MEGATHREAD - State of the Galaxy: July 2022


  • bchased64
    47 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    mesa176750 wrote: »
    Will current r8 and r9 characters get used CCB and bronzium wire returned? @CG_SBCrumb

    THIS! The players who accrued a bunch of R8s and R9s before this new change are being punished. They lost out on a ridiculous amount of bronziums and carbonites. Now they are making it easier for people going from R7 to R8 and R9. This needs to be made right by returning those materials to those who have already made that jump.
  • Dax_Relic91
    5 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    It would be a lot nicer if you guys would instead make the gear changes you promised and make relicing mats easier instead
    That would make the community happier, but you are tonedeaf and literaly don't play your own game so you wouldn't understand why this is important
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    Or, and hear me out, you could actually do the QOL stuff you promised a year ago--gear changes and fleet loadouts.
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    THIS! The players who accrued a bunch of R8s and R9s before this new change are being punished. They lost out on a ridiculous amount of bronziums and carbonites.

    Nope. You got to win all those battles that you would have lost had you kept your toons at r7. You got to unlock Exec and LV. Players who waited didn't get those things. The bonuses you gained outweigh the CCBs and BWs you lost.

    Interestingly, I specifically called out CCBs and BWs when r8 was announced and specifically asked CG to reverse their decision requiring them in r8 (and higher) relic upgrades specifically because of this problem.

    They could, of course, have simply made CCBs and BWs more common, but I said then that that would shift the economy for people who aren't in the market for r8 (and higher) relic toons. Simply not requiring them at high levels was the logical and appropriate decision. I'm glad CG caught up with me lo these many months later...

    ...but at least I can say that they listened to the players (or at least one of us).

    AS FOR the SotG overall, it's true that this doesn't allow mod snapshots. That's something I wish that they would implement. That said, we've all been asking for mod management improvements for a long, long time. It didn't come nearly soon enough, but I'm very happy it's here.

    As for Profundity, well, it will take a bit to farm up Raddus, and I knew that we would need Rogue1 for this next conquest Cycle so I had already started on them. I also lost a bet (sorta? that's the easiest way to explain it) to someone and am therefore honor bound to relic GamGuard by end of summer. Looks like that works out for Jabba. Nothing unexpected or particularly difficult for me here.

    I want the ship far more than I want GL Jabba, but I'll probably get both, since I'm a collector.
  • el_mago
    753 posts Member
    I'm excited for this update. I've wanted GL Jabba for a long time now, so that's great!! I don't use HotUtils, etc., so the new mod management QoL is big for me. And the removal of low level relic mats from R8 and R9 is a refreshing break from the usual take-take-take attitude we believe CG has.

    Overall, a 4 of 5.

    I'm willing to give another star if we can add that gear change you promised awhile back.
  • Jpfit262
    545 posts Member
    THANK YOU! This is a huge step in the right direction … but can we please get a new raid and an updated version of galactic war?
  • Harthal
    9 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Exciting update but not enough to bring me back. I think it's a step forward, however I am personally still upset about datacrons and gear requirements. It looks like CG may have a few things in the pipeline though so that is a little reassuring but I don't want to get my hopes up that any of it will be implemented in a way I agree with. That's how bad datacrons have soured the pot for me. Just my opinion but seems to be pretty common. Either do a big datacrons rework or ease up on the gear and arbitrary gp requirements. The change in R8/R9 material requirements is promising. Expand on that. I'm hoping this points to a new raid. Hope it's not more endgame content for 6M+ accounts. Mod manager is huge, basically a copy of HotUtils. Keep up the good work.

    I'm actually kinda thankful that datacrons ruined the game for me because I have lost all desire to spend and play competitively, it's helped me get over my sunk cost fallacy that kept me logging in.
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    So Relic Material scarcity is "addressed" but you REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT THE REST OF PHASE 1 GEAR ECONOMY AND FUTURE PHASES?!

    and now R9 is officially required for a GL ship... I know R9 will be required for JABBA and that makes it's availability even more needed..

    How tone-deaf are you, CG?
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    Conquest IS the updated version of Galactic War. With the introduction of a tyro tier, everyone gets to participate.
  • Jed_Eye
    176 posts Member
    They delivered a road ahead here. But the state of the Galaxy is abysmal thanks to datacron$
  • F131701wbd
    6 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Post edited by F131701wbd on
  • Hornist
    64 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Feels like too little too late. QoL stuff should have happened last year at the latest. :shrug:

    Also removing the low relic salvage requirements for R8+ does literally nothing for the bottleneck mentioned in the post. I mean, I won't complain about that reduction, but what is this really helping? These mats aren't really the main issue i would guess for the majority of players. Maybe I'm wrong idk, but seems like removing the wrong pain points.
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    Being able to sort mods by level and by NOT "x" rather than only by "x" and swapping order of the lists from descending to ascending are all absolutely trivial things that would have had a huge positive effect on mod management (allowing sorting by level and swapping ascending & descending would have allowed you to have all your level 1 mods at the top and level them up to see the secondaries immediately without sorting through your collection).

    Those aren't a year late. Those are trivial features that should never have been excluded from the original build of the mod system. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy about the mod management tools that they're releasing, but for at least some of them it's pathetic that they haven't always been a part of the system. We're talking about the easiest and most common database features that anyone who has ever programmed a database should be able to code in literally a few minutes if you don't have an off-the-shelf tool to do it in seconds. I spent 2 years doing coding 20 years ago and I know that I could do it (though it would take me longer than a couple minutes to reorient myself in whatever new environment was being used). You don't release a query system that only produces descending lists. It's just plain silly.
  • NunyaBidness
    4 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    Bloody genius!!! Add another capital ship when there aren't enough support ships to go round. I'm not put off by the announcement, it's the failure to do the math that gets me. This'll be the 10th capital ship. At maximum 7 support ships per, that's 70 support ships needed. Let's get off the capital ship train and focus on releasing ships to support what's already been released.

    Bob- "I've gotta defend the known universe!! How can I do this?!?"

    Reginald- "Gosh oh golly, let's bring in our 10 massive capital ships and our 49 support ships!!! Granted we'll have either 3 capital ships with no supports or we'll massively underpower most of the fleets."

    Bob- "Sounds like a reasonable idea!! There's no way we can lose!!!"
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    The state of the galaxy post seems like there are good things coming until you think about it for 5 minutes.
    New capital ship to challenge the executor... except you need Raddus at R9
    New GL Jabba...but since they started on R9 requirements you can pretty much guarantee that he'll need some
    Big black wookiee... probably good but just another marquee
    Mod changes... good QoL but loooong overdue and not enough to get excited about
  • osbourne
    34 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    this is wonderful and exciting news - for the top 2 or 3% of the player base. the rest of us get to experience the all-too-familiar feeling of being completely left out, again.

    no gear economy changes (GC, if you're not going to live up to your promises, could you at least have the decency to admit it so we can all be disappointed once and for all, instead of holding out hope and being disappointed over and over again every time you do a SoG or RA?)

    worthless mod QOL changes. GC, you guys play this game every day. why don't you know that a Save All/Restore All feature is what we need the most?
    don't get me wrong. i look forward to being able to isolate all my low speed mods and sell them all at once. that's liable to save me 20 minutes over the span of a year. meanwhile i get to spend 20 minutes, several times a week swapping mods around manually for things like C-Pit and the Kam mission, etc, not to mention all the times i'd like to swap mods out for harder conquest nodes and galactic challenges, etc, but can't be bothered because it's such a &%$@ chore

    here's the thing: you guys advertise this game and are always trying to attract new players, why aren't you working on ways to make the game more accessible for lower level players? a new player in this game is, what, 7 years behind the new and exciting releases that you expect us all to celebrate with absolutely no hope of ever catching up. hell, i've played this game for almost 3 years and i'm farther behind now than when i started, and that's after buying the HD bundle and spending 10-20 bucks every couple months or so. i'm not asking for the world, but a light at the end of the tunnel would be nice.

    just once i'd like to get excited about a SoG, RA or whatever. instead, all i see is something cool that i won't get my hands on for years to come, if ever.
  • Mohrg
    202 posts Member
    Me: Gets Executor
    CG: Look this beats Executor!

    Loving the mod changes, this is great, makes it much easier for those of us not paying for external tools to handle mods.
    Disapprove of the needing R9, I'm in a good guild but we aren't close to R9 mats, and are a year or more away so no Profundity or Jabba for me anytime in the next 2-3 years, which is a shame because I am super excited to have a reason to relic some rogue one folks.
  • LOTD
    6 posts Member
    I really liked this update. IMO probably the best in a year.

    Thought I'd further comment on a few of things from the update and negativity on here.

    1) I loved the mod updates, thought they look great and the potential introduction of new secondaries is really exciting.

    The only negative side to this and as someone who loves mods it disappointed me a fair bit was that there is no increase to the mod cap. This is a must. I imagine going into a new section in the game gives the opportunity for this to be a thing in the future but if you are going to add new secondaries, I would suggest this increasing the mod cap is massive.

    Another note on this but I feel we need to get to a place where slicing mod materials are more readily available. I feel this part needs a bit of a rework. I'm not talking the 6e stuff, I mean the E-B stuff. We should want people to farm mods, and with new secondaries, this could become a huge problem.

    2) Jabba and Profundity are good to bring to the game. Glad to see the BOBF toons coming and excited to see the team in action.

    3) Gear economy changes- this is more for the community than anything. What more do you want with the changes? We had a huge increase in availability of core gear (stun guns, stun cuffs etc) what more do you feel we need? HSTR provides great g12 gear (could we see some of the purple g12 gear coming) and IMO kyros are a reasonable bottleneck. I don't think we need much change in gear economy (just my opinion) we just need to farm more responsibly. You should get roughly 2 stun guns and carbs a week without dipping into shops. Oh and don't shard farm 6 characters at once. That's why you don't have energy for gear!
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    Really exciting stuff. I like how CG are looking into giving some love to some underwhelming old characters.

    As for Krrrrrssssan...Krssaa.....Kr....the new wookie, I've really been looking forward to him!

    If we're going down the Hutt Cartel route, hopefully some of my old favourite figures 'squid face and skiff guard' might be a possibility??
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    CG... what's wrong with you guys?
    I haven't seen such a listless update in all the games for a long time.

    Jabba as GL? What have you taken that is implemented? What gave him the right to be them? For the 20min screen time?

    New ship ok, but r9 requirement? How is 80% of the players supposed to achieve that? Ever thought about it? Sure you have your whales, but even they go away so slowly. That's just how it is when you ignore the fan base. No one likes 3v3(in a 5v5 based game), the datacron are just garbage. The majority says it, but you don't change anything. You don't even say anything about it. You have to stand by your mistakes sometimes. But you don't make any. 🤔

    And a new mod manager? Really? It's not like shout like only the graphics interface changes, the rest was all already there. Is not like that you have made great what new. First do what the fan base wants. Like a fleet manager. Or a new raid. Or that it is simply also noticed.
    Bring our game in order, bug-free would be great, before you constantly brings out something new to fleece everyone else.
    And great.... A new wookiee and not a new version of chewy.
  • I_JnK_I
    464 posts Member
    I like this Road ahead pretty much. Just need to know what the other requirements are and maybe im up to the grind
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    So to sum it up, more whale perks while the rest gets left further behind, and mods might be less horrible now that they play second fiddle to datacraps. With brand new marquees required, it will be at least half a year until Jabba is relevant to non-whales, and Profundity isn't much better.
  • MusteA
    21 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    If CG would remove the Carbonite Circuit Board and Bronzium Wiring from Relic 5-7 upgrades this would be the best SOTG we've gotten so far.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    MusteA wrote: »
    If CG would remove the Carbonite Circuit Board and Bronzium Wiring from Relic 5-7 upgrades this would be the best SOTG we've gotten so far.

    Or rather, the change would actually have an impact. As it is, it will be barely noticeable.
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    Good update. Now just smooth out datacrons and help with the gear economy and we'll be in good shape.
  • Jackow
    32 posts Member
    is there no Mod inventory upgrade?? im running short on Mod inventory space every month...
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    Bloody genius!!! Add another capital ship when there aren't enough support ships to go round. I'm not put off by the announcement, it's the failure to do the math that gets me. This'll be the 10th capital ship. At maximum 7 support ships per, that's 70 support ships needed. Let's get off the capital ship train and focus on releasing ships to support what's already been released.

    Bob- "I've gotta defend the known universe!! How can I do this?!?"

    Reginald- "Gosh oh golly, let's bring in our 10 massive capital ships and our 49 support ships!!! Granted we'll have either 3 capital ships with no supports or we'll massively underpower most of the fleets."

    Bob- "Sounds like a reasonable idea!! There's no way we can lose!!!"

    If there were 200 support ships you could still only launch as many battles as you have capital ships. You don't need 7 ships per fleet. The rebels have enough to support 2 fleets right now. This extra cap ship is a good thing.
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    I'd like to know what percentage of players are in guilds that are over 300M.

    You've decided to start limiting new stuff to only them now?
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    I'll admit, if it weren't for DCs and 3v3 GAC, I'd probably be moderately excited for this. That said:

    Mods QoL... with the presence of Hot Utils, this seems like time wasted to me. Some nice features, for sure, but nowhere close to what is needed to get me to use the in-game mod management again.

    This doesn’t bother me. Many people don’t use Hot Utils, so having in-game improvements is nice.
    GL Jabba and Profundity... cool. I'm a ways out thanks to Raddus and KB, but that's fine. Bigger issue to me is that there still isn't anywhere he's needed besides GAC. I guess there's a new TB mission, but unless it awards a ton of goodies as a SM, yawn. We need new PvE content.

    So, not a bad announcement. Dare I say a good one. But the hole CG has dug these last few months is deep.

    This is a great point. We are in desperate need of some updates to mission-specific character and ship restrictions all over the place. I’m looking at you, Prestigious Quests. I know they’re not a big deal, but for many, they are something to look to achieve. Like in your example, I really don’t think it would hurt the bottom line to allow Profundity to do the Home One specific mission. If you can get Profundity, you’re likely able to beat it with AA anyway.
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