY simple solution would be just to eliminate anything that’s more than 4 waves, as many people on the forum have already said. The first 5 aren’t even challenging, they just take too long. Or you could just let us sim anything that’s already been 3 starred, again like many users have already suggested. I don’t want to spend hours playing through things that are tedious and boring, especially when I’ve already beaten them.

TL:DR please stop making events that take too long to complete

Edit: new client update! I actually lol’d when I read “these battles may take longer than you’re used to.” Strap in folks!
Post edited by Nonentity21 on


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    I’ll echo this. They should make it like the new challenges where if you do a harder tier, the lowers are finished automatically. If you want to do all, do them in order of progressive difficulty.
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    Please say you mean Challenge Tier III, because otherwise I can do all of Tier 1 through Challenge Tier II in under 25 min total. So that just seems crazy.
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    Probably. Sim option too, please
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    A question I asked during the Q&As when Q&As were a thing. Never was it answered.

    Some battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in are starting to get tedious. All of the eight round assault battles come to mind. Are there any plans to allow us to sim ALL battles that we have already achieved 3 stars in? Over a year ago, you said you were going to take a "holistic approach to time-saving" but since then, you have made these battles take even more time by adding additional tiers to the events. Can you please explain the contradiction?
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    Then ppl come here to complain nothing to do.
  • LendersQuiz
    1175 posts Member
    edited February 2021
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Then ppl come here to complain nothing to do.

    With the exception of the OG Rancor raid and the tank raid (for some guilds), every other battle can be done manually. Just because some people want the OPTION to sim doesn't mean you personally have to.
    Post edited by LendersQuiz on
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    You know these events are optional, right?
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    PC_LILEDG3 wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Then ppl come here to complain nothing to do.

    With the exception of the OG Sith raid and the tank raid (for some guilds), every other battle can be done manually. Just because some people want the OPTION to sim doesn't mean you personally have to.

    Random, but yo lenders, you're in my arena shard lol
    Lenders Quizan is one of the default names like Mol Eliza, so there’s a high chance it’s not the same person.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    You know these events are optional, right?

    The whole game is, so what's your point?
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