Macs with M1 CPUs.

5134 posts Member
edited August 2021
Can macs with the M1 chip play SWGOH yet? I understand that there was a thread about this a long time ago, but I did not want to necro it, and it was completely normal when M1 macs were first released that CG hadn't had a chance to make it possible.

I'm getting near the end of my laptop's life & would like to know if/when this will be allowed. The machine &OS handle compatibility, so it's just about CG setting their App Center distribution settings, IIUC, and many games already allow this.

A response from Doja would be particularly appreciated, but anyone who has made this work or knows whether I am underestimating the difficulty is welcome to chime in & drop some more reliable info than what I've got into this thread.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2021
    So while there is a new design that is supposed to be able to run apps like an iphone, from my understanding this is not a supported device and it may not be available in the store. But I am asking for more information.
    Post edited by Kyno on
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    Thank you, Kyno. That's exactly what I understood to be the problem: that CG had not listed it as a supported device.

    Now, perhaps it requires more work than just listing it, I don't know, but the press reports on the whizbang new macs said that it wasn't an issue for developers.

    I **hope** it's easy for CG, but I don't know that to be the case. I just read mac websites.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Thank you, Kyno. That's exactly what I understood to be the problem: that CG had not listed it as a supported device.

    Now, perhaps it requires more work than just listing it, I don't know, but the press reports on the whizbang new macs said that it wasn't an issue for developers.

    I **hope** it's easy for CG, but I don't know that to be the case. I just read mac websites.

    The articles I have read, say it's the same process, making me think this should work without issue, except for the no touch screen, they are the same devices.

    Obviously that's just my take on this.
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    Yep. You & I are in the same place. It SEEMS like everything should be fine. But neither of us are experts.

    This all comes up because my iPad is also having trouble charging. I'd love to replace both laptop and iPad with a single device. While there's a bunch of things I do on my laptop that I can't replicate on the iPad, SWGOH is literally the only app that I couldn't either use or easily replace on the laptop.

    So laptop + SWGOH availability saves me literally hundreds of dollars. Honestly, if it was going to cost, like, a week's work for listing the m1s as approved devices, I'm sure they could get kickstarter donations or whatever to cover the cost.

    Now, I don't think that's necessary for a billion dollar game, but I'm just saying. I'd chip in myself, since it would easily save me money overall.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    edited August 2021
    They may never list it as a supported device, so I would prepare for that possibility. That also doesnt mean it will not work.

    Also the funny thing is, hardware is my expertise, just not in the consumer market. 😎
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