Max Red Crate Rewards Missing

372 posts Member
edited February 2023
I got the max red crate in conquest, but didn't get max rewards. I was only awarded the second to last crate rewards. This happen to anyone else?
How do I go about getting this fixed?5b6dakcqyiqt.png
Post edited by EA_Mako on


  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    If you scroll up it will tell you how many keycards you got. Going to guess the number is fewer than 630.
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Yeah it says 626.
    I've been done on red crate for 3 days
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    Yeah it says 626.
    I've been done on red crate for 3 days

    If it says 626 then you were not done. You were 4 burritos short.
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    I was done though. I've been done for 3 days.
    Believe me I wouldn't abandon it if I wasn't done. I'm pumped for Malgus.
    Anyone know how I can get this fixed?
  • Rilsston
    16 posts Member
    At least you got rewards. I didn’t even receive mine.

    To fix this; next time get 630 keycards. 626 is not a complete conquest
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    Didn't you read what I wrote above? I got over the 630. I have finished conquest 3 days early
  • Rilsston
    16 posts Member
    The evidence you provided stated otherwise.

    Do you have evidence to suggest you actually earned 630 as opposed to the 626?
  • StarSon
    7487 posts Member
    Rilsston wrote: »
    At least you got rewards. I didn’t even receive mine.

    Allow up to 24 hours. Because CG.
    I was done though. I've been done for 3 days.
    Believe me I wouldn't abandon it if I wasn't done. I'm pumped for Malgus.
    Anyone know how I can get this fixed?

    Unless you have a screenshot to prove you got red crate on *this* conquest there's nothing you can do. You can put in a ticket but they'll just tell you that you didn't earn enough keycards.
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    What a bunch of ****! So now I have to document and record everything I do in game just in case CG's game screws up? I've been playing this game since launch and the amount of bugs for a billion dollar game is pathetic. I shouldn't have to screenshot everything as a failsafe if their game worked correctly
  • Rilsston
    16 posts Member
    Consider it from their perspective. Players lie all the time. If players could just say “hey, I actually got 630 keycards but only for 626 reward” players would do so left and right.

    I personally believe you only got 626 and simply didn’t finish conquest. But that belief aside, it’s up to you to provide evidence for claims you make. If you lack the evidence, then you don’t have a viable claim.
  • Options
    I get that I have no evidence to back up my claim, and that people lie all the time.
    I have a 8.9M roster and have played this game since day 1 launch. The red box is easy for me to get. Conquest is fun for me and I'm a die hard OR fan, so Malgus is my priority. I'm not going to call it quits until I had the red box.
    Again I see your point that without proof I could be lying. Then again we all know how often CG screws up rewards. So I'm sure you can see that perspective as well.

    Once again, does anyone know where I can call, email or message in an attempt to get this resolved please?
  • mariogsh
    794 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    What a bunch of ****! So now I have to document and record everything I do in game just in case CG's game screws up? I've been playing this game since launch and the amount of bugs for a billion dollar game is pathetic. I shouldn't have to screenshot everything as a failsafe if their game worked correctly

    Yeah, I don't buy it

    You just forgot to complete those last 4 burritos

    And yes, sadly yes, if you have been playing this game since launch, then you know how CG operates (with all those fails and bugs)

    In fear, I always take a screenshot of my red crate every conquest, in case a RARE case like this could happen (which seems VERY unlikely, even for CG standards)


    There is nothing you can do about it, my advice? From now on, record everything it can "fail"
    I don't think it can fail, but in a RARE ocassion it does, you have evidence

    PS: You guys really censor the acronym for ScreenShot? lol
  • Reptile
    114 posts Member
    In the game go to Settings and then Help
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    Reptile wrote: »
    In the game go to Settings and then Help

    Thank you. I appreciate it
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    This is exactly like every single complaint of being "kicked out of GAC even though I know I joined!"
    Player: I joined GAC! I know I did! CG sucks!
    Everyone else: Did you screen shot?
    Player: No! Of course not! Why would I?
    Everyone else: Start taking screen shots so you can prove it.
    Player: Fine! I'll show you all!

    And then that player never complains again about being "kicked out of GAC" even though they joined.

    So, do you think CG, who apparently can't make a functioning game, somehow tracks players taking screenshots and adjusts whether that player has specific bugs or not? Or do you think players are mistaken despite their adamant yelling to the contrary?
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    Can't CG just got look at player history to verify. In this case verify that I got the red crate. I believe they should be able to look at my player history and accomplishments. How else do they resolve specific issues that are isolated to specific players when they arise?
  • Rilsston
    16 posts Member
    Do you know how much data that would take? Like, 1 million players every second of everyday. No company who designs games does that. You get incident reports of specific flags with cut pieces of information relevant to that flag.

    Did you do something to break the TOS? If so, they might have a recording. But then you have bigger problems.
  • Options
    I get that I have no evidence to back up my claim, and that people lie all the time.
    I have a 8.9M roster and have played this game since day 1 launch. The red box is easy for me to get. Conquest is fun for me and I'm a die hard OR fan, so Malgus is my priority. I'm not going to call it quits until I had the red box.
    Again I see your point that without proof I could be lying. Then again we all know how often CG screws up rewards. So I'm sure you can see that perspective as well.

    Once again, does anyone know where I can call, email or message in an attempt to get this resolved please?


    Someone I know posted this image and said “nailed red crate”. We had to point out that he hadn’t earned the red crate, even though there was a picture of it in the reward panel.

    Is it possible you made the same mistake?
  • Options
    Can't CG just got look at player history to verify. In this case verify that I got the red crate. I believe they should be able to look at my player history and accomplishments. How else do they resolve specific issues that are isolated to specific players when they arise?

    If the game itself registered you with 626 keycards, what makes you think any data CG looks at will say different?
  • Options
    I get that I have no evidence to back up my claim, and that people lie all the time.
    I have a 8.9M roster and have played this game since day 1 launch. The red box is easy for me to get. Conquest is fun for me and I'm a die hard OR fan, so Malgus is my priority. I'm not going to call it quits until I had the red box.
    Again I see your point that without proof I could be lying. Then again we all know how often CG screws up rewards. So I'm sure you can see that perspective as well.

    Once again, does anyone know where I can call, email or message in an attempt to get this resolved please?


    Someone I know posted this image and said “nailed red crate”. We had to point out that he hadn’t earned the red crate, even though there was a picture of it in the reward panel.

    Is it possible you made the same mistake?

    No I acutually was still playing in conquest last night for something to do as I had excess energy. Just getting 3/3 on each battle and finished two more of the boss feats. So I had well over the 630
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    Can't CG just got look at player history to verify. In this case verify that I got the red crate. I believe they should be able to look at my player history and accomplishments. How else do they resolve specific issues that are isolated to specific players when they arise?

    Go to Settings->Help as somebody else suggested. Follow the link and create a support ticket. That's the only way I know that might get somebody to look at your particular data.
  • Options
    Can't CG just got look at player history to verify. In this case verify that I got the red crate. I believe they should be able to look at my player history and accomplishments. How else do they resolve specific issues that are isolated to specific players when they arise?

    Go to Settings->Help as somebody else suggested. Follow the link and create a support ticket. That's the only way I know that might get somebody to look at your particular data.

    Thanks. That's what I did. Now just have to wait a day or two to hear back
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    Actually I am questioning the number on my rewards message. (I got my red box though)
    It said I had completed 646 key cards. I know I only left 2 feats undone (worth 25 points), but I thought the Max was 667 this conquest. Trying to work out where it found the extra 4 points from.

    I also did not screenshot so maybe it was 642 in the message.

    LoL yeah I should probably take more screenshots of rewards in this game than I do. Regardless, I always may sure I complete that one extra feat even once achieving the requirement, just so the off chance of them calculating something wrong is reduced.
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    Can't CG just got look at player history to verify. In this case verify that I got the red crate. I believe they should be able to look at my player history and accomplishments. How else do they resolve specific issues that are isolated to specific players when they arise?

    Look chances are you are going to have to write this one off ... you likely have 2 choices from here, next 2 conquests, buy the $10 pack and get extra 40 shards (so you can unlock Malgus at the end) or wait another 2 conquests to pick up Malgus from Scav nodes
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    Support won't help you; even if you had a screenshot. The support isn't CG, it's a generic EA support line. They'll look at the data and say 'nah brah' and that'll be it. Unless you are luckily to grab a CG employee another way, there's no real way of arguing your case.

    It's very sad.
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited May 2022
  • Asant951
    10 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Yep same with me except I did get 630. I sent them a screen shot. It’s CG though so hopefully they fix this but I doubt it.
    Missing 25 shards gsdmq4imj0du.jpeg

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    At least you got paid. A couple of us seem to be still waiting
  • Kripty
    202 posts Member
    At least you got paid. A couple of us seem to be still waiting

    A lot of us are still missing up too 600 crystals from over 2 weeks.. don’t hold your breath
  • 12thParsec
    195 posts Member
    edited May 2022
    Why do you guys act like CG never makes mistakes? It is very plausible this guy got max crate and CGs game broke again. I’ve had many times where I’m missing rewards and I join GAC and TW and the game doesn’t register it. This game is very very buggy. Btw I wouldn’t write complaints here you’ll just get CG fanboys saying your always wrong and CG is always right.
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