New F2P player lvl 70 needs guidance

79 posts Member
edited June 2021



Modding is according to Swgoh
suggestions but i still have a lot of work to do on modding.
I'm rank 39 in fleet arena.

The plan until 85 lvl is to slow down the upgrading of Jedi toons (except Bastilla) and start focusing on upgrade Phoenix and Geo pilots plus poogle while i side upgrade Jolee and Zaalbar.

1. Is the plan until 85 lvl right?
2. Who i buy next with arena tokens since Kanan and Tarkin are finished.
3. Silencer is 5* and Geos ships, Ahsokas ship and Vulture are close to 5*, do i stop buying them and start buy other ships or i continue to 7* all those?
4. Should i wait for Brood Geo in 83 to go for Padme or i should farm some1 else in Brood Alpha place and go for Padme with him as the fifth?

Post edited by Terkac11 on


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    1. For the most part it is a good plan. However, DO NOT use the in-game mod recommendations. Ask a guild mate or ask for help on the forums. I would also gear Vader (Once you get your first zeta give it to his Merciless Massacre special).
    2. Maybe Ventress (Slowly building Nightsisters is a good idea), but if Ackbar is your fleet commander, you need to farm him instead.
    3. You will soon find that you need to bring everything to 7*. Finish the ships before moving on. If you get level 83 then farming GBA is a reasonable excuse to wait on 7* for Tie Silencer.
    4. The best ways to get Padme are; A. with a full Geo team, B. With gear 12 General Grievous (Not an option right now), and C. With a good Jango in a Nute lead team (also not an option). Farm GBA (Geonosian Brood Alpha) and use his lead with a full Geo team.
    3v3 FTW
  • Terkac11
    79 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    1. For the most part it is a good plan. However, DO NOT use the in-game mod recommendations. Ask a guild mate or ask for help on the forums. I would also gear Vader (Once you get your first zeta give it to his Merciless Massacre special).
    2. Maybe Ventress (Slowly building Nightsisters is a good idea), but if Ackbar is your fleet commander, you need to farm him instead.
    3. You will soon find that you need to bring everything to 7*. Finish the ships before moving on. If you get level 83 then farming GBA is a reasonable excuse to wait on 7* for Tie Silencer.
    4. The best ways to get Padme are; A. with a full Geo team, B. With gear 12 General Grievous (Not an option right now), and C. With a good Jango in a Nute lead team (also not an option). Farm GBA (Geonosian Brood Alpha) and use his lead with a full Geo team.

    1.thank you for the answer and sorry for the modding guide i meant a website called gaming fans. This one.

    2. I was thinking buying Dooku and pair him with Vader, Thrawn, Tarkin, Palp

    3. The thing is that i need to finish Hera so i can't continue on Silencer for now, and after Hera i was thinking to go for T3-M4 fir Revan, so there is a dilemma here.

    4. Since Brood Alpha starts at 83 and it's gonna take a long time to 7* him and gear him i just thought maybe there's some one else who could replace Brood Alpha and get Padme with the 4 Geos and a fifth. But i guess i 'll wait for Alpha

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    1. The modding guide to good, but look at why the recommend things to make your final choices.
    2. Kylo Ren (Unmasked) will be better than Dooku. Dooku is only good for the stuns, and a tank is better with palp lead team.
    3. Do Hera, then T3, then Alpha. You can get the Phantom or the Ghost and skip Silencer.
    4. Just wait for Alpha- It is worth the gear that you will save.
    3v3 FTW
  • Terkac11
    79 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    I really don't know what to buy with arena tokens since Kanan and Tarkin are maxed. i don't see any toon that would help from 70-85 my current roster and i don't want to invest in just one toon of a very future team (and i don't really like night sisters).
    For example im very far to have a team for Darth Revan and buy HK47 or Sith toons, and so on.
    The only logical choices are Ackbar but i already have Tarkin maxed and he's not really needed now and IG88 since i have his ship since it's in the node i farm Poogle.
    But again i don't know how good this ship is. And at least at this point i don't know if i really need it since i 'll 7* star Geo ships or/and later on i 'll go after Heyna, Bossk's ship. Maybe i should save the tokens for later use?

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    Go for Nute. He is a good separatist and scoundrel. When you hit 85 you will be able to play (and should play) Grand Arena. It is useful to have a 6th for some teams so you can split them into to teams of three for 3v3. Don’t save currency early on. A 7* character that you can’t use well until later is still a 7* character. You will then have 6 separatists to use.
    3v3 FTW
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    Hey @Terkac11

    For modding, you can use the meta report from swgoh gg, the gaming fans page is way outdated so don't use that one.

    1) I would still keep your Jedi team as your main squad for now, but you can start getting PS up to 7* and g8. You likely won't be able to get a 7* Thrawn until at least level 80, so you have time.

    2) Squad Store - Would either go Nute (you can use him as the leader for your Geo team until you get GBA) or Ackbar, since you will need a 2nd fleet for GAC after level 85

    3) Take the Geo ships and Vulture Droid all to 7*. The other ones you just need at 5* but right now I don't think you can farm Hyena Bomber or Hounds Tooth, so you may as well keep pushing them up. On the fleet nodes, you should also start farming JKA's Eta2 ship

    4) Wait to get GBA to go for Padme. You can only unlock her at level 85 anyway, and even though you can only start farming GBA at level 83, it's a cantina farm so is fast, and those last 2 levels will take some time so you should have him at 7*. He is the one that really makes that team function too
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    Thanx @Intimmydation bro.

    Unfortunately i didn't know that mod guide you gave me and i went with gaming fans guide so far. That means I'm having a major setback since i have to remodd everyone.
    Which setback becomes even worst since i ran out of credits.
    I'm also out of ship building materials and keeping the fleet upgraded became very difficult.
    Maybe Nute is better because i can't even have my first fleet upgraded and having a second fleet seems ages away.
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    Terkac11 wrote: »
    Thanx @Intimmydation bro.

    Unfortunately i didn't know that mod guide you gave me and i went with gaming fans guide so far. That means I'm having a major setback since i have to remodd everyone.
    Which setback becomes even worst since i ran out of credits.
    I'm also out of ship building materials and keeping the fleet upgraded became very difficult.
    Maybe Nute is better because i can't even have my first fleet upgraded and having a second fleet seems ages away.

    Don't worry, I used to use that gaming fans guide until I got pointed in the other direction as well. It's not the WORST guide out there and you are probably fine, just cross check vs swgoh. Anyway at our levels right now they are probably the same, b/c the Gaming Fans is outdated but has most of the characters we use, it's just not as good for the newer characters in the last couple years.

    Plus at our levels, our mod options are still limited and no real slicing. I'll try to find some other good mod resources you can use, as it will always be one of the most important (if not THE most important) part of the game going forward.
  • Terkac11
    79 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    You are right @Intimmydation in our lvl the mod inventory is poor anyway. In what lvl a new player get a study flow of credits?
    Also I'm misreading the mod guide you gave or something. For example for Anakin your guide has 3 health mods with the icons? for which means 6 mods all health but as you scrol to the right then for hollow array it says critical damage on a health mod? I don't quite get it.
    Post edited by Terkac11 on
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    Terkac11 wrote: »
    You are right @Intimmydation in our lvl the mod inventory is poor anyway. In what lvl a new player get a study flow of credits?
    Ummm not sure you ever run out of having this problem. But as you get higher and can beat the highest Credit Heist tier, there may be times where you get lucky and get a 10M credit drop. But they will always go fast especially as you are building out your roster with new teams, and full 5 person squad costs around 35M just to take from level 1 to 85, and that doesn't include the upgrades along the way. Plus, the focus on farming your mods.
    Also I'm misreading the mod guide you gave or something. For example for Anakin your guide has 3 health mods with the icons? for which means 6 mods all health but as you scrol to the right then for hollow array it says critical damage on a health mod? I don't quite get it.

    Ah, on that page at the top click the option that it "Arena Rank 1-100" which will be better. If you don't find the character you are looking for there, then do the "All" option which I had it filtered for. (This will change what you see for JKA).

    But in a nutshell, the 2 or 3 icons you see are the types of Set Bonuses you should be going for, then the next 4 columns are the Primary Stat bonuses for the Arrow, Triangle, Circle and Cross mods (in that order)
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    For the credits probably i stretched out too much working on jedi and Geos at the same moment plus some mod upgrade.
    Oh now guide with what you said makes more sense. Thank you @Intimmydation
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    honestly you need to think of a better long term plan. Don't focus on any single individual toon but decide which squad you are going for. Then focus on farming that squad's requirements. I also see a lof of 3-4 star low level characters. Don't bother putting any resources into any character unless you plan to take them to 7*, lvl 85, gear 11 minimum, you're just wasting resources.
    If you plan to go for CLS (relatively easily obtainable journey character) you can start buying Leia shards, as well as greedo who you can use to unlock Chewie
  • Terkac11
    79 posts Member
    edited June 2021
    @Buyabha can you clarify who are the useless characters so i won't waste any more gear? Because every 3/4* you see except Zaalbar, and Jolee which i ll upgrade are long abandoned since lvl 40/50. The only character's i upgrade long time now are the Jedi (and not all of them) the Phoenix and the Geos.

    I'm going for Phoenix to get 7* EP, Thrawn to form an DS team with Vader, then when i get Brood to go for Padme and later on for Revan. Isn't that a plan?
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