Ashoka Tano (Fulcrom) rework

tag change: add 'phoenix' faction and switch 'attacker' into 'healer'

balanced attack (basic)
heals 2 phoenix allies 15% amount of the damage done.

secret agent (special)
ashoka gains invisibility for 2 turns and heal all rebel allies 20% of ashoka's max health
(unlockes gear II)

suviver (unique)
when ashoka dies she has a 50% chance to revive herself with 1 life.

savior (unique)
when a phoenix ally dies ashoka revives them with 40% max health while she takes 30% max health from herself.

I made this to give phoenix a healer, if you think this will make phoenix to strong please comment and maybe also change other phoenixes.


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    Phoenix is a beginner team. It’s not meant to be anywhere near “good” long term. Hoping that they’ll get a rework is a pipe dream.
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    Phoenix is a beginner team. It’s not meant to be anywhere near “good” long term. Hoping that they’ll get a rework is a pipe dream.

    Why not? Just give them a ability(s) that unlocked at relic level, simple.
    Like lots of ppl suggested, you can use chopper at the ally slots if all other slots are phoenix. Maje this an ability that unlock at relic lvl of Hera, and requires zeta, I dont see why not.
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Why not? Just give them a ability(s) that unlocked at relic level, simple.
    Like lots of ppl suggested, you can use chopper at the ally slots if all other slots are phoenix. Maje this an ability that unlock at relic lvl of Hera, and requires zeta, I dont see why not.

    Phoenix is the team you use to unlock Thrawn and it can be the team also used to unlock the Emperor. 2 of them also are characters you can use for GMY. They’re simply utility for beginner players to get into better and stronger characters. Also to suggest that you should relic them is laughable. If I see anyone with reliced Phoenix, it’s either because they had nothing else to relic or have some blind hope they’ll be remotely useful.
  • Phoenixeon
    1843 posts Member
    edited March 2021
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Why not? Just give them a ability(s) that unlocked at relic level, simple.
    Like lots of ppl suggested, you can use chopper at the ally slots if all other slots are phoenix. Maje this an ability that unlock at relic lvl of Hera, and requires zeta, I dont see why not.

    Phoenix is the team you use to unlock Thrawn and it can be the team also used to unlock the Emperor. 2 of them also are characters you can use for GMY. They’re simply utility for beginner players to get into better and stronger characters. Also to suggest that you should relic them is laughable. If I see anyone with reliced Phoenix, it’s either because they had nothing else to relic or have some blind hope they’ll be remotely useful.

    Why not, they are all rebels, chopper is a droid, kanan and ezra are both jedi, sabine is a mandalorian, they can fit in other teams well, why not relic them if you need?

    And there's something called secret and shadows around, so if ppl G12 phoenixes during the time of hoth TB, why start all over again on sisters?
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    Sebek wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Why not? Just give them a ability(s) that unlocked at relic level, simple.
    Like lots of ppl suggested, you can use chopper at the ally slots if all other slots are phoenix. Maje this an ability that unlock at relic lvl of Hera, and requires zeta, I dont see why not.

    Phoenix is the team you use to unlock Thrawn and it can be the team also used to unlock the Emperor. 2 of them also are characters you can use for GMY. They’re simply utility for beginner players to get into better and stronger characters. Also to suggest that you should relic them is laughable. If I see anyone with reliced Phoenix, it’s either because they had nothing else to relic or have some blind hope they’ll be remotely useful.

    Why not, they are all rebels, chopper is a droid, kanan and ezra are both jedi, sabine is a mandalorian, they can fit in other teams well, why not relic them if you need?

    And there's something called secret and shadows around, so if ppl G12 phoenixes during the time of hoth TB, why start all over again on sisters?

    Well Nightsisters are definetly a better team

    Everyone knows that, but so you starts all over again, farming another 5 chars to 7*, gearing them to G12, and not using chars you already have and are G12...
    Your choice.
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    G12ed when hoth tb is a new thing, with all R1. What's the problem?
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    Phoenixeon wrote: »
    Like lots of ppl suggested, you can use chopper at the ally slots if all other slots are phoenix. Maje this an ability that unlock at relic lvl of Hera, and requires zeta, I dont see why not.

    Hera Syndulla - New Zeta Ability
    Cantankerous Nature - Summon Chopper

    This unit has the same statistics, abilities and mods as the one already in your roster.
    If you do not have Chopper, this ability is disabled. This ability is not shared with Phoenix allies.

    This unit can only be summoned to the ally slot if it's available. This unit can't be summoned in raids. This unit can't be revived. If an effect counts defeated units, this unit doesn't count. When there are no other allied combatants, this unit escapes from battle. A unit can't be revived if this summoned unit exists in their slot.
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    Why anyone would relic Phoenix as their first squad is beyond me. Or why they should be buffed. They’re just utility. Also yes I’d rather farm up Nightsisters to do the Assault Barrle instead of gearing up Phoenix because they’re very useful late game
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