
67 posts Member
edited March 2016
Should Ima-Gun-Di be available in Squad,Cantina or gw shipments available in Future?

Cause in my eyes he have much potencial and is very usefull for Jedi/light side Teams.

Ima-Gun-Di 123 votes

Yes, he should be available in future
HyperalloyCobratatdarksideJaegerBoro_Smooth1ShanksKingRyan17kozakjanosMasterOneHitbenacrowunit900000JaceousprimeSmithieAzraelrulezShockHendijuAtwellJediMasterGibsTommySittDieciedue2 76 votes
No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
clagsmdGenakumaBarrokJabberwockyRonTomChewy_Johnson68Plague_IncSterlingKMithmoongodEl_DuderinorealhumanbeanStok3dAmaltheaCheesyPastaKamikazeRhombusSaintEatersStarNickRulexPetrozzaKopfschuss 36 votes
Offer him in a pack for a few dollars(Like a new Jedi pack)
OneSixOneFourDarth_MaximusJumbuckJediGeofRivDanTheManCookieCrisppBlankenshipbroyodersKourskDestructusKloudShaneyp58 11 votes


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    Offer him in a pack for a few dollars(Like a new Jedi pack)
    Offer him with Aayla and Kit. Boom counter Jedi team here we go!
    333 posts Member
    They should, as the Jedi team is now dominated by QGJ lead with Lumi minor. IGD will make a decent challenger, but only with both Aayla and KF available for farming.
  • DestructusKloud
    103 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Offer him in a pack for a few dollars(Like a new Jedi pack)
    Most people have voted yes just cos he'll be the next meta. Tbh I think Jedi as a whole are slightly op, so if they offer him in a pack then we still get the easy meta squad and EA get profit. It's win win, plus then we won't have as much ima squads everywhere if he's not an easy farm.
    This is coming from a ftp player. :D
  • El_Duderino
    413 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    Only because I have him at 6*, 97/100 shards and I'm being selfish ;)

    Hoping he'll be good in next meta, as it is currently even maxed out he's probably not arena material. But awesome for GW as leader. Just a fun hero.

    I think the only reason he doesn't work right now for arena is that there aren't enough/any heavy hitting Jedi to make the counter attacks viable. Next cap he gets +25% counter damage though still not enough. However if they ever add a burly hitting Jedi to the mix his leader power will shine.
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    Offer him in a pack for a few dollars(Like a new Jedi pack)
    @El_Duderino I've got him at 6* 46/100 shards. Did you give him the 50 stun cuffs to get to gear IX?

    I agree with your assessment. Currently his leader ability doesn't do enough to compensate for losing QGJ speed which is necessary to allow Yoda to BM before Dooku can stun everyone. Hoping this all changes in the coming meta shift.
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    @JumbuckJedi nope he's at gear VIII for me, didn't do those stun cuffs yet. Think I'll hold off until later for those.
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    He'll be amazing next meta, so he should stay in hard modes (he's pretty good in this meta too)
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    How is that fair to the rest of us who have been farming his hard nodes everyday for the past couple months. Answer is no.
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    allow Yoda to BM

    Ally Code: 945-699-762
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    Yes, he should be available in future
    He should be and will. The game changes and exclusives change and where you get them do. If people are worried about "fair" they need to grow up, it's a game.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    Yes, he should be available in future
    DarthPoe94 wrote: »
    How is that fair to the rest of us who have been farming his hard nodes everyday for the past couple months. Answer is no.

    You still have the speed advantage for 7*

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    Offer him in a pack for a few dollars(Like a new Jedi pack)
    I would like to see a system where toons are available in a progression.

    Start in chromium only -> progress to hard nodes -> progress to cantina node -> progress to arena/GW.

    You still have the advantage of early access if you farm the hard nodes however with patience the toons eventually become easier to farm.

    I have Ima at 6* and I like that I am ahead of the curve. I want everyone else to share in his awesome as well.
  • Options
    Yes, he should be available in future
    Offer him in a pack,.. They would probably charge $59 dollar's can do
  • Big_Boss
    2326 posts Member
    Yes, he should be available in future
    I say yes. He is not great he is good not great picking between farming
    He has way to much competition and unless you have the crystals you have to make a hard decision.
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    He's already available in cantina
  • vincentlondon
    4527 posts Member
    edited June 2016
    Im gonna die
    Ima gun di
  • benacrow
    2700 posts Member
    Yes, he should be available in future
    Put this away no reason to have this necro'ed
    FN 2187, Mighty Chlorians (spelt with a lowercase l not a capital I): Heroic AAT Guide, The Gear Grind
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    He's already farmable in both light and dark hard nodes and cantina. There are plenty of non-farmable toons I'd rather see in shipments. Plus, I don't think he'd be that great unless you hat Fisto and Ayala too, and they aren't farmable at all.
    *in game: MC3P0 - The Ewoking Deads
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    Uh, he's in the Guild Shop.
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    Ima Gun Di is ridiculously underpowered. I have him at lvl 1, 5* and naked, and he's less powerful than a naked lvl 1, 2* Dengar, and only slightly more powerful than my naked, lvl 1, 1* night sister initiate. That base power sets the tone for the rest of the character build. If he's that weak, why would I bother wasting my time and effort to level and gear him, when he's such a total chump compared to almost every other character.
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    Yes, he should be available in future
    He could use a small boost, maybe more health/armor.
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    No, he shouldnt add to any new shipments
    He's already in the guild store it's easy enough to get him there imo
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    Yes, he should be available in future
    The guild store it's not reliable. You get like 5 shards 3 days? How is that easy?
  • Options
    Yes, he should be available in future
    Ima Gun Di is ridiculously underpowered. I have him at lvl 1, 5* and naked, and he's less powerful than a naked lvl 1, 2* Dengar, and only slightly more powerful than my naked, lvl 1, 1* night sister initiate. That base power sets the tone for the rest of the character build. If he's that weak, why would I bother wasting my time and effort to level and gear him, when he's such a total chump compared to almost every other character.

    I'm hoping your just trolling. I have a complexly maxed out Ima-Gun-Di and he is one of my top toons. Not only does he have almost 40K in health and protection, but he self-heal is very reliable and his special crits for well over 12K. Not to mention the defense up and 100% damage in his basic to droids. I’ve crit some droids for over 16K….

    Oh and his leader ability is amazing with Jedi. By far the best Jedi leader until Anakin got reworked.
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Options
    Yes, he should be available in future
    The guild store it's not reliable. You get like 5 shards 3 days? How is that easy?

    He has 2 hard nodes, a Cantina node and he's in the guild shipments. He is very easy to 7* I did it completely free to play
    ☮ Consular ☮
  • Astateofmind
    160 posts Member
    edited July 2016
    Yes, he should be available in future
    Very easy are han solo and lumi, even ashoka, i have all of them at 7 except IGD which is 10 out of 100 ... at level 67.
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    Ima tun di is the worst toon in the universe
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