Differences between Normal and Hard conquests

360 posts Member
Up to this point I believe there was parity between feats in Normal and Hard conquests. That doesn't seem to be the case anymore, as (being a Normal player) I don't see some of the feats other players are complaining about (Unaligned Force Users global feat, Bounty hunters sector 1 feat, to name a few). I still have 6 global feats and 3 feats in Sector 1 ( wouldn't know about the following ones yet). Also the increased energy cost apparently only applied to hard mode, as it still costs 15 energy for me to battle.

How does this factor into the amount of keycards required for each of the boxes? Will it still be feasible for me to reach the box I was reaching before this change?

I also wanted to raise awareness on this fact in case some people are on the line between choosing Normal or Hard mode.


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    It is feasible, but with some of the changes, like mini bosses, you may need more refreshes.
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    Normal hasn’t been changed that much. Most of the changes are in Hard.

    Most of them are related to making it cost money to get Maul, instead of free. As you don’t get Maul in normal they didn’t change it.
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    Conquest normal 15 energy. Conquest hard 20 energy…

    Look at normal… i can win without spending energy for my 2.8m account (My slkr just solo first 6 stages)
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    This is all a money grab, because there are too many "free" cats in the game.

    Understandable, but they've gone too far with the changes.

    They're probably basing this on keeping Maul down to like 2k-3k from initial point where he can be unlocked.
  • Lrrr
    172 posts Member
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    This is all a money grab, because there are too many "free" cats in the game.

    Understandable, but they've gone too far with the changes.

    They're probably basing this on keeping Maul down to like 2k-3k from initial point where he can be unlocked.

    I mean it was obvious when they claimed people were going too fast and they had to make changes, what they really meant was people weren’t spending enough and we need to sell crystals. Still in the end I’m surprised at how aggressively they went after that cash and **** off players.

    CG an organization that just doesn’t gaf about player morale.
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    Lrrr wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    This is all a money grab, because there are too many "free" cats in the game.

    Understandable, but they've gone too far with the changes.

    They're probably basing this on keeping Maul down to like 2k-3k from initial point where he can be unlocked.

    I mean it was obvious when they claimed people were going too fast and they had to make changes, what they really meant was people weren’t spending enough and we need to sell crystals. Still in the end I’m surprised at how aggressively they went after that cash and **** off players.

    CG an organization that just doesn’t gaf about player morale.

    The real problem isn't even it's affect on Maul, as all players are in the same boat, but with CAT being meta defining and absolutely broken....this stunts those that haven't actually unlocked her yet....so it's like "alright we hit capacity, now it's time to make it more difficult for anyone that wasn't hoarding/focusing/currently playing when she was easily available. CG as always about the cash and artificial gaps created in player power.

    But think about all those people that will spend to chase Vader now....
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    Oh, I see, I had no idea these changes were for hard mode only.

    They should change the names from "normal" and "hard" to "fun" and "drudgery"
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    There is no difference: they are both cancelled
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    There are more bugs in the hard mode version.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    There are more bugs in the hard mode version.

    I wouldn't be so sure. At this point, it's getting hard to tell what is a bug and what is WAI.
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    CG can't tell you the difference, they didn't test either.
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