Bad Batch needs rebalanced

Just had an Arena match with a 30K Phoenix squad against a 15k Bad Batch squad. Bad Batch punched up far too easily. Phoenix could not even scratch them. Bad Batch is not even legendary characters so this is obviously far too egregious of a power leap in my opinion.


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    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?
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    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
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    A squad released over the course of the last month doing better than a 3 year old team? Impossible!
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    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    At that level mods might not even be unlocked.
    I need a new message here.
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    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    At that level mods might not even be unlocked.

    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.

    No it's something you need to learn, which is that some teams do worse than others against the same target.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.

    No it's something you need to learn, which is that some teams do worse than others against the same target.

    Again, I do not disagree. But again, there is what I would consider an acceptable level of gap. You dismiss the power leap of Bad Batch and praise it. But what happens if the next squad released has a similar power leap over Bad Batch? And then the squad after that takes another huge leap? Why should we leave the older roster in the dust as useless? Seems fairly counter productive to me. In a game where its biggest game mode is Grand Arena which requires a diverse roster of teams. I'm not saying Phoenix should beat them straight up. But punching up double its power is a tad preposterous. But by all means dismiss other peoples opinions because your used to settling for imbalance.
  • crzydroid
    7371 posts Moderator
    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.

    Not every team can beat every other team at similar gear levels. That's true regardless of when teams were released. There's not much difference between gear 5 and 6, and you should learn now that power is an essentially meaningless number when it comes to battles. At any rate, it's good that Bad Batch at least outperforms Phoenix.
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    Sebek wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.

    No it's something you need to learn, which is that some teams do worse than others against the same target.

    Again, I do not disagree. But again, there is what I would consider an acceptable level of gap. You dismiss the power leap of Bad Batch and praise it. But what happens if the next squad released has a similar power leap over Bad Batch? And then the squad after that takes another huge leap? Why should we leave the older roster in the dust as useless? Seems fairly counter productive to me. In a game where its biggest game mode is Grand Arena which requires a diverse roster of teams. I'm not saying Phoenix should beat them straight up. But punching up double its power is a tad preposterous. But by all means dismiss other peoples opinions because your used to settling for imbalance.

    Well Phoenix isn't a good squad, and Bad Batch can even beat GAS, so not an Imbalance. Also what were the ability levels?

    That is just it. I do not think they should be able to beat GAS. He is a Legendary character. A basic squad like Bad Batch should not beat Legendaries. You diminish the Legendary and rob people of the reward for the effort they went through to unlock GAS by having some basic farmable squad able to beat him.
  • Vendi1983
    5029 posts Member
    How about the Troopers used to farm SEE being used to defeat him? Should they fix that too? I find it entertaining.
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    Sebek wrote: »
    Sebek wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    A 30k Phoenix squad? What are they? Gear 5?

    Phoenix was Gear tier 6, Bad Batch was Gear Tier 5.
    This is hardly a mandate for change. New characters tend to be more effective than older ones.

    At that level mods could have a significant impact.

    Neither team was at a level where Mods were unlocked. So Mods played zero factor. And I while I agree that newer teams are going to tend to be better.. HOW MUCH BETTER is the discussion. I can defeat a Dooku or Gunray led Sep squad at about equal capability. Its a tough matchup but with Phoenix and good strategy I can overcome them. When one squad cannot even scratch another that is weaker on stars and gear.. that is an imbalance. As I said. They are not even a Legendary or Galactic Legend. Phoenix will struggle against 501st but at least they can hurt them. Phoenix cannot even phase Bad Batch. That is imbalance in my opinion.

    No it's something you need to learn, which is that some teams do worse than others against the same target.

    Again, I do not disagree. But again, there is what I would consider an acceptable level of gap. You dismiss the power leap of Bad Batch and praise it. But what happens if the next squad released has a similar power leap over Bad Batch? And then the squad after that takes another huge leap? Why should we leave the older roster in the dust as useless? Seems fairly counter productive to me. In a game where its biggest game mode is Grand Arena which requires a diverse roster of teams. I'm not saying Phoenix should beat them straight up. But punching up double its power is a tad preposterous. But by all means dismiss other peoples opinions because your used to settling for imbalance.

    Well Phoenix isn't a good squad, and Bad Batch can even beat GAS, so not an Imbalance. Also what were the ability levels?

    That is just it. I do not think they should be able to beat GAS. He is a Legendary character. A basic squad like Bad Batch should not beat Legendaries. You diminish the Legendary and rob people of the reward for the effort they went through to unlock GAS by having some basic farmable squad able to beat him.

    So because you think so, different squads shouldn't beat other squads? lol

    Probably doesn't matter what I think, no more than it matters what you think my man. I'm just here voicing my opinion on the matter. Not sure why your getting so worked up over that.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Who's getting worked up?

    This place is so bizarre.
    I need a new message here.
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    I’ll put it this way, op: they aren’t going to nerf their brand new shiny team.

    And they will never nerf it enough for Phoenix to win lol
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    Like everyone else said, one team is not supposed to be able to beat every other team, for balance reasons. The Bad Batch team can beat Phoenix or GAS? I am sure they have their weaknesses, and that there is some team that can crush them. And like multiple people have already said, Bad Batch will not be nerfed. Just because on team can beat another team that is harder to put together, doesn't mean they need to be nerfed. If you can't beat them with Phoenix, try another team.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
  • Kadarak
    13 posts Member
    edited May 2021
    Unbelievable, just got pasted by a 50k bad batch team while using my bounty hunters who are 80k.they guy didn't even have a single 85 or even a 7* and smoked me. Seriously this needs fixing.
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    No, no it does not need fixing.

    Certain Bounty Hunter lineups can beat Bad Batch but you need the proper modding and a Jango Lead with zeta.

    As others said, every team has their weaknesses. Starter Teams are meant to be just that: Starters. Good at the beginning to help you transition to other, more effective squads. Phoenix is literally the first squad you build for, so they have the harshest fall-off. But for all it is worth, Phoenix teams with Sabine can still beat some squads like ewoks.

    Bad Batch needs no re-balancing.
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    I came here, creating a new account, frustrated as hell by the game, to say bad batch characters are imbalanced and need to be nerfed. Simply put, they are WAY too strong too defeat...
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    Used to be early game if you have anything but Phoenix squad you get crushed just how it goes there is no eternally good team something is always better and who knows maybe their bane is ewoks or nightsisters other early game teams that can be annoying.
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    I mean by that logic? should we nerf like commander ashoka, or any of the op characters like revans or gl characters lol honestly bad batch doesnt need a nerf.
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    Ignore the trolls. They sit on here to tell everyone they're wrong and stroke their own egos.
    You are correct; bad batch is terribly unbalanced. They have all the strengths of several other prominent teams and almost no weaknesses, so they can punch up against almost any squad. And given their kit, even when they can't win they can still run out the clock on teams 3x their power and force a draw. They're not unbeatable, but given the extremely limited options for squads that can beat them at equal power, they're guaranteed to become a nearly impassable wall in grand arena.
    But it won't get fixed. EA doesn't care about balance, *watto voice* only money.
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    For whatever reason some people are fixated on power level. Power level isn’t an accurate indication to the strength of a team, since you could inflate power level and have 0 synergy. Mods + Gear/Relic Level are far more important of a gauge, plus team synergy. Bad batch isn’t easy to defeat but they’re not invincible by any means. Just like early game Phoenix can be tough to beat.
  • Xcien
    2436 posts Member
    aNihilus wrote: »
    Ignore the trolls. They sit on here to tell everyone they're wrong and stroke their own egos.
    You are correct; bad batch is terribly unbalanced. They have all the strengths of several other prominent teams and almost no weaknesses, so they can punch up against almost any squad. And given their kit, even when they can't win they can still run out the clock on teams 3x their power and force a draw. They're not unbeatable, but given the extremely limited options for squads that can beat them at equal power, they're guaranteed to become a nearly impassable wall in grand arena.
    But it won't get fixed. EA doesn't care about balance, *watto voice* only money.

    I defeated them on my alt account with Bastila lead Jedi. It’s not impossible, just difficult.
    I've found this whole experience to be very enlightening.

    Thank you for evaluating. Your feedback is appreciated.
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    The original complaint is about Phoenix vs Bad Batch so I’ll address that first. A big reason that Phoenix struggles against them so much is that daze is immediately put out on the field with how fast echo is. After that it isn’t hard to whittle away and not worry about counters. Phoenix is not a team to compare for whether or not BB is overpowered. Wampa and nest can both solo that team.
    As for bounty hunters it’s a similar boat. You either need to run Mando with a quick and easy contract to try and delete chars ASAP, or run a good jango lead so they can’t gain tm and your team gains bounty hunters resolve.
    All in all this team was designed to 1. Be a defensive nightmare and 2. Help out in LS Geo TB, so the team needs to be strong.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    For whatever reason some people are fixated on power level.

    The reason is it makes them feel like it's not their fault when they lose, they can say the lower power team is "broken" or "unbalanced" instead.
    I need a new message here.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    aNihilus wrote: »
    Ignore the trolls. They sit on here to tell everyone they're wrong and stroke their own egos.
    You are correct; bad batch is terribly unbalanced. They have all the strengths of several other prominent teams and almost no weaknesses, so they can punch up against almost any squad. And given their kit, even when they can't win they can still run out the clock on teams 3x their power and force a draw. They're not unbeatable, but given the extremely limited options for squads that can beat them at equal power, they're guaranteed to become a nearly impassable wall in grand arena.
    But it won't get fixed. EA doesn't care about balance, *watto voice* only money.

    It wont get fixed, because it's not broken, and considering how many characters we have in this game, it is balanced quite well.

    They are in no way an impassable wall or as hard to beat as you make it sound.

    They are a team that relies on gimmick tactics
    , much like Phoenix. Phoenix was the old complaint of early game players. Figuring out the puzzle may be a little harder, but once you do it's pretty smoot sailing.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    it's pretty smoot sailing.

    I see what you did there.
    I need a new message here.
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