7.4m GP vs. 4m GP

20 posts Member
edited April 2022
I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?
Post edited by crzydroid on


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    gnerally means the 7.4m player is bad, has bad mods, doesn't participate, etc. while the 4 million usually has: goos strategy, amazing mods, plays, ect.
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    These threads will never stop appearing, will they?
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    TTudor wrote: »
    I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?

    Its fair because out of all the players in the game, playing GAC, you two are similar in skill
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    TTudor wrote: »
    I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?

    Its fair because out of all the players in the game, playing GAC, you two are similar in skill

    *skill rating
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    It would be cool if there was some sort of recognition for besting an opponent that out GPs you significantly, but then again maybe not.

    If the complaint about the current rating system is that it pairs you with opponents that have too high GP, then getting a higher skill rating for beating higher GP opponents would only exacerbate the problem.

    Anyhow, I feel like GAC is a lot more interesting since the change. As in I lose more than I did before but it forces me to think about what I can do to get the edge on higher GP players. I’m a fan of the new system.
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    These threads will never stop appearing, will they?

    Some day the sun will explode. They'll probably stop appearing then.
  • avihas
    255 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    TTudor wrote: »
    I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?

    Its fair because out of all the players in the game, playing GAC, you two are similar in skill

    You have very wierd definition of fair.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    avihas wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TTudor wrote: »
    I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?

    Its fair because out of all the players in the game, playing GAC, you two are similar in skill

    You have very wierd definition of fair.

    You each have the same Skill Rating, giving you a 50-50 chance at winning. That's the definition of fair.
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    avihas wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    TTudor wrote: »
    I mean, what the heck? How is that fair?

    Its fair because out of all the players in the game, playing GAC, you two are similar in skill

    You have very wierd definition of fair.

    You each have the same Skill Rating, giving you a 50-50 chance at winning. That's the definition of fair.

    Just on paper, friendo. Just on paper.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Schwartzring
    1491 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Can we maybe, just MAYBE, acknowledge the idea that the "Skill Rating" isn't calculated by CG correctly?

    To use my own example, when they kicked this off it took me exactly 1 GAC to vault from Aurodium-3 starting GP up to Kyber-3 based on my "skill" from that 1 GAC.

    Come on, a 5 bracket jump that fast? No thanks, to me that is putting far too much weight on "Win/Loss" and not enough on the base GP.

    The reality is you shouldn't be jumping brackets THAT fast.

    Either the single battles are worth too much or the individual brackets aren't "wide" enough, IMO.
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    I do agree. I don't think there should be big jumps like that. However, they're not happening now are they? I think the idea was to get everybody about where they should be, quickly. Which didn't really take into account the players that weren't attacking for the first GAC or 2.

    I dislike that divisions 5/1 also swap places at the end of the season. What is the point of that? Jumping from *1 to *5 should be handled as any divisional change. This also causes problems with the skill rating. As players in lower league have a higher skill rating than players in a higher league.
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    From what I've read I think that has to do w/ the "Skill Squish" and the fact that not all brackets are the same size.

    I want to say I saw a break down that Kyber --> Aurodium --> Chromium, etc etc was a % of the Population = to 10-25-30-25-10

    At the end of each Season, they end up with more/less people in each division based on where their "Skills" left them.

    So, then they do the "Skill Squish". And they reset everyone before the next season to redistribute everyone back to that 10-25-30-25-10

    It sounded odd till you remember CG could not possibly give out TOO MANY rewards & break the stranglehold on Gear Economy.
    They can't very well let too many people into Kyber & give out too many rewards.
    So when all is said & done & the final skills are tallied, then they have to resort everyone by their Skill Rating into an actual 1 to End ranking & then lop off the top 10% again & call that Kyber & issue rewards.
    Rinse/Repeat for each League & from their breakdown by Division.
  • Waqui
    8802 posts Member
    Can we maybe, just MAYBE, acknowledge the idea that the "Skill Rating" isn't calculated by CG correctly?

    To use my own example, when they kicked this off it took me exactly 1 GAC to vault from Aurodium-3 starting GP up to Kyber-3 based on my "skill" from that 1 GAC.

    Come on, a 5 bracket jump that fast? No thanks, to me that is putting far too much weight on "Win/Loss" and not enough on the base GP.

    The reality is you shouldn't be jumping brackets THAT fast.

    Either the single battles are worth too much or the individual brackets aren't "wide" enough, IMO.

    GP was only used for the initial seeding. I believe it's fully intentional that as time passes your skill rating will almost entirely reflect your past performances while this initial seeding (and your GP) will have little effect on your skill rating. I like the idea that GP shouldn't have much influence on your rating/rank.

    Yes, you and others may have jumped or dropped far in the first few seasons but that could be expected. Don't worry about that. After "enough" seasons the ranks will settle and people will reach their 50/50 level/rank where they win about half their rounds - in theory at least. I believe you won't be climbing that fast any more in the future.
  • Options
    From what I've read I think that has to do w/ the "Skill Squish" and the fact that not all brackets are the same size.

    I want to say I saw a break down that Kyber --> Aurodium --> Chromium, etc etc was a % of the Population = to 10-25-30-25-10

    At the end of each Season, they end up with more/less people in each division based on where their "Skills" left them.

    So, then they do the "Skill Squish". And they reset everyone before the next season to redistribute everyone back to that 10-25-30-25-10

    It sounded odd till you remember CG could not possibly give out TOO MANY rewards & break the stranglehold on Gear Economy.
    They can't very well let too many people into Kyber & give out too many rewards.
    So when all is said & done & the final skills are tallied, then they have to resort everyone by their Skill Rating into an actual 1 to End ranking & then lop off the top 10% again & call that Kyber & issue rewards.
    Rinse/Repeat for each League & from their breakdown by Division.

    The leagues are an even split 20% each of players. Divisions are where there is a 10-25-30etc split.
  • Options
    Can we maybe, just MAYBE, acknowledge the idea that the "Skill Rating" isn't calculated by CG correctly?

    To use my own example, when they kicked this off it took me exactly 1 GAC to vault from Aurodium-3 starting GP up to Kyber-3 based on my "skill" from that 1 GAC.

    Which means by the end you faced K4 players and still won. So yes, you deserved your spot in K3.

  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    Waqui wrote: »
    After "enough" seasons the ranks will settle and people will reach their 50/50 level/rank where they win about half their rounds

    Why is everyone thinking that winning "only" 50% of my matches is what i'm going for? That's just what CG wants, i want way more than that!

    And i'm certainly not the only one thinking this way. But when someone is doing way better than 50:50 someone else is doing way worse. That whole system will never work 100% the way CG wants it to, it's always a trade off.
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
  • Cappie
    34 posts Member
    I agree with @TTudor that the matchups are way out of line. I am a returning player having quit for a couple of years and returned about 2 months ago. My skill rating when I returned was out of line with all the changes in the game in the last couple of years. When I quit I did fairly well in Grand Arena and I was daily taking first in fleet. Changes in the game made all of that fade away. Anyway, my partner returned and seemed to be enjoying the game again without having to spend exorbitant amounts of cash so I came back too. I started in Chromium 4 but the last several grand arenas have been brutal and I am unable to compete so I have been "demoted" to Bronzium 4 which is not great but supposedly will allow me to have competitive matches? In the last Grand Arena my first matchup was competitive. He had a narrow account, while my is bloated because I played from the beginning of the game before all this mattered. Anyway, I lost to him by points and lost the next one because I couldn't compete at all. So in the last matchup which presumably would be against someone else who lost a couple of times, my opponent had 50 relic toons and GL Sith Eternal Emperor. I have 7 relic toons and no complete relic team. I took Ahnald's advice on who to relic way back when (bad advice!). Anyway, can't say I can have fun against such an uneven matchup. I'd also like to know why someone with 50 relic toons and a GL is in Bronzium 4??? Please explain or fix the crappy "skill rating" system.
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    Starslayer wrote: »
    Which means by the end you faced K4 players and still won. So yes, you deserved your spot in K3.
    I don't think so.
    Not in the beginning.
    You were capped at Aurodium-1 for several matches & only change at the end of the season.
    So I won against some other Aurodium people & then got jumped up to Kyber-3 at the end of the Season.
  • flux_rono
    2136 posts Member
    Cappie wrote: »
    I'd also like to know why someone with 50 relic toons and a GL is in Bronzium 4??? Please explain or fix the crappy "skill rating" system.

    its been explained above, and by myself, its generally means that the player is bad, has bad mods, doesn't participate, etc. they likely (not always) just join GAC for the extra rewards.

    You can try using discord bots, or swgoh.gg to look up your opponent and get an idea of how they play, it might help you beat them as well (granted it's not a guaranteed win but they can help)

    Cappie wrote: »
    So in the last matchup which presumably would be against someone else who lost a couple of times
    first id love to know if you won or lost, and second there was nothing to presume about your opponent when it came to this round he did lose the last two matches, more than likely that shows he either never tired or didn't know how to play well.
    Cappie wrote: »
    I took Ahnald's advice on who to relic way back when (bad advice!)
    whatever advice you took was probably good advice, just it hasn't aged well. don't blame him for how you reliced your characters if the past and how it wasn't as good when you returned, he just gave suggestions based on the time and you took it.
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    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Defence is pretty solid. However, I'm seen numerous 'minimal effort' attacks that if done properly would have resulted in wins.

    So like most of these GP moans.........meh
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Kisakee wrote: »
    Waqui wrote: »
    After "enough" seasons the ranks will settle and people will reach their 50/50 level/rank where they win about half their rounds

    Why is everyone thinking that winning "only" 50% of my matches is what i'm going for? That's just what CG wants, i want way more than that!

    And i'm certainly not the only one thinking this way. But when someone is doing way better than 50:50 someone else is doing way worse. That whole system will never work 100% the way CG wants it to, it's always a trade off.

    You clearly don't understand how an Elo system works. You will win 5050 by design, not because we are striving for mediocrity.

    You cannot change the 5050 win rate, what you can control is where you are on the ladder when you settle into your spot.

    In other words you could "settle" for 5050 in aurodium, or strive for 5050 in kyber. That's how you determine success, and that's what your rewards are based on.
  • Options
    Starslayer wrote: »
    Which means by the end you faced K4 players and still won. So yes, you deserved your spot in K3.
    I don't think so.
    Not in the beginning.
    You were capped at Aurodium-1 for several matches & only change at the end of the season.
    So I won against some other Aurodium people & then got jumped up to Kyber-3 at the end of the Season.

    Yep, that makes sense. My bad !
  • Options
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    Starslayer wrote: »
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

    5 of those 7 are GL requirements.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • flux_rono
    2136 posts Member
    Starslayer wrote: »
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

    they were probably done before GLs considering his break from the game. likely from when g13 first hit
  • Options
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

    5 of those 7 are GL requirements.

    If your goal is to unlock a GL, chasing 3 GLs at the same time is more than debatable.
  • Options
    Starslayer wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

    5 of those 7 are GL requirements.

    If your goal is to unlock a GL, chasing 3 GLs at the same time is more than debatable.

    He did say that he returned 2 months ago after a couple of years off which would put the date for any advice he got Feb 2020 which was before GL’s were even in the game. Not likely anyone would have given him advice to chase a GL at that point.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • Options
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Starslayer wrote: »
    I found their profile. Relics are GG, Vader, Han, Chewie, DR, Bastila and GK.......................not sure how any of that was bad advice.......

    Relicing good characters instead of prerequisites for a GL is a debatable advice.

    5 of those 7 are GL requirements.

    If your goal is to unlock a GL, chasing 3 GLs at the same time is more than debatable.

    He did say that he returned 2 months ago after a couple of years off which would put the date for any advice he got Feb 2020 which was before GL’s were even in the game. Not likely anyone would have given him advice to chase a GL at that point.

    Yep, we agree there.
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    Boost your gp, then.

    I had one of these 7m vs 4m matches in the previous round, except that I was the 7m. Their roster was okay at the top, but had ZERO depth. So many characters that were level 1 or had a couple pieces of gear. Our top ends were pretty close to equal, but where I was getting another couple million gp was from all my g11 and g12 characters and their ships.

    I'd have lost (still working on third GL, unlocked SEE earlier, but no ultimate and only 3 zetas; at this point he's only good for turning off Qui-Gon's omicron) except the minute he lost one battle he had nothing left.

    Boost your gp. Even one more mediocre team is all you need.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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