Active Guilds Looking For Players - February 2021 ***READ RULES IN FIRST POST***


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    Rori - 237mil - Part of the Republic Alliance

    Ever wanted to take on a bigger role within a guild? Well now is your chance! Join today to be apart of something great!

    What we offer:
    -28 :star: DS Geo (40 WAT Shards)
    -12 :star: LS Geo
    -Reset Time: 2330 UTC (1930pm EST)
    -Raid Times: 1800 / 2200 EST
    -Preparing for cPit

    What we're looking for:
    -4.4mil GP Rosters (Some exception will be made for focused rosters)
    -500 Tickets Daily
    -Full participation in all guild events
    -Preferred: WAT Ready Geos, LSTB & DSTB Focused Teams

    Join the server below and ask for Rori!

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    Armin Geddon

    Ally code: 896-886-656

    New guild looking for members. Are you tired of feeling like your nothing but a raid ticket generator for the few powerful people in your guild? If so come join me. The goal is to rotate raids for all power levels so all members can progress and grow as guild.

    Will want active participation, but will be casual. Games should be fun not a second job.

    No GP or roster requirement at this time.

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    The Rępüblic

    Looking for 1-3
    360 million GP
    155 GL's with many more in the ticket process
    8.2 Average guild quality
    TB: 35+ KAM, 32/25 (should hit 33/27 and 40+ KAM next run)
    TW: Relaxed approach.
    Tickets: 600/daily monitored by Hotbot
    Raids: Hsith 6:30 PM EST
    Cpit Phase 1 and 2 at 4:30 PM EST, Phase 3 and 4 at 9pm EST
    We have a cpit mercing opportunity and encourage all players to find a hsith merc guild, for quicker rewards.
    All raids are free for all.
    Reset: 9:30 PM EST
    Required of you:
    6.8 mil+ with at least 2 GL's, KAM Ready, Top 5 arena in one and top 50 in the other, your choice of which. Can't mute discord.
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    5/16 UPDATE: 1 spot open!

    Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on fun, not a lot of rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.
    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 250 mil GP (plus you!)
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 8:30 EST (East Coast N America)
    • 28/14 stars in Geo TB
    • raids 10 pm EST
    • very good TW record, very organized, we assign specific players and squads to every squad territory
    • require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, hopefully have (or be working on) pillar characters
    • Min 2.5 mil gp, but will take lower if it is a super focused roster.
    • I am a Virgo, own too many Firefly t-shirts, and really hate long walks on the beach
    • pop quiz hot shots: Why do I hate long walks on the beach?
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
  • Dipster
    37 posts Member
    okalypse Prime 318 mil GP. 32* DSTB and 45 Wat shards, 24* LSTB and 25-30 KAM shards (stream Kam battles). Looking for someone with a ready KAM team and at least one LS GL. 600 tickets. Contact on discord here: Guild info here:
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    A Bad Feeling About This: 166M gp
    Must be 2M gp or better and active (600 tix, tb/tw participation)
    Pit and AAT raid simmed and launched at 3:00am utc

  • MutineerRA
    284 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    Mutiners without fears (yes, the guild name is spelt wrong!)

    Low turnover of players

    225mil gp.....Friendly, relaxed but very active guild. No rules other than playing regularly and following TW and TB instructions

    Sith raid 7.30pm uk time. Rancor and tank simmed

    Geo Tbs (so having a geo squad for wat shards is a bonus) LS 13* DS 26*

    Good tw strategy and record

    Ideally looking for upwards of 4m gp with a focused roster

    Contact me if any questions.
    In game Obi Dan 949-699-318
    Discord ObiDan79#4459
    Or on here

    Post edited by MutineerRA on
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    Alderaan’s Antiques

    We are a focused, but relaxed long time guild looking for 2 active players that like get TB rewards and win at TW.

    Currently at 240M+. Looking for 5M+ focused players.
    We have 10 GLs and growing.
    Revans/GAS/GLs preferred.
    Light/Dark side GEO Raids all heroic with 24 Hour join time. 8PM EST.

    Must: -Participate in all TB -Contribute on offense and defense in TW -600 daily tickets
    Come check us out today

    *Discord required.
    Contact: Azzkicker
    Ally Code: 439-823-278
    Discord: Azzkicker#0952bddqx1frvysl.jpg
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    The Force Arise

    We are a guild presently with 172mil gp and 1 space available. We are all dedicated to growing as a guild as well as individually. Over 85% of guild been with us for over a year and many since formation.

    Have many open channels in discord regarding TW TB Conquest and GAC. With many years of experience and advice to call upon. No requirements re raid tickets however we expect participation in TW and especially TB.

    Our records is as follows

    ●All heroic raids offered
    ● LS hoth 42+ ☆
    ● DS hoth 42+ ☆
    ● DS Geo 19 ☆ and 22 WAT last time
    ● LS GEO 8 ☆
    ● TW nearly all wins many full clears also.
    ● Over 10 legends and many more due within 2 months.
    ● Presently working on Pit

    All we ask is be pleasant in chat in guild and discord. Active as all we insist on 100% commitment to TB and TWs.
    No current guild farming requirements either with much advice on hand for teams mods and building accounts
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    **Do you want to be in a great guild, but you don’t want SWGOH to feel like you have a second job? Want 30* rewards in Geo DS and 17* Geo LS? We’re a competitive guild, with active leadership, and we’re flexible with our requirements, since real life comes first.

    We’re looking for someone who is at least 3 million GP, is a daily player, has at least 5 x R5 toons and is committed to improving their roster. **

    Adult Gaming is recruiting. We're a Heroic Sith guild that is team-focused, with active leadership. We’re competitively, but we understand real life comes first and that the game should not feel like a second job. We’re looking for active players that participate in all events and are committed to improving their rosters.

    -We run only Heroic Raids.
    -All Raids are 24hrs no damage. Haat launches at 8pm Eastern and is FFA, Sith launches at 9pm Eastern and is also FFA. Rancor raid launches at 7pm Eastern and is on sim.
    -TW: We have a pretty good win streak going. People who prefer not to attack are asked to deploy their roster on defence, those who like attacking keep their rosters for defence.
    -We have a Line chat we encourage people to join, but it's not mandatory.
    -We ask that players do a minimum of 450 daily raid tickets, but we don't boot people out because real life gets in the way and they might have low tickets sometimes.
    -Our Galactic Power is at 286 million.

    -We're competitive, but we understand that real life comes first. You won't get booted if you're away on vacation, just let us know.
    -We're team-focused, with veterans who are happy to give advice and stable leadership.


    -Must be level 85 and minimum 3 million total roster galactic power and at least 5 x R5 toons.
    If you're interested please send me an ally request in the game and DM me. My Ally Code is 383-247-961 (PadmeSkywalker).

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    5/17 UPDATE: 1 spot open!

    Greetings from the Nightbrothers Guildhall! We are an active guild focused on fun, not a lot of rules, basically just participate. Lots of old folks/parents but plenty of whipper-snappers too.
    • Name: Nightbrothers
    • 250 mil GP (plus you!)
    • Your's truly: NavjuJocum ally code: 924-556-344; discord NavjuJocum#5461
    • guild reset 8:30 EST (East Coast N America)
    • 28/15 stars in Geo TB
    • raids 10 pm EST
    • very good TW record, very organized, we assign specific players and squads to every squad territory
    • require that players be generally active: get 600-ish most days, participate in TB/TW, hopefully have (or be working on) pillar characters
    • Min 2.5 mil gp, but will take lower if it is a super focused roster.
    • I am a Virgo, own too many Firefly t-shirts, and really hate long walks on the beach
    • pop quiz hot shots: Why do I hate long walks on the beach?
    Holla if you you want to hop on board team Nightbrothers!
  • gruidz
    10 posts Member
    Bonjour à tous, la guilde Tha Force recherche 1 joueur motivé.

    Notre PG dépasse les 210M et les raids se font en héroïques.
    Ils débutent à 21h (heure de Paris) avec 24 h pour s'enregistrer sauf le CAB qui commence à 20h.

    On fait les batailles de territoire sur geonosis. On fait 11* du côté lumineux et 26* du côté obscur.

    Nous serions surtout à la recherche d’un joueur expérimenté avec un bon roster mais toute candidature sera étudiée.

    On fait tout pour optimiser nos teams, mais on vend pas notre âme pour être les meilleurs. On joue sérieusement mais on rigole beaucoup aussi.

    Si vous avez des questions n'hésitez pas à nous contacter.

    Mon code allié est: 595-522-698
  • mime60
    102 posts Member
    edited May 2021

    Our guild is looking for new players.
    We are a friendly, fun, relaxed guild (no crazy rules), all activities, just try to participate in guild events.
    Our strategy, guild members, and experience allow us to succeed and grow!

    220m+ GP
    Raid Time - 8pm CET
    Raids: heroic with 24 h join period, Rancor and HAAT simmed
    Territory Battles: Geo

    Discord server with channels for tips, events and fun.

    GP 3,5m+ or a good rooster
    be active in guild events profil and Discord

    Questions? You want to join? Send me a message.
    Discord: mm#1249
  • YodaDoc
    1082 posts Member

    Chairborne Rangers (Invite only)

    Spots open: 5+

    About us...
    No force farming
    On farms/sims HPIT, HAAT, HSTR - 24 hours wait period, for HSTR, rotating every 3 hours
    26 Geo DSTB, 28 WAT shards
    11 Geo LSTB, 1 KAM shards
    44 Hoth LSTB

    Must be active - daily players only (not casual)
    Must be at minimum level 85
    Must be at minimum have 3m GP
    Must have account

    Here's our rules...
    Do the quest's daily guild activities and generate at least 300 tickets (20 misses in 2 months, get removed)
    No login for 10 straight days without notifying me, get removed.
    We have strike system... for TB/TW. If rule for strategy broken, get a strike. 3 strikes, get removed.

    Rules are as follow...
    For TW defense, if you join, must score points otherwise get a strike.
    For TB, anyone do rebel action, get a strike (rarely happened). Must produce minimum waves.

    Discord is optional - rated PG
  • Iandog
    95 posts Member
    We are currently looking for 1 motivated hard working guildmate.

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    Hello there
    The guild "UDontKnowSITH" ( is looking for some members.
    -120 M+ GP
    -All heroic raids with 24 hours join period with Rancor simmed
    -Reset time is GMT-6 17:30
    -The inactivity tolerance is 7 days, sometimes more
    -30* LS-Hoth and around 7-8* DS-Geos
    -We usually win the TW (if you have some Galactic Leyend you can help us when we face GL's)
    -We want to get more stars in TB so 1 M+ would be a great help but we are flexible
    -Participate in TB
    We are a relaxed guild and we hope the best participation in the TB, however we don't take you out if you cannot participate 100%

    if you have a question or are interested send me a message.
    Discord: Inflamz#5309
    Ally code SWGOH: 919-299-981
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    Looking for OFFICER POTENTIAL!
    Focus is LSTB and KAM shards
    Cleared New Rancor Raid
    Are you looking to grow and have fun! All GL's Welcome!
    We are an Independent Guild!
    Looking for competitive player
    LSTB, KAM shards and Rancor Raid focus-Knights of the fallen
    Do you have 4.0 mil gp or higher??
    275 mil GP guild 5.6 mil gp Average
    Must have GL
    All Heroic raids-alternate every 2 weeks-24 hour check-in
    Week 1- Heroic rancor- 8pm EST Week 2-7pm EST
    Heroic AAT- 10pm EST Week 2-8pm EST
    Heroic Sith raid- 9pm EST Week 2-6pm EST
    Mandatory: 600 raid tickets, TB, Rancor Raid,
    49 WAT shards
    KAM shards
    Contact me:
    Ally code:516-413-261
    discord:light matter#0565
  • Trenobob
    82 posts Member
    TrenoPhoenix is now hiring.
    Casual competitive guild seeking semi ambitious players with solid rosters of around 4 million gp.

    We run both genesis tb and get plenty of wat shards.

    For more information contact me in game.

    We do have an active discord, but it is not required.

    Do not contact me if you're feelings are hurt easily. We talk plenty of crap and keep the game fun. No need to be an active chatter, just an active player that will follow directions.
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    DarksaberMandolorian Knights are looking for 2-3 players with 3.5mil+ GP or focussed rosters

    About us:

    - 213m GP guild
    - 4.3 Mil average GP
    - 22* DSGTB earning 21+ Wat Shards
    - 10* LSGTB earning 1 KAM
    - 600 daily (Hotbot Ticket Tracking)
    - TB Mandatory
    - TW optional (Mandatory for those who join)
    - Raids between 6:00pm - 9:30pm EST
    - Guild reset at 6:30 pm EST
  • hyme
    147 posts Member
    Heroes with 1000 Faces is an independent guild and is
    Currently looking for 2 individual to join our ranks.
    Currently 48/50 - 239mil GP
    Current requirements are level 85 and 4 mil GP
    We have 90% win ratio in TW
    We get 27+ stars in DS Geo TB
    We get 12+ on current LS Geo TB.
    We expect everyone to sign up for all raids when they log.
    We expect everyone to deploy all characters and ships in TB as they log.
    We expect that if an individual does not want to or can not actively participate in TW, That they do NOT sign up. If an individual signs up we expect active participation throughout the event.
    Everyone in our group does their part including officers and we expect the same for new members.
    We do not have farming requirements or force people to pay. We hope all enjoy the game and will work together to progress. We hope you choose to join us on your journey.
    Contact us on Discord at
    Contact us in-game at
    Petrol 768-394-336
    Orion DiJackal 138-587-223
    Hyme 271-481-216
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    Canadian Loyalist Alliance:

    190 mil GP guild, 48/50 active members, average GP of 3.2mil

    We are a US/Canadian based guild but with members from around the world. Casual in terms that there are no farming restrictions in place but we have a very active and fairly competitive group in both TW, TB and respective GAC too. A very friendly, helpful and competitive bunch. We do all Heroic raids with all raids FFA, on farm status and with a 24hr join period. Get 41*+ for both Hoth TB (close to getting max stars) and 18-20* DS Geo TB with 17+ Wat shards (potential 20+ next TB after 28 attempts).

    We are looking for active members who will participate in guild events who are level 85 and have a GP of at least 2mil. We accommodate for those who have a lower GP if working on or have Geo team ready for WAT.

    We use both the in game chat and discord for communication. Discord is recommended but not required but we do use it to share strategy, tips and tricks with a few other channels that cant be shared in game.

    Link to our SWGoH guild page:

    If you are interested or would like to know more you can contact me through the forum, in game (227-965-785) or discord (ArcheAngel#7559) which is the quicker of all the options. Thanks
  • Dipster
    37 posts Member
    Ewokalypse Prime 325 mil GP. 32* DSTB and 45 Wat shards, 24* LSTB and 25-30 KAM shards (stream Kam battles). Looking for someone with a ready KAM team and at least one LS GL. 600 tickets. Contact on discord here: Guild info here:
  • Josh712
    92 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    Rise Of Heroes (ROH) is now recruiting!

    We’re looking for 1-2 active members to come join us. Our player base is mainly Europe based with some fellow Americans.

    • 293.5M Guild (300M+ when full)
    • Guild activities refresh at 15:30 UTC
    • All Heroic Raids (24 hour join period)
    • HPIT & HAAT (simmed) - 17:00 UTC
    • HSTR - 18:00 UTC
    • Crancor (on farm) - 19:00 UTC
    • 31* DS & 40+ WAT shards
    • 20* LS & 20+ KAM shards
    • TW is optional (mandatory to follow instructions if you do join)

      • 6M+ GP (Lower GP can be taken into consideration if you have a focused roster)
      • Have atleast 1 GL
      • KAM ready
      • 600 Daily Tickets
      • Be able to follow TW & TB instructions
      • An active Discord account
      • A profile

    Post edited by Josh712 on
  • JamDev
    262 posts Member


    We are a UK based guild but have members from all over the world. We are always active on Discord and are happy to give support and advice wherever we can. Rules and strategy are decided as a group, so all members have a full say in any decisions that affect them.

    A bit more about us:

    - GP 245m

    - Time zone GMT

    - HPit 3x weekly HAAT 2x weekly, HSTR and Pit Challenge as often as possible!

    - Daily refresh is at 1am.

    - Raids begin with 24hr registration period.

    - Pit Challenge and HSTR attack phase start at 7pm, Rancor and HAAT are simmed.

    - Geo TB DS 30*, LS 15*, 30-35 Wat shards, 2-5 KAM Shards

    - Winning record in Territory Wars

    - Check us out at

    We are looking for active players that are keen to make progress in a friendly, supportive environment, you don't have to be the finished article, just eager to improve and willing to take part in guild events. Preference given to players with GP over 4m but will make exceptions for players with lower GP if they are active and improving fast. Our priority just now is the Pit Challenge raid so CPit ready teams are a major plus. 600 raid tickets daily and participation in TB/TW/Cpit is expected. Only other requirements are that you be active, enthusiastic and have, (or are willing to download) Discord for communication.

    If you would like an invite, or have any questions, PM me here, add me on Discord at; Jam Dev#6795 or join our recruitment channel at: (Recruitment channel is best for a quick response).

  • Lowynn
    96 posts Member

    I'm Lowynn (one of the officers in the guild SithAndTwisted 66). We are currently looking for 1 player (at least 3 mil GP +), to fill our ranks.

    Guild Info:

    1) 158 million GP
    2) Our guild is based on the E.S.T.
    3) Our raids typically start at 6:00 p.m.
    4) Heroic Pit Raid is "simmed," HAAT & HSTR are on "farm status"
    5) LS Hoth = 40-41 Stars, DS Hoth = 41-42 Stars,
    DS Geo = 11-12 Stars (just starting to acquire Wat shards)


    1) 300 Raid Tickets per day minimum
    2) Discord is mandatory
    3) After joining our Discord Server register with Echobase and obtain your Discord role
    4) Your game profile must be registered with
    5) Familiarize yourself with our guild rules, raid info, and
    6) Participation in TB's & TW's is required

    We understand that real life takes precedence over SWGoH, just post a message in the "absence channel" in Discord if you are unable to attend/particpate.

    Last but not least, if you apply to our guild, I will respond to your application in SWGoH as quickly as possible. Please be available to communicate.

    Ally Code: 574-736-462
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    **Bombad Canadian Generals**
    163M+ GP

    We’re a friendly, casual, independent guild looking for daily players. We enjoy helping each other and celebrating each other's accomplishments.

    Currently looking for 6 players
    Daily participation is expected but we understand IRL comes first. A simple heads-up to an officer is all we ask if you'll be absent. 7 days of unexcused inactivity will be removed.

    **__About Us:__**
    -44/50 members, groups or single players welcome
    -HPit (simmed) and HAAT (simmed)
    -HSTR 1-2 times a week depending on daily tickets
    -TW not a must (but if join participation a must) guaranteed zeta!
    -DS Geo TB 12 to 15 stars (9 Watt Shards and growing)
    -LS Geo TB 5 to 6 stars and growing
    -Guild reset 8:00pm EST

    -2.5M+ GP, but negotiable if you have at least one team HSith ready
    -Looking for players that have or building Geo’s
    -400 tickets per day (600 is preferred)

    Interested? Check us out on Discord:
    Or message: Buster2008#5042
    OR Travis68#8123
  • RabbieBurns
    47 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    All done. Thank you :)

    229m GP guild looking for one player

    It’s been a while, so my recruitment skills might be a bit rusty. Bear with me please.

    The last member we lost was mid-February. It’s now mid-May. That’s three months with nobody quitting, no intra-guild bickering or fighting, nobody feeling they need to move on to find a “better” guild. Players who join us tend to stick with us.

    We’re an independent guild, with the core members setting up over four years ago. We don’t harass players for activity, we don’t dictate who farms what, we don’t even dictate which teams go where in TW. And yet we win 90% of our TW matches, outscore bigger guilds on TB, and we get KAM shards (three of them. Don’t get too excited). We expect to clear Crancor in the not too distant future, so a player who can contribute towards that would be welcome.

    There are no minimum GP requirements, no required characters, no GL restrictions. This is a mature guild, and we’re still together because we want to be. If you are looking for a competitive guild with a relaxed atmosphere, drop me a message please:


    Post edited by RabbieBurns on
  • Nico393939
    1 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    X Forces, guilde francophone indépendante recherche quelques joueurs pour remonter son roster à 50 joueurs, faire un bout de chemin ensemble et plus si affinité

    Actuellement 46 joueurs pour 140 millions PG.

    Tous les raids en héroïque (en simulation pour PIT et CAB)

    Environ 75% de victoires en GT

    BT Géo Dark Side 13 * et 5 ou 6 éclats de Wat Tambor, Géo Light Side 6 *, Hoth Light Side 38 *, Hoth Dark Side 39 *

    Joueurs actifs tous les jours chaudement souhaités, niveau 85 demandé, pas de minimum GP si joueur motivé et actif : GT, BT, JcJ, 500 tickets de raid/jour, ..., pas de niveau GP maximum non plus :)
    Si inactif + de 15 jours, risque de bannissement
    Respect de chacun et des directives de jeu en BT et en GT
    En résumé, on n'est pas hard core mais on souhaite jouer ensemble tranquillement et progresser ensemble rapidement.

    Mon code allié : 118-929-611
    Post edited by Nico393939 on
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    Knights of Hawk- 207 mil - Independent Guild

    Looking for 5 players - Competitive guild that allows you to still have a real life.

    What we offer:
    -24 :star: DS Geo (25 WAT Shards)
    -11 :star: LS Geo Rotation every other month - Hoth 43/44 11k GAC1 Total
    -Raid Times: 7:00 PST
    Auto: Rancor, Tank
    24hr join on Sith
    -Preparing for cPit
    What we're looking for:
    -3.5mil GP Rosters (Some exception will be made for focused rosters)
    -500 Tickets Daily
    -Full participation in all guild events
    -Preferred: WAT Ready Geos
    Join the Discord server
  • Options

    We are looking for a few more dedicated individuals to join our Team.
    We offer all the benefits of a top end guild, earning top rewards for all content. TB, Kam, Wat, TW, Challenge Pit on Farm, All Heroic Raids on Sim.

    Who we are:
    300 Mill GP Guild
    Member of the AOK Alliance
    Home to DBOFFICIAL125
    Discord id: Maric#8429
    Discord Link:
    Guild Reset Time: 6:30pm EST (22:30 UTC)
    Raids: All on Farm including Cpit (cleared since launch)
    DSGEOTB: 31 Stars & 49 WAT Shards
    LSGEOTB: 24 Stars & 36 KAM Shards
    TW: (11-6)in 2021.

    Minimum Req's:
    5.5 Million GP (Flexible with the right roster)
    1-2 GL’s
    600 Daily Tickets
    Discord is Mandatory for communication
    KAM & Cpit Ready Squads

    We offer streaming services for assistance, support, and guides for all end game content to help train and improve your roster and performance in every game mode!
    Check us out!
This discussion has been closed.